The Role of Online Communities in Promoting Physical Activity:
A Survey on User Preferences and Perceived Impact
Jennifer Hachiya
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.
Keywords: Digital Platforms, Physical Activity, Health Communities, Health Promotion, User Engagement.
Abstract: The primary objective of this online survey is to understand differences in user profile, user preferences and
perceived impact among the European population. The sample groups were based on the most recent report
of the European country with the highest and lowest levels of physical activity (PA). The cross-sectional
online survey population of Portugal residents and Finland residents was selected by simple random sampling.
Responses were collected from the open-source tool LimeSurvey. IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences
Statistics was used to analyse the acquired data. A total of 538 responses were considered with 48.4% of
respondents residing in Portugal, and 51.4% residing in Finland. About 38.5% of the general survey popula-
tion regularly practice exercise, and 39.7% regularly engage in PA. Regarding the level of online community
experience, responses were distributed between medium, moderately low, and very low. Overall, there is a
significant relationship between both sample groups when it comes to PA, common emotions using online
communities, user perception, preferences and openness. Our survey results provide evidence to support that
country of residence is related to user PA and highlight the importance of considering demographic factors to
understand general population lifestyle choices.
The goal of this survey is to understand the potential
user perceptions and preferences when using online
communities (OC) aiming at promoting physical
activity (PA).
Various studies have reported on the potential and
importance of PA-driven OC (Duncan et al., 2018;
Kalgotra et al., 2021; Parker et al., 2021) and its
influence on behaviour change (Manzoor et al., 2016;
Resnick et al., 2010). However, these studies are
often theory-based (Popp & Woratschek, 2016;
Vandelanotte et al., 2019), reflecting incoherence and
lack of understanding of user preferences and
perceived impact when using OC for PA promotion
(Rayward et al., 2021).
Contemplating the undeniable importance of user
participation in effective OC (Manzoor et al., 2016;
Resnick et al., 2010), there is an increased necessity
to fulfil user needs. This is especially relevant in a
digital dimension where there is constant supply but
no assurance that it meets user demands.
Taking into account the persistent problem of
users’ long-term engagement (Edney et al., 2017;
Kolt et al., 2020), there is likely an opportunity for
PA-related OC optimisation. It is projected that the
results of this survey will contribute to the creation of
a conceptual framework for analysing the driving
forces behind sustained participation in OC (Seddon
et al., 2008).
Our main survey research question is: “What are the
OC user preferences and perceived impact of
residents of Portugal and Finland?”. The following
detailed questions were broken down from the main
survey research question:
(1) Do users’ academic level and employment
status influence their experience with OC?
(2) How do users’ country of residence compare
in terms of user profiles?
(3) Are there variations in user preferences and
perceived impact based on country of residence?
Hachiya, J.
The Role of Online Communities in Promoting Physical Activity: A Survey on User Preferences and Perceived Impact.
DOI: 10.5220/0013121600003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 441-448
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Development of the Online Survey
The research instrument used in this phase of the
study is the online survey that was planned, written,
tested, and officially published. Our research question
and goals are best served by an online survey because
it enables the effective collection of data from an
adequate sample.
The purpose of the online survey is to identify
essential criteria for developing and managing an OC
aimed at promoting PA, focusing specifically on
content that fosters user participation (Bishop, 2015),
strengthens interdependence (Zhang et al., 2020), and
enhances long-term user retention (Edney et al., 2017;
Kolt et al., 2020). These findings may inform the
development of more effective PA-related OC.
The primary objective of this online survey is to
understand differences in user profile, user preferences
and perceived impact among the European population
who have reported the lowest and the highest PA levels
(Special Eurobarometer SP525: Sport and Physical
Activity—Data Europa EU, n.d.).
Moreover, the secondary objective of this online
survey is to recognise what are the user preferences
of the European population with the lowest reported
PA. Namely, finding what OC content and features
this population rather see available in PA-related OC
to make them more appealing, reliable and/or
trustworthy for regular, long-term engagement.
Finally, the third objective of this online survey is
to identify the perceived impact of a population when
it comes to PA-related OC. The disseminated survey
can be consulted in Table 1 (Appendix A).
2.2 Finding the Target Population
The survey was officially tested by the research
supervisor and two other members of the scientific
community, one month before its official release on
December 15th, 2022.
After all questions and respective answers were
verified and approved, the survey received the
necessary adjustments and was approved for
dissemination in Portugal, and Finland.
Upon selection of the appropriate method of
consent, we provided participants with a suitable user
agreement notice to participate in the online survey in
compliance with the RPDG European laws. The user
agreement plainly stated the objective of the study,
the duration of the overall online survey phase, terms
of privacy, data handling procedures, and the
possibility to insert contact details, if participants
desire to receive updates on the final study results.
The survey was distributed online and
disseminated for eight weeks, starting on December
, 2022, and ending on February 15th, 2023.
The cross-sectional online survey population of
Portugal residents (Group A) and Finland residents
(Group B), aged between 18 and 65 years old, was
selected by simple random sampling.
As of 2021, the total population of Portugal was
10,343,066 (4 920 220 male; 5,422,846 female), and
the total population of Finland was 5,548,241.
Henceforth, the sample size was estimated by
assuming a mean population of 10,343,066 in
Portugal and 5,548,241 in Finland, effect size of 5%,
with a confidence level of 95%. The country’s
population data was found by using the Portuguese
statistical database INE (Instituto Nacional de
Estatística, 2022), and the Finnish statistical database
Tilastokeskus (Statistics Finland, 2022).
The target public for the survey sample gave
special emphasis on responses from the population
resident in Portugal. To identify online survey
participants, we contacted higher education
institutions in Portugal and Finland to request online
survey participation—both staff, student and alumni
participation. Additionally, we contacted universities
which have Erasmus partnership with our university
filiation to request dissemination of the online survey.
We also reached out to the Sports and Health Ministry
of both Portugal and Finland.
To reach a wide and varied range of respondents,
the survey was shared online, on social media (i.e.,
personal profiles, academic groups, or groups with
other miscellaneous topics). Additionally, we decided
to make the survey anonymous to encourage survey
participants to provide more truthful and accurate
The estimated sample size for each geographical
region was 385 individuals for each region (a total of
770 individuals in the two European countries of
Portugal and Finland). This survey sample size was
projected using power calculation to ensure a
statistically appropriate study enrolment target to
obtain meaningful results, representative of the
countries’ population.
Furthermore, the following inclusion criteria was
considered: age groups 18 and over; male and female;
resident population of Portugal or Finland; data as of
2021. Individuals with the following criteria were
excluded: non-English or non-Portuguese speakers;
country of residence is not Portugal or Finland;
illiterate individuals.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
2.3 Data Collection and Analysis Tools
The survey was distributed online and disseminated
for eight weeks, starting on December 15
, 2022, and
ending on February 15th, 2023.
Responses were exported from the open-source
tool LimeSurvey in FormsUA and exported into
Microsoft Excel (version 16.56). Duplicates were
removed, as well as participants whose responses
were incomplete or did not comply with the inclusion
and exclusion criteria. The software IBM Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics
(version 24) was used to analyse the acquired data.
Each option was individually coded, and a
quantitative analysis method of frequencies for all
survey questions. The complete statistical breakdown
can be accessed in Appendix B.
A total of 1512 responses were recorded. 974 out of
those 1512 responses were invalidated due to
incompletion, therefore only 538 responses were
considered. Moreover, 38.3% (N=206) of female
participants and 61.7% (N=332) of male participants.
When it comes to country of residence, 48.4%
(N=261) reside in Portugal, and 51.4% (N=277)
reside in Finland.
The survey aimed to understand residents of
Portugal and Finland’s preferences and perceived
impact when using OC aiming at promoting PA. This
was accomplished by identifying specific
demographic factors such as country of residence,
academic level, employment status, user perception,
preferences and openness towards OC.
While certain BCT and user engagement
strategies and their frequencies have been previously
identified in digital platforms (DP), here we aimed to
know if the population in our study recognises their
presence in the form of perceived impact.
3.1 General Survey Population
The majority of the general survey population among
both countries of residence belongs to the 25-34 age
groups (45.5%), followed by age groups 18-24
(24.9%). This is valuable information because it helps
us understand youth’s tendencies regarding OC,
especially because they are the forthcoming
generation of adults (Patton et al., 2018).
It was important to learn more about the age
groups of this particular population because not only
is it a crucial demographic in our society, but it also
makes up a sizeable portion of the working
population, often undergoing a transitional phase of
life, and found at the forefront of technology
Gender predominance of our survey respondents
comprised a high male percentage (61.71%). This
may be explained by the fact that men spend more
time (Goswami & Dutta, 2016; Sun et al., 2020)—
thus being more likely and available to respond to an
online survey.
Moreover, it was quite encouraging to find that
our respondents consisted mostly of participants with
an academic level of a bachelor’s degree (34.1%),
followed up by high school (28%), which matches
general population statistics data for the previously
identified most influent age groups in this survey
population (OECD, 2022). Also, finding that most of
our survey respondents consist of full-time workers
(45.3%) provided additional certification that our data
is not tied to a specific niche and consists of an
important and large segment of the population
composed by demographic balance.
Exercise-wise, a little over one-third of the
general survey population responded that they
regularly (38.5%) practice any form of PA in a sports
context or sport-related setting (such as swimming,
training in a fitness centre or a sports club, or running
in the park), followed by sometimes (25.4%).
Likewise, the general survey population responded
that they regularly (39.7%) engage in any sort of PA
(such as walking or cycling from one place to another,
gardening, etc), followed by sometimes (30.6%). This
might indicate that there is a balance between a more
and less athletic survey population, with varying
levels of experience, emphasising the importance to
continue investigating any potential underlying
causes for these various responses.
However, one must keep in mind that respondents
might have a hard time distinguishing the exercise
question from the PA one. Previous research (Lynch
& Soukup, 2016) has found that in real-world context
there is global nomenclature misperception among
terminologies such as physical education, health and
physical education, physical literacy and health
Regarding respondents’ level of OC experience
using social media or apps for PA, the data was quite
balanced, with about three-fourths of responses
scattered between medium (27.5%), moderately low
(26.3%), and very low (24.9%). Knowing there is a
balanced distribution of OC user experience,
indicating that some respondents use OC more often,
while others do not OC at all or only do so
occasionally is quite relevant because it can help
The Role of Online Communities in Promoting Physical Activity: A Survey on User Preferences and Perceived Impact
understand how to better tailor OC content and
features. That is, providing a more personalized
experience by including more guidance and
instructions on how to use the DP, increasing basic
support, and assuring users that they are being
presented with reliable, trustworthy information.
About users’ most common emotion when using
social media, 56.2% of respondents reported feeling
indifferent, followed by positive (31.7%) and
negative (9.8%). This is helpful information because,
with deeper understanding, OC might be able to
improve user experience, retain users in the DP and
receive higher levels of positive word-of-mouth and
representation of its users, thus increasing its reach.
3.2 Influence of Academic Level and
Employment Status
In the real-life context of the population resident in
Portugal, 57% are enrolled in a bachelor's program
and 33% are enrolled in a masters program (OECD,
2022). These numbers correspond to the high
percentage of survey respondents enrolled in tertiary
programmes, with 42% master’s and 24% bachelor’s
students. The same can be noted with the Finnish
respondents, where 69% of residents of Finland are
enrolled in a bachelor’s and 25% in a master’s
programme (OECD, 2022), also corresponding to
44% of survey respondents enrolled as bachelor’s and
20% as master’s students.
Statistical tests found that there is a significant
relationship between the academic level of survey
respondents and exercise level, common emotion
using OC, and user preferences. This might be
indicative of several factors. When it comes to
exercise level, the academic level may indicate higher
time management constraints, more consciousness of
health concerns, increased awareness of the benefits
of PA, or a superior socioeconomic status that allows
for accessibility to exercise facilities (Juvinyà-Canal
et al., 2020; Kwak et al., 2009; Syväoja et al., 2013).
Moreover, the relationship between academic
level and variables such as common emotion using
OC and user preferences could be associated with
divergence in user expectations due to digital
literacy—hence a more analytical approach to using
OC (J. T. E. Richardson et al., 2003). Likewise, the
level of exposure to DP could shape the perception
of quality, technical knowledge, or information needs
(Cardoso et al., 2013; Selwyn, 2008).
Statistical tests also encountered a significant
relationship between the employment status of survey
respondents and level of OC experience, common
emotion using OC, user perception, user preferences,
and user openness. This could mean a few things.
When it comes to the level of OC experience,
employment status may indicate advanced access to
technology due to work-related technology use, or
time constraints (Lunau et al., 2014; Macassa et al.,
2016; Popham & Mitchell, 2007). Employment status
may also play a role concerning common emotion
using OC, user perception, user preferences and user
openness because of digital literacy, which could
determine user expectations using DP, therefore
influencing how people perceive quality, technical
proficiency, as well as information needs, and health
demands (S. Y. Lee et al., 2015; Pulakka et al., 2018).
3.3 Influence of Country of Residence
Levels of experience using OC scores in the residents
of Portugal and Finland were equally spread among
medium, moderately low and very low (30.69% to
21.84%). This is possibly representative of the
general population’s digital literacy—which is not
expected to be high. According to Eurostat (2022),
individuals with basic overall digital skills make up
26.76% of the population in Portugal, and 31.04% in
Finland. Similarly, individuals with low overall
digital skills make up 12.64% of the population in
Portugal, and 12.58% in Finland (Eurostat, 2022).
Undoubtedly, the majority of residents of
Portugal and Finland’s self-reported common
emotion using OC is indifferent, with a score of
50.19% and 62.09% respectively. Although
respondents may genuinely feel indifferent about the
topic at hand, they might also self-report indifference
in scale surveys for other reasons (Vetschera &
Kainz, 2013), such as an incorrect grasp of the topic
or available responses, or a desire to hide one's
genuine thoughts or sentiments.
However, residents of Portugal appear to self-
report more positive results (40.23%) than residents
of Finland (23.83%), and residents of Finland appear
to self-report more negative ones (12.64%) than
residents of Portugal (6.90%). This coincides with the
grouped scores of the subsequent survey questions.
There is a significant relationship between
residents of Portugal and Finland when it comes to
PA level, common emotion using OC, user
perception, user preferences and user openness.
Among users’ perception of OC, residents of
Portugal mostly believe that current OC is easy to use
and hold motivational value (mean score of 2.64 or
higher), whilst residents of Finland believe that
current OC are easy to use and hold motivational
value (mean score of 2.74 or higher). This suggests
that ease of use (i.e., UX design, responsivity, etc) is
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
not problematic in the usage of PA-related OC and
that current OC provide satisfactory features for user
Likewise, respondents believe that OC hold
motivational value, which suggests the value of PA-
related OC is acknowledged—confirming previous
studies (Elloumi et al., 2018; Resnick et al., 2010). On
the other hand, indicators such as providing
trustworthy information, advocating accountability,
connecting with its users, and endorsing connection
among users received a lower score than average,
suggesting these variables are scarce among OC.
Among users’ preferences of OC, residents of
Portugal mostly believe that OC should provide
trustworthy information, be easy to use, hold
motivational value, advocate accountability, connect
with its users and endorse connection (mean score of
3.05 or higher), whilst residents of Finland believe
that OC should provide trustworthy information, be
easy to use, hold motivational value, and advocate
accountability (mean score of 3.12 or higher).
Comparing, and contrasting results between
users’ perception and users’ preferences of OC
suggest that indeed indicators previously mentioned
(i.e., providing trustworthy information, advocating
accountability, connecting with its users, and
endorsing connection among users) should be further
considered and developed by OC.
Among users’ openness towards OC, residents of
Portugal believe that they are likely to start using,
continue using or recommend using social media or
apps for PA to others (mean score of 2.91 or higher),
whilst residents of Finland believe that they are likely
to start using, continue using or recommend using
social media or apps for PA to others (mean score of
2.69 or higher). Besides, users’ openness to OC
further enhances the value that both populations
attribute to DP when it comes to PA (Goodyear et al.,
2023; Smith Anderson-Bill et al., 2011).
3.4 Variations in User Preferences and
Perceived Impact
Considering the statistical analysis of this survey,
there is a substantial correlation between residents of
Finland and Portugal in terms of user perception and
user preferences.
Country of residence may affect how users
perceive OC due to factors such as access to
technology, economic factors, regulatory
environment, cultural differences, and language
accessibility. Based on the global innovation index
that evaluates innovative capacities based on the
cultural characteristics of different countries, Finland
is positioned as an innovation leader, whereas
Portugal is considered a low-innovative country
(Moonen, 2017). This is relevant because the level of
innovation of a country is directly connected to its
openness and broad-minded nature (Hofstede &
Bond, 1984; H. S. Lee et al., 2022).
This is especially relevant because the
relationship between every single variable in the user
perception group (i.e., advocate accountability,
connect with its users, endorse connection between
users, hold motivational value, are easy to use, and
provide trustworthy information) was found to be
statistically significant.
Regarding user preferences, country of residence
may have an impact on how users feel OC should
promote accountability, engage with its users, and
support connections between users. The motives for
this are like those previously mentioned, such as
access to technology, economic factors, laws and
regulations, cultural disparities, and communication
accessibility requirements.
Finally, the country of residence presented a
statistically significant relationship with user
openness to start, continue and recommend media or
apps for PA. This may be an additional indicator of
the quality of life and happiness level differences
among these populations—considering Finland is
among the happiest countries in the EU, and Portugal
is among the unhappiest (Eurostat, 2022). When
individuals are more satisfied with their lives, the
more generous and altruistic they are with others
(Park et al., 2017).
In both populations combined, all variable pairs
presented statistically significant relationships with
each other. This suggests that overall, user perception
of the current OC is most likely unmatched by their
preferences. In other words, this may hint at a lack of
overall satisfaction in OC features. This result is
interesting because it might explain why most users
self-reported indifference as the common emotion
towards OC. Indifference, although objectively not
considered a negative nor positive emotion, provides
no motivational value for increasing influence in
digital interventions for PA.
Consequently, and according to the social support
theory, by being in contact with others, users can
obtain empathy, and help, thus highly benefiting from
the social support of others to sustain their physical
and mental well-being (Wang & Gruenewald, 2019).
Indifference towards an OC may withhold these
health benefits, and exposure to new information, and
lead to a weaker sense of identity and a lesser sense
of belonging to the OC (LaCoursiere, 2001; Wright,
The Role of Online Communities in Promoting Physical Activity: A Survey on User Preferences and Perceived Impact
It is crucial for one to recognise that these findings
correspond to the specific elements of this study.
Likewise, to assess how broadly applicable these
conclusions are, additional analysis may be useful.
First, even though we aimed to focus our research
on individuals resident of Portugal and Finland, we
were unable to isolate these subjects of study from the
general population between every single variable in
the survey.
One of the biggest limitations of this study was
undoubtedly the lack of collaboration between
national entities. Connects and word-of-mouth are
some of the most important factors in providing
access and resources to reach out to a greater
audience. However, after many attempts to contact
higher education entities, national health and sports
governmental systems, there was no response.
Without access to credible sources that could bridge
the gap between this and its audience, we were unable
to reach out to enough survey participants from both
target groups and genders.
Moreover, although used interchangeably by
population, the terminology social media and social
messaging system are not the same This difficulty in
differentiating concepts may have been a limitation in
the way survey questions were approached by
respondents. Although we inquired survey
participants about specific social media apps for PA,
we decided not to use that as an analysis variable
because of the scarcity of responses and the difficulty
of respondents to differentiate between the
terminology “online communities” and “social media
apps” assuming OC and digital messaging apps
consist of the same.
Finally, although validated as reliable variables to
find statistical significance between populations, the
questions in the categorized groups of user
perception, user preferences, and user openness were
based on the author’s previous investigation and
information on the subject rather than on validated
models. The reason for this is that at present, there are
no validated models examining specific variables on
user insight and discernment regarding OC usage.
In this study, we endeavoured to find corrections
between residents of Portugal and Finland’s
responses, especially when it comes to statistical
significance in divergent responses and means. The
ability to compare these two populations and draw
possible correlations is the most relevant part of the
The survey was designed to elucidate the general
research objectives and fill specific restrictive gaps
(Arksey & O’Malley, 2005; Levac et al., 2010)
identified in the earliest phases of this research. Those
are the recognition of specific OC qualities that could
help overcome the recurrently stated difficulty of
extending long-term engagement (Edney et al., 2017;
Manzoor et al., 2016; Tague et al., 2014).
Moreover, the survey was conducted to support
the discussion part of this research, to comprehend
how users perceive OC as a potential catalyst for PA
and what kind of relationship the audience has with
OC in general.
Although specific group subjects could enhance
research validity because of their apparent
homogeneity, they would also limit the generalization
of the research population. For that reason, we
decided to investigate different groups in the survey
to provide a diversified online survey analysis and
research discussion. That is, considering the
differences in academic level, and employment status
among both residence groups could provide a
diversified perspective, thus enriching this study.
All things considered, there is evidence which
supports that further investment by OC would be
advantageous. Moreover, for optimal meeting of user
preferences, greater OC development attention
should be concentrated on advocating accountability,
connecting and endorsing connections between users,
increasing motivational value and ease of use, and
ensuring that the provided information is trustworthy.
This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência
e Tecnologia (FCT) under the PhD grant
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