to mainstream Android. In this work, we revisited the
extent of permission piggybacking in libraries. Our
proposed method works on any Android version and
is, in contrast to other work, not reliant on the tedious
manual API extraction and mapping to permissions.
However, we have shown that our approach deliv-
ers identical evaluation result compared to previous
publications. In our evaluation we were able to an-
alyze all libraries on the top 1,000 apps on Google
Play and did not limit our search to advertisement li-
braries. Even though, most piggybacking libraries we
discovered fell into advertisement and tracking cate-
gory. Most popular piggybacked permissions remain
almost identical to the ones prevalent 12 years ago.
Also, the most alarming number that 50% of all li-
braries use permission piggybacking remain constant
throughout the years.
To change this practice, this topic needs more at-
tention in the media to become relevant for Google
to implement means into Android. What changed in
the past 12 years is that privacy has gained more at-
tention among normal users of digital platforms. The
previous Android releases had strong privacy focus,
like for example Scoped Storage in Android 11 or the
Privacy Dashboard in Android 12. Thus, if permis-
sion piggybacking comes into focus again, maybe it
would draw Googles attention with their recent pri-
vacy initiatives. Another option would be to imple-
ment a permission piggybacking prevention system in
privacy focused custom ROMs such as GrapheneOS.
It wouldn’t be the first feature finding its way from a
custom ROM into the official Android version.
This research work was supported by the National
Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE
and the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sports.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy