Flow Exporter Impact on Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems
Daniela Pinto
1 a
, Jo
ao Vitorino
1 b
, Eva Maia
1 c
, Ivone Amorim
2 d
and Isabel Prac¸a
1 e
Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development (GECAD),
School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP), 4249-015 Porto, Portugal
Porto Research, Technology & Innovation Center (PORTIC), Polytechnic of Porto (IPP), 4200-374 Porto, Portugal
Network Intrusion Detection, Network Flow, Dataset, Feature Selection, Machine Learning.
High-quality datasets are critical for training machine learning models, as inconsistencies in feature genera-
tion can hinder the accuracy and reliability of threat detection. For this reason, ensuring the quality of the
data in network intrusion detection datasets is important. A key component of this is using reliable tools to
generate the flows and features present in the datasets. This paper investigates the impact of flow exporters
on the performance and reliability of machine learning models for intrusion detection. Using HERA, a tool
designed to export flows and extract features, the raw network packets of two widely used datasets, UNSW-
NB15 and CIC-IDS2017, were processed from PCAP files to generate new versions of these datasets. These
were compared to the original ones in terms of their influence on the performance of several models, including
Random Forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, and Explainable Boosting Machine. The results obtained were sig-
nificant. Models trained on the HERA version of the datasets consistently outperformed those trained on the
original dataset, showing improvements in accuracy and indicating a better generalisation. This highlighted
the importance of flow generation in the model’s ability to differentiate between benign and malicious traffic.
Network security threats are an ever-growing concern
for all organizations that integrate and interconnect
their information systems. For this reason, protect-
ing computer networks has become increasingly im-
portant and, in response, Network Intrusion Detec-
tion Systems (NIDS) were developed. These systems
can detect cyber-attacks by scanning network packets.
They identify patterns or anomalies indicating possi-
ble security breaches which these systems can then
block (Maci
andez et al., 2018).
In this context, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has be-
come vital for NIDS, enhancing its ability to adapt
to emerging and evolving threats (Thakkar and Lo-
hiya, 2020). Historical data is crucial for this process,
as it allows Machine Learning (ML) models to learn
from past intrusions and predict future attacks with
greater accuracy. However, the effectiveness of these
ML models hinges on the quality of the datasets used
for training. High-quality Network Intrusion Detec-
tion (NID) datasets are crucial for ensuring accurate
detection and prediction of security threats, as they
can aid ML in identifying subtle variations in network
traffic, increasing the accuracy of the systems and re-
ducing false positives (Dias and Correia, 2020).
The datasets developed by the Canadian Institute
for Cybersecurity (CIC) are a well-known contribu-
tion to this field. Despite their popularity, recent stud-
ies have uncovered several limitations and inconsis-
tencies in these datasets, which can negatively impact
the performance of ML models (Liu et al., 2022). Be-
sides datasets presenting problems, another challenge
lies in the variability of features and flows generated
depending on the tools used to process raw network
capture packets. The differences in packet aggrega-
tion, flow generation, and feature extraction can lead
to variations in how the network activity is repre-
sented, which in turn can have a significant impact
on ML models’ generalisation and reliability. How-
ever, analysing the impact that flow exporters have
on flow generation and ultimately on models’ perfor-
mance has not been extensively explored. Most re-
search on NID datasets has focused either on the pro-
cess of dataset creation, such as evaluating whether
Pinto, D., Vitorino, J., Maia, E., Amorim, I. and Praça, I.
Flow Exporter Impact on Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0013131900003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 289-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the traffic generated is realistic (Gharib et al., 2016),
or on optimising the feature extraction process to gen-
erate the dataset (Lanvin et al., 2023). Consequently,
limited attention has been given to how different flow
exporters might be impacting the generation of flows
and the effects on the dataset quality and performance
of the ML models.
This paper aims to study this issue by conducting a
comparative analysis of ML models’ performance and
reliability on datasets derived from the same PCAP
files but generated using different flow exporters. By
examining the impact of these tools on the result-
ing datasets, this study highlights how the choice of
flow exporter can significantly influence model per-
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 summarises recent contributions from the re-
search community. Section 3 details the methodol-
ogy used regarding the selected tool to perform flow
extraction and feature exportation. Section 4 elabo-
rates on the obtained results and provides a discus-
sion. Section 5 concludes the paper and presents fu-
ture work to be performed.
There has been a growing focus on developing and
analysing NID datasets. Several studies have ex-
plored the limitations and challenges associated with
these datasets. A notable example is the work of
Kenyon et al., where the authors evaluated and ranked
widely used public NID datasets based on various fac-
tors, such as their composition, methodology, main-
tenance, data quality, and relevance (Kenyon et al.,
2020). Their analysis revealed several common is-
sues in publicly available datasets, including difficul-
ties locating reliable datasets, poor methodology in
dataset creation, and unclear representation of benign
and malicious traffic. Additionally, they highlighted
issues with data quality, such as duplicated or unrep-
resentative samples. The authors also emphasised that
many datasets suffer from over-summarisation, which
results in the loss of features that limit the ability to
scrutinise the original data. Furthermore, a lack of
maintenance, particularly in datasets that never re-
ceive updates, diminishes their relevance when taking
into consideration the constant emergence of new at-
tacks. Another critical finding was that most datasets
are limited to specific domains, such as academic net-
works, and often fail to represent real-world com-
mercial or industrial environments. The authors con-
cluded by proposing best practices for designing NID
datasets, stressing the importance of realistic threat
coverage and proper anomaly detection techniques.
Conversely, some studies have focused on
analysing specific datasets and uncovering issues in
their creation. This is especially true for older datasets
like KDDCUP’99 (Stolfo et al., 2000), where identi-
fied shortcomings led to the development of an im-
proved version, NSL-KDD (Tavallaee et al., 2009).
