VIRTUAL-PHYSIO: A Virtual Assistant for Home Physiotherapy
Nicoletta Balletti
, Antonella Cascitelli
, Patrizia Gabrieli
, Emanuela Guglielmi
Gennaro Laudato
, Aldo Lazich
, Marco Notarantonio
, Rocco Oliveto
, Stefano Ricciardi
Simone Scalabrino
and Jonathan Simeone
Center for Biotechnology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the Ministry of Defense, Rome, Italy
University of Molise, Pesche (IS), Italy
Datasound srl, Pesche (IS), Italy
Atlantica Digital spa, Rome, Italy
Virtual Assistant, Home Rehabilitation, Artificial Intelligence, Motion Capturing.
Mobility impairments reduce the ability of patients to complete daily activities. Physio-therapeutic exercises
help patients address such limitations. Correctly executing these exercises is crucial, often requiring a phys-
iotherapist’s guidance. To address this need, combining advanced sensors with artificial intelligence offers a
promising solution for home rehabilitation, enabling remote monitoring and reducing stress. In this paper, we
introduce VIRTUAL-PHYSIO, a virtual assistant for remote rehabilitation integrated into a home-deployable
low-cost physiotherapy monitoring system 2VITA-B PHYSICAL. VIRTUAL-PHYSIO provides real-time feed-
back during rehabilitation exercises and evaluates entire sessions, allowing physiotherapists to focus on critical
cases. We experimented with VIRTUAL-PHYSIO on 51 individuals whose performances were also evaluated
by a physiotherapist as a reference. The results (i) highlight good patient acceptability for the virtual assistant,
and (ii) show that the proposed machine learning approach can effectively perform an automated evaluation
of rehabilitative movements.
Rehabilitation, like prevention, promotion, treatment,
and palliation, is an important health service both in
the community and in hospitals. Physical rehabilita-
tion aims to (i) achieve complete recovery, in the case
of patients with transient motor deficits, and (ii) re-
lieve suffering and provide a higher level of indepen-
dence, in the case of patients with permanent dysfunc-
tion. The proper execution of rehabilitation exercises
is crucial to recover quickly.
Physical therapy has received attention from the
computer science research community over the years,
with a special focus on home-based rehabilitation.
Home rehabilitation allows patients to complete reha-
bilitation exercises in the comfort of their own homes
by reducing the hassle and cost of commuting on a
daily or weekly basis. This helps to improve treatment
quality and hasten recovery (Maclean et al., 2002),
while also lowering hospitalisations and, as a result,
healthcare costs (Han et al., 2005). Although remote
monitoring of patients solves a logistical problem for
patients, this solution still requires the active presence
and intervention of a human expert (physiotherapist).
The reason is that only a small percentage of patients
with motor disabilities complete exercises as recom-
mended (Shaughnessy et al., 2006). The physiother-
apist is in charge of carefully observing patients per-
forming the exercises and making them correct their
movements when necessary. The natural unbalance
between the number of patients and the number of
physiotherapists constitutes a problem: The physio-
therapist needs to schedule meetings with patients.
Ideally, human experts should intervene only when
necessary, so that they can better focus on cases that
require particular attention.
To tackle this problem, we introduce VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO, a virtual assistant for home rehabilitation.
We integrated VIRTUAL-PHYSIO in the 2VITA-B
PHYSICAL system (Antico et al., 2021a), which uses
Balletti, N., Cascitelli, A., Gabrieli, P., Guglielmi, E., Laudato, G., Lazich, A., Notarantonio, M., Oliveto, R., Ricciardi, S., Scalabrino, S. and Simeone, J.
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO: A Virtual Assistant for Home Physiotherapy Rehabilitation.
DOI: 10.5220/0013127400003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 467-474
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a low-cost easy-to-install motion tracking sensor (i.e.,
the Azure Kinect DK) which proved to be suited
to perform physiotherapy monitoring at home(Antico
et al., 2021b).
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO aims to (i) guide patients while
they perform exercises by giving them feedback about
their movement, and (ii) evaluate a whole exercise
session so that a physiotherapist can be notified about
the cases that might require attention. To achieve the
first goal, we use a virtual 3D body model that visu-
ally mirrors the patients’ movements, possibly high-
lighting limbs not correctly positioned at a given time.
To achieve the second goal, we exploit machine learn-
ing algorithms to compare the optimal movement and
the actual one to automatically distinguish sessions
that a physiotherapist would consider well-performed
from the ones containing relevant errors.
We verified the effectiveness of VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO in a controlled experiment involving 51 par-
ticipants, who used the virtual assistant during reha-
bilitation sessions. The results achieved show that (i)
the level of real-time audio-visual feedback provided
by the system during the remote rehab session greatly
increases the patient’s confidence in such a system
and their willingness to attend a home rehabilitation
plan, and (ii) the proposed automated evaluation mod-
els, according to the different machine learning tech-
niques considered, achieves up to 84% accuracy.
In this section, we discuss previous work to support
home rehabilitation using machine learning (ML).
Recent advancements in home-based rehabilita-
tion leverage machine learning and sensor technolo-
gies to enhance patient outcomes and accessibility.
Chae et al. (Chae et al., 2020) demonstrated that
a system using a smartwatch and machine learning
could improve motor function and shoulder mobility
in chronic stroke patients, achieving notable accuracy
in performance assessments. Similarly, Osgouei et al.
(Osgouei et al., 2020) explored how different algo-
rithms suit various rehabilitation stages, with Hidden
Markov Models excelling in early-stage performance
monitoring and Dynamic Time Warping providing de-
tailed analysis later. Adans-Dester et al. (Adans-
Dester et al., 2020) utilized wearable sensor data and
machine learning to estimate functional ability and
Fugl-Meyer scores accurately during motor task per-
formance. Imura et al. (Imura et al., 2021) identified
key variables for predicting home discharge outcomes
using a classification and regression tree model. Liao
et al. (Liao et al., 2020) reviewed machine learning
Table 1: Summary of studies on the design and implementa-
tion of home rehabilitation systems. The column Part. indi-
cates the number of participants involved in each study, RT-
Feed specifies whether real-time feedback was provided,
and ML denotes the use of machine learning techniques.
Reference Goal of the Study # Part. RT-Feed ML
(Lee, 2018) Build computer-assisted stroke rehabilitation
using Kinect and ML
26 x x
(Chae et al., 2020) Develop and evaluate a web-based upper limb
home rehabilitation system using a smartwatch
and ML model
38 - x
(Osgouei et al., 2020) Use of Motion Sensing and ML to Quantify
Exercise Performance in Healthy Volunteers
16 - x
(Adans-Dester et al., 2020) Enabling precision rehabilitation interventions
using wearable sensors and ML to track motor
37 - x
(Liao et al., 2020) Review computational approaches for the
evaluation of rehabilitation exercises
54 x x
(Lee et al., 2020) Combine machine and human intelligence for
personalized rehabilitation assessment
26 - x
(Ahammad et al., 2020) Spinal cord disorder classification for patient
wellness and remote monitoring
950 - x
(Kashi et al., 2020) Automatic detection of movement compensa-
tion in stroke patients
30 x x
(Imura et al., 2021) Identify stroke patients after rehabilitation us-
ing functional and environmental predictors
1125 - x
(Biebl et al., 2021) Show that the interrater agreement between
physiotherapists and Motion Coach is nonin-
ferior to physiotherapists’ interrater agreement
for exercise evaluations
24 x x
(Ranasinghe et al., 2021) Introduce a system for people to perform phys-
ical exercise at home
16 x x
(Seifallahi et al., 2022) Alzheimer’s disease detection based on video
data using ML
85 - x
(Bijalwan et al., 2022) Guide patients to perform real-time upper limb
25 - x
This work Introduce VIRTUAL-PHYSIO, a virtual assis-
tant to support home rehabilitation
51 x x
approaches for motion capture systems, emphasizing
their effectiveness in quantifying movement quality in
home-based settings.
Interactive machine learning approaches, such as
the one described by Lee et al. (Lee et al., 2020),
combine expert input with data-driven models to as-
sess rehabilitation exercise quality. Ahammad et al.
(Ahammad et al., 2020) focused on spinal cord dis-
order classification using sensor data, demonstrating
improved efficiency in remote care. Biebl et al. (Biebl
et al., 2021) validated the MotionCoach app, showing
strong agreement with physiotherapist evaluations in
osteoarthritis patients.
Other works emphasize innovative feedback
mechanisms. Ranasinghe et al. (Ranasinghe et al.,
2021) proposed a muscle-strength-based exercise dif-
ficulty measurement method, enabling remote patient
guidance through instructional videos. Kashi et al.
(Kashi et al., 2020) developed a ML model to pro-
vide feedback on stroke patient movements, achiev-
ing 85% precision in detecting compensations.
Low-cost systems have also gained traction. Lee
et al. (Lee, 2018) introduced Virtual Coach, a post-
stroke rehabilitation system with 78% agreement with
clinicians. Seifallahi et al. (Seifallahi et al., 2022) and
Bijalwan et al. (Bijalwan et al., 2022) applied Kinect
v2 sensors to detect Alzheimer’s disease and catego-
rize rehabilitation exercises, achieving accuracies of
97.75% and over 98%, respectively.
Table 1 shows that the evaluation of VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO involved a participant count comparable to
prior studies. Unlike previous work, VIRTUAL-
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
PHYSIO uniquely integrates real-time feedback and
automatic exercise evaluation through machine learn-
ing, offering a novel approach to home rehabilitation.
The 2VITA-B PHYSICAL (Antico et al., 2021a) sys-
tem is the foundation of the VIRTUAL-PHYSIO, the
proposed virtual assistant for home-based physiother-
apy. 2VITA-B PHYSICAL is designed to monitor and
support the physical rehabilitation process by creat-
ing a link between the therapist and the patient. In
2VITA-B PHYSICAL, each user plays a distinct role
in ensuring the successful functioning of the rehabil-
itation process, in which various professionals con-
tribute to the recovery process of the patient.
The admin manages access and creates user pro-
files. The physiatrist enrolls new patients and devel-
ops an Individual Rehabilitation Project (IRP). The
physiotherapist designs and updates exercises based
on the patient’s condition and progress. The psychol-
ogist monitors the patient’s psychological state dur-
ing rehabilitation. Lastly, the patient follows a per-
sonalized rehabilitation plan, consisting of exercises
tailored to their therapy.
Patient enrollment is the process of designing a
personalized rehabilitation plan. When a new pa-
tient begins rehabilitation, the physiatrist registers
them and creates an Individual Rehabilitation Project
(IRP), entering all relevant health information. The
physiotherapist then develops the rehabilitation plan
by selecting a set of exercises from a manageable list,
tailored to the patient’s specific needs.
The core of 2VITA-B PHYSICAL is represented
by the Rehab Station, a dedicated station used by
the patient during rehabilitation activities. Rehabilita-
tion activities are conducted using the Rehab Station,
which includes a laptop running 2VITA-B PHYSICAL
software, a Microsoft Azure Kinect motion sensor
for movement analysis, and a Polar OH1 heart rate
monitor. In detail, for each exercise, a physiothera-
pist must record the ideal execution, which is used by
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO to give real-time feedback to the
patient and to evaluate the execution. This means that,
once a patient has been assigned to a new rehabilita-
tion plan, the 2VITA-B PHYSICAL system could be
used also without the presence of the physiotherapist.
The system also registers a video of the movement
and the automatic evaluation provided by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO. Such an evaluation is used by the 2VITA-B
PHYSICAL to alert the physiotherapist that the patient
wrongly executed an exercise. This enables the phys-
iotherapist to review the execution, provide feedback,
or reach out to the patient for further clarification. Pa-
tients can also provide self-assessments, and both pa-
tient and physiotherapist evaluations are used to con-
tinuously train VIRTUAL-PHYSIO.
