Analysing Online Communities for Health Promotion:
Characteristics of Digital Platforms Supporting Physical Activity
Jennifer Hachiya
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England
Keywords: Digital Platforms, Physical Activity, Health Communities, Health Promotion, Behavior Change Techniques.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to analyse existing digital platform (DP) characteristics of online communities
(OC) to promote physical activity (PA). Previously DP identified in our previous scoping review were
matched against our inclusion criteria. DP were included if mainly used to promote PA and were free of
access. In addition to the general attributes of each DP, data was retrieved on user engagement strategies,
BCT, and platform credibility. A total of 50 DP were found in our Google search. Fourteen OC from the
Google search and 3 OC from our previous scoping review (n=17) were included in this study. Most DP (13;
64.70%) use an activity tracker—either external or internal—to support users on PA self-monitoring, almost
all DP (16; 94.12%) included GPS connectivity features, and about half of selected DP (9; 52.94%) had a
forum for community interaction. We found references to 26 (92.86%) of the 28 strategies used for analysis.
While research on OC to promote PA and DP characteristics has been growing, existing DP does not provide
detailed information on its attributes, nor comprehensive, specific data on engagement strategies and BCT.
While digital platforms (DP) have gained significant
attention in recent years for promoting physical
activity (PA), online communities (OC) within these
platforms provide a dynamic and cost-effective way
to engage wider audiences. Moreover, the features of
DP that host OC play a critical role in determining the
extent and duration of user engagement, which
directly influences the success of these communities
in increasing members’ PA levels (Manzoor et al.,
2016; Resnick et al., 2010).
User engagement encompasses participation
dynamics and collaboration within online
environments, where individuals can interact, express
themselves, and challenge their personal goals and
mental models. Strategies to promote engagement in
DP are varied and can include storytelling, calls-to-
action, involving celebrities, using emotionally-
triggering content, photos of program-related
activities, collaboration with users for post imagery,
or user-tagging in posts (Andrade et al., 2018);
exclusive access to registered users (Ba & Wang,
2013); dashboard personalisation (Boratto et al.,
2017); open-ended questions to users, rewards for
posting, responsive DP manager communication, or
facilitating self-introductions between users and DP
managers (Richardson et al., 2010); prohibition of
commercial messages, no toleration for disrespectful
language, enforcement of organised, fragmented
discussions, or DP conversation thread style adapted
to public audience (Lopez-Gonzalez et al., 2014);
comment section, user reaction in posts, consistent
forum content postings, prearranged 3-5 weekly
tasks, or interactive podcast content (Mailey et al.,
2019); or reward users for showing skills and
expertise, notifications, custom usernames, custom
avatar, in-person meetings, consent of privacy limits,
or possibility to open camera directly in the DP
(Malinen & Ojala, 2011).
In addition to strategies aiming to keep the user
engaged with the OC hosted in a specific DP, there is
a need to also consider the use of behaviour change
techniques (BCT) as the aim is to promote PA, i.e., to
change behaviour. BCT are observable and repeatable
elements of behaviour change interventions that,
when employed alone or in combination, can
contribute to behaviour change (Abraham & Michie,
2008; Cane et al., 2015). The relevance of BCT
originates from their value in raising collaborative
Hachiya, J.
Analysing Digital Platforms and Online Communities for Promoting Physical Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0013121500003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 433-440
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
responsiveness to change behaviour (Lopez-
Gonzalez et al., 2014).
There are two indicators in BCT that studies have
acknowledged so far—the relevance of the number of
BCT to apply, and the importance of self-regulation
strategies (Bondaronek et al., 2018).
Existing reports do not provide thorough
discussions on BCT or user engagement strategies. In
fact, when it comes to deciding what type of content
to share in OC to promote PA, and what user
engagement strategies to use, a set of guidelines is yet
to be established. This explains the pertinence of
exploring characteristics of PA-related OC’s
supporting DP.
However, despite the potential benefits of using
OC in DP and the importance of DP characteristics to
support OC in promoting PA, specific barriers must
be overcome. One of the most critical ones is the
long-term maintenance of user engagement (Kolt et
al., 2020; Tague et al., 2014; Toscos et al., 2010).
Our main research question is: “What are the main
characteristics of DP aiming to promote PA?”. This
question was operationalized in specific research
1) What are the attributes of these DP?
2) Which BCT are currently used in these DP?
3) What strategies are implemented to keep
user engagement in these DP?
4) How credible are these DP?
2.1 Identification of Relevant DP
First, we checked if the DP identified in our previous
scoping review (Hachiya, 2023) met this study’s
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Additionally, we
used Google's related searches (i.e., ''People also
searched for'') to find additional DP related to the
promotion of PA. The search was performed on
December 16th, 2021.
The website search results from Google search
were exported into Microsoft Excel (Microsoft,
16.56) and duplicates were removed. DP were
screened against inclusion criteria by one author and
discrepancies were discussed with a second reviewer.
DP were included if they supported an OC that: is
used mainly to promote PA; targets the general
public; is free of access or has a free version available.
DP were excluded if they: mention PA but its main
aim is not to promote PA; are used exclusively for
research purposes; are in other languages besides
English, Portuguese, French and/or Spanish; and are
no longer active or currently under development.
2.2 Data Collection
In addition to the general attributes of each DP (Table
1, Appendix A), data was retrieved on user
engagement strategies, BCT, and platform credibility.
The first two DP were analysed by the author and two
reviewers and results were discussed to clarify doubts
and fine-tune the methodology.
To be able to collect the necessary data, the author
registered in the DP as a regular user. To analyse
more specific elements of the DP—such as activity
upload options, activity interactions among users, the
existence of leaderboards, GPS connectivity, activity
import features, number of PA available, and types of
PA available—we created specific activities and
uploaded them in the DP. For this, we used the
Garmin Vivoactive 4S, an activity tracker with
Global Positioning System (GPS), then performed
and recorded two different activities: an approximate
1 km walk and two 60-minute dance classes. These
activities were uploaded in each DP which allowed
for the upload of data regarding PA.
When DP were available in multiple formats,
desktop websites were prioritised in this analysis due
to their broad advantages over apps. In DP in which
the app format is the only option for analysis, we
downloaded and evaluated the app using a mobile
device with iOS. In cases where DP have both a free
and a premium version, we only evaluated the free
version. We based all data on the information
available in each DP after login.
To gather missing or outdated DP attribute
information, we contacted each DP through their
contact email or the help form. All table categories
were identified with corresponding DP attributes.
When the information could not be determined, the
attributes were labelled as inconclusive.
2.3 Data Analysis and Reporting
We checked the app download page or desktop
website to find data such as DP support, type, device
compatibility, languages available, registered
category, subscription type, subscription fee and
other DP history information (i.e., year of inception,
partner accounts). The extracted information can be
found in Table 1 (Appendix A).
User engagement strategies were characterised
against the 28 specific actions detailed in Table 2 and
were developed based on the work of several authors
(Andrade et al., 2018; Ba & Wang, 2013; Boratto et
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
al., 2017; Kolt et al., 2020; Lopez-Gonzalez et al.,
2014; Mailey et al., 2019; Malinen, 2015; Resnick et
al., 2010; Richardson et al., 2010).
Table 2: List of 28 actions related to user engagement strat-
BCT were matched against the BCT Taxonomy
developed by Abraham and Michie (2008), which
includes 40 hierarchically clustered BCT that were
categorised as being present or absent. The BCT
Taxonomy can be found in Table 3 (Appendix A).
To analyse DP credibility, we collected the shared
content sources, the existence of monitoring of shared
information within these DP, and contribution and/or
content quality check from specialists associated with
the shared information (e.g., contribution of health
professionals). We classified 17 documental quality
indicators as present or absent using Bagrichevsky
and Vasconcellos-Silva's (2019) Checklist (see Table
4, Appendix A). However, as there was not enough
DP data for a full evaluation, five indicators—contact
validity (10), usability (14), certification (15),
conflicts of interest (16), and objectivity (17)—were
not assessed. Nevertheless, we evaluated the key
aspects of digital platform usability, including
authorship, link coherence, help accessibility, and
information management options.
Finally, we coded each option individually as
being present or absent and performed a quantitative
analysis method of frequencies for all research
questions. Moreover, we also used the DP number of
users to perform a cross-tabulation analysis.
After checking the 22 DP identified in our previous
study against the current study inclusion and
exclusion criteria, 18 were excluded because they
were no longer active (n=4), were used exclusively
for research purposes (n=7), we were unable to find
them (n=3), were in language outside of the inclusion
criteria scope (n=1), promoting PA was not its main
aim (n=1), required paid membership (n=1), and were
still under development (n=1). Details on each
excluded DP can be found in Table 5 (Appendix A).
Only three DP from our scoping review were
included in the current study: Movescount, Strava,
and RunKeeper. Details on each included DP can be
found in Table 6 (Appendix A).
In the Google search, we found 24 DP in searches
related to the Movescount DP, 18 related to the
RunKeeper and 21 related to Strava. Of these 63 DP,
13 were repeated, and 50 DP were checked against
inclusion and exclusion criteria. To explore the
details. The full results for ''People also searched for''
related searches can be accessed in Table 7
(Appendix A).
After checking each 50 of the DP against the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 were excluded
because they mentioned PA, but their main aim was
not to promote PA, 2 were DP with paid
memberships, and 2 because they were not a DP (1
was a PA log-only app, and 1 was a running plan in
podcast format). Consequently, 14 DP from the
Google search and 3 DP from the scoping review
(n=17) were included in this study for further
analysis. For more details on this, see Table 8
(Appendix A).
3.1 Existent DP Attributes
Only 9 (52.94%) of 17 DP have a specific forum for
the community to interact and/or ask community
support questions. Of the 17 selected DP, none were
supported in website-only format, 6 (35.29%) DP
Analysing Digital Platforms and Online Communities for Promoting Physical Activity
were supported in app-only format and 11 DP were
supported in both website and app format. Most DP
(13; 64.70%) use an activity tracker—either external
or internal—to support users on PA self-monitoring,
almost all DP (16 out of 17; 94.12%) included GPS
connectivity features and roughly half of selected DP
(9 out of 17; 52.94%) had a forum within their OC for
users to interact with each other—either by accessing
and sharing their own PA or to request peer-to-peer
user support. When it comes to DP subscription types,
5 (29.41%) were completely available free of access
and 12 (70.59%) comprised two versions—a free and
a premium one.
On what refers to language availability of DP,
Garmin Connect TM took over with 35 languages.
That is almost double the number of languages
available in the second DP with the most language
availability, Sports Tracker (n=19). As for the DP
with the least number of languages available, there
were two: Charity Miles and Zombies, Run!, which
were only available in English. The data frequency of
language availability is presented in Table 9
(Appendix A).
Regarding the number of PA types available in
the DP, both Garmin Connect TM (n=95) and Sports
Tracker (n=91) take the lead with a significantly
greater amount of PA available than their
counterparts. The DP with the least number of PA are
RunKeeper, Strava, Adidas Running App Run
Tracker, Nike Run Club, Map My Run by Under
Armour, Map My Ride GPS Cycling Riding, and
Fitbit with only one PA type available. Data on the
number of PA types available in each DP, the current
number of users in DP and the year of launch are
presented in Table 10 (Appendix A).
3.2 Behaviour Change Techniques in
We found reference to at least one BCT in the 17
selected DP. Only one BCT was reported in all 17 DP
(i.e., Plan social support or social change).
The most reported BCT (with a reporting
frequency between 50 and 100%) were: prompt
intention formation, provide general encouragement,
prompt specific goal setting, prompt self-monitoring
of behaviour, provide contingent rewards, prompt
practice, and use follow-up prompts.
Nine BCT were not reported at all in any of the
DP considered: provide information about others'
approval, prompt barrier identification, prompt
review of behavioural goals, teach to use
prompts/cues, agree on behavioural contract, relapse
prevention, stress management, motivational
interviewing, and time management. Table 12
presents the BCT and their respective frequency of
reporting in the selected DP.
Table 12: Presence of BCT.
3.3 User Engagement Strategies
We found references to 26 (92.86%) of the 28
strategies used for analysis. The two user engagement
strategies “Set up at least 3-5 weekly tasks” and
“consistent forum content postings” were not found
at all. Table 13 presents the 28 actions related to user
engagement strategies and their respective frequency
of reporting in the selected DP.
The most reported actions related to user
engagement (with a reporting frequency between 50
and 100%) were: photos of program-related activities,
DP only available to registered users, forbid
commercial messages, no toleration for disrespectful
language, DP conversation thread adapted to public
audience, calls-to-action, comment section, user
reaction in posts, DP custom avatar, and consent of
privacy limits.
The least reported actions related to user
engagement (with a reporting frequency between 0
and 49%) were: storytelling, highlighting the
involvement of celebrities, in-person meetings,
organise fragmented discussions, responsive DP
manager communication, questions to users,
emotionally triggering content, open-ended
questions, self-introductions between users and DP
managers, interactive podcast content, collaboration
with users for post imagery, user-tagging in posts,
camera feature available in the platform, DP custom
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
usernames, dashboard personalization, and content
report to DP managers.
Table 13: Frequency of user engagement strategies.
3.4 DP Credibility
We found reference to at least one indicator in the 17
selected DP of the 12 indicators present in our
adapted version of Bagrichevsky and Vasconcellos-
Silva’s (2019) checklist.
The most reported indicators (with a reporting
frequency between 50 and 100%) were: authorship,
coherence of the title and the content, dates of creation
and web publication, links, coherence of links, the
existence of contact details, help, information
management, and navigability. The least reported
indicators (with a reporting frequency between 0 and
49%) were: promoting body, endorsement, and date of
update. To access details regarding the respective
frequency of credibility indicators found in the selected
DP, see Table 14 (Appendix A).
This DP analysis aimed to characterise selected DP,
according to our inclusion and exclusion criteria, by
identifying the main attributes in DP, finding which
BCT are present in these DP, what type of user
engagement strategies can be detected and how
credible are DP.
Considering the increase of DP launches over the
last years, results suggest that the number of
successful DP have been increasing. Most DP are
supported by both website and app formats, available
in a reasonable number of languages, accommodating
a reduced amount of PA types, and a significant
amount of DP with both free and premium versions.
When evaluating BCT, DP appeared to include
the necessary components for PA promotion success
(Kolt et al., 2020; Mailey et al., 2019), whereas when
evaluating user engagement techniques in DP, we
identified low reports on consistency, active
engagement, and personalisation actions. Finally,
Presence of DP credibility indicators appear
considerable, validating the selected DP in the study.
4.1 Overview of DP Attributes
It was interesting that of so many DP, only roughly
50% had a specific forum and/or a feature for users to
request support. Especially considering the
importance of interaction and social support in PA
(World Health Organization, 2020) and how specific
forums and community power enhance a sense of
community and social responsibility (Kalgotra et al.,
2021; Romeo et al., 2019).
Considering the number of DP available only in
app format and the benefits of using a website and app
(Gordon & Crouch, 2019), DP might benefit from
being supported in both formats simultaneously. This
could increase user opportunities to access DP, thus
increasing DP resources and dependability, which has
previously been reported as a barrier to users’
consistency in OC interaction (Kolt et al., 2020;
Mailey et al., 2019; Tague et al., 2014).
The fact that roughly 30% of analysed DP are
completely free of access was quite impressive,
however, the fact that 70% of DP comprises two
versions, can also be rather beneficial. Complete free
access might widen user access, however, when a
service is paid, it also heightens the commitment the
user must make to the DP responsibility (Kalgotra et
al., 2021; Romeo et al., 2019), hence possibly
increasing accountability and discipline for frequent
and/or long-term usage—which has been reported
(Kolt et al., 2020; Tague et al., 2014). as one of the
main problems in user engagement maintenance.
Language variety might also tell a lot about a
DP’s overall success (Bondaronek et al., 2018;
Preece, 2001). Although of the 17 selected DP, 6 DP
Analysing Digital Platforms and Online Communities for Promoting Physical Activity
included 15 or more languages, it is significant that
11 DP were available in less than 15 languages. This
presented a noteworthy discrepancy between the DP
with the highest number of available languages (n =
35) and the DP with the least languages available (n
= 1). This might explain DP shortage of PA
promotion effectiveness and user engagement
success and interfere with a thorough, accurate
analysis. That is, some DP might still be under
development and, therefore still lack expected
However, a deeper analysis must be done to
understand what makes DP have limited language
availability. A few reasons for this might be that:
users are not accessing the DP in other countries in
which the languages are not available nor requesting
specific language accessibility besides English, and
language diversity in DP is not being reported as a
determining factor for usage (Bondaronek et al.,
2018), or DP are not interested in expanding the
number of users, or prioritising localization.
In terms of available PA types in DP, the
discrepancy between the ones with more and fewer
types of PA is considerable. With this, we can more
easily presume that PA-related DP can mostly be
divided into two categories: DP that are pervasive,
and DP that choose to specialise in a certain PA type.
This could be correlated with the fact that DP with
more PA types available has their own PA tracking
device—which makes it even more complete.
4.2 Behaviour Change Techniques
Studies have shown the importance of BCT’s
presence in DP, especially when there is a specific
goal to change health behaviours. Accordingly, in this
case, we aimed to understand which BCT were being
applied in OC. Included studies report on 17 of the 26
BCT described by Abraham and Michie (2008).
Although it is noteworthy to mention that BCT
such as planning social support or social change have
been identified in all analysed DP, other likewise
relevant BCT were not found at all (i.e., teach to use
prompts/cues, time management, and stress
management), or infrequently reported (i.e., provide
instruction, and model or demonstrate the behaviour).
This is significant because difficulty in navigating
through DP due to a lack of resources and
dependability is frequently reported as a problem in
DP long-term success (Kolt et al., 2020; Tague et al.,
2014) and, also, as a user barrier to lack of
consistency when using a DP (Mailey et al., 2019;
Rose et al., 2018; Toscos et al., 2010).
Additionally, prompting users to perform barrier
identification, another one of the BCT that was not
present in any of the DP might refrain DP from
gaining more insight on what can be done to promote
PA more efficiently (Mailey et al., 2019; Rose et al.,
As many studies agree, self-motivation is an
important factor in building on intrinsic motivation
(Edney et al., 2017). This might explain previous
reports on the low effectiveness of digital
interventions to promote PA (Greene et al., 2013;
Mailey et al., 2019) which simultaneously mention
digital interventions as possibly successful in
influencing behavioural change (Manzoor et al.,
2016; Richardson et al., 2010).
Additionally, we found that BCT related to
prompting users to perform specific actions (i.e.,
prompt intention formation, prompt specific goal
setting, prompt self-monitoring of behaviour, prompt
practice, and use follow-up prompts) were among the
most reported BCT.
However, we also found that DP fails to give
enough attention to actions that directly relate to trigger
user accountability in DP engagement through
information sharing (Parker et al., 2021), such as:
providing general information and providing
information on consequences (for not performing a
specific activity) and, especially, providing feedback
on performance. This might explain low DP
effectiveness since, as previous studies have reported,
receiving external positive encouragement in tasks
might motivate users to perform that action more
(Boratto et al., 2017; Mitchell et al., 2018), which
might ultimately help DP contribute to influencing PA.
4.3 Strategies to Engage Users in DP
The integration of user engagement strategies is
fundamental to exploring DP effectiveness in
promoting PA and creating an engaging environment
that will encourage user retention in the DP (Lopez-
Gonzalez et al., 2014; Tague et al., 2014). This
ongoing gap in guideline availability might influence
the recurrent mention of difficulty in lengthening
long-term engagement in DP (Edney et al., 2017;
Manzoor et al., 2016; Tague et al., 2014).
Overall, DP seems to cover important actions in
fundamental healthy community guidelines (i.e.,
forbid commercial messages, no toleration for
disrespectful language, DP conversation thread
adapted to public audience, calls-to-action, comment
section, user reaction in posts, DP custom avatar, and
consent of privacy limits).
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
However, actions associated with strategies
linked to consistency and active engagement were
either not reported (i.e., Set up at least 3-5 weekly
tasks, consistent forum content postings), or among
the least reported ones (i.e., responsive DP manager
communication, storytelling, questions to users,
open-ended questions, self-introductions between
users and DP managers, user-tagging in posts, and
content report to DP managers). This is problematic
since consistency in content posting and engagement
are some of the most important factors in digital user
retention because of their importance in building a
sense of community (Lopez-Gonzalez et al., 2014;
Mailey et al., 2019; Tague et al., 2014).
Also, given that personalisation in the digital world
is a factor that contributes to user immersion in a
specific digital environment (O’Brien & Toms, 2008),
the low report on actions related to it (i.e., collaboration
with post imagery, self-introductions between users
and DP managers, interactive podcast content, camera
feature available, DP custom usernames, dashboard
personalization), might be a contributing factor for
decreasing engagement over time.
The fact that engagement strategies are not
specifically strategised with validated models seems
to be one of the greatest problems found in this DP
analysis. This ongoing gap in guideline availability
might influence the recurrent mention of difficulty in
lengthening long-term engagement in DP (Edney et
al., 2017; Manzoor et al., 2016; Tague et al., 2014).
4.4 Credibility in DP
As for the credibility of DP, according to our adapted
version of Bagrichevsky and Vasconcellos-Silva’s
(2019) checklist, DP seem to have included most of the
indicators thoroughly, with the relevant indicators
being highly present in most of the DP. The investment
of DP in indicators associated with community
engagement is quite positive (Kalgotra et al., 2021).
The fact that endorsement and promoting body
are among the least reported might be a positive
indicator when it comes to DP credibility. It might
show that DP are reluctant to use famous personalities
and/or institutions as leverage to uphold credibility
and motivate PA as the use of public figures can
create inadequate dependability to sustain behaviour
change. Nevertheless, associating with specific
promoting bodies connected to governmental health
initiatives might also help validate the DP regulation
and value towards current and potentially new users
(Bagrichevsky & Vasconcellos-Silva, 2019), making
it a more trustworthy community for users to rely on
long-term (Kolt et al., 2020).
Although we strived for a comprehensive search
procedure, only the free versions of DP were
examined, thus it is possible that we did not capture
the full range of engagement strategies used. The
categorisation of user engagement strategies was
based on the author's expertise rather than verified
models, which were non-existent. Direct studies of
long-term user participation and engagement would
provide more detailed insights. Additional research
into app downloads, platform formats, and user
engagement patterns over time, including usage
frequency, is needed.
Furthermore, investigating correlations between
PA types, language availability, launch dates,
updates, user numbers, and monitoring devices may
shed light on their impact on DP characteristics, BCT,
engagement strategies, and credibility indicators.
Addressing factors such as privacy concerns and
market competition, which limit data disclosure, may
contribute to further research in this field.
Existing research and DP for promoting PA lack
detailed information about their characteristics, user
engagement strategies, and BCT. While progress has
been made in understanding the function of OC in
promoting PA, there are still substantial gaps in user
engagement and long-term retention. Future research,
including extensive case analyses, is required to assess
the efficacy of various strategies and techniques,
ensuring that platforms are better suited for retaining
user engagement and promoting behavioural change.
This work is supported by Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia (FCT) under the PhD grant
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