addition to the highly preferred yellow region, there
are two areas with slightly lower preference values.
This situation may seem counterintuitive. While hav-
ing all alternatives between the ISP and ESP receive
the same preference values, as observed in Balanced
SPOTIS with α = 0.5, seems more intuitive to us,
the differing preferences in this area can be harder
to justify. With B-SPOTIS, it is possible to eval-
uate multiple values of α, which is not possible in
ESP-COMET. Consequently, when decision-makers
encounter cases where two very similar alternatives
within the expected/ideal value range have different
preference values, it can lead to confusion.
In this paper, we proposed a Balanced SPOTIS
method, which can be helpful for personalized
decision-making and analysis of the decision prob-
lem. The usefulness of the proposed approach was
demonstrated in the case study of choosing a used
car, where the decision maker provided the ESP but
preferred the alternative, which was the best in the
ISP ranking. ESP trust (or confidence) parameter
α can be very useful in such situations when it is
necessary to perform a sensitivity analysis, investi-
gating the decision problem from different perspec-
tives. It can also be useful in cases where we do not
have too much confidence in the preferences provided
by the expert. We also performed a comparison be-
tween the Balanced SPOTIS and ESP-COMET meth-
ods, highlighting certain drawbacks of ESP-COMET.
Although ESP-COMET allows for the inclusion of
any number of ESPs, it faces issues such as the curse
of dimensionality and lacks a weighting mechanism,
leading to equal treatment of all criteria.
This work opens some interesting future research
directions. The Balanced SPOTIS method can be ex-
tended further to address the issue of aggregating sev-
eral ESP or expert preferences to provide a compre-
hensive compromise solution. We also want to fur-
ther investigate the properties of the proposed method
and compare its performance with different MCDM
methods in more real-life case studies. In the future,
we also plan to extend B-SPOTIS to handle imprecise
The work was supported by the National Science Cen-
tre 2021/41/B/HS4/01296.
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Enhancing Personalized Decision-Making with the Balanced SPOTIS Algorithm