Attackers’ Profiling Based on Multi-Attack Patterns in SSH Service
Kriti Majumdar
, Nitesh Kumar
2 a
, Anand Handa
2 b
and Sandeep K. Shukla
2 c
Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
C3i Hub, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
{kritim, niteshkr, ahanda, sandeeps}
SSH Security, Attackers’ Profiling, Machine Learning.
In the realm of cyber security, profiling attackers’ behaviors provides critical insights that can enhance de-
fensive strategies and improve the security of network services. This paper introduces a methodology for
profiling attackers through the analysis of multi-attack patterns on Secure Shell (SSH) services. We develop a
comprehensive framework that utilizes both predefined rule-based techniques and advance machine learning
techniques to classify attack types and link them to specific attacker profiles. By analyzing logs from SSH
services that comprise various SSH attack incidents, we identify common and distinct behavioral patterns that
help in predicting future attacks and identifying the likely attributes of attackers. Our attacker profiling system
addresses the ve key ‘wh’ questions: who is causing the attack, when the attack occurred, how the attack was
executed, from where the attack originated, and what type of attack was carried out. The results demonstrate
that our approach is highly effective not only at detecting security threats but also at profiling them, which
allows for the the development of specific and effective countermeasures. This methodology significantly en-
hances the ability to anticipate and mitigate a wide range of attack vectors, strengthening overall cybersecurity
SSH emerged in 1995 from the efforts of Tatu Yl
a visionary researcher at the University of Helsinki,
who was propelled by a password-sniffing attack on
his university’s network to create a protocol that could
safeguard remote login sessions and other network
interactions over inherently insecure infrastructures
(Barrett, 2005). However, as the utility of SSH has
grown, so too has its attractiveness as a target for
cyber attackers. Kaspersky Security Services (Se-
curelist, 2023) reported in their 2023 Threat Report
that in the first half of 2023, 2.09% of all password
brute-force attempts recorded on honeypots targeted
SSH services, while the majority targeted less secure
protocols like Telnet. Despite the lower frequency
compared to other protocols, the potential impact of
SSH attacks on secure systems remains significant.
The intensity and sophistication of these attacks are
underscored by their latent consequences. Recent cy-
bersecurity findings, including the ‘Terrapin’ vulner-
ability highlighted by arsTechnica in 2023 (Technica,
2024), affected approximately 11 million Internet-
exposed SSH servers globally, emphasize the critical
importance of monitoring SSH services. A successful
SSH attack can lead to significant breaches, such as
the T-Mobile incident in 2021 (Keytos, 2024), where
personal data of over 54 million customers was com-
promised through SSH channels. In another signifi-
cant security incident, GoDaddy disclosed that SSH
credentials of nearly 28,000 users were compromised
during a data breach in October 2019 (Roy, 2020).
Similarly, historical breaches like the RSA Security
incident in 2011 and Operation Aurora during 2009-
2010 reveal that even well-secured systems are not
immune to the misuse of SSH keys (Keytos, 2024).
The rapid evolution of cyber threats targeting SSH
has introduced novel exploitation methods such as
‘Proxyjacking’ (Team, Year), where attackers hijack
a victim’s network bandwidth to generate passive in-
come. Researchers of the Akamai Security Intelli-
gence Response Team (Cimpanu, 2024) discovered
that this emerging threat involves malicious actors
leveraging compromised SSH servers to enroll de-
vices into peer-to-peer (P2P) proxy networks like
Peer2Profit without the owner’s knowledge. This type
of attack not only highlights the sophistication and
Majumdar, K., Kumar, N., Handa, A. and Shukla, S. K.
Attackers’ Profiling Based on Multi-Attack Patterns in SSH Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0013118900003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 150-159
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
stealth of modern cyber threats but also underscores
the financial motivations driving attackers to seek less
detectable methods of exploitation.
SSH attacks can be systematically categorized
into two main types: those that occur before SSH is
compromised(BSC) and those that exploit after SSH
is compromised(ASC). The pre-compromise attacks
include brute force (BF), dictionary (DA) (Kaspersky,
2024), scanning (SC), denial of service (DoS) (Cloud-
flare, 2024a), and mixed activities (MA). These at-
tacks aim to gain unauthorized access to SSH servers.
Once SSH is compromised, the activities expand into
more sophisticated and varied forms, such as re-
connaissance, credential dumping,lateral movement,
privilege escalation, backdoor installation, command
and control (C2) operations, data exfiltration, man-in-
the-middle (MitM) attacks (TechTarget, 2024), ran-
somware deployment (Cartwright and Bunter, 2019),
phishing (Cloudflare, 2024b), DoS attacks and many
more. These post-compromise actions utilize the
compromised session to inflict further damage and
penetrate deeper into network systems, indicating a
critical phase where the attackers exploit the initial
access to maximize impact.
Our paper addresses the gap in existing cyber se-
curity defenses by proposing a framework for attacker
profiling based on multi-attack patterns observed in
SSH services. Our analysis begins with a thorough
review of the current challenges in SSH security and
an examination of previous efforts to detect attacks
on SSH. In addition to implementing predefined rule-
based detection methods, we identify multiple attack
patterns through meticulous analysis of recorded at-
tack scenarios on SSH services. Building on this
foundation, our methodology integrates sophisticated
feature extraction from SSH log data with ensemble
machine learning classifiers, enhancing our ability to
discriminate between various types of attack behav-
iors effectively. The integration of rule-based tech-
niques with advanced machine learning allows for a
more robust defense mechanism, capable of adapting
to both known and emerging threats. The implications
of our findings are profound, suggesting that a nu-
anced understanding of attacker profiles can facilitate
the development of more adaptive and dynamic secu-
rity systems which are not only capable of withstand-
ing current threats but are also agile enough to evolve
in response to emerging tactics and strategies used by
cyber attackers. Our approach holds the promise of
significantly bolstering the defenses of SSH services
against the sophisticated and continuously evolving
landscape of cyber threats.
In this section, we discuss the existing approaches
that have been implemented to defend against poten-
tial SSH attacks. These approaches can generally be
categorized into two types: Rule-based Approaches
and Machine Learning (ML)-based Approaches.
Rule Based Approaches: In rule-based systems,
researchers establish predefined rules to detect attacks
or malicious activities. These rules are typically de-
rived from known threats, user behaviors, and other
indicative metrics that can be monitored through net-
work logs. An exemplar of this methodology, as
discussed in (Park et al., 2021), presents a model
designed to detect and mitigate SSH brute-force at-
tacks by analyzing router-generated logs. The pro-
posed model aggregates and assesses logs indicative
of failed SSH access attempts, extracting critical in-
formation such as IP addresses, timestamps, and error
messages. This data forms the foundation for apply-
ing rules, where each element is weighted according
to its assessed threat level. Upon detecting an attack,
the model logs the involved IP addresses and restricts
further access from these sources to prevent unau-
thorized activities. Additionally, the model employs
a dynamic blacklist to restrict access from identified
malicious IPs, which is continuously updated based
on attack frequency, detection days, and geographical
origin. The efficacy of this model is validated through
a comprehensive analysis of logs collected over one
Another exemplar, as discussed in (Fahrnberger,
2022), proposes a Condition Monitoring System
(CMS) designed to monitor and assess the risk of
SSH brute-force attacks in real time. The CMS em-
ploys predefined rules combined with statistical anal-
ysis to evaluate the threat level of each failed authenti-
cation attempt. A distinctive feature of this system is
its dynamic approach to risk assessment, which ad-
justs threshold values based on historical data and
the evolving nature of attack patterns. The CMS dy-
namically updates its risk evaluation parameters to
provide real-time alerts and notifications when suspi-
cious activities are detected, enhancing the system’s
responsiveness to emerging threats.The effectiveness
of the CMS was proven through experiments using
real-world SSH log data collected over a year.
ML Based Approaches: In (Agghey et al., 2021),
the authors explore the use of machine learning clas-
sifiers to detect username enumeration attacks (SSL,
2024) (UAE) on SSH protocols. These attacks serve
as a preliminary step to brute-force attacks, enabling
attackers to gather valid usernames. The study col-
lected data from a controlled network environment
Attackers’ Profiling Based on Multi-Attack Patterns in SSH Service
and utilized four machine learning classifiers—k-
nearest neighbor (KNN), na
ıve Bayes (NB), random
forest (RF), and decision tree (DT)—to evaluate their
effectiveness. The researchers used a total of seven
features, including packet duration, packet length,
and port information etc. Though the findings indi-
cated that their machine learning models could suc-
cessfully identify username enumeration attacks, with
improved performance , the study lacked testing with
real-world data.
The authors in (Hynek et al., 2020) presents a
novel approach for detecting SSH brute-force attacks
in high-speed networks using machine learning.The
detection system architecture includes data prepro-
cessing, an ML-based detector, and a knowledge base
for post-processing detected events. Unlike host-
based methods, this network-level approach captures
detailed traffic information, including packet lengths
and inter-packet times etc. The authors created a
dataset from real network traffic with over 30,000 la-
beled SSH biflow records, half of which are brute-
force attacks. They evaluated over 70 features and se-
lected 11 that provided good detection accuracy using
the AdaBoosted Decision Tree model.
The paper described in (Wanjau et al., 2021) pro-
poses a CNN-based model to detect brute-force at-
tacks on SSH logs. They identified the increasing
difficulty of detecting these attacks due to the high
speed and volume of network traffic, which often ob-
scures malicious activities. The model is trained using
the CIC-IDS 2018 dataset, which includes contem-
porary benign and malicious network activities. The
researchers employ feature selection and data nor-
malization techniques to preprocess the data, trans-
forming it into images suitable for CNN process-
ing. The results show that the CNN-based model
significantly outperforms traditional machine learn-
ing methods such as Naive Bayes, Logistic Regres-
sion, Decision Tree, k-Nearest Neighbour, and Sup-
port Vector Machine in detecting SSH brute-force at-
The paper described in (Garre et al., 2021) pro-
poses a machine learning-based approach for detect-
ing SSH botnet infections. This research addresses
the exponential increase in botnet activity, exacer-
bated by zero-day attacks and obfuscation techniques,
which traditional detection methods struggle to man-
age. The authors utilized High-Interaction Honeypots
(HIH) to capture detailed attack behaviors and log
data, creating a dataset consisting of executed com-
mands and network information during SSH sessions.
This dataset was used to train a supervised learning
model to identify botnet infections during the initial
infection phase. This study underscores the poten-
tial of machine learning techniques in enhancing early
botnet detection and preventing compromised devices
from participating in malicious activities.
Our observations on the past approaches to SSH
attack detection are as follows:
Most proposed solutions, regardless of the tech-
nology used, focus on detecting individual attacks
separately. To the best of our knowledge, none of
them consider the entire spectrum of attack sce-
narios possible on SSH.
Rule-based approaches are less complex to imple-
ment and can effectively detect malicious behav-
ior. However, they are not robust against sophisti-
cated and obfuscated attack strategies.
Rule-based approaches are less complex to imple-
ment and can effectively detect malicious behav-
ior. However, they are not robust against sophisti-
cated and obfuscated attack strategies.
In this section, we describe the architecture of our
proposed SSH log-based attack detection and classi-
fication system for attacker profiling. Our method-
ology integrates rule-based techniques with machine
learning algorithms to create a robust, multi-faceted
defense mechanism. The architecture, illustrated in
Figure 1, is designed to parse, process, and analyze
SSH logs using a dual analytical strategy. It employs
predefined security rules for immediate threat iden-
tification, while simultaneously using predictive ma-
chine learning models for deeper analysis and classi-
Data Collection The raw SSH log data for four
months, spanning from June 16, 2021, to October 10,
2021, are collected from an SSH server hosted in the
cloud. Additionally, we gather Cowrie log data for
six months, from March 1, 2023, to August 23, 2023.
Both datasets include various types of attacks, which
could be either manual or automated. We designate
the Cowrie Honeypot data as D0, which comprises
5,941,378 log entries. We divide the SSH server-
generated log dataset into two parts: D1 and D2. D1
contains data from June 16, 2021, to September 17,
2021, amounting to 3,312,998 log entries, while D2
encompasses data from September 18, 2021, to Oc-
tober 10, 2021, with 199,853 log entries. Initially,
we use the D0 dataset for pattern-based feature ex-
traction. Ultimately, the D1 dataset is employed for
initial training and testing, and the D2 dataset is used
to evaluate the performance of predictive models on
previously unseen data.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Architecture of our Proposed Methodology.
Log Parsing Log parsing is the essential first
step in our analysis engine. During this phase, we
process the raw SSH log data, which is typically
large and cluttered, to filter out unnecessary content.
This filtering removes irrelevant details such as rou-
tine server starts, protocol initiations, and other non-
essential data, while formatting the entries by elimi-
nating redundant information. This helps us focus on
the critical events that could indicate security threats
or attempted intrusions. After cleaning, the data is or-
ganized and prepared for deeper analysis using rule-
based and machine learning algorithms.
Rule-Based Analysis In the rule-based analy-
sis phase of our system, we apply predefined security
rules to the parsed SSH log data to flag activities sug-
gestive of potential threats. These rules are based on
specific criteria and known threat indicators.
One rule targets IP addresses known for malicious
activities. By cross-referencing log entries with exter-
nal databases such as Maxmind’s list (MaxMind, Inc.,
2024b) and Ipsum by Stampum (Stampar, 2024), we
identify and blacklist threats from these known prob-
lematic sources. Geolocation analysis is another key
aspect of our rule-based approach. Utilizing Max-
mind’s GeoIP2-City and GeoIP2Country (MaxMind,
Inc., 2024a) databases, we convert IP addresses to
geolocations. This geographic information is com-
pared against the CTI’s list of ten countries known for
heightened cybersecurity risks (CyberProof, 2024),
augmented by additional countries based on geopo-
litical relations with India. Any activity from IP ad-
dresses located in these countries is flagged for further
Additional rules detect suspicious behaviors such
as rapid port changes, excessive failed login attempts
from one or multiple IPs in quick succession, and
repeated failed attempts to access the root account.
We also monitor unusual login times and the use of
rarely used or new usernames, which can indicate
coordinated attacks or unauthorized access attempts.
Through this rule-based analysis, our system swiftly
identifies and responds to a range of potential threats,
enabling subsequent analysis through machine learn-
ing models to be effective on the most pertinent secu-
rity events.
ML-Based Analysis In this section, we discuss
the ML-based analysis which consists of preprocess-
ing, feature engineering, feature selection, and clas-
sification methodology. In the preprocessing stage,
we segment the dataset by unique IP addresses. Each
set of log entries associated with a distinct IP ad-
dress is grouped and stored in individual files. For
instance, in dataset D1, which contains 17,599 unique
IP addresses, we generated the same number of sep-
arate files following preprocessing. We then further
process these files to extract relevant features. Fea-
ture extraction is crucial in the development of our
model. To train our machine learning models for
multilabel classification of attacks, we primarily fo-
cus on extracting two key types of features – statisti-
cal information-based and pattern-based. These fea-
tures are integrated together to enhance the training
and testing tasks, providing a robust foundation for
accurately identifying various attack vectors. We ex-
plain both the types of features as follows –
Statistical Information-Based Features – In our
classification model, features based on statistical in-
formation are primarily derived from network inter-
actions. These features capture various dimensions
of network activity linked to individual IP addresses.
Specifically, we track the total number of connection
requests made by an IP in a single day (Feature 1) and
monitor invalid username attempts by that IP on that
day (Feature 2). We also measure the total number
of failed password attempts for valid users (Feature
3) and for all attempts including both valid and in-
valid usernames made by an IP in a day (Feature 4).
Additionally, we aggregate the number of failed lo-
gin attempts (Feature 5) and successful login attempts
(Feature 6), along with the ratio of failed to successful
attempts (Feature 7) for an IP on a particular day, pro-
viding a comprehensive view of authentication out-
comes. Furthermore, we calculate the total number
of instances where the maximum authentication limit
is exceeded for an IP in a day(Feature 8) and count
the number of disconnect requests initiated by an IP
in a day (Feature 9). Together, these features form a
comprehensive dataset that aids in detecting and ana-
lyzing suspicious activities indicative of potential se-
curity threats.
Pattern-Based Features – Pattern-based features
involve recognizing and encoding specific behavioral
patterns evident in SSH log entries.
Phase 1 In this phase, we work with dataset
D0. By analyzing the logs of this dataset, we found
out 2 common patterns used by the attackers to per-
Attackers’ Profiling Based on Multi-Attack Patterns in SSH Service
Algorithm 1: Detection of Patterns found in Phase 1.
Input : log entries
Output: Pattern Identifier (1 or “Unknown”)
Procedure DetectPatterns(log entries):
// Check Pattern I
if “Connection request” followed by
repeated “Login Failed” followed by
“Successful Login” followed by
repetition of “Executing Unix
commands” followed by “Remote
close” followed by “Channel Open”
followed by “Executing Unix
commands” then
return 1;
// Check Pattern II
if “Connection request” followed by
“Successful Login” followed by
repetition of “Executing Unix
commands” followed by “Remote
close” followed by “Channel Open”
followed by “Executing Unix
commands” then
return 1;
return “Unknown”;
form attack or execute any sort of malicious activity.
Additionally, we identify specific commands used by
attackers for malicious purposes. These commands
were categorized based on their intended actions and
mapped to corresponding attack or malicious activ-
ity categories. Algorithm 1 delineates the character-
istics of two common patterns, referred to as Pattern
I and Pattern II, identified in these logs, and expli-
cates the method used for their detection. Pattern I
demonstrates how, after several attempts, an adver-
sary successfully authenticates and begins executing
commands for malicious purposes. In contrast, Pat-
tern II depicts scenarios where the attacker logs in ef-
fortlessly and immediately runs commands. This na-
ture seems to be benign but based on the commands
they execute, we should decide whether this is a nor-
mal user behavior or a malicious activity. A few com-
mands frequently used by attackers in our logs, along
with their purposes and associations with malicious
activities or attacks are as follows:
Activity: Reconnaissance commands
1. CPU Information: cat /proc/cpuinfo grep
name — wc –l
2. System information: uname –m , uname –a
Activity : Privilege Escalation commands
Input : log entries
Output: Pattern Identifier (1 or “Unknown”)
Procedure DetectPatterns(log entries):
// Check Pattern 1
if “Connection request” “Failed
password” “disconnect” or
“Connection request” “Invalid user”
“Failed password” “disconnect”
if Repeated several times then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 2
if consecutive “Connection request”
“Invalid user” and/or “Failed
password” then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 3
if “Connection request” consecutive
“Failed password” for a user
“disconnect” or “max auth attempts
exceeded” then
return 1;
1. searching for SUID binaries: find / -perm -o+w
-type f 2>/dev/null
2. trying to list all users with UID 0 (root): awk
-F: ’($3 == 0) {print}’ /etc/passwd
Activity : Changing SSH Keys commands
1. Removing legitimate SSH keys: echo ””
>/.ssh/authorized keys
Phase 2 – When analyzing the D1 dataset, we dis-
cover that attacks can occur in numerous other ways
in real-life scenarios. We conclude that, since the cre-
dentials of honeypots are typically simple and easy to
guess, adversaries can more easily compromise or au-
thenticate to them. In contrast, real-time SSH servers
often have stronger credentials, requiring significantly
more effort to perform malicious activities. There-
fore, the patterns identified in the Cowrie log dataset
(D0) are not universally applicable to all real-time
scenarios. Additionally, it was challenging to accu-
rately distinguish patterns that exclusively exhibit be-
nign behavior. As a result, a model trained on this
dataset may lack the robustness required to account
for all potential attack vectors and variations in real-
world conditions. Consequently, we chose not to train
our model using dataset D0 to ensure comprehensive
coverage and reliability in detecting and responding
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Algorithm 2: Detection of Patterns found in Phase 2.
Procedure DetectPatterns(log entries):
// Check Pattern 4
if “Connection request” consecutive
“Failed password for root”
“disconnect” or “max auth attempts
exceeded” then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 5
if “Connection request” “Invalid
user” “Failed password” then
if Repeated several times then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 6
if Several consecutive “Connection
request” entries then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 7
if several consecutive “Connection
request” “Invalid user” or “Failed
password” “disconnect” several
consecutive “Connection request” then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 8
if Any of patterns 1–7 followed by
“Accepted password” and “User
executed command:” then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 9
if None of patterns 1–8 and “Connection
request”, “Invalid user”, or “Failed
password” present then
return 1;
// Check Pattern 10
if “Connection request” “Accepted
password” without any “Invalid user”
or “Failed password” then
return 1;
return “Unknown”;
to a wider range of security threats. By systemati-
cally analyzing both attack and normal SSH logs in
D1, we have identified ten distinct patterns that effec-
tively characterize more complex user behavior and
interactions with the SSH service. Algorithm 2 illus-
trates the characteristics of the patterns identified in
Phase 2 and outlines the method employed for their
detection. The following patterns were identified:
Pattern 1 : Sequential Connection Attempts
with Failed Authentication and Disconnect
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern indicate brute-force (BF)
attacks, characterized by repeated attempts to
guess passwords.
Pattern 2: Multiple SSH Connection Attempts
Followed by Multiple Authentication Failures
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern indicate brute-force (BF)
attacks, characterized by repeated attempts to
guess passwords.
Pattern 3: Persistent SSH Connection
Attempts with Known Username
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern is associated with dictio-
nary attacks (DA), which use predefined lists of
usernames and passwords to gain access.
Pattern 4: Repetitive SSH Connection
Attempts Targeting the Root Account
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern is associated with dictio-
nary attacks (DA), which use predefined lists of
usernames and passwords to gain access.
Pattern 5: Rapid Sequential SSH Connection
Attempts with Authentication Failures
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern represents denial of service
(DoS) attacks, aimed at overwhelming the SSH
server with a flood of connection requests.
Pattern 6: Multiple Connection Requests
Without Login Attempts
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern indicate scanning activities,
where attackers probe for server vulnerabilities by
rapidly initiating connection requests.
Pattern 7: Multiple SSH Connection Attempts
with Intermittent Authentication Failures and
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern indicate scanning activities,
where attackers probe for server vulnerabilities by
rapidly initiating connection requests.
Pattern 8: SSH Compromise Leading to Severe
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern represents attacks after
Attackers’ Profiling Based on Multi-Attack Patterns in SSH Service
Table 1: 10-fold Cross Validation Results in %.
Classifier K=1 K=2 K=3 K=4 K=5 K=6 K=7 K=8 K=9 K=10 Mean CV Accuracy
Random Forest 99.43 99.47 99.48 99.49 99.47 99.48 99.46 99.47 99.96 99.47 99.57
Decision Tree 98.30 98.43 98.28 98.50 98.14 98.28 98.14 98.50 98.71 98.57 98.39
SVM 97.40 97.73 97.11 97.94 97.93 97.23 97.10 97.80 97.63 97.59 97.55
KNN 98.65 98.50 98.72 98.58 98.15 98.87 98.51 98.29 98.51 98.22 98.50
Logistic Regression 98.86 99.43 98.72 99.36 98.79 98.86 98.93 99.00 99.07 98.15 98.82
Gradient Boosting 98.57 98.64 98.36 98.57 98.43 98.36 98.36 98.57 98.91 98.79 98.55
Table 2: Test Results in % on D1 for various type of attack scenarios.
Test Results in % on D1: Brute Force Attack Test Results in % on D1: Dictionary Attack
Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB
Accuracy 99.47 99.45 98.58 99.41 99.44 99.23 Accuracy 99.38 99.33 98.84 99.37 99.28 99.36
Precision 99.95 99.93 99.79 99.84 99.91 99.79 Precision 99.85 99.78 99.62 99.83 99.71 99.80
F1-score 99.46 99.45 98.55 99.41 99.44 99.23 F1-score 99.38 99.33 98.83 99.37 99.27 99.36
TPR 98.98 98.97 97.35 98.97 98.96 98.67 TPR 98.91 98.88 98.06 98.91 98.84 98.91
FPR 0.05 0.07 0.20 0.16 0.09 0.21 FPR 0.15 0.22 0.37 0.17 0.29 0.20
TNR 99.95 99.93 99.80 99.84 99.91 99.79 TNR 99.85 99.78 99.63 99.83 99.71 99.80
FNR 1.02 1.03 2.65 1.03 1.04 1.33 FNR 1.09 1.12 1.94 1.09 1.16 1.09
Test Results in % on D1: Scanning Attack Test Results in % on D1: DoS Attack
Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB
Accuracy 99.96 99.94 99.73 99.95 99.91 99.93 Accuracy 99.43 99.30 99.10 99.33 99.18 99.42
Precision 99.96 99.90 99.87 99.93 99.91 99.92 Precision 99.33 99.12 98.98 99.30 99.27 99.31
F1-score 99.96 99.94 99.73 99.95 99.91 99.93 F1-score 99.43 99.30 99.10 99.33 99.18 99.42
TPR 99.98 99.97 99.58 99.97 99.91 99.93 TPR 99.52 99.48 99.22 99.35 99.09 99.52
FPR 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.07 0.09 0.08 FPR 0.67 0.89 1.02 0.70 0.73 0.69
TNR 99.93 99.90 99.87 99.93 99.91 99.92 TNR 99.33 99.11 98.98 99.30 99.27 99.31
FNR 0.02 0.03 0.42 0.03 0.09 0.07 FNR 0.48 0.52 0.78 0.65 0.91 0.48
Test Results in % on D1: Mixed Activity Test Results in % on D1: After SSH compromise
Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB
Accuracy 99.23 99.19 97.97 99.37 99.18 99.13 Accuracy 98.15 97.72 97.34 98.06 98.14 98.09
Precision 99.30 99.20 98.16 99.28 99.17 99.26 Precision 98.02 97.65 97.64 97.99 98.16 98.11
F1-score 99.23 99.19 97.97 99.37 99.18 99.13 F1-score 98.15 97.91 97.33 98.06 98.14 98.09
TPR 99.16 99.18 97.78 99.37 99.18 99.13 TPR 98.28 98.17 97.02 98.13 98.11 98.07
FPR 0.70 0.80 1.84 0.72 0.83 0.74 FPR 1.99 2.36 2.34 2.00 1.84 1.89
TNR 99.30 99.20 98.16 99.28 99.17 99.26 TNR 98.01 98.64 97.66 98.00 98.16 98.11
FNR 0.84 0.92 2.22 0.55 0.92 1.00 FNR 1.72 1.83 2.98 1.87 1.89 1.93
SSH gets compromised (ASC), where attackers
achieve unauthorized access through a successful
login and then execute commands on the compro-
mised system.
Pattern 9: Randomized Connection Attempts
and Authentication Failures
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: This pattern indicates mixed activity
(MA), involving random combinations of connec-
tion requests, failed login attempts, and discon-
nect requests.
Pattern 10: Benign SSH Connection and
Attacks or Activities Associated with this
Pattern: Lastly, Pattern 10 represents benign ac-
tivity, characterized by legitimate connection re-
quests, successful logins, and normal command
execution followed by a proper disconnect or ses-
sion timeout.
Data Labeling and Distribution – After extract-
ing both statistical and pattern-based features, we pro-
ceed to label the preprocessed files accordingly. The
statistical features provided numeric values as dis-
cussed previously. On the other hand, pattern-based
features were binary (0/1), indicating the presence or
absence of specific behaviors in the log entries. If a
file exhibited characteristics corresponding to a par-
ticular pattern, the entry for that pattern’s column in
the csv file was marked as 1. In total, we utilize 19
features to label the data, enabling a comprehensive
classification of the logs.
The distribution of labels revealed significant in-
sights into the nature of the data. The dataset
D1, used for initial training and testing, comprised
3,232,188 log entries with 17,599 unique IP ad-
dresses, which were categorized as follows after fea-
ture extraction and labeling: Benign - 5,749, Brute
Force (BF) - 3,221, Scanning - 2,310, Dictionary At-
tack (DA) - 2,189, and Denial of Service (DoS) -
1,137, Mixed Activity (MA) - 1,290, after SSH Com-
promise (ASC)-1703. The dataset D2, used for fi-
nal testing, comprised 113,696 log entries with 7,029
unique IP addresses, which were categorized as fol-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: Test Results in % on D2 for various type of attack scenarios.
Test Results in % on D2: Brute Force Attack Test Results in % on D2: Dictionary Attack
Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB
Accuracy 99.47 99.26 98.67 99.39 99.29 99.43 Accuracy 99.46 99.35 98.67 99.40 99.37 99.32
Precision 99.01 98.82 98.02 98.92 98.85 98.97 Precision 99.00 98.90 98.02 98.98 98.97 98.97
F1-score 99.47 99.26 98.68 99.39 99.28 99.43 F1-score 99.46 99.35 98.68 99.40 99.38 99.33
TPR 99.93 99.71 99.35 99.87 99.73 99.89 TPR 99.93 99.81 99.35 99.83 99.79 99.70
FPR 1.00 1.19 2.01 1.09 1.16 1.04 FPR 1.01 1.11 2.01 1.03 1.04 1.04
TNR 99.00 98.81 97.99 98.91 98.84 98.96 TNR 98.99 98.89 97.99 98.97 98.94 98.94
FNR 0.07 0.29 0.65 0.13 0.27 0.11 FNR 0.07 0.19 0.65 0.17 0.21 0.30
Test Results in % on D2: Scanning Attack Test Results in % on D2: DoS Attack
Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB
Accuracy 99.95 99.93 99.82 99.91 99.90 99.92 Accuracy 98.94 98.83 98.42 98.84 98.51 99.09
Precision 99.97 99.95 99.89 99.91 99.93 99.95 Precision 98.78 98.62 98.01 98.68 98.02 98.32
F1-score 99.95 99.93 99.82 99.91 99.90 99.92 F1-score 98.94 98.83 98.43 98.84 98.51 99.09
TPR 99.92 99.90 99.75 99.91 99.87 99.89 TPR 99.11 99.04 98.85 99.00 99.01 99.89
FPR 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.05 FPR 1.23 1.39 2.01 1.33 2.00 1.71
TNR 99.97 99.95 99.89 99.91 99.93 99.95 TNR 98.77 98.61 97.99 98.67 98.00 98.29
FNR 0.08 0.10 0.25 0.09 0.13 0.11 FNR 0.89 0.96 1.15 1.00 0.99 1.11
Test Results in % on D2: Mixed Activity Test Results in % on D2: After SSH compromise
Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB Classifiers RF DT SVM KNN LR GB
Accuracy 98.43 98.31 97.33 98.37 98.40 98.43 Accuracy 97.91 97.40 96.72 97.41 97.47 97.41
Precision 98.01 97.89 96.96 97.93 97.97 98.01 Precision 97.85 97.36 96.65 97.38 97.40 97.39
F1-score 98.44 98.31 97.34 98.38 98.41 98.43 F1-score 97.91 97.39 96.71 97.41 97.46 97.41
TPR 98.87 98.78 97.72 98.83 98.85 98.86 TPR 97.96 97.43 96.78 97.45 97.53 97.44
FPR 2.01 2.13 3.07 2.09 2.05 2.01 FPR 2.15 2.64 3.34 2.62 2.59 2.61
TNR 97.99 97.83 96.93 97.91 97.95 97.99 TNR 97.85 97.36 96.66 97.38 97.41 97.39
FNR 1.13 1.22 2.28 1.17 1.15 1.14 FNR 2.04 2.57 3.22 2.55 2.47 2.56
Table 4: Comparison with existing approaches.
Authors Detected Attack Used dataset Approach Accuracy
Jeo Park et al. (Park et al., 2021) BF Router log Rule-based Not reported
Fahrnberger et al. (Fahrnberger, 2022) BF SSH log Rule-based Not reported
Stephen Wanjau et al. (Wanjau et al., 2021) BF CIC-IDS 2018 ML-based 85.2%
Abel Z. Agghey et al. (Agghey et al., 2021) UEA Network Traffic ML-base KNN- 99.93%
Jose Tomas et al. (Garre et al., 2021) Botnet infection Novel dataset ML-based 98.1%
Karel Hynek et al. (Hynek et al., 2020) BF Network Traffic ML-based 100%
Our Approach BSC and ASC SSH log Rule and ML based
RF = 97.9%
lows after feature extraction and labeling: Benign
- 2394, Brute Force (BF) - 1179, Scanning - 784,
Dictionary Attack (DA) -853, and Denial of Service
(DoS) - 368, Mixed Activity (MA) - 548, After SSH
Compromise (ASC)-903.
Feature Selection and Classification In our
proposed methodology, feature selection and classifi-
cation play pivotal roles in accurately identifying and
categorizing various attack types. We utilize a Ran-
dom Forest (RF) classifier for feature selection due
to its robustness and ability to handle large datasets
effectively. The RF classifier helps in identifying
the most significant features that contribute to accu-
rate classification. Once the essential features are se-
lected, we employ multiple machine learning clas-
sifiers for the classification task. These classifiers
included Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), k-Nearest Neigh-
bors (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), and Gradient
Boosting (GB). Each of these classifiers are trained
and tested on the datasets D1 and D2 to evaluate their
performance. The results of these evaluations, detail-
ing the effectiveness of each classifier, are presented
in section 4.
In this section, we discuss the evaluation of both rule-
based and ML-based approaches, which are as fol-
lows –
Evaluation of Rule-Based Approach For this
evaluation, we utilize dataset D1. Initially, feature
extraction is performed using a prediction-based en-
gine, which segregates the data into benign and vari-
ous types of malicious activities (Brute force, mixed
activity, scanning, dictionary attack, and denial of ser-
vice), totaling 10,850 malicious IPs. Concurrently,
the rule-based engine processed the same dataset and
listed 10,842 IPs as malicious. These outputs are then
compared, revealing a detection accuracy of 99.92%
Attackers’ Profiling Based on Multi-Attack Patterns in SSH Service
for the rule-based engine.
Evaluation of ML-Based Approach – After fea-
ture extraction and selection, we evaluate the multi-
label classification accuracy of each classifier using
10-fold cross-validation. The k-fold cross-validation
results, demonstrating the multi-class classification
accuracy for each classifier, are presented in Table 1.
These detailed evaluations provide insights into each
classifier’s ability to detect and differentiate between
various types of cyber threats effectively. The cor-
responding results are systematically detailed in Ta-
ble 2 which present a breakdown of these metrics for
each attack type. After the initial training-testing us-
ing D1 dataset, we have saved our trained classifiers
for subsequent testing with an independent dataset,
D2, which was not included in the training phase.
We evaluated the performance of all classifiers across
each label in the dataset. The results are detailed in
Table 3. In Table 4, we present a comparison of our
approach with existing methodologies in terms of the
datasets used, detected attacks, approaches applied,
and accuracy. This comparison demonstrates how
our proposed methodology overcomes the limitations
found on existing approaches.
In this work, we propose a hybrid methodology that
combines rule-based and machine learning (ML) ap-
proaches to detect various activities within SSH logs
and profile attackers based on our model’s findings.
Our rule-based approach utilized predefined and time-
dependent rules to quickly identify suspicious activ-
ities, providing immediate heuristic-based insights.
Complementing this, the ML-based approach ex-
tracted statistical and pattern-based features from the
logs, enabling a detailed analysis of activities with
respect to unique IP addresses. In terms of clas-
sification, while all classifiers demonstrated strong
performance, the Random Forest (RF) and Gradient
Boosting (GB) classifier consistently outperformed
others, particularly in classifying unknown data. By
integrating rule-based and ML-based approaches, we
achieved a robust and accurate attacker profiling sys-
tem. This comprehensive methodology significantly
enhances the security and resilience of SSH servers
against a wide range of attack vectors. The dataset
used in the paper is available on request.
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