More recently, the CIC-IDS2017 dataset has also
come under scrutiny. Authors such as Engelen et
al. have highlighted issues related to the tool CI-
CFlowMeter and the dataset itself, including errors
in attack simulations and problems with the feature
extraction process (Engelen et al., 2021).
Other studies have focused on evaluating the fea-
tures used in NID datasets, intending to standard-
ise a feature set. Such an example is the work by
Sarhan et al., which proposed a new standardised
feature set after evaluating four widely used NID
datasets: UNSW-NB15, Bot-IoT, ToN-IoT, and CSE-
CIC-IDS2018 (Sarhan et al., 2022). The authors
noted that the current NID datasets have unique sets
of features making it difficult to compare ML results
across datasets and network scenarios. The authors
propose two sets of features, one smaller with only 12
and another with 43. They converted the four datasets
into new versions, one with 12 features and another
with 43 and compared the performance of the new
versions with the originals. They noted that the 43
feature datasets consistently outperformed the orig-
inal datasets in accuracy for binary and multi-class
classification. Sarhan et al. conclude that a stan-
dardised feature set would enable rigorous evaluation
and comparison of ML-based NIDS using different
A different study on using a different flow ex-
porter tool was produced by Rodr
ıguez et al. where
they analysed various ML techniques to determine
the most efficient approach for classification, measur-
ing both performance and execution times (Rodr
et al., 2022). In addition to using the original CIC-
IDS2017 dataset, the authors tested using the PCAP
files used to generate this dataset on the tool BRO-
IDS/Zeek, generating a dataset with 14 features.
Their results were favourable, achieving an F1-score
above 0.997 with low execution times due to the re-
duced number of features. They concluded that Zeek
allowed them to obtain a better classification than the
original dataset features.
This section describes HERA, the tool used to aid
in the creation of labelled NID datasets, the selected
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
flow-based datasets and the considered ML classifica-
tion models. The analysis was carried out on a com-
mon machine with 16 gigabytes of random-access
memory and a 6-core central processing unit. The im-
plementation relied on the Python programming lan-
guage and the following libraries: numpy and pandas
for general data manipulation, and scikit-learn, xg-
boost, lightgbm, and interpret for the implementation
of the ML models.
3.1 HERA
Holistic nEtwork featuRes Aggregator
(HERA) (Pinto, 2024) is a tool that allows users to
create flow-based datasets with or without labelling
In the context of dataset creation, multiple types of
tools are used to construct the final dataset. HERAs
approach to dataset creation relies on three primary
types of tools: Capturers, Flow Exporters, and Fea-
ture Extractors. Capturers are responsible for record-
ing communication sessions between devices on a
network and saving these interactions into files, typi-
cally in the PCAP format. Tools such as Wireshark
and tcpdump
are common examples of Capturers,
enabling researchers to preserve packet exchanges for
later analysis. Flow Exporters aggregate captured
network packets into flows, which can be generated
directly from network interfaces or PCAP files. These
tools group packets according to properties defined
by protocols such as NetFlow, jFlow, sFlow, or IP-
FIX. This type of tool allows for a more efficient,
high-level analysis of data, by organizing it into flows.
Another important tool category is Feature Extrac-
tors, which convert raw data into features suitable for
analysis. While many Flow Exporters also have fea-
ture extraction capabilities, it is not required to create
flows to be a Feature Extractor, only the extraction
of features is necessary to have this classification. An
example of tools that execute both functions are CI-
and Argus
(Pinto, 2024).
In the case of HERA, it utilises PCAP files, that
have previously been captured, as input and processes
them with the underlying Flow Exporter Argus, gen-
erating flows and features. For this reason, HERA
uses the function of a Capturer indirectly by using
PCAP files, and has directly the function of a Flow
Exporter and Feature Extractor by using the Argus
HERA takes user input to define parameters when
generating the flows. These include arguments that
add extra information to the flows, such as packet size
and jitter. Additionally, HERA enables the user to
choose the interval, in seconds, between flows. This
interval specifies the frequency in seconds at which
a flow will be generated, provided there is still on-
going activity within the flow during that time. A
smaller interval, such as the minimum of 1 second,
allows for more frequent updates and provides a more
granular view of flow activity, particularly useful in
cases where fewer flows might be generated when us-
ing the default 60 seconds. Conversely, using larger
intervals can reduce the number of flows, which is
advantageous when handling larger packet volumes,
as expected in scenarios like Distributed Denial-of-
Service (DDoS) attacks. Larger intervals help sum-
marize flows with continuous activity by aggregating
them into longer-duration flows. Moreover, the user
can select which features to be generated, being stored
in a CSV file. Also, this tool allows the labelling by
providing a CSV file with the ground truth informa-
tion of the attack traffic. This information includes
the start and finish times of the attack, the protocol
used, source and destination Internet Protocol (IP) ad-
dresses and ports and the label to be applied.
For the study in question, HERA was used with
the PCAP files of the selected datasets, generating the
HERA versions of these datasets. Furthermore, by
using documentation and ground-truth provided by
the selected dataset’s authors, it was possible to la-
bel these new versions. This process is illustrated in
Figure 1. This permitted to observe the impact that
using a different tool has on the generated flows and
the prediction of attacks.
3.2 Datasets
The datasets selected for this study were the flow-
based NID datasets UNSW-NB15 and CIC-IDS2017.
These are datasets with widespread use by the re-
search community with benign and malicious net-
work traffic (Raju et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2022). Fur-
thermore, the dataset authors share the PCAP files
captured to generate the datasets alongside documen-
tation that allows to establish a ground-truth file that
can be used in HERA to generate a new labelled ver-
sion of these datasets.
UNSW-NB15 was created by the University of
New South Wales (UNSW)