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO is a virtual assistant integrated
into the 2VITA-B PHYSICAL system, designed to
help patients perform rehabilitation exercises cor-
rectly and assist physiotherapists by automatically as-
sessing exercise performance. Once the physiatrist
creates an Individual Rehabilitation Project (IRP),
patients interact with VIRTUAL-PHYSIO through a
straightforward, touch-friendly interface. This inter-
face guides them through the rehabilitation process,
allowing them to watch a demonstration video of the
exercise, perform it, review their performance, and
provide a self-assessment.
After the exercise is completed, VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO evaluates the execution, enabling physiatrist
and physiotherapist oversight to ensure progress and
address any issues. A rehabilitation session includes
multiple exercises, each consisting of several repeti-
tions. The term exercise refers to the complete set
of repetitions, while repetition describes a single in-
stance of the movement, highlighting the structured
approach VIRTUAL-PHYSIO brings to the rehabilita-
tion process.
4.1 Guiding Patients in Rehab Exercises
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO provides real-time support to pa-
tients during the execution of rehabilitation exercises
by utilizing a dual-avatar system. Patients view two
3D avatars: a real avatar replicating their movements
and an ideal avatar showcasing the pre-recorded, cor-
rect movements provided by medical staff. These
avatars, modeled with a skeleton and rendered skin,
are designed to visually guide the patient in aligning
their movements with the ideal execution.
Both avatars are 3D models of the human body,
composed of a skeleton and a skin, i.e., a polygonal
mesh. The skeleton is built of bones (a rigged sys-
tem controlling the mesh deformation) and the skin is
the rendered part of the avatar. The motion tracking
system, Microsoft Azure Kinect DK, detects 19 key
body joints for movement analysis, including arms,
legs, spine, and head, while excluding finer details
like facial, finger, and toe joints. The customizable
interface allows patients to adjust the visualization,
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO: A Virtual Assistant for Home Physiotherapy Rehabilitation
such as superimposing avatars or displaying them sep-
arately, and to select specific movements to focus on.
Additionally, the ideal movement can be displayed in
the interface for reference. During the exercise, the
sidebar displays essential information, including the
number of completed repetitions, elapsed time, and
the patient’s heart rate. These metrics help monitor
progress, assess effort, and identify potential issues
such as overexertion, ensuring a comprehensive and
user-friendly experience during rehabilitation.
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO provides two types of feed-
back to the patient: (i) a precision score, to report
how well the exercise is going; (ii) some correction
hints, to suggest how to improve the movement.
Both the feedback are provided by comparing the
ideal movement (ideal avatar) with the actual move-
ment of the patient (real avatar). The comparison
is based on the similarity between the bones of the
two avatars, represented as quaternions. Formally, let
( f ) = (b
, b
, ..., b
) and B
( f ) = (b
, b
, ..., b
be the set of acquired bones—in a specific frame f
of the real avatar and the ideal avatar, respectively.
Given two quaternions, qr and qi, representing the j
bone of both real (b
) and ideal (b
) avatar, respec-
tively, we can compute the similarity between the two
bones through the cosine similarity between the two
Once obtained the for each bone it is possible to
define the precision score for a specific frame f .
The precision score evaluates movement accuracy
at specific moments (frames) during an exercise, of-
fering continuous feedback to patients. This score
is visually represented using emoticons based on its
value: a smile emoticon for scores above 0.7, a neu-
tral face for scores between 0.5 and 0.7, and a sad
face for scores below 0.5. This system allows patients
to easily interpret their performance and make adjust-
ments in real-time during rehabilitation (Figure 1).
As said before, VIRTUAL-PHYSIO also provides
some correction hints during the execution of a move-
ment. Such hints include (i) suggestions, in the form
of both natural language statements and audio mes-
sages, and (ii) visual feedback (see Figure 1). The
less correctly moving bone b
is the bone with the
highest that is also higher than a fixed threshold t.
If the identified less correctly moving bone b
mains the same for more than five seconds, a warn-
ing is generated. Specifically, we mark in red b
the real avatar and we display an arrow showing how
to correct the movement (Figure 1). We also gener-
ate a suggestion by reporting the name of the bone
If the highest is lower than the threshold t, we do not
generate any hints. Such a threshold has been empirically
defined through a trial & error approach.
Figure 1: An example of feedback provided by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO during the execution of an exercise.
(e.g., “right arm”) and the action that needs to
be taken, based on the pointing direction of the arrow
(e.g., “raise”).
4.2 Evaluating Rehabilitation Exercises
The machine learning pipeline of VIRTUAL-PHYSIO
is composed of several steps. The first step of the
pipeline is the extraction—for each bone—of the mo-
tion tracks from the recording. At the end of the
extraction process, we have 19 tracks, one for each
tracked bone.
After completing an exercise, VIRTUAL-PHYSIO
automatically evaluates the patient’s performance and
assigns a numeric score. This evaluation is pow-
ered by a machine learning model trained on expert-
evaluated exercises, utilizing features derived from
comparisons between the ideal and patient move-
ments. Detailed information about the model and its
accuracy is available in Section 5.
The evaluation pipeline begins by extracting mo-
tion tracks for each of the 19 tracked bones. These
tracks undergo pre-processing to ensure reliability.
Smoothing filters reduce noise caused by environ-
mental factors, while synchronization aligns the pa-
tient’s movements with the ideal execution, account-
ing for potential timing delays. The recording is
then sectioned into individual repetitions, excluding
the first and last repetitions, which are often incom-
plete or imprecise, as advised by physiotherapists. In-
complete repetitions due to missing frames are also
discarded, ensuring the evaluation focuses on high-
quality data for accurate scoring.
Once the pre-processing is complete, features are
extracted for the ML model using cosine and Eu-
clidean distances between the ideal and real move-
ments, calculated at the bone level for every frame.
These values are aggregated (mean, maximum, stan-
dard deviation), resulting in 114 features (19 (bones)
x 2 (distance metrics) x 3 (aggregations)). Since not
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
all bones are equally important for every exercise,
physiotherapists classify bones as relevant or irrele-
vant based on the exercise. Based on this considera-
tion, for each exercise, we divide the bones into two
sets B
(i.e., the relevant bones) and B
(i.e., the irrel-
evant bones). Then, we added other features that con-
sider the overall similarity of bones belonging to these
two sets. Especially, for each set of bones, we com-
pute the mean, maximum, and standard deviation of
the similarity of the bones. This results in the addition
of other 12 features, 2 (sets of bones) x 2 (distance
metrics) x 3 (aggregations). Therefore, in total, we
considered 126 features. The machine learning model
uses these features to assign a score from 1 (lowest)
to 5 (highest), reflecting movement accuracy. A score
of 1 indicates compensatory movements, 2 highlights
deficiencies in important bones, 3 suggests partial ex-
ecution, 4 denotes slight inaccuracies, and 5 repre-
sents perfect execution. This scoring system provides
a detailed assessment of performance accuracy.
This section reports the design and the results of
the empirical study we run to validate VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO. The experimentation was approved by the
Ethics Committee of Celio Army Medical Center
(Rome, Italy)—Prot.n. CE/2021u/03/a-31/03/2021-
5.1 Study Definition and Context
The goal of our study is to understand to what ex-
tent VIRTUAL-PHYSIO is able to help the two types
of users it is aimed at, i.e., patients and physiothera-
pists. This study is steered by the following research
: To what extent is VIRTUAL-PHYSIO able to
identify imperfections in the execution of an exer-
: To what extent is VIRTUAL-PHYSIO able
to quantify imperfections in the execution of an
The controlled experiment involved 51 partici-
pants (32 males and 19 females). All the subjects
were healthy and without any motor disabilities. Par-
ticipants were selected by using convenience sam-
pling. All the participants were recruited from the
Institute One and from the Institute Two (see Table 2).
Table 2: Age, height, and weight of the participants.
Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max
Age 35 30 13 19 63
Height (cm) 174 175 8 156 191
Weight (kg) 74 74 13 50 101
5.2 Experimental Procedure
The equipment required to conduct the experiment in-
cluded a workstation
, the Azure Kinect, the Polar
heart-rate wrist band, an adjustable ankle weights kit,
and a classical gym step. We set up the system, in-
cluding both hardware and software components, at
the Institute One in a dedicated room big enough to
allow participants to perform all the exercises.
The experimental protocol provided for the execu-
tion of five rehabilitative exercises was:
Shoulder rehabilitation: standing, with the
weight on the wrist and keeping the arm straight,
abduct up to reach 90 degrees, without exceeding
shoulder height. Slowly return to the starting po-
Elbow rehabilitation: standing, with your hands
crossed behind your neck, take your hands away
from your head, extending the elbows upwards,
hold for 4 seconds and return to the starting posi-
tion and hold the position for 4 seconds;
Hip rehabilitation: standing, with the weight at
the ankle, flex the hip until it reaches 90 degrees
and return to the starting position;
Knee rehabilitation: standing, with a weight on
both wrists, step forward with the right foot, rest-
ing it on a step. Focus on the left leg, bending it
down until your knee touches the floor. The leg to
be bent is the left and the right leg flexes conse-
quently, not the other way. Return to the starting
position by pushing with the front foot;
Vertebral column rehabilitation: standing, with
your arms at your sides, slide your left hand along
the left thigh, tilting the trunk, up to the maximum
possible width, maintain for 4 seconds and return
to the starting position. Repeat on the right.
Participants were asked to repeat each exercise ten
times, always in the same order. The execution started
with the participant placed in front of the motion
tracking sensor. Before beginning the exercise, a hu-
man assistant explained the VIRTUAL-PHYSIO GUI
and the steps that the participant would have executed.
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-core 3.9 GHz, 32 GB RAM,
Nvidia GTX 1660 6GB, with Windows 10 PRO
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO: A Virtual Assistant for Home Physiotherapy Rehabilitation
After that, the human assistant—through VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO—played the execution video to let the par-
ticipant understand the movement to be performed
for each repetition. Once the participant was ready,
the execution started. From that moment on, the hu-
man assistant did not give any feedback to the partic-
ipant living this task to VIRTUAL-PHYSIO. The hu-
man assistant was allowed to take action only in case
of very bad movements that could impact the partici-
pants’ health. When the exercise was completed, the
human assistant showed the participant the recorded
movement. At the end of each exercise, the partic-
ipant was asked to rate her execution giving a score
from 1 to 5 stars.
5.3 Analysis Procedure
To answer RQ
and RQ
, we first collected all the ex-
ecutions of the participants and we asked a physio-
therapist with more than ten years of experience to
manually evaluate all of them both with a binary clas-
sification (with/without imperfections, for RQ
) and
on a scale from 1 to 5 (RQ
). As expected, the major-
ity of the labels are located in the most positive label
since all the participants were health.
Once obtained the ground truth, i.e., a dataset of
movement manually labelled, we trained VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO in two different scenarios: (i) a binary classi-
fication problem (RQ
), in which VIRTUAL-PHYSIO
aims at distinguishing perfectly conducted exercises
from the ones conducted with imperfections; (ii) a re-
gression problem (RQ
), in which VIRTUAL-PHYSIO
aims at providing a score from 1 to 5 which embeds
the type of imperfection, i.e., compensatory or defici-
tary movements (see Section 4.2).
