Using Machine Learning to Identify Crop Diseases with ResNet-18
Rihan Rahman
Skyline High School, 228
Ave SE, Sammamish, WA, U.S.A.
Keywords: ML, Machine Learning, Agriculture, Machine Learning Applications, Machine Learning in Agriculture,
ResNet-18, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.
Abstract: Plant diseases are a highly prevalent issue in agriculture, causing countless farmers annually to face career
threatening damages such as diminished profits and crop yields and environmental damages. Consequently,
it is imperative that these diseases are quickly detected and treated against. An increasingly effective solution
is to train convolutional neural networks (CNNs) using deep learning (DL). DL has several effective
applications in a variety of major fields such as healthcare and fraud detection and has a high potential to
solve issues of global significance. This research’s goal is to create a machine learning (ML) model with DL
to identify plants’ diseases using photos of infected leaves. Many farmers in rural areas struggle to treat
blights due to limited access to technology and information regarding them. Therefore, an ML model which
can automatically identify these diseases would be highly useful for these people. After sourcing a
comprehensive dataset with images of 88 types of plants and diseases, I used it to train a CNN model using
several data augmentation techniques. With the model architecture ResNet-18, while evaluating its
performance with a validation dataset, the model achieved a loss of 4.541%. This value demonstrates ResNet-
18’s applicability to the task of identifying plant diseases and illustrates the potential for classification-based
DL networks to support rural farmers and the field of agriculture. If a superior model is created to identify
blights more accurately, it should be used to help the billions of farmers who would greatly benefit from such
1.1 Background and Significance
Machine Learning has a nearly infinite number of
possible applications and can have large effects on
areas such as in data mining (Maglogiannis et al.,
2007). With its Deep Learning capability, ML has the
potential to solve many complex problems of global
concern. DL is created through many hidden layers,
with iterations of transformations and abstractions
(Vargas, 2017). Consequently, DL models can adapt
to new knowledge extremely quickly, making them
the ideal solution for a variety of scenarios.
For instance, Mohsen et al. used DL to identify
brain tumours using scanned images of the brain,
demonstrating the potential to save lives by detecting
cancer in early stages with ML (Mohsen et al., 2018).
In another instance, Lee and Yoo used DL to predict
domestic market prices based on information about
foreign markets (Lee & Yoo, 2019).
1.2 Research Question/Objective
Many famers lack access to technology and
information to identify and effectively treat plant
diseases. As a result, I believe that creating a
convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify these
diseases would greatly assist these farmers. My goal
is to explore the question of if ML can be used to
identify blights from images of infected plant leaves.
When several trees in my local community
became infected, identifying and treating the diseases
became a long and tedious process. As a result, I was
inspired to use a CNN to automate this. Creating an
ML model would not only be more efficient, but also
make disease identification and treatment far more
accessible to farmers with limited experience and
resources, enabling new growers to grow a variety of
crops without fearing potential diseases.
Rahman, R.
Using Machine Learning to Identify Crop Diseases with ResNet-18.
DOI: 10.5220/0013123500003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 1, pages 311-315
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Overview of Deep Learning
DL is a type of ML which utilizes artificial neural
networks to replicate the human brain, producing a
more capable model which can be used to solve
problems of greater complexity. DL is used to address
many modern issues in a variety of fields for this
advantage, such as medicine, economics, and agri-
culture. It functions utilizing “neurons”, which oversee
processing data and are critical to the functionality of a
DL model (Nielsen, 2015). Using ML models to
classify objects within images is called Object
Classification, an extremely popular branch of DL.
Furthermore, DL networks use several “layers” to
separate the processes required for object
classification. For instance, CNNs uses convolutional
layers to process image input and scale it down using
techniques such as Max Pooling, aiding networks to
process information faster by simplifying images.
This helps models understand what exact features to
search for in an image during classification. As a
result, object detection and classification are some of
DL’s major strengths (Zilong, 2018).
2.2 Related Studies and Projects
Deep learning for classification is a rapidly growing
field and is becoming highly prevalent in our society.
One example of image-based ML classification being
utilized is in cancer research. Lung cancer
classification research uses DL networks to analyse
lung scans and determine if they are cancerous
(Asuntha & Srinivasan, 2020).
In Asuntha and Srinivasan’s study, the researchers
used factors such as gradient, texture, and shape, to
differentiate between images of cancerous and
healthy lungs. The capability to precisely analyse data
while focusing on factors like these demonstrates the
flexibility of DL classification to be effectively used
for many different purposes.
In Zhu et al.’s research, the researchers described
many types of DL that can benefit the field of
agriculture and educated readers about its functional
benefits (Zhu et al., 2018).
3.1 Dataset Description
This study uses the Kaggle dataset Plant Disease
Classification Merged Dataset by Aline Dobrovsky,
which contains pictures of whole infected and healthy
leaves (Dobrovsky, 2023). This is a collection of 14
sub datasets and has 88 classes with over 17,000
images. Each subset contains images with varying
backgrounds. None of the images were generated
using pre-processing techniques such as flipping or
zooming in (Dobrovsky, 2023). However, in this
research, a reduced version is used to train the model
due to technical limitations.
Figure 1: Sample labelled images from dataset.
(Dobrovsky, 2023).
3.2 Model Selection and Architecture
For the task of identifying diseases from images of
plant leaves, I chose a pre-trained ResNet-18 model
due to its image classification capability. An example
of this model’s usage on a similar scenario is an ML
study by Al-Falluji et al. (Al-Falluji et al., 2020). In
this study, the researchers were able to use ResNet-18
to identify if a patient had COVID-19 by feeding X-
ray images through the model. Finally, with ResNet-
18, the researchers were able to classify patient’s
diseases with an accuracy of 96.73%.
Figure 2: Diagram of ResNet-18 architecture (Ramzan et
al., 2020).
ResNet-18 uses 18 layers to process data,
supporting the complexity required for DL, with the
activation function ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit).
ReLU determines if a neuron should be activated and
is critical for CNNs. By selectively activating only the
necessary neurons, the model can run with much
higher efficiency. ResNet-18 has about 11 million
parameters which contribute to its precision and
BIOIMAGING 2025 - 12th International Conference on Bioimaging
3.3 Data Pre-Processing and
According to Wang and Perez. “Data augmentation
has been shown to produce promising ways to
increase the accuracy of classification tasks.” (Wang
& Perez, 2017). Therefore, I used pre-processing and
data augmentation to artificially create more data
while improving the model’s accuracy and its ability
to tolerate a greater variety of images. During pre-
processing, I first conformed all the images to a
format of (244x244) pixels, helping the network to
quickly analyse each image without having to adapt
to multiple resolutions.
The augmentation Horizontal Flip, which feeds
the model a reflection of the original image,
significantly improved the dataset’s variety, helping
to reduce the model’s angular bias and preparing it to
classify real photographs. Additionally, the Random
Rotation augmentation addressed images which are
not horizontally centered, improving the model’s
ability to analyse realistic photographs, irrespective
of the angle. Another mechanism I used was feeding
randomly cropped images to the network, which
prepared the model to analyse non-perfect images, in
which leaves are not fully captured. Finally, centering
the images’ leaves made the data more consistent and
helped the model to adapt easier.
3.4 Model Training Process
Post-processing the data, I chose the optimizer
ADAM (Adaptive Movement Estimation) to
accelerate training speed, shorten training windows,
and increase acquired accuracy. According to Liu et
al., ADAM improved tested accuracy by roughly 3
percent (Liu et al., 2021). Also, with a learning rate
value of 0.001, the model spends more time on each
image, thus improving its growth. Additionally, using
a batch size of 400 images and several epochs
expedited the training process by effectively utilizing
the machine’s processing power.
4.1 Experimental Setup
The CNN was developed using Google Colab with a
T4 GPU, which helped to increase the model training
speed and assisted with running the code faster.
Machine configuration as follows: Windows 11 OS,
RTX 3080 GPU, and Ryzen 9 5900x CPU. For ML, I
used the ResNet-18 model from Pytorchs ML
libraries and Anaconda Python Environment tools.
ResNet-18 is a CNN that is 18 layers deep and
pretrained with more than 1 million images from the
ImageNet Database.
I used a large dataset from Kaggle, which
encompassed multiple sub datasets. Both RestNet and
the dataset played a key role in learning rate and
accuracy of the training. With Torchvision from
Pytorch, I was able to augment the data, expanding
the data set artificially. This helped to increase the
volume and variety of dataset, helped to train the
model with a varied set of images and increased
accuracy on the non-training dataset. For translations,
I used random horizontal flips, random rotations, and
random crops.
The CrossEntropyLoss function from Pytorch
helped to calculate the loss during training, which was
then used to update the model’s neural parameters to
decrease the loss and improve its accuracy. Adjusting
in response to the loss value calculated by the loss
function was critical to the model's growth and helped
to improve the models performance. The loss
function showed similar effectiveness in the
validation loop as well.
Pytorch CrossEntropyLoss Function:
Where x is the number of classes, p(x) is the
actual label for class x, and q(x) is the predicted
for class x.
4.2 Performance Evaluation and
The CrossEntropyLoss loss function from Pytorch,
also known as Softmax or Log Loss, was used as the
main evaluation metric in all accuracy calculations.
