linear regression, random forest, support vector re-
gression, and XGBoost. These tests were conducted
by varying the number of meteorological parameters,
ranging from the three most correlated to ET
to the
complete set of parameters. Our findings demonstrate
that the efficacity of the models is clearly influenced
by the algorithm employed and the number of param-
eters incorporated into the predictions. In general,
more sophisticated algorithms such as SVR and XG-
Boost demonstrated superior performances, although
each model exhibited particular strengths depending
on the evaluation metrics used. In conclusion, the
study emphasises the significance of algorithm selec-
tion and parameter inclusion for enhancing the preci-
sion of ET
estimations. The XGBoost model demon-
strated particular effectiveness in terms of RMSE, in-
dicating its capacity to provide highly accurate esti-
mations with relatively few parameters. The choice
of algorithm for ET
estimation is significantly influ-
enced by the available parameters and data. For appli-
cations requiring high precision, models like SVR and
XGBoost are recommended. However, future studies
could focus on hyperparameter optimisation and the
use of ensemble techniques to potentially further en-
hance estimation performance.
We are extremely grateful to the Department of Hor-
ticultural Systems and Natural Environments Engi-
neering at the Higher Agronomic Institute of Chott
Mariem for their generous support. It is a true honor
to have been entrusted with access to your confiden-
tial information, and we deeply appreciate your trust
in our work.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence