model not only performed excellently at the raster
and vector level, but also produced quite stable re-
sults with narrow quantile ranges, including for the
quite outlier-sensitive Hausdorff metric. In compari-
son, SAM’s performance fluctuated more. The main
reason for this is that the edges are real, detectable ob-
servations while the roof segments SAM relies on can
suffer from occlusions by trees, color changes, roof
objects, and so on.
We also conducted qualitative evaluations on both
the SGA and Melville datasets, showcasing represen-
tative results. Overall, our method can effectively
handle different roof structures and eliminate edge
gaps in YOLOv8. Even on the Melville model, which
was not involved in training and has a relatively lower
resolution, the results were satisfactory. Although
the roofs in Melville present more complex struc-
tures, most roof segments could still be well recog-
nized. This demonstrates our great potential in han-
dling complex roof vectorization.
In conclusion, our findings highlight the potential
of our method to effectively handle diverse roof struc-
tures, even in challenging scenarios with complex ge-
ometries. Moving forward, we plan to explore addi-
tional datasets and integrate our technique into urban
terrain reconstruction workflows. On the one hand, it
will help to explore further radiometric (detecting im-
portant installations on roofs: photovoltaic panels, so-
lar collectors, etc.) and geometric (non-planar roof el-
ements, such as domes, towers) aspects. On the other
hand, we aim to conduct a more comprehensive com-
parative analysis with other competing methods, fur-
ther establishing the robustness and versatility of our
approach. Finally, in future work, we plan to incorpo-
rate 3D data to search for more precise intersections
near our predicted ones to improve the vectorization.
The authors thank the China Scholarship Council
(CSC) for supporting this research, Grant/Award
Number: 202308080109. We also thank the review-
ers for their insightful comments.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications