Exploring Attack Paths Using Graph Theory:
Case - Microsoft Entra ID Pass-Through Authentication
Nestori Syynimaa
Principal Identity Researcher, Microsoft, Threat Intelligence Center,
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Graph Theory, Entra ID, Attack Paths, Authentication.
Abstract: Graphs have been used to describe attack paths since the 1990s. They are powerful ways to present complex
problems in a relatively simple way. Microsoft Entra ID is an identity and access management (IAM) solution
most private and public sector organisations use. As an IAM, it supports multiple authentication methods.
One little-researched authentication method is pass-through authentication (PTA). This paper presents the
findings of a study researching PTA for novel vulnerabilities. The findings reveal vulnerabilities that enable
novel PTA-related attacks, allowing threat actors to gain remote, persistent, and undetectable access to the
target organisation’s Entra ID. Threat actors could exploit these vulnerabilities to create backdoors, harvest
credentials, and perform DoS attacks. The found attack paths were depicted in the PTA Attack Graph, which
is the main contribution of this paper.
Graphs are discrete structures consisting of nodes and
edges connecting them. They can be used to solve
problems of virtually any discipline, including cyber
security (Dawood, 2014). Graphs have been used to
describe attack paths since the 1990s (see Amoroso,
1994; Schneier, 1999; Weiss, 1991). In this paper, we
will use graphs to describe different paths attackers
can have from the start of the attack to the end of the
attack. For this purpose, we adopted BPMN notation
(OMG, 2011) to describe the actions threat actors
need to take to perform the attack.
Entra ID is Microsoft's Identity and Access
Management (IAM) service (Microsoft, 2024), used
by most public and private sector organisations. Entra
ID supports multiple authentication methods. One of
the methods is pass-through authentication (PTA),
which allows the same password to be used in on-
premises Active Directory (AD) and Entra ID
(Microsoft, 2023e).
In this paper, we seek an answer to the following
research question: "What vulnerabilities exist in pass-
through authentication?"
2.1 Pass-Through Authentication
The PTA functionality is illustrated in Figure 1. From
the user's perspective, the process is as follows:
1. The user signs in on Entra ID
2. The user's credentials are sent to the PTA
3. The PTA agent attempts to sign in to Active
Directory using the user's credentials
Figure 1: Pass-Through Authentication (Microsoft, 2023e).
Microsoft has not published the technical details on
how PTA works. However, many researchers have
Syynimaa, N.
Exploring Attack Paths Using Graph Theory: Case - Microsoft Entra ID Pass-Through Authentication.
DOI: 10.5220/0013119100003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 486-492
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
published their findings regarding PTA (see Chester,
2019; Felton, 2017; Syynimaa, 2022).
PTA agents use a certificate (stored in
LocalMachine personal store) for decrypting
authentication requests and certificate-based
authentication (Felton, 2017). During its start-up
process, the PTA agent retrieves a configuration file
called bootstrap from Entra ID, which contains URLs
for Azure Service Bus endpoints (Felton, 2017). Entra
ID uses Azure Service Bus to send encrypted
authentication requests to PTA agents. After
receiving the authentication request, the PTA agent
decrypts the requests, passes the included credentials
to the LogonUserW function, and returns the result to
Entra ID (Felton, 2017). The protocol details used by
the PTA agent to communicate with Entra ID were
published in 2020 (Syynimaa, 2020b).
2.2 Logging and Monitoring PTA
When a PTA agent is registered to Entra ID during
the installation, it appears in the Azure Portal.
Administrators can see the IP address, the computer's
name running the agent, and the agent status
(active/inactive) (Figure 2).
Figure 2: List of PTA agents in Azure Portal.
The PTA agent information can also be accessed
programmatically, for instance, using the
AADInternals toolkit (Figure 3). This also allows the
viewing of the PTA Agent IDs that were not shown
in the Azure Portal.
Figure 3: List of PTA agents in AADInternals.
A Register connector event is added to the Entra
ID Audit log during the registration. The event shows
who registered the agent and when, but the agent ID
is not shown (Figure 4).
Figure 4: "Register connector" event in Entra ID Audit log.
Each time a user is authenticated using PTA, a
corresponding event is added to the Entra ID Sign-ins
log. On the Authentication Details tab, the PTA agent
ID is shown (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Authentication Details in Entra ID Sign-ins log.
2.3 Attacking Pass-Through
Chester (2019) introduced a novel PTA-related attack
vector. After compromising a computer running a
PTA agent, threat actors could replace the
LogonUserW function by injecting a Dynamic
Linking Library (DLL) into the PTA agent process.
This allowed threat actors to (i) harvest credentials
and (ii) allow or deny login requests. This technique
required persistent access to the PTA agent, as
restarting the agent would remove the injected DLL.
Syynimaa (2021) published a PTASpy (Figure 6)
leveraging the DLL injection attack introduced by
Chester. PTASpy was included in the AADInternals
Exploring Attack Paths Using Graph Theory: Case - Microsoft Entra ID Pass-Through Authentication
toolkit in 2020. Kalendarov and Beber (2024) used
the same technique in their recent report. As this
attack takes place on a server running the PTA agent,
it can be detected by monitoring the server.
Figure 6: Installing PTASpy with AADInternals.
AADInternals allows registering "fake" PTA
agents (Figure 7), which creates certificates that PTA
agents can use. This requires that the threat actor has
either Global Administrator or Hybrid Identity
Administrator role in Entra ID. This attack can be
detected as the new agent appears in the Azure Portal
and registration is logged in the audit log.
Figure 7: Registering fake PTA agents.
Existing PTA agents can configured to use the
newly created certificate (Figure 8). The PTA agent
can be installed on a computer under control of threat
actor. This means that configuration can not be
detected by the target organisation. However, the
usage of the PTA agent can be detected from the sign-
ins log.
Figure 8: Configuring the PTA agent to use the provided
The PTA Attack Graph in Figure 10 depicts the
known PTA-related attacks. The lower path requires
local admin privileges to the computer running an
PTA agent. If the computer is compromised, a threat
actor can install PTASpy (or other similar tools). The
upper path requires one of the mentioned roles for to
target organisation’s Entra ID. If the threat actor has
either of the roles, a fake PTA agent can be registered.
After that, an existing threat actor controlled PTA
agent can be configured to use the resulting
certificate. As the computer is under control of threat
actor, PTASpy can be installed to start gathering
credentials and accept all passwords.
Figure 9: PTA Attack Graph v1.
The research approach should be selected according
to the aim of the research (Järvinen, 2018). In this
research, the research aim is two-folded. First, we are
studying the reality, i.e., what vulnerabilities exist in
PTA. Second, we produce a graph to describe attack
paths enabled by the vulnerabilities found. Following
the research approach taxonomy by Järvinen (2018),
we will use theory-creating approaches for the former
research aim and innovation-building approaches for
the latter.
Theory-creating research aims to increase
understanding of the research subject. In this
research, we will first study how PTA behaves in
normal operation to identify possible vulnerabilities.
This can be categorised as descriptive observational
research (Edgar & Manz, 2017). To study the PTA
behaviour, we adopted the reverse-engineering
method, commonly used to study existing systems
(Eilam, 2005). We used two tools for this purpose.
First, we used Fiddler (Telerik, 2023) to monitor the
traffic between the PTA agent and Entra ID. Second,
we used Process Monitor (Microsoft, 2023d),
ProcMon for short, to monitor real-time filesystem
and registry activity. The research setup is illustrated
in Figure 10.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 10: Research setup.
The innovation-building research aims to create
an artefact to answer the research question. In this
research, we produce a graph that depicts the
vulnerabilities found during the theory-creating
research. As such, this is a Design Science Research
(DSR) and thus follows the Design Science Research
Methodology (DSRM) by Peffers et al. (2007).
4.1 Exporting PTA Agent Certificate
On Windows computers, the certificates can be
exported from the certificate store with Certificate
Manager. Private keys can only be exported for
certificates that were marked exportable at the time
of importing the certificate. A technique to export the
private key regardless of the exportability status was
introduced in early 2022 (Syynimaa, 2022).
The thumbprint of the certificate used by the PTA
agent is stored in a configuration file (see Figure 11).
The certificate with the public key is stored in the
Local Computer Personal store when IsInUserStore
setting is false. This is the case after installing the
PTA agent. When true, the certificate is stored in
Personal store of Network Service. This is because
PTA agent renews the certificate every 30 days and
Network Service doesn't have access to the Local
Machine store (Microsoft, 2023a). The certificate
includes the name of the private key file, which is
stored on disk and encrypted with the Data Protection
Application Protection Interface (DPAPI). DPAPI is
an encryption and decryption API inclued in the .NET
framework (Microsoft, 2023c).
Figure 11: PTA Agent configuration file.
Although the file name of the private key was
known, the location on disk for Network Service was
not. The location was revealed using ProcMon to see
what files the PTA agent service was accessing. That
allowed exporting the certificate and private key
regardless of where they were stored.
4.2 Exploiting Certificate Using
Microsoft PTA Agent
Using an exported certificate in a threat actor-
controlled PTA agent differs from registering a fake
agent. Exporting the certificate takes place on the
computer running the PTA agent, so there won't be
any log entries in Entra ID.
For high availability, at least three PTA agents
should be installed on servers joined to the same
Active Directory (AD) (Microsoft, 2023b). However,
threat actor-controlled servers are not members of the
victim's AD. If a threat actor-controlled PTA agent is
configured to use the exported certificate and
PTASpy is installed, any username and password
combination is accepted and stored in a file. If
PTASpy is not installed, all authentication requests
will fail as victims' credentials are not present in
threat actor-controlled servers. This allows threat
actors to use PTA agents for Denial-of-Service (DoS)
When using an exported certificate on a threat
actor-controlled server, the PTA agent name was
changed on Azure Portal to match the threat actor-
controlled server. Exploitation could be detected by
monitoring PTA agent name changes unless the name
of the threat actor-controlled server was changed to
match the victim's server.
The challenge with exploiting exported
certificates is the lack of persistence, as the certificate
needs to be renewed every 30 days. However, it
turned out that both the original and exported
certificate could be used to acquire new valid
certificate. Both certificates had the same agent
identity information but different thumbprints. As
such, there can be multiple certificates per PTA agent
at any given time. Moreover, the certificate renewal
is not logged in Entra ID Audit log.
Exploring Attack Paths Using Graph Theory: Case - Microsoft Entra ID Pass-Through Authentication
4.3 Exploiting Certificate Using a
Custom PTA Agent
The initial Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of a custom PTA
agent was published on March 2020 (Syynimaa,
2020a). The PoC was further developed into a full-
blown offensive tool during the research. The details
of the PoC are out of this paper's scope, but the key
findings are as follows.
The first observation was that the PTA agent's IP
address (and name) changed on Azure Portal only
when the bootstrap was fetched. That happens during
the agent start-up and then once every five minutes.
Configuring the custom agent to use existing
bootstrap allows threat actors to exploit exported
certificates silently. The bootstrap could be exported
at the same time as exporting the PTA agent
The second observation was that the
authentication request contains the credentials of the
user trying to log in to Entra ID. The credentials are
encrypted, so they can only be decrypted by a
corresponding certificate. As PTA supports multiple
agents, the authentication requests contain user's
credentials encrypted with the public keys of all
agents. As we noticed earlier, one agent can have
multiple certificates. It turns out that the
authentication request contains encrypted entries for
all certificates. The format of the key identifiers seen
in Figure 12 is
"<AgentId>_<CertificateThumbprint>". As we can
see, the agent with ID starting "672843e0" has two
entries with different thumbprints.
Figure 12: Content of PTA authentication request (adapted
from Secureworks, 2022).
The third observation was that the maximum
number of PTA agents is 40 (Microsoft, 2023b), but
there is no public information about the maximum
number of certificates per agent. After experimenting
with renewing certificates multiple times, the limit
appears to be ten certificates per agent. Further,
certificates seemed to work with the FIFO principle,
meaning that the entries for the older certificates were
dropped from the authentication requests when
certificates were renewed. This allows attackers to
perform a new kind of DoS attack, as they could
renew certificates until the original PTA agent
certificate is dropped from the authentication
requests. This would effectively prevent the original
PTA agent from decrypting and handling
authentication requests.
The custom PTA agent can also be configured to
return arbitrary Windows error messages to Entra ID,
enabling DoS attacks.
4.4 Summary
4.4.1 Findings
Vulnerabilities enabling novel PTA-related attacks
were found during the research. These vulnerabilities
allow threat actors to gain remote, persistent, and
undetectable access to the target organisation Entra
First, after successfully compromising the victim
PTA agent server, a threat actor can export the PTA
agent certificate and bootstrap. These can then be
used on threat actor-controlled PTA agent servers.
This, in turn, allows threat actors to harvest
credentials, create a backdoor, or perform DoS
Second, threat actors can renew the certificate
indefinitely, enabling permanent access to the
victim's Entra ID.
Third, only the registration of PTA agents are
logged in the Entra ID Audit log. In the Sign-ins log,
the agent ID performing the authentication is shown,
but not the used certificate. Thus, exploitation of
exported PTA agent certificates can not be detected.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 13: PTA Attack Graph v2.
4.4.2 PTA Attack Graph
The final PTA attack graph is depicted in Figure 13.
There is a new port for attack type if the threat actor
has local administrator permissions to the server
running PTA agent. The local attack involves
installing a PTASpy on the victim's PTA agent. The
remote attack starts by exporting the PTA agent
certificate and bootstrap. After exporting, if the threat
actor desires to use the certificate for DoS attacks, it
can be renewed ten times. If not, the threat actor can
use the certificate with a custom agent or configure
Microsoft PTA agent to use it. If latter, it can be used
for a DoS attack or as a backdoor and credential
harvester by installing PTASpy.
5.1 Research Question and Aims
The research question of this paper was "What
vulnerabilities exist in pass-through authentication?".
Two aims were set to answer the research question.
The first one was to research PTA to find
vulnerabilities. The second one was to depict the
findings in an easy-to-understand attack graph. Both
aims were achieved, and thus, an answer to the
research question was provided.
5.2 Implications
The research has both scientific and practical
This research introduced a PTA Attack Graph
depicting current knowledge of PTA-related attacks.
As such, it expands the scientific understanding of
PTA-related cybersecurity research area.
The PTA Attack Graph increases the general
public's knowledge of PTA security issues. This also
helps defend against PTA-related attacks.
5.3 Future Work
Future work should focus on studying how the
exploitation of exported PTA agent certificates could
be detected besides Entra ID Sign-ins and Audit logs.
5.4 Research Rigour
The resulting artefact of DSR should be evaluated to
demonstrate its utility and quality (Baskerville, Kaul,
& Storey, 2017). The PTA Attack Graph can be
categorised as a model. The model's validity is
revealed when it confronts empirical facts (Barlas,
1996). The attacks depicted in the graph emerged
during the empirical research and were confirmed by
Microsoft. As such, it can be stated that the PTA
Attack Graph is valid, i.e., it models the current
knowledge of PTA-related attacks.
5.5 Acknowledgement
The research findings were reported to Microsoft, but
the vulnerabilities found were not seen as posing
additional risks as the new attacks would require local
administrator permissions.
Register PTA-agent
Configure PTA-agent
to use certificate
Export PTA-agent
certificate & bootstrap
Install PTASpy
Global Administrato
Hybrid Identity Administrator
Renew certificate x10
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