Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles: Australians’ Expectations and Moral
Amir Rafiee
School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Autonomous Vehicle, AI Policy, AI Ethics, Automated Driving System, AI Regulation, Self-Driving Cars,
Ethical Dilemmas.
Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) can handle most driving scenarios, but ensuring safety in every situation remains
a challenge. Factors such as technology failures, faulty sensors, and adverse weather introduce complex eth-
ical dilemmas that AVs must navigate. Considering the societal benefits of AVs, it is crucial to address both
technical challenges and ethical expectations. This paper evaluates Australians’ perceptions and expectations
regarding the ethical programming of personal AVs in six dilemma scenarios using a structured question-
naire. The participants selected the most acceptable outcome in each scenario, informed by ethical and legal
considerations. The survey offers a framework for understanding public moral preferences by excluding dis-
criminatory factors and considering legal contexts. The findings prioritise Australians’ preferences for ethical
AV behaviour, focusing on Injury Over Sacrifice (IOS), Harm Confinement and Lawfulness (HCL), and Harm
Prevention and Prioritisation (HPP). These insights can guide policymakers and manufacturers in aligning AV
programming with societal values. The study also highlights how ethical models like the Objective Decision
System (ODS), which selects outcomes randomly when no clear moral preference emerges, can balance public
trust and responsibility in AVs.
Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) can manage most driv-
ing scenarios with relative ease; however, designing a
system that ensures safety in every situation remains
highly challenging (Campbell et al., 2010). For exam-
ple, recognising humans and other objects on the road
is both critical and more difficult for AVs than for hu-
man drivers (Farhadi et al., 2009). Consequently, in
future AVs, crash avoidance features alone will not
suffice. It may not always be possible to avoid an ac-
cident, especially as AVs navigate city streets and av-
enues, which are more dynamic than highways. Fac-
tors such as technology errors, faulty sensors, mali-
cious actors, and bad weather can contribute to in-
evitable collisions (Gomez et al., 2014). Given the
risks associated with fully autonomous vehicles, it is
clear that they require a set of principles to govern
their utility. Moreover, for individuals to trust AVs,
their design must align with ethical and inclusive val-
ues. This has led to a global response, with nations
addressing the emerging ethical issues surrounding
AI-enabled technologies.
The major challenge, however, extends beyond
ethical dilemmas. If we assume that the widespread
adoption of AVs is necessary for the societal bene-
fits these vehicles are expected to provide (Bonne-
fon et al., 2016), it is evident that any reasonable
ethics policy should also consider the various expec-
tations of users and the larger society in which they
are implemented. This necessitates ensuring user sat-
isfaction and safety, as well as other essential design
values such as trust, accountability, and transparency
(IEEE, 2016). Furthermore, ethical theories and peo-
ple’s expectations often overlap, even if they will al-
ways be somewhat in tension. Therefore, it appears
that an ideal ethics policy must resolve this tension
by balancing public acceptability and moral require-
ments. It must be acceptable enough to gain trust and
adoption from users while remaining moral enough to
avoid reflecting negative human tendencies (Shahriari
and Shahriari, 2017).
Some scholars have used polling and surveys to
understand public opinions on these moral issues
(Awad et al., 2018; Bonnefon et al., 2016). Although
these polls can assist in developing moral algorithms,
they cannot determine their implementation. There-
Rafiee, A.
Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles: Australians’ Expectations and Moral Preferences.
DOI: 10.5220/0013123900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 287-297
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
fore, while public polling on how AVs should han-
dle dilemma scenarios can inform regulation, there is
a compelling argument that the final decision should
be left to experts (Bonnefon et al., 2015). Nonethe-
less, a consensus is necessary, and important ethical
decisions should not be left solely to engineers or
ethicists. Algorithms that do not align with societal
moral expectations or consumer preferences are likely
to hinder the smooth adoption of AVs. Consequently,
any solution for programming moral dilemmas in AVs
should not discourage potential buyers or the public at
In this paper, I aimed to evaluate Australians’ per-
ception and expectation regarding personal AVs re-
lating to various ethical settings. Section 2 contains
the definitions and considerations which will be used
throughout the paper. In Section 3, I critically as-
sessed the Moral Machine (MM) experiment, which
aimed to establish a global representation of peo-
ple’s moral preferences in various AV dilemma sce-
narios. I evaluated this study and explained why cer-
tain dilemma scenarios and participant options should
be excluded from future research. In Section 4, I ar-
gued for the inclusion of random selection as an op-
tion in the survey questionnaire. I discussed the data
collection method in Section 5, followed by an anal-
ysis of the data and findings in Section 6. My pro-
posed ethical policy and AV ethics framework were
presented in Section 7. In conclusion, I revisited the
primary research objective and summarised the find-
ings, aiming to propose a publicly acceptable and eth-
ically sound framework for programming AVs.
In this section, I provide the necessary definitions and
considerations that form the foundation for the re-
mainder of the paper. The aim was to clarify the key
concepts and frameworks discussed throughout, en-
suring a common understanding of the topic at hand.
2.1 Autonomous Vehicles
There are a wide range of AVs, which supplement or
replace human drivers with AI. Meaning that a human
driver either has limited responsibility or does not
need to be present at all. The Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE) defines 6 levels of automation that
apply to automotive vehicles. Levels 0–3 require that
human drivers take control of various vehicle opera-
tions under certain conditions, and levels 4 and 5 have
no such requirements (Shadrin and Ivanova, 2019). In
this paper, AVs refers to autonomous vehicles at level
4 or 5 of driving automation, as defined by the SAE.
These are vehicles where no driver is ever needed, or
there might be an option for human override but not a
There were six dilemma situations shown in the sur-
vey questionnaire involving an AV, and the partici-
pants were asked to decide which outcome was the
most acceptable to them. The purpose of the survey
questionnaire was to evaluate respondent’s perception
and expectation on personal AVs relating to various
ethical settings.
I also proposed and included a theoretical solution
called an objective decision system (ODS). If selected
by a participant, the AV would consider all feasi-
ble and justified outcomes for a given crash scenario,
based on a philosophical or moral framework, and
choose one at random. Numerous alternatives were
excluded because they were either unjustifiable or dis-
criminatory. In the questionnaire, I asked participants
five demographic questions, including gender, age,
education level, their perceived consumer adopter cat-
egory, and whether they currently own a Level 2 AV.
Adopter categories divides consumers based on their
willingness to adopt new innovations. Understanding
these categories helps in analysing preferences toward
AV crash scenarios. Using the survey responses and
the demographic variables, I then compared people’s
preferences towards a pre-determined outcome based
on the different crash scenarios.
3.1 Exclusion Criteria
The MM Experiment, surveyed people across hun-
dreds of countries to gauge moral preferences in AVs
and what priorities they should have in the event of
an unavoidable accident. The researchers used an on-
line survey to collect over 39 million responses to
hypothetical ethical dilemmas for AVs (Awad et al.,
2018). The strongest preferences were for sparing hu-
man lives over animal lives, sparing more lives, and
sparing young lives. There was a general indication
by the results, that there was more preference for spar-
ing children’s lives, rather than those of adults. No-
tably people from different parts of the world had dis-
similar beliefs on how AVs should make such life and
death decisions.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.1.1 Human Life vs Animal Life Decisions
One of the many crash scenarios in the MM exper-
iment involving an AV, presented participants with
a choice between saving a human life or an animal.
Generally, when an animal appears directly in front
of a vehicle and there is not enough time to brake
or swerve (with road conditions being a factor), the
safest option is to continue ahead and strike the an-
imal (Curtis and Hedlund, 2005). Currently, drivers
are not legally liable if they hit a wild animal, such
as deer, elk, and other smaller animals. It can be
assumed that this would also apply to AVs. Addi-
tionally, German Ethical Rule 7 clearly states that
in dilemma situations, the protection of human life
should have top priority over the protection of animal
life. This rule aligns with social expectations assessed
through the MM experiment (Luetge, 2017). There-
fore, I excluded similar scenarios from the study, as
it is apparent that in an imminent crash where an AV
must choose between saving an animal life or a hu-
man life, the human life should take precedence.
3.1.2 Discriminatory and Immoral Decisions
Another crash scenario in the MM experiment in-
volved an AV faced with an imminent collision, re-
quiring participants to choose between saving an el-
derly or a young person. The justification of discrimi-
nation is crucial when analysing trolley-problem-like
scenarios. Philosophers distinguish between non-
arbitrary discrimination, which is morally justified,
and arbitrary discrimination, which is not (Rachels
and Rachels, 2012). For example, excluding blind ap-
plicants from air traffic control jobs is non-arbitrary
because visual acuity is essential for safety. In con-
trast, excluding individuals based on age, race, or gen-
der without relevant justification is arbitrary and un-
just. In crash scenarios, age-based discrimination is
morally equivalent to other forms of arbitrary discrim-
ination, such as those based on race or gender (Lin,
2013). Therefore, discriminatory scenarios have been
excluded from this survey research.
3.2 Inclusion Criteria
3.2.1 Legal Implications
The MM experiment, presented as an applied trolley
problem based on Thompson’s case, focused solely
on moral responsibility while neglecting the legal is-
sues that could significantly impact participants’ deci-
sions and constraints on their rights to action (Etienne,
2020). As observed in other experiments, real con-
ditions can influence participants’ decisions (Francis
et al., 2017). People’s moral choices often fluctu-
ate and are heavily affected by the amount of infor-
mation available and the degree of deliberation in-
volved. Many participants might contend that, with
more information, their decisions could differ (Nooth-
igattu et al., 2018). Therefore, in the survey research,
I presented the legal implications of each of the six
dilemma scenarios for participants to consider, ensur-
ing their decisions were informed by both ethical and
legal perspectives.
4.1 Introduction
In this section, I draw upon existing literature to
present arguments supporting the use of random se-
lection in future AVs, particularly in dilemma situ-
ations where, from a legal perspective, all available
outcomes are justifiable on philosophical or moral
grounds. I contend that lotteries can eliminate bias,
maintain ethical standards by excluding immoral or
illegal options, and ensure transparent, tamper-proof
outcomes. Decision-making by lot is likely to be sim-
ple, objective, and cost-effective, making it a serious
consideration for researchers, AV manufacturers, and
policymakers. This approach ensures that AVs navi-
gate ethical challenges justly and equitably, promot-
ing trust and acceptance of AV technology.
4.2 Random Selection Applied to AVs
Imagine an AV navigating a busy intersection when
a pedestrian suddenly steps into the road. The AV
faces two immediate options, brake to avoid hitting
the pedestrian, potentially causing a collision with a
closely following motorcyclist; or continue straight,
hitting the pedestrian but avoiding harm to the mo-
torcyclist (Coca-Vila, 2018). In this scenario, both
options have valid moral justifications: prioritising
pedestrian safety versus preventing harm to the mo-
torcyclist. Rational analysis based on safety metrics
and traffic conditions might fail to determine a clear
superior option. Additionally, from a normative view-
point, they constitute a symmetrical community of
danger in which saving the life of one is only possible
at the cost of the life of the other. According to crim-
inal law, when two duties to act are in conflict, the
self-driving car has to decide which interest to pro-
tect and, as such, it will always be acting according
to the law (Zimmermann, 2014). This means that, in
Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles: Australians’ Expectations and Moral Preferences
the same way that a father is permitted to breach the
obligation to save one child from drowning by sav-
ing the other, the self-driving car in the example also
has to decide who will suffer the harm awaiting both
victims, without causing a transfer of harm to an in-
nocent third party (Coca-Vila, 2018). In short, brak-
ing the car to prevent running over the pedestrian is
not, therefore, unlawful homicide, and neither would
be not stopping and hitting the pedestrian crossing the
road in front of the car. If both possible outcomes are
acceptable, then the car can be programmed to decide
through a random decision system (RDS) (Zimmer-
mann, 2014). Consequently, the AV ethics setting ac-
tivates its RDS to decide whether to brake or continue
One of the primary benefits of using a randomised
decision in AVs is its ability to neutralise biases. A
random decision system eliminates these biases by
making the choice impartially, solely based on chance
rather than subjective factors. Critics might argue
that using a random decision system bypasses ratio-
nal thought and deliberation, potentially leading to
suboptimal outcomes; however, where no decision-
making parameter exists and the alternative of not
making a decision has been rejected, randomness is
seen as the best solution to solve undecidable conflicts
(Rescher, 1960).
First, employing a lottery-based decision-making
process ensures that the outcome is not influenced
by arbitrary or subjective factors. This approach up-
holds fairness and prevents the vehicle from making
biased decisions based on irrelevant considerations
(Dworkin, 2011). Secondly, random decision systems
in AVs plays a critical role in preserving ethical stan-
dards. By excluding immoral or illegal options from
consideration and focusing solely on morally accept-
able choices, AVs uphold ethical norms and legal reg-
ulations. This ensures that decisions align with soci-
etal values and legal frameworks, promoting trust and
acceptance of AV technology among stakeholders and
the general public.
Thirdly, the fact that the car makes a random deci-
sion and automatically acts on it removes any risk of
manipulation, both in the choice and implementation
of the solution. Therefore, the victim will know that
all outcomes are considered equally, and his faith is
resting in the hand of an objective force (Coca-Vila,
2018). Duxbury (1999) also argues that a decision
made by lot, offers a fair way of dealing with many
uncomfortable, or even inherently unfair, dilemmas.
A non-biased lottery would remain impartial and thus
less susceptible to corruption (Duxbury, 1999). Fi-
nally, decisions determined through random selection
lack a human element, suggesting that accountability
for challenging choices can be alleviated from spe-
cific individuals or groups (Duxbury, 1999). More-
over, a non-random system may be more suscepti-
ble to manipulation. For instance, if pedestrians be-
lieve the system always favours them, they might be-
come careless. Even more concerning, malicious ac-
tors could exploit this predictability to stop vehicles
for their own purposes. By eliminating complete pre-
dictability, a random system discourages both reck-
less behaviour and exploitation.
This research employed a descriptive survey design to
effectively gather original data from a population too
large to observe directly (Botes, 1996). The descrip-
tive survey design aligns with the study’s objective,
which aimed to assess respondents’ perceptions and
expectations regarding personal AVs in various ethi-
cal settings. Participants were drawn from the gen-
eral Australian population aged 18 and above, with
Australia’s diverse demographics, including its status
as the country with the highest immigrant proportion
among nations with populations over 10 million, en-
suring a representative sample. The Australian popu-
lation was 25 million as of December 31, 2020 (Aus-
tralian Bureau of Statistics, 2021). Data collection
was conducted via SurveyMonkey, targeting eligible
respondents across various age categories. The plat-
form stored responses securely, and the data was sub-
sequently analysed using SPSS.
The chi-square analysis of variance was chosen
as the statistical method to evaluate the survey ques-
tionnaire results due to its suitability for examin-
ing relationships between categorical variables, which
aligned with the research questions posed. The confi-
dence level was set at ninety-five percent to ensure
robustness in the conclusions drawn from the data.
SPSS software was used, specifically employing the
cross tabulation feature under Descriptive Statistics to
generate a contingency table displaying frequencies
and column percentages. Detailed statistical analyses
and accompanying charts are available upon request;
however, due to word limit constraints, they have been
excluded from this submission.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
6.1 Overview
To sufficiently understand the results, readers are ad-
vised to familiarise themselves with the scenarios out-
lined in the survey questionnaire. The following pro-
vides a summary of the 6 AV crash scenarios, the as-
sociated moral dilemmas, and the legal implications,
offering the necessary context to understand the re-
sults discussed in this section. As noted in Section 3,
a theoretical solution called the ODS was proposed
and included. If selected by a participant, the AV
would consider all feasible and justified outcomes for
a given crash scenario based on a philosophical or
moral framework and choose one at random.
Scenario 1 - Brakes Failure on Mountain Road
The AV faces a dilemma where its brakes have failed,
and it must decide between swerving right to hit a by-
stander on the mountain or continuing straight off a
cliff, resulting in the death of the passenger. Legally,
the bystander is not responsible for the emergency sit-
uation or the AV’s mechanical failure, which means
the AV cannot legally prioritise saving its passenger
by causing harm to the bystander.
Figure 1: The ratio between AV passengers and bystanders
was equal, with one passenger for every bystander.
Scenario 2 - Intersection with Illegally Crossing
An AV with one passenger encounters a dilemma at
an intersection where ve pedestrians are illegally
crossing the road. The AV has two options: it can
either swerve left to avoid the pedestrians, potentially
killing a cyclist, or continue straight, resulting in the
likely injury or death of one or more of the pedes-
trians. The AV’s passenger will remain unharmed in
either case. Legally, the pedestrians are at fault due to
their illegal crossing, and the AV could justify its de-
cision to continue straight as a defensive emergency,
meaning it would not be breaking the law by priori-
tising the cyclist’s safety over that of the pedestrians
who caused the dangerous situation.
Figure 2: Five times as many people illegally crossed the
road compared to the innocent cyclist. The AV passenger
remains unharmed regardless of the outcome.
Scenario 3 - Highway Dilemma with Fallen Pallet
The AV with a single passenger encounters a high-
way dilemma when a pallet falls from the truck ahead.
The AV has three options: continue straight, resulting
in the passenger’s death from colliding with the pal-
let; swerve right, leading to the death of a helmetless
motorcyclist; or swerve left, causing severe injury but
survival of a fully geared motorcyclist, with no harm
to the passenger in these latter scenarios. The helmet-
less motorcyclist’s illegal activity doesn’t prevent his
death if hit, while the fully geared motorcyclist may
suffer bone fractures but can seek compensation. This
scenario poses a moral dilemma between prioritising
preserving life versus avoiding physical harm.
Scenario 4 - Pedestrian vs. Motorcyclist
The AV faces a dilemma where it must decide be-
tween two potentially fatal outcomes involving a
pedestrian and a motorcyclist. If the AV brakes to
save the pedestrian who has suddenly appeared in its
path, the motorcyclist following closely behind may
collide with the AV and be killed. Alternatively, the
AV could continue on its course, striking the pedes-
trian and saving the motorcyclist. Importantly, the
passenger in the AV remains unharmed in either sce-
nario. From a legal perspective, both the pedestrian
and the motorcyclist could be considered negligent
Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles: Australians’ Expectations and Moral Preferences
Figure 3: The distribution between AV passenger and mo-
torcyclists was even, indicating that in all three possible
outcomes, either one passenger or one of the motorcyclists
would be harmed.
for their actions, which contributed to the situation.
However, the AV and its passenger would not bear
legal responsibility for the outcomes because the AV
took reasonable measures to avoid foreseeable harm,
thus absolving them of liability under the current legal
Figure 4: The ratio between the negligent pedestrian and
motorcyclist was equal, at one to one. The AV passenger
remains unharmed regardless of the outcome.
Scenario 5 - Intersection with Legally Crossing
The AV encounters an ethical dilemma at an intersec-
tion where five pedestrians are crossing legally with
a green light. The malfunctioning AV must decide
between swerving into a wall, risking the lives of its
five passengers to save the pedestrians, or proceeding
straight, potentially endangering one or more pedes-
trians to protect its passengers. Legally, the pedestri-
ans are in the right as they cross with the green light,
implying no fault on their part. This legal framework
highlights the ethical challenge posed by AV technol-
ogy, where programming decisions must conform to
legal norms while addressing intricate moral dilem-
mas in unpredictable situations.
Figure 5: The number of pedestrians legally crossing the
road equalled the number of AV passengers illegally cross-
ing the intersection, with both totalling five instances each.
Scenario 6 - Intersection with Legal Pedestrian
The AV faces a critical decision during loss of con-
trol at an intersection. It can either swerve to the
right, colliding with a tree and resulting in the deaths
of three passengers, or continue straight through the
intersection, striking a pedestrian legally crossing on
the zebra lines, thereby saving the passengers. The
legal implication centres on the pedestrian’s right of
way, as they are crossing legally at the zebra lines,
prioritising pedestrian safety over vehicular move-
ment. This legal context adds complexity to the ethi-
cal dilemma faced by the AV, highlighting the poten-
tial clash between moral imperatives and legal respon-
sibilities in autonomous driving scenarios.
6.2 Discussion
In this section I summarised the participants’ moral
preferences, which could be used to develop an ethi-
cal policy for AV decision-making. I then compared
these preferences to the three main philosophical the-
ories which have been extensively discussed in the
context of AVs, specifically utilitarianism, deontolog-
ical ethics and the Rawlsian approach, and evaluated
which framework best aligns with the proposed eth-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 6: The ratio of AV passengers illegally crossing the
intersection compared to pedestrians legally crossing the
road was 1 to 3.
ical principles for AV programming (Rafiee et al.,
6.2.1 Australians Moral Preferences
Objective Decision System (ODS). Overall, the ODS
was the most preferred outcome among all partici-
pants. The use of the ODS could be justified as it
provides a straightforward and comprehensible solu-
tion that appeals to a broader audience. It offers a
common-sense approach that resonates with a larger
population. This approach could be particularly use-
ful in the early development stages of AVs at levels
4 or 5 of driving automation, as discussed in Sec-
tion 2, where no driver is needed, or there might be
an option for human override but not a requirement.
These AVs may still lack the technological capabili-
ties to quickly assess all viable outcomes and make
a split-second decision in a moral dilemma involving
potential loss of life. Such technological limitations
could delay their deployment and adoption.
Injury Over Sacrifice (IOS). The only crash sce-
nario which did not receive the highest vote for the
ODS, was question 3 where the majority of the par-
ticipants opted for the AV to swerve to the left, hit-
ting and severely injuring the motorcyclist with a hel-
met. This choice reflects a prioritisation of minimis-
ing fatalities, with severe injury seen as a more ac-
ceptable outcome than death. The IOS rule can be
programmed into an AV from the perspectives of util-
itarianism, deontology, and Rawlsian ethics. Utilitar-
ianism supports IOS as it minimises overall harm by
opting for injury over the loss of life. Deontological
ethics aligns with IOS by prioritising the duty not to
kill, thus making the rule morally acceptable. Rawl-
sian ethics, focusing on fairness and justice, also sup-
ports IOS as it respects the fundamental right to life
and aims to minimise the worst possible outcomes.
Therefore, IOS can be justified and integrated into AV
programming under these ethical frameworks, each
providing a distinct rationale for its implementation.
Harm Confinement and Lawfulness (HCL). The
participants’ choice in scenario 1 and 2 when ODS
was removed, reflects a prioritisation of moral and le-
gal principle of avoiding harm to innocent third par-
ties and transferring harm to the responsible party
that has caused the emergency situation. If harm is
not limited to this extent, anyone could potentially be
struck by an AV, requiring everyone to be constantly
vigilant of this danger. Therefore, consideration for
the legal implication of a decision made by the AV
and to the extent that other road users have acted law-
fully takes precedence over saving the greater number
of people. The survey results indicate that Australians
consider rule-breakers (such as jaywalkers) as more
ethically liable to suffer harms, and they preferred
measures that prevented death to innocents. This is
indeed the very fact that appeared to be missing from
previous studies, including the MM experiment and
the infamous Trolley problem (Awad et al., 2018).
HCL makes harm distribution dynamic, as it will
depend on scenario specific variables. The rule priori-
tising legal considerations and the lawful actions of
road users over saving the greater number of people
aligns best with deontological ethics. Deontological
ethics focus on adherence to rules and duties, mak-
ing it suitable for programming an AV to respect le-
gal responsibilities even at the expense of maximis-
ing overall lives saved. Legal responsibility could be
integrated into a decision tree, where the default ac-
tions taken by the AV change based on the legal im-
plications of each scenario. In contrast, utilitarian-
ism, which emphasises maximising overall happiness
and minimising harm, would generally favour saving
the greater number of people regardless of their legal
status, making it incompatible with this rule. Simi-
larly, Rawlsian ethics, which focuses on fairness and
the protection of the least advantaged, does not inher-
ently prioritise legal considerations, thus also making
it a less suitable framework for this specific rule.
Harm Prevention and Prioritisation (HPP). Partic-
ipants’ preferences in scenario 4, when the ODS was
removed, highlighted a strong consensus to prioritise
preventing harm rather than intentionally causing an-
other person’s death, especially considering that all
parties involved were part of the original scenario and
at fault. Killing implies that you are directly respon-
Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles: Australians’ Expectations and Moral Preferences
sible for the death of another person and something
that, for liability reasons, remains critically important
to AV manufacturers. Allowing someone to die on the
other hand, entails much less responsibility on your
part, as there were some contributory factors already
in motion that you did not initiate or otherwise con-
Given that both the pedestrian and the motorcy-
clist were at fault, a utilitarian AV would calculate
the total expected harm from each option. If the AV
determines that braking to avoid the pedestrian re-
sults in less overall harm (e.g., the motorcyclist may
have a higher chance of survival even in a collision),
it would choose this option. The AV could be pro-
grammed to use advanced sensors and algorithms to
estimate the severity of injuries or likelihood of death,
making an informed decision that minimises total
harm. The deontological AV would be programmed
to brake, as this action avoids the intentional harm
to the pedestrian, despite the pedestrian’s negligence.
The AV would prioritise adhering to moral rules over
the consequences, focusing on the duty to avoid caus-
ing harm. Similarly, a Rawlsian AV would be pro-
grammed to brake, prioritising the pedestrian who is
directly in the path and at immediate risk. The AV
would aim to distribute the risks more equitably, en-
suring that harm is not disproportionately inflicted on
the more vulnerable party, in this case, the pedestrian.
An ethical policy consists of broad, abstract values
that guide the development of socially acceptable
AVs, ensuring they align with societal norms and ex-
pectations. The specific decision-making models and
normative ethics can be too complex for the aver-
age user to understand, so an ethical policy is nec-
essary to explain how AVs will make decisions (Liu
et al., 2021). Based on my research findings, the pro-
posed ethical policy includes the following four re-
quirements, which are grounded in Australian moral
Injury Over Sacrifice (IOS). In any scenario where
the AV can choose between causing injury or death,
the AV will prioritise actions that minimise fatalities.
Severe injuries are considered more acceptable than
Harm Confinement and Lawfulness (HCL). When
all available options lead to death, the AV will aim to
transfer harm to those who are responsible for creat-
ing the hazardous situation. The AV confines harm
to those directly involved and ensures innocent by-
standers are not harmed. The AV’s actions will be
guided by legal implications and the extent to which
other road users have acted lawfully. Legal principles
and moral responsibility take precedence over simply
saving the greatest number of people.
Harm Prevention and Prioritisation (HPP). In sit-
uations where multiple parties are equally at fault and
have all contributed to the dangerous situation, the AV
will avoid taking direct actions that would intention-
ally cause any individual’s death, opting instead to re-
main passive. This avoids intentional killing, reflect-
ing legal and ethical priorities. If multiple principles
apply to a moral dilemma, the AV’s algorithm should
evaluate the scenario based on all applicable princi-
ples. The above principles work together and are not
standalone. The AV should dynamically balance IOS,
HCL, and HPP, ensuring a holistic and ethically sound
approach to decision-making.
Objective Decision System (ODS). When faced with
scenarios where decision-making is hindered by tech-
nological limitations, time constraints, or other fac-
tors and the IOS, HCL or HPP principles are rendered
ineffective, the AV must employ the ODS. This sys-
tem will evaluate all viable and justified outcomes and
select one at random, ensuring fairness, impartiality,
and non-discrimination in the decision-making pro-
7.1 Revisit Crash Scenarios
In this section I revisit the crash scenarios from the
survey questionnaire and discuss how an AV pro-
grammed with the proposed ethical settings would
handle each situation.
Scenario 1 - Brakes Failure on Mountain Road
Moral Dilemma: The AV must choose between
swerving right to hit an innocent bystander or con-
tinuing straight off a cliff, resulting in the death of the
Principle Application:
IOS: Not applicable as both outcomes lead to
HCL: The bystander is not culpable for the emer-
gency situation or the AV’s mechanical failure.
The AV should prioritise confining harm and not
introducing new parties to the risk.
HPP: The AV should avoid actively causing the
death of an innocent bystander.
ODS: If no clear decision can be made, the AV
would randomly choose from justified options.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
AV Response: The AV would continue straight off
the cliff, resulting in the death of the passenger. This
action aligns with HCL and HPP by avoiding harm to
an innocent bystander who did not contribute to the
dangerous situation.
Scenario 2 - Intersection with Illegally Crossing
Moral Dilemma: The AV can either swerve left to
save five illegally crossing pedestrians, causing the
death of a cyclist, or continue straight, potentially hit-
ting one or more pedestrians.
Principle Application:
IOS: Not applicable as all possible outcomes lead
to death.
HCL: The illegally crossing pedestrians are at
fault. The AV should prioritise confining harm
to the responsible parties and transferring harm to
those who contributed to the dangerous situation.
HPP: The AV should avoid actively killing the cy-
clist who is not at fault.
ODS: If no clear decision can be made, the AV
would randomly choose from justified options.
AV Response: The AV would continue straight,
potentially hitting one or more of the pedestrians.
This action aligns with HCL by confining harm to
those who are responsible for the situation (the ille-
gally crossing pedestrians) and avoids actively killing
the cyclist, who is not at fault.
Scenario 3 - Highway Dilemma with Fallen Pallet
Moral Dilemma: The AV must choose between con-
tinuing straight and killing the passenger, swerving
right and killing a helmetless motorcyclist, or swerv-
ing left and causing severe injury to a fully geared
Principle Application:
IOS: Applicable; the AV should avoid causing
death by choosing an outcome that minimises fa-
HCL: The helmetless motorcyclist is partially at
fault for not wearing safety gear.
HPP: The AV should avoid actively killing and
prefer causing severe injury over death.
ODS: If no clear decision can be made, the AV
would randomly choose from justified options.
AV Response: The AV would swerve left, causing
severe injury but survival of the fully geared motorcy-
clist. This action aligns with IOS by preventing death
and with HPP by avoiding active killing. The helmet-
less motorcyclist, while partially at fault, is spared to
prevent a fatality.
Scenario 4 - Pedestrian vs. Motorcyclist
Moral Dilemma: The AV must choose between brak-
ing to save a pedestrian, causing a motorcyclist to
crash into the AV and die, or continuing and striking
the pedestrian, saving the motorcyclist.
Principle Application:
IOS: Not applicable as both outcomes lead to
HCL: Both the pedestrian and the motorcyclist are
considered negligent.
HPP: The AV should avoid actively causing the
death of either party.
ODS: If no clear decision can be made, the AV
would randomly choose from justified options.
AV Response: The AV would brake to save the
pedestrian, causing the motorcyclist to collide with
the AV and be killed. This action aligns with HPP
by avoiding the active killing of the pedestrian, who
is directly in the AV’s path.
Scenario 5 - Intersection with Legally Crossing
Moral Dilemma: The AV must decide between swerv-
ing into a wall, risking the lives of five passengers, or
proceeding straight, potentially endangering legally
crossing pedestrians.
Principle Application:
IOS: Not applicable as both outcomes lead to
HCL: The pedestrians are legally crossing, while
the AV’s passengers are not at fault.
HPP: The AV should avoid actively causing the
death of the pedestrians who are acting lawfully.
ODS: If no clear decision can be made, the AV
would randomly choose from justified options.
AV Response: The AV would swerve into the
wall, risking the lives of its five passengers to save
the pedestrians. This action aligns with HCL by pro-
tecting the legally crossing pedestrians and with HPP
by avoiding active killing.
Scenario 6 - Intersection with Legal Pedestrian
Moral Dilemma: The AV must choose between
swerving into a tree, killing three passengers, or con-
tinuing straight and hitting a pedestrian legally cross-
Principle Application:
IOS: Not applicable as both outcomes lead to
Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles: Australians’ Expectations and Moral Preferences
HCL: The pedestrian is legally crossing, while the
passengers are not at fault.
HPP: The AV should avoid actively causing the
death of the legally crossing pedestrian.
ODS: If no clear decision can be made, the AV
would randomly choose from justified options.
AV Response: The AV would swerve to the right,
colliding with a tree and resulting in the deaths of
three passengers. This action aligns with HCL by pro-
tecting the legally crossing pedestrian and with HPP
by avoiding active killing.
The research set out to explore how a publicly ac-
cepted ethical setting for an AV could look like. It
presented different ethical theories, decision-making
models and moral variables that could help solve
moral dilemmas faced by AVs. The objective was
to evaluate respondents’ perceptions and expectations
regarding personal AVs in relation to different ethical
settings. The survey questions were designed to elim-
inate any biased or redundant criteria based on pre-
vious research, ensuring that participants’ decisions
were informed by both ethical and legal considera-
tions through the inclusion of legal implications for
each crash scenario.
A significant aspect of the research was the in-
troduction of a randomised choice option, referred
to as the ODS. In scenarios where the AV encoun-
ters a moral dilemma, such as the decision between
braking to avoid hitting a pedestrian or not brak-
ing, resulting in harm to the motorcyclist behind, the
ODS allows the AV to evaluate all viable outcomes
based on a moral framework and then select one at
random. The findings revealed that both utilitarian-
ism and Rawlsian ethics were unsuitable for aligning
with the participants’ preferences, as the core prin-
ciples of these ethical theories do not adequately ac-
count for the different roles of participants in harm
distribution. Consequently, the proposed ethical set-
ting is grounded in deontology, utilising a rule-based
decision-making model with moral variables, includ-
ing IOS, HCL, HPP, and ODS as redundancy. This
shift represents a departure from the utilitarian harm
minimisation approach observed in other studies.
Research questionnaires, like the one I conducted,
are valuable for simplifying complex real-world is-
sues, focusing on core ethical considerations (Poj-
man, 1990). They can help test initial programming
ideas for AVs, as algorithms that contradict societal
moral expectations are likely to hinder the smooth
adoption of AVs. Furthermore, ethical decision-
making cannot rest solely with engineers or ethicists;
a consensus is essential, as solutions to programming
moral dilemmas in AVs should not deter potential
buyers. Engaging the public can spark curiosity about
the various ways AVs could be programmed to ad-
dress ethical dilemmas (Nyholm, 2018).
It has been observed that respondents’ decisions
shift with the level of concreteness in experiments
(Francis et al., 2017). For future research, I recom-
mend using virtual reality to create realistic crash sce-
narios, allowing participants to engage with differ-
ent dilemmas and choose outcomes they deem most
acceptable. Additionally, I have outlined the advan-
tages of the ODS in AV programming. Despite initial
concerns about using lotteries for determining legal
outcomes, ODS should not be dismissed in AV crash
algorithms. Decision-making by lot is often simple,
objective, and inexpensive, and my research suggests
that it is both understandable and acceptable to many
individuals. Thus, I believe that lotteries, more than
other decision-making devices, merit serious consid-
eration by future researchers, AV manufacturers, and
Developing ethical autonomous machines is one
of the most challenging topics in artificial intelligence
today. It extends beyond resolving ethical dilemmas;
setting realistic expectations with users and the public
is crucial for market acceptance and adoption. These
challenges are common across automotive manufac-
turers engaged in this emerging field, not limited to
specific companies. AVs promise substantial bene-
fits while also presenting unintended effects that are
difficult to predict, and the technology is progress-
ing rapidly, regardless of ethical considerations (Lin,
2016). This juncture represents an ideal opportunity
to discuss the ethical values and principles best suited
for self-driving cars, laying the groundwork for future
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