us to achieve a similar level of accuracy.
However, the work has some limitations that
should be addressed in future research. In addition
to the fact that the normalized Hamming distance and
the average normalized Hamming distance provide
satisfactory results in predicting r
values for both
monolithic and structural models, the precision of this
method can be higher and this fact should be investi-
gated in future work. This approach should also be
investigated in depth in other study cases to show its
practical applicability, as well as extended to a larger
sample of people, to better investigate differences in
models and preferences. There is also a possibility
to generalize the approach for other methods such as
AHP or Ranking Comparison (RANCOM) methods.
The work was supported by the National Science Cen-
tre 2021/41/B/HS4/01296.
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Comparison of Monolithic and Structural Decision Models Using the Hamming Distance