After running the validation and test loops, the loss
function returned a loss value of 4.541%. This result
matched my expectations given the limitations of my
experiments; however, it demonstrates the viability of
using ML to identify plant diseases. This loss value
indicates that the model is working well, although
there is room for improvement. According to
Muhammad et al., relevant state-of-the-art
classification models can achieve accuracies in the
range of 96-97.5% (Muhammad et al., 2023). While
my model’s accuracy was below this, its development
demonstrates and supports the spread of ML and DL
technology to be applied to agriculture. On the test
set, my model showed that its accuracy increased with
the number of epochs until the epoch count reached
Using Machine Learning to Identify Crop Diseases with ResNet-18
15. After reaching 15 epochs, the accuracy on the test
set started to decrease because of the model becoming
too over-specified for the training dataset. This
matches the findings of Komatsuzaki’s research,
stating that too many epochs lead to models becoming
not generalizable and losing accuracy due to being
over-specified (Komatsuzaki, 2019).
4.3 Discussion of Findings
The model’s loss value of 4.541% shows that there is
a large area for growth in terms of overall accuracy.
However, it is reasonable given I was only able to use
a fraction of the overall training data specified earlier
due to technical issues. However, the fact that the
model still scored a loss of 4.541% despite this
demonstrates that my training methodology was
correct and can be utilized to create a more accurate
model. Given better testing conditions and software,
the technical issues which prevented the use of the
entire training dataset to train the model could have
been avoided. In this case, the model would be much
more accurate and applicable to helping farmers
identify diseases. However, it is clear that a strength
of the model is its quickness to learn. Given such a
small amount of training data, it still managed to
achieve a decent accuracy, showcasing the
effectiveness of ResNet-18 to train classification
When testing the data, the constant growth in
response to more epochs demonstrated the benefits of
iterations. I initially believed that the model would
become over-specified at 11 epochs. However, the
consistent growth until 15 epochs impressed me and
demonstrated ResNet-18’s strength in being able to
grow consistently without becoming over-specified. I
believe with 15 epochs of a large dataset, a model
using ResNet-18 could become very accurate and
possibly rival state-of-the-art models. Therefore, if
this experiment were to be replicated, I would
recommend 15 epochs to be used to train the ResNet-
18 model. This would lead to the greatest accuracy
with the lowest loss and produce the most effective
5.1 Summary of Findings
In summary, the model I created using ResNet-18 and
Plant Disease Classification Merged Dataset
performed well and identified plant diseases
accurately. This research demonstrates the
applicability of ML in addressing global issues such
as plant diseases in agriculture and aligns with the
research of Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2021) and
Huang (Huang, 2007). There is a great opportunity
for ML to be used to support farmers worldwide, and
with improved designs, data, and computing power,
this goal is highly achievable in the near future.
5.2 Applications, Limitations, and
Future Works
With its loss value of 4.541%, this model can be
improved by using the entirety of the original dataset.
Additionally, the technical limitations can be
addressed with a better design environment and
Compute power. With similar methods on a larger
scale, the model could further be tuned for wider
range of diseases and can be integrated with a tool to
identify plant diseases. A model capable of detecting
plant diseases accurately could drastically improve
crop yield and help to feed the millions of people
lacking access to food. I suggest my research be used
and fine-tuned to aid the millions of farmers who lack
information about plant diseases worldwide by
creating a physical tool implementing ML
Such innovation could immensely improve
farmers’ crop yields, potentially providing billions of
people across the world access to a consistent food
source. Similarly, further developed classification
models could be used for a wider range of purposes
beyond the field of agriculture. Classification as a tool
can be used in numerous ways to help billions of
people worldwide. Using DL classification
effectively could be the key solution to a multitude of
significant global issues faced by billions of people
across the world.
5.3 Limitations and Future Work
Although the model functioned decently well, it can
be improved with superior methods and technology.
For instance, as previously mentioned, the technical
issue preventing the use of the entire dataset could be
mitigated with advanced software and technology.
Additionally, the capability for experimentation was
shortened due to limited compute units on Google
Colab which inhibited my ability to further refine the
model. Furthermore, with more diverse data, the
model could be improved to include a wider range of
plants rather than just 88 total varieties. Implementing
these methods could develop a model far more
practically applicable for the task of aiding rural
farmers. If a ML framework is created specifically to
BIOIMAGING 2025 - 12th International Conference on Bioimaging
identify plant diseases, this would also drastically
improve the accuracy of the model, as it would look
for more specific details in the leaves to determine
diseases. Or if multiple other model architectures,
such as GoogLeNet and EfficientNet, were used to
determine which model performed the best, this could
also contribute to the development of a more accurate
I recommend my research be studied, utilized, and
implemented, to aid the millions of farmers affected
annually by plant diseases. In the future, with
technological advancements, this research could be a
stepping stone in the path toward the globalization of
ML technologies in agriculture.
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Using Machine Learning to Identify Crop Diseases with ResNet-18