module Automaton {
reference syntax {
Program <-- "automaton"
Identifier "{" States Transitions "}";
States <-- State States;
States <-- State;
State <-- "state" Identifier;
Figure 6: A Neverlang (NL) module defining the syntax of
an automaton language.
thermore, modules in Neverlang do not import other
grammars or modules themselves, but, instead, mod-
ules are composed in a higher level meta-language
that defines a language out of a combination of dif-
ferent modules. Besides these different approaches,
Neverlang supports all other grammar concepts that
we identify in our taxonomy. As such Neverlang is
compatible, too, and language engineers employing
this LWB can benefit from our results.
This paper presents a taxonomy for grammar change
operators and discusses their impact on the meta-
model level M2 and modeling level M1. Furthermore,
we provide solutions to the impacts that may produce
conflicts on the respective levels. In our case study,
we implemented a tool to demonstrate that our tax-
onomy can be leveraged to perform historical CIA
and we argued why our taxonomy is applicable to
grammar-based language workbenches beyond Xtext.
In the future we plan to extend the taxonomy to recog-
nize impacts of grammar changes on other language
constituents, e.g., on well-formedness rules or code
generators. Furthermore, we plan to extend it to a tool
that can automatically derive dependency graphs from
grammars that then can be leveraged for change prop-
agation and can assist language engineers to maintain
DSLs in an ever evolving system context.
This research was partially funded by NWO (the
Dutch Research Council) under the NWO AES Per-
spectief program, project code P18-03 P3. The
authors of the University of Stuttgart were sup-
ported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation) [grant number
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