lyzed to ensure that the benefits of resource efficiency
do not come at the expense of scalability or real-time
responsiveness. Another critical avenue for improve-
ment involves developing and simulating strategic at-
tack methods, such as coordinated multi-agent imper-
sonation or evolving adversarial strategies, to test the
resilience of the framework. These refinements would
not only validate the robustness of the AAT model but
also identify potential areas for optimization, allow-
ing more comprehensive and future-proof solutions.
In this paper, we presented a novel trust-based adap-
tive authentication decision process designed for the
dynamic and heterogeneous environments of the In-
ternet of Things. Specifically developed for informa-
tion exchange within embedded MAS, this process
dynamically adjusts the required security level for au-
thentication based on both the trustworthiness of the
claimed identity by the sender and the criticality of
the transmitted information. By evaluating trust lev-
els and criticality, the process selects which identities
to authenticate and employs the most effective combi-
nation of authentication factors. This approach opti-
mizes resource allocation while minimizing the false
positive rate.
The effectiveness of our model is demonstrated
by the results obtained in the multi-agent navigation
simulations, which showed a significant reduction in
the success rate of malicious agent attacks compared
to other, less adaptive models. Additionally, our ap-
proach demonstrates a marked improvement in re-
source efficiency, allowing for the intelligent use of
energy and computational resources. This highlights
that our adaptive authentication strategy not only en-
hances security by foiling more attacks — particu-
larly by strengthening authentication for trustworthy
agents — but also optimizes resource utilization by
minimizing unnecessary authentications.
The integration of trust management and adap-
tive authentication mechanisms in IoT and embedded
MAS represents a promising direction for enhanc-
ing security. By leveraging the strengths of both ap-
proaches, it is possible to create systems that are more
resilient to attacks and better suited to the dynamic
and resource-constrained environments typical of IoT
and MAS. Our future work will focus on the follow-
ing three main areas: validating our model using real
rather than artificial authentication factors, develop-
ing a trust management system with a more sophis-
ticated strategy for selecting authentication factors,
and expanding our model to address other types of
identity-related attacks. These improvements will en-
hance the model’s robustness and flexibility against a
broader range of threats, while dynamically optimiz-
ing agent authentication processes and trust relation-
ships in IoT environments.
This work is supported by the French National Re-
search Agency (ANR) in the framework of the project
MaestrIoT ANR-21-CE23-0016.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence