their superior performance in terms of accuracy and
robustness makes them valuable for complex image
classification tasks. The trade-off between computa-
tional complexity and model performance should be
carefully considered based on the specific needs of
the application.
In this paper, we introduced a novel classification
approach that integrates Kolmogorov-Arnold Net-
works (KANs) with Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs), termed CNN-KAN. This innovative archi-
tecture harnesses the powerful feature extraction ca-
pabilities of CNNs and the sophisticated modeling of
complex relationships provided by KANs. Our exten-
sive evaluations across multiple datasets demonstrate
that CNN-KAN consistently outperforms traditional
CNN architectures in terms of accuracy, precision,
and recall.
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models, showing that the proposed CNN-KAN mod-
els not only enhance efficiency but also improve ro-
bustness. The experimental results clearly indicate
that the integration of KAN layers into CNN architec-
tures leads to significant performance gains in diverse
image classification tasks.
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promising advancement in the field of computer vi-
sion, offering a robust and efficient solution for com-
plex image classification challenges. This work paves
the way for future research to further optimize and
expand the capabilities of CNN-KAN models.
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