We experimented with seven different machine
learning models (Alpaydın, 2021) for each exercise:
(i) random forest (RF), (ii) multi-layer perceptron
(MLP), (iii) logistic regression (RG), (iv) Gaussian
Naive Bayes (GNB), (v) Linear Support Vector Clas-
sification/Regression (LSVM), (vi) C-Support Vec-
tor Classification/Regression (CSVC), and (vii) k-
Nearest Neighbors (KNN). Note that we decide to
have a prediction model for each exercise (local pre-
diction) instead of a single model for each exercise
(global prediction) because of the differences among
the exercises. This choice was supported also by
the physiotherapists. To mitigate the problems due
to class imbalance we experimented with the use of
the SMOTE (Chawla et al., 2002) oversampling tech-
nique. Also, we experimented with several automatic
feature selection techniques and correlation analysis
to filter the features correlated to each other with a
correlation index greater than 0.95.
The validation process was based on the leave one
out cross validation (Alpaydın, 2021). This process
consists in iterating over each instance (participant),
using the i-th instance as a test set, and using the re-
maining as a train set.
For the binary classification, we measure the qual-
ity of the classification of VIRTUAL-PHYSIO through
the following metrics widely used for machine learn-
ing models (Alpaydın, 2021): (i) accuracy; (ii) recall;
(iii) precision; (iv) F1-score. While for the regression
problem, we evaluate the performance of VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO through the Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
(Alpaydın, 2021).
5.4 Analysis of the Results
Table 3: Performance of VIRTUAL-PHYSIO in classifying
an exercise as correct or incorrect (RQ
Exercise Model Accuracy Recall Precision F1
Shoulder MLP or KNN 0.84 0.84 0.91 0.86
Elbow MLP 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76
Hip KNN 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.81
Knee MLP 0.57 0.57 0.32 0.41
Vertebral column MLP 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.69
Table 4: Performance of VIRTUAL-PHYSIO in evaluating
an exercise on a five-point score (RQ
Exercise Model MAE
Shoulder Random forest or KNN 0.31
Elbow MLP 0.47
Hip GNB 0.29
Knee SVM 1.16
Vertebral column Random forest 0.63
The results in Table 3 and Table 4 show the perfor-
mance of VIRTUAL-PHYSIO in classifying exercises
as correct or incorrect (RQ
) and scoring exercises on
a five-point scale (RQ
). No single machine learn-
ing model consistently outperforms others. MLP and
KNN perform best for classification without over-
sampling, while Random Forest achieves top results
for regression in two exercises. These findings sup-
port the use of exercise-specific models over a global
model for all exercise types.
The achieved results indicate that VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO has accuracy in evaluating the correctness
of an exercise (RQ
) higher than 70%, with the ex-
ception of knee rehabilitation exercise where the ac-
curacy is 57%. Similar results were achieved when
evaluating the exercise on a five-point scale: In this
scenario, VIRTUAL-PHYSIO achieved an error always
lower than 0.5, with the exception of the knee and ver-
tebral column rehabilitation exercises where the MAE
is 1.16 and 0.63, respectively.
The knee rehabilitation exercise presented the
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
highest error rate, while the shoulder rehabilitation
showed the fewest errors. This discrepancy may re-
sult from the greater complexity of movements in the
knee and spine exercises, which involve more joints,
making the evaluation more challenging for the ma-
chine learning model. In addition, the different rea-
sons why the physical therapists negatively evaluated
the knee exercises resulted in fewer similar instances
evaluated negatively in the training set, complicating
the model’s ability to identify incorrect execution pat-
5.5 Case Analysis and Discussion
This section analyzes specific cases to explore factors
behind VIRTUAL-PHYSIOs correct and incorrect pre-
A correct exercise classified by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO as correct. In Figure 4 (Balletti et al., 2024)
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO identified a correctly performed
exercise, as no abnormalities were observed in the leg
or pelvis graphs, indicating proper leg extension and
absence of compensatory movements.
An incorrect exercise classified by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO as incorrect. In Figure 5 (Balletti et al.,
2024) several abnormalities can be found. The leg
graphs revealed incomplete movements in repetitions
3, 5, and 8, and the pelvis graph showed compen-
satory torso rotation throughout the exercise, aligning
with the physiotherapist’s evaluation.
