This work presents an effective automated system
for creating interactive real estate video tours by
addressing room classification and transition detec-
tion. The ResNet-Transformer network demonstrated
strong capabilities in capturing both spatial and tem-
poral features for accurate room classification. The
Transformer-based model improved more than 20%
as compared to a more traditional LSTM sequence
processing. The integration of door transition de-
tection as a post-processing step enhanced the per-
formance across all models. Indeed, detected door
transitions contribute essential structural information,
particularly aiding in the accurate delineation of room
boundaries when doors were present. This approach
improved the overall precision and ensured more con-
sistent room layout predictions, paving the way for
more sophisticated applications in automated video
editing systems, particularly in real estate domain. In
future work, we plan to do user satisfaction studies.
This work has partially funded by the VLAIO project
WAIVE and the real estate video company.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications