Improving Machine Learning Performance in Credit Scoring by
Data Analysis and Data Pre-Processing
Bogdan Ichim
and Bilal Issa
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Str. Academiei 14, Bucharest, Romania
Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Str. Calea Grivitei 21, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Data Science, Data Analysis, Data Pre-Processing, Balanced Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting,
Light Gradient Boosting Machine, Neural Networks.
Abstract: In this paper we showcase several data analysis and data pre-processing techniques which, when applied to
the dataset Give Me Some Credit, lead to improvements in the performance of several machine learning
algorithms in classifying defaulters and non-defaulters in comparison with other existing solutions from the
literature. Our study underscores the importance of these techniques in data science in general, and in
enhancing the machine learning outcomes in particular.
Credit scoring is the process of evaluating
individuals credit worthiness based on their
financial history and behaviour (including income,
age, debt, etc.) and predicting whether they will
experience financial distress in the future. It plays a
crucial role in preventing financial losses by
avoiding loans to high-risk individuals and ensuring
that creditworthy individuals are not overlooked.
However, predicting financial distress can be
difficult, requiring a lot of data to capture underlying
patterns of defaulters and non-defaulters. In this
paper we expand on the work of (Lessmann et al.,
2015) and (Gunnarsson et al., 2021). We attempt to
address the difficulties associated with a certain
dataset from an analytical point of view and study
methods that can overcome the obstacles like
missing data, data errors and severe class imbalance.
In many papers like (Lessmann et al., 2015) and
(Gunnarsson et al., 2021) the authors assessed
various machine learning algorithms across different
datasets, without directly manipulating the data, as
their focus is on the algorithms themselves.
Consequently, we selected one dataset of moderate
complexity which, while it doesn't achieve the
highest performance scores, it presents enough
challenges for further exploration and improvement.
The contributions made by this paper are the
We have analysed the Give Me Some Credit
(GMC) dataset. This is useful for further data
pre-processing and choosing the right
techniques to apply.
Pre-processed the data to a form suitable as
input for several machine learning algorithms
(including neural networks).
We have studied the effect of imputation
algorithms on GMC dataset and their impact
on the algorithm’s performance.
Engineered seven new features that are ranked
in the top 10 most significant predictors for all
algorithms tested.
Tested a wide range of data-level class
balancing methods and compared their
performance to algorithm-level approaches,
finding the latter to be the best balancing
practice for the particular case of the GMC
Implemented the balanced sampling strategy
found in the Balanced Random Forest
algorithm and compared its results to other
algorithms well-known for their performance
like Extreme Gradient Boosting.
Improved the state-of-the-art results by 1% in
the AUC score through our comprehensive
analysis and carefully engineered features.
The code and the pre-processed dataset used for
these experiments are available on demand.
Ichim, B. and Issa, B.
Improving Machine Learning Performance in Credit Scoring by Data Analysis and Data Pre-Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0013118500003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 249-255
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In recent years machine learning has captured the
attention of academia, business and industry due to
its remarkable capacity to process vast volumes of
data in order to identify complex patterns.
In particular it allows banks and other similar
financial institutions to evaluate the credit
worthiness of companies or individuals with greater
accuracy, objectively and without bias, in order to
approve or deny loan requests.
The Give Me Some Credit dataset was first
introduced in a Kaggle competition and further was
utilized as a standard dataset for credit scoring in a
number of academic publications. Some of these
studies achieved their best results using ensemble
methods, as demonstrated by (Lessmann et al.,
2013) and (Lessmann et al., 2015), while others by
employing gradient boosting algorithms, such as in
(Gunnarsson et al., 2021) and (Gidlow, 2022).
However, most of these studies overlooked the
essential data pre-processing steps, including the
detection of outliers, data imputation, feature
engineering and class balancing, which may lead to
a suboptimal performance of the algorithms tested.
A machine learning model which proved to be
very useful in our experiments is the Balanced
Random Forest (BRF) algorithm, which is a
variation of the Random Forest (RF) algorithm. The
former algorithm makes sure that all classes in the
dataset are represented equally at the training step,
by randomly selecting the same number of samples
from all classes. This variation of the RF algorithm
makes it an ideally suited algorithm for tackling
severely unbalanced datasets, in particular for the
Give Me Some Credit dataset which will be further
analysed. For more information we point the reader
to (Chen et al., 2004).
In parallel a new architecture of neural networks
known as Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning
(TabNet) was proposed in (Arik and Pfister, 2021).
It was developed specifically to handle tabular data,
making it a suitable neural network to be used for
handling credit data. It utilizes an attention
mechanism in order to select the most relevant
features at each decision-making stage. This allows
the model to concentrate on different subsets of
features, enhancing interpretability and functionality
on structured data.
In this paper we investigate the performance of
the BRF, TabNet and other algorithms in
combination of several data pre-processing
techniques, improving the existing solutions
proposed by other authors for the GMC dataset.
3.1 Objectives and Workflow
The goal of this paper is to study the capacity of
several machine learning algorithms to assess the
credit worthiness of individuals by predicting
whether or not a default will happen in the following
two years. By conducting a deep analysis of the
problem, we also aim to improve some standard
metrics for performance which were previously
achieved by other authors. A particular aspect of the
GMC dataset is that it contains imbalanced samples
of defaulters and non-defaulters. The problem of
identifying defaulters prevails over the problem of
identifying non-defaulters in the world of credit
scoring because it helps reducing losses for the
financial institutions. As a result, the model's ability
to predict each class independently should be
considered, rather than just its accuracy.
To accomplish these objectives, we use in our
article a structured workflow. First, the structure and
the content of the GMC dataset are analysed and
understood. Next, basic data cleaning is performed,
including the removal of duplicates and the removal
of some attributes that are not relevant. After that, a
comprehensive stage of exploratory data analysis is
made in order to find potential outliers and
correlations in the data. Subsequently, a process of
feature engineering is done with the scope of adding
new features to the dataset in order to accentuate the
significance of certain features. (This turned out
later to be a crucial step for getting the best possible
outcomes.) Several class balancing methods were
also employed for addressing the severe imbalance
of the dataset, before finally applying the machine
learning algorithms.
3.2 Dataset
The Give Me Some Credit dataset was released for a
Kaggle competition which took place from
September to December 2011. It is frequently used
by various researchers in order to predict borrower
distress within two years. The dataset comprises
250,000 anonymized entries with twelve key
features, including Age, Monthly Income and Debt
Ratio. The primary target variable in these studies
(“SeriousDlqin2yrs”) indicates whether borrowers
experienced financial distress, defined as being 90
days or more overdue on any credit account within
two years (1 for distress, 0 otherwise). The GMC
dataset is considered difficult for the fact that it
contains a few features, predicts default two years in
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the future and has a severe class imbalance (6.7%
defaulters) compared to other available datasets that
predict default only six months in the future and
contain more balanced samples, for example 20%
and 50% default rate in the HMEQ and the
Australian Credit respectively. The difference in the
classification performance as measured by AUC in
previous studies is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Comparison between the best AUC scores
obtained on the GMC dataset in red, and the Australian
Credit (AC) and HMEQ.
3.3 Technical Implementation
To implement the code for our experiments, we have
used the programming language Python together
with libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch and Scikit-
Learn. TensorFlow is a library developed by Google
(Google Brain, 2016) for employing neural networks
and machine learning algorithms. Another important
library is PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019), developed
by Meta and having a similar purpose as
TensorFlow. Lastly, the most used library in our
paper is Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011), which
contains implementations of the most popular
machine learning algorithms and can be used to
define and train various models. It also contains
other algorithms related to data pre-processing such
as imputation, data-level balancing and data splitting
4.1 Outlier Elimination
The first step in data pre-processing was to detect
and eliminate outliers. We tested various methods
and discovered that the Z-score and the regression
analysis proved to be the most effective techniques
among them.
The Z-score procedure automatizes the process
of detecting outliers. All data points with distance
from the mean bigger than a set number of standard
deviations are considered to be outliers. For our
project we have chosen to set the threshold at 3 after
analysing different outcomes and establishing this
threshold as being the best. For example, this
threshold correctly classified individuals whom age
is less than 18 as outliers, which is the case since the
minimum age accepted to apply for a loan is 18. In
the end 5047 entries were identifies as outliers by
this method, out of which 517 were in the defaulters
The other technique which we employed in order
to eliminate outliers is the regression analysis. This
method is used to examine the relationship between
a particular predictor and a fixed target by training a
linear model and then plotting the fitted line. The
points situated beyond a certain distance from the
fitted line (measured in standard deviations) are
further identified as outliers.
Figure 2: The fitted line of the age groups and their
delinquency rate. The red lines represent the chosen
distances from the fitted line.
4.2 Imputation
In order to deal with missing values inMonthly
Income” and “Number of dependents” columns
three methods for imputation were tested. The first
two methods were the KNN Imputer and the Simple
Imputer, chosen for their efficiency. However, the
resulting distributions and performance scores
indicate that these techniques are not suitable for the
GMC dataset. The last method was the Iterative
Improving Machine Learning Performance in Credit Scoring by Data Analysis and Data Pre-Processing
Imputer, which has a built-in machine learning
algorithm that sees a feature with missing values as a
target and the remaining variables as predictors in
order to iteratively input the missing values.