A correct exercise classified by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO as incorrect. From the analysis of the leg
graphs in Figure 6 (Balletti et al., 2024), it is pos-
sible to observe approximately complete movements
for most of the repetitions. Although most repetitions
were performed correctly, a temporary loss of bal-
ance in the second repetition caused abnormal move-
ments, which the physiotherapist disregarded when
assessing overall performance. Instead, VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO weighted the abnormal movements more
heavily, leading to an imperfect rating.
An incorrect exercise classified by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO as correct. In Figure 7 (Balletti et al., 2024)
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO incorrectly classified an exercise
as correct, despite the physiotherapist identifying con-
sistent failure to achieve 90-degree leg extension and
trunk flexion. This execution defect, absent in other
exercises, likely contributed to the model’s inability
to classify it negatively.
A perfect exercise evaluated by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO correctly. In Figure 8 (Balletti et al., 2024)
the physiotherapist and VIRTUAL-PHYSIO assigned
to the exercise a score equals to 5. From the analy-
sis of the graphs of shoulder and arm movement, it
is possible to observe no serious differences between
actual and ideal movements.
A good exercise evaluated by VIRTUAL-
PHYSIO correctly. In this case (Figure 9 (Bal-
letti et al., 2024)), a good but imperfect exercise
was correctly rated 4 by both VIRTUAL-PHYSIO and
the physiotherapist. The model identified an incom-
plete arm extension in the initial phase, visible in
the graphs, demonstrating its capability to detect and
score minor imperfections accurately.
A bad exercise evaluated by VIRTUAL-PHYSIO
as perfect. VIRTUAL-PHYSIO misclassified a bad ex-
ercise as perfect in Figure 10, assigning a score of 5
while the physiotherapist rated it 3. The physiothera-
pist noted incomplete shoulder movement in the first
repetitions. The graphs indicated near-perfect arm
movement, likely influencing the model’s overly pos-
itive rating, but confirmed the physiotherapist’s obser-
vation of minimal vertical shoulder movement.
5.6 Threats to Validity
The main threats to the validity of this study resulted
from the ML techniques used and the population of
participants. Regarding the models, while not all ML
approaches were explored, the study included repre-
sentatives from key algorithm categories, such as tree-
based models, logistic regression, Support Vector Ma-
chines, and neural networks. Concerning participants,
the sample may not be fully representative, a common
challenge in human-involved studies due to the time
commitment required for participation. However, as
discussed above, our study involved a number of par-
ticipants in line with the other studies in the litera-
ture. Another limitation is that the study considers
only a single session, whereas rehabilitation typically
involves multiple sessions.
In this paper, we presented VIRTUAL-PHYSIO, a vir-
tual assistant integrated into 2VITA-B PHYSICAL
system, designed to guide patients during exercises
by providing feedback and evaluating entire sessions
to notify physiotherapists about cases requiring atten-
tion. Leveraging affordable motion tracking devices,
visual feedback, and machine learning-based evalu-
ation, VIRTUAL-PHYSIO aims to enhance home re-
habilitation. A controlled experiment with 51 par-
ticipants demonstrated high confidence and willing-
ness to use VIRTUAL-PHYSIO for home rehabilita-
tion. These results provide a valid premise for the
further enhancement of home rehabilitation using mo-
VIRTUAL-PHYSIO: A Virtual Assistant for Home Physiotherapy Rehabilitation
tion capture and ML technologies. As a future work,
we plan to integrate into 2VITA-B PHYSICAL a hand
tracking device aiming at supporting specific hand re-
habilitation exercises. Furthermore, we aim to im-
prove the motion-tracking capabilities by incorporat-
ing multiple Kinect sensors.
This research was funded by Ministry of Defence
grant number 20536 (December 13, 2019) “2VITA-
B PHYSICAL: Veteran Virtual Training for Aging
Blockchain” – Proposal a2018.137.
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