users, making it easier for a wider audience to lever-
age RL’s potential. Our no-code solution allows users
to quickly build and test RL models without extensive
programming skills, hence enabling faster prototyp-
ing and experimentation. RLML is developed to be
easily extensible to support a wide range of RL algo-
rithms. To the best of our knowledge, this work is a
first step in this direction for reinforcement learning.
With the use of the language workbench MPS, we
built a domain-specific modelling environment sup-
porting model editing, syntax checking, constraints
checking and validation, as well as code generation.
RLML achieves the abstraction needed in RL applica-
tions, by providing a configuration-like model to pro-
vide input values of the RL problem environment and
a choice of the RL algorithm. From that point, our
framework can generate executable code, run it and
display the results. The environment also provides a
comparator to compare results obtained with differ-
ent RL algorithms. It supports both Java and Python
We demonstrated the use of our proposed frame-
work with the path finding and blackjack RL applica-
tions. It can also be used for business applications as
well as to get feedback from RL users at different lev-
els of expertise. Moreover, RLML can be helpful in
academia for making reinforcement learning accessi-
ble for non-technical students.
This work is a starting point towards developing
a framework for supporting various types of RL tech-
nologies, both model-free and model-based, with the
ultimate goal of democratizing access to advanced AI
capabilities. We are currently working on incorporat-
ing probability distributions and custom actions into
RLML, which will allow it to model real world use
cases more effectively.
This work has been partially supported by Natu-
ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC) and Toronto Metropolitan Univer-
sity. The authors would like to extend their thanks to
Prof. Nariman Farsad for his feedback on this work.
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Towards a Domain-Specific Modelling Environment for Reinforcement Learning