All three imputation outcomes were tested on
several different machine learning algorithms
(including Random Forest and Extreme Gradient
Boosting). In the end the Iterative Imputer delivered
the most satisfactory results.
4.3 Feature Engineering
One feature engineering technique that is useful for
this dataset is the log transformation. This method is
particularly efficient for transforming features with
skewed distributions. This is because many machine
learning algorithms assume that the data is normally
distributed, therefore it may be more difficult for
some algorithms to fit such data. A good example of
a feature with skewed distribution in the GMC
dataset is the “monthly income”, as it originally
contains values that range from zero to three million.
Figure 3: Showcasing the skewed distribution of “monthly
income” before and after applying the logarithm function.
Another aspect of feature engineering is the
creation of new variables based on the observed
ones, with the role of emphasizing relationships that
otherwise would not appear in the original dataset,
resulting in an improvement in the predictive power.
The newly created features are the following:
Average Months Late;
Max Late Payment;
Monthly Debt;
Monthly Balance;
Credit Utilization;
Income Per Dependent;
Total Number of Past Due.
4.4 Class Balancing
To address the severe imbalance in the data, we
tested fifteen data-level and three algorithm-level
balancing techniques. Among the best performing
data-level methods, we mention Tomek-links (Ivan,
1976), Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
(SMOTE), and Edited Nearest Neighbours (Tang et
al., 2015). Comparing the two balancing methods on
the GMC dataset, we found that algorithm-level
sampling techniques consistently outperformed
others when combined with pre-processing steps.
Most methods, like Under-sampling and Cluster
Centroids, reduced the AUC or showed minimal
improvement, with exceptions such as Tomek Links
and ENN, which performed better. However, these
improvements were still not sufficient to match the
performance achieved through algorithm-level
balancing technique.
4.5 Feature Selection
The last part of the pre-processing step was to
implement and analyse various feature selection
methods such as the Recursive Feature Elimination
(RFE) proposed by (Guyon et al., 2002), Forward &
Backward Selection, as well as the integrated
selection methods found in some machine learning
While the first two methods were
computationally expensive due to their iterative
nature of training and testing a model after each
modification, they produced highly comparable
results to the integrated methods. All methods
ranked the seven engineered features among the top
ten most important, even when the original features
used for their creation were ranked as the least
important, highlighting the importance of feature
engineering in producing more significant splits at
the tree level in algorithms such as the BRF.
Figure 4: Showcasing the feature importance for the model
Balanced Random Forest, highlighting the role of feature
engineering in perfecting the machine learning results.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
5.1 Performance Metrics
The selection of an adequate measure for
performance is an important part of a data science
project. It offers a mathematical foundation for
comparison, assisting in the process of choosing the
most effective model and guaranteeing its
dependability in practical settings.
The most common performance measure for
classification, i.e. accuracy, can be highly
misleading in the context of imbalanced data. In the
particular case of the GMC dataset defaulters are a
small proportion of around 6% of the total
population, the trivial model predicting that all of the
samples belong to the non-defaulters class would
obtain an accuracy of around 94%. Therefore, we
decided to use the Area Under the Curve (AUC) as a
performance measure, as it is recommended also by
(Lessmann et al., 2015). Also, we have selected this
metric in order to ensure consistency with the
existing literature in the field, facilitating direct
comparisons other similar studies.
The Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
(ROC) is drawn by calculating the True Positive
Rate (TPR) and False Positive Rate (FPR) at 𝑁
selected thresholds indexed by 𝑖. (The threshold
selection in fact controls the model's ability to
predict each class.) Let 𝑥
and 𝑦
the values of the i-th selected threshold. Then the
AUC represents the area under ROC and can be
computed by the trapezoidal rule:
− 𝑥
+ 𝑦
The model with greater AUC is generally
considered to be the better one.
5.2 Model Selection and Tuning
Several algorithms were tested for the task of
classifying defaulters and non-defaulters. These are:
Random Forest (RF);
Support Vector Classifier (SVC);
Logistic Regression (LR);
Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost);
Balanced Random Forest (BRF);
Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM);
Dense Neural Networks (DNN);
Deep Belief Networks (DBN);
For tuning of the models’ hyperparameters an
extensive grid search was performed for each of the
algorithms. As an example, tuning the Balanced
Random Forest model involved the testing of 19,200
combinations of parameters utilizing a 5-fold cross-
validation approach in order to identify the optimal
settings and ensure model stability.
5.3 Experimental Results
In the following we describe the experiments done
in order to improve the performance of credit
scoring models on the GMC dataset. First we have
established a baseline model which was chosen to be
the RF model tuned with grid search and 5-fold
cross-validation, without using any data pre-
processing steps such as imputation, feature
engineering or class balancing. This was set as a
reference point for further enhancements.
Then we have incorporated some data pre-
processing steps such as outlier removal and feature
engineering. This has resulted in a small
improvement of the AUC by 0.32%.
In the following step we have focused on
evaluating the effect of the different data imputation
methods (Simple Imputer, KNN Imputer and
Iterative Imputer) across five algorithms: RF
(Breiman, 2001), SVC (Hearst et al., 1998), Logistic
Regression, XGBoost (Chen et al., 2016), and
LGBM (Ke et al., 2017). The Iterative Imputer with
LGBM achieved the highest improvement in AUC
of 0.863, showing a quite significant effectiveness,
while the other imputation methods generally did not
improve performance.
Next, class balancing techniques were tested.
Cluster-based down-sampling reduced the AUC
significantly (but achieved high defaulter
classification rates), while SMOTE slightly
improved the AUC by 0.7%. In order to further
identify effective data-level balancing strategies we
have used a comprehensive grid search with several
resampling methods, for example Tomek-Links.
Algorithm-level balancing methods were compared
against data-level methods and combined
approaches. The Balanced Random Forest algorithm
outperformed all other methods, achieving the
highest AUC score and demonstrating strong
handling of class imbalance. It is based on the
original Random Forest algorithm, but during
training it ensures that all classes are equally
represented by randomly choosing a fixed number of
samples from all classes, potentially selecting the
same sample more than once. This algorithm also
has an option for employing cost-sensitive learning,
Improving Machine Learning Performance in Credit Scoring by Data Analysis and Data Pre-Processing
which we have tested but this did not improve in
anyway the results.
Finally, some classic neural network
architectures like the Dense Neural Networks
(DNN), Deep Belief Networks (DBN) and the new
TabNet (Arik and Pfister, 2021) were added to the
experiments. While the DNN and TabNet performed
comparably to the tree based methods with an AUC
around 0.860, DBN significantly underperformed,
highlighting its limitations for this particular dataset.
The best results obtained for each algorithm are
presented below in Table 1.
Table 1: Experimental Results.
ML algorithm
AUC score
Base line RF - 0.850
RF U+TL* 0.860
- 0.770
LR - 0.804
BRF - 0.875
- 0.874
LGBM ENN** 0.870
DBN - 0.773
TabNet SMOTE 0.860
Abbreviations above have the following meaning:
U = Under-sampling, TL = Tomek-Links
** ENN = Edited Nearest Neighbours.
The ROC of the best performing model can be
visualised and compared to TabNet in Figure 5
Figure 5: ROC of the BRF model (Blue) compared to
TabNet (Green).
The final results of the experiments presented
above underscore the importance in data science of
careful data analysis, proper data pre-processing,
balancing, fine-tuning, and the selection of methods
tailored to each specific algorithm and dataset.
5.4 Comparison with Other Solutions
In Table 2 below we compare our solution to the
GMC problem with other existing solutions from the
Table 2: Comparison of our result with existing solutions.
Solution Model AUC score
(Lessmann et al., 2013) Ensemble 0.865
Chen, 2021
RF 0.797
Gunnarsson et al., 2021
XGBoost 0.848*
Dumitrescu et al., 2022
PTLR 0.857
(Gidlow, 2022) XGBoost 0.867
current BRF 0.875
* Extracted from Figure 5 in (Gunnarsson et al., 2021)
The reader should note a relative improvement
compared to the previous best existing solution by
approximatively 1% in the AUC score. Together,
these articles contributed significantly to our project
development, directed us through their previous
knowledge and discoveries, and enabled us to
achieve this new result reported here.
In this paper we study how data analysis and data
pre-processing techniques can be effectively used
for credit scoring, highlighting the potential impact
of machine learning for analysing complex datasets
and enhancing decision-making in the case of
financial institutions.
The GMC dataset presents significant challenges
such as outliers, missing data and class imbalance,
necessitating robust data pre-processing in order to
improve machine learning models classification
performance. The Iterative Imputer proved to be the
most effective imputation method from those tested.
Experiments revealed that several algorithms
struggle with class imbalance, while (for this
particular dataset) the Balanced Random Forest
algorithm outperformed all of them. Through our
study we pursued a structured approach including
various stages of testing and refinement. This
emphasizes the importance of careful analysis in
developing tailored models that effectively address
data-specific challenges.
Our future work plan is to implement an
ensemble system that combines the strengths of the
BRF, XGBoost and LGBM in order to leverage the
complementary strengths of each model, enhance
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
predictive performance and increase robustness.
Such system may deliver superior performance as
was previously remarked in (Lessmann et al., 2013)
and (Lessmann et al., 2015).
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Improving Machine Learning Performance in Credit Scoring by Data Analysis and Data Pre-Processing