10 20 50 100
Safety Accuracy
Reports (per sq. km)
Figure 14: Building safety on retraining.
better regression and these retraining samples capture
the unique destruction pattern of the current earth-
quake leading to highly precise predictions.
QuakeWake reliably detects quake vibrations using
the accelerometer in phone devices and immediately
warns its users when it detects earthquake tremors or
if a user is in the path of an earthquake. Without
an elaborate infrastructure of costly seismographs, it
arms everyday users’ smartphones to detect an earth-
quake and forewarn users in harm’s way. It performs
well with typical non-slipping phone covers and on
wooden furniture. By using a novel Dynamic Time
Warping algorithm, it discerns everyday activity mo-
tions and uses the resource-intensive CNN detection
only when an earthquake is suspected, thereby con-
serving battery power. QuakeWake records the maxi-
mum shift experienced during an earthquake and uses
this information to enable building safety warnings.
By continuously retraining a building safety neural
network, it learns to predict this safety based on pat-
terns of the current earthquake. With its low-cost and
simple but robust design, QuakeWake can help save
numerous lives across the globe. In the future, Quake-
Wake can be integrated with other warning systems to
greatly enhance its efficacy.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence