CPLEX is weaker than both SCL and Duplex in cases
such as A-pores 1 (UNSAT with a width of 17), E-
bcspwr02 (UNSAT with a width of 22), and G-will57
(UNSAT with a width of 14).
5.4 Summary
Our proposed encoding, SCL, offers a valuable solu-
tion for addressing various SCAMO and ABP prob-
lems. In terms of SCAMO encoding, SCL outper-
forms all other SAT encodings regarding the number
of clauses, auxiliary variables, and solving time. For
ABP problems, SCL either matches or exceeds opti-
mal values in many instances, while demonstrating
competitive time efficiency and low memory usage.
Its ability to find valid solutions in complex instances
where other encodings timeout underscores its robust-
ness and scalability. Experimental results show that
SCL surpasses Duplex, which is recognized as an effi-
cient encoding for SCAMO and ABP (Fazekas et al.,
2020). Additionally, SCL outperforms CP-CPLEX, a
well-known commercial tool developed by IBM; SCL
exceeds CP-CPLEX in 6 out of 24 problems, while
CP-CPLEX only surpasses SCL in 2 out of 24 prob-
lems. Overall, SCL effectively balances performance
with resource management, making it a strong option
for tackling SCAMO and ABP challenges.
The paper presents our proposed SAT encoding for
SCAMO constraints, named SCL encoding. It uti-
lizes Sequential Counter Encoding for at-most-one
constraints with a staircase shape. SCL requires fewer
auxiliary variables and generates fewer clauses, mak-
ing it effective for encoding SCAMO constraints. It
yields better results for the anti-bandwidth problem
compared to other SAT encoding techniques as well
as Constraint Programming (CP) and Mixed Integer
Programming (MIP) approaches. Our proposed en-
coding, SCL, provides an efficient encoding for other
combinatorial problems that involve SCAMO con-
We thank the authors of Duplex encoding (Fazekas
et al., 2020) for publishing the source code of Du-
plex, which allows us to implement the Antiband-
width problem more conveniently. This work has
been supported by VNU University of Engineering
and Technology under project number CN24.10.
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