eras. Skeleton data represents the human pose and
movement, focusing on body joints’ spatial config-
uration and temporal dynamics. In particular, this
work aims to investigate action segmentation perfor-
mance by estimating a projected skeleton and a “syn-
thetic” skeleton, which can be either a combination
of the skeleton information provided by both cameras
or an estimate when one of the cameras fails to pro-
vide skeleton data due to occlusion or being out of
range. When using a multi-camera system, one view
can provide more reliable data than others due to dif-
ferent factors, such as the camera’s particular orienta-
tion or the software’s ability to extract particular fea-
tures, such as skeleton information. As proved by the
experiments, the proposed approach addresses these
issues by estimating new skeletons, taking advantage
of the most reliable view.
The authors are deeply thankful to Michele Attolico
and Giuseppe Bono for their technical and adminis-
trative support. Research funded by PNRR - M4C2
- Investimento 1.3, Partenariato Esteso PE00000013
- “FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research”
- Spoke 8 “Pervasive AI”, funded by the Euro-
pean Commission under the NextGeneration EU pro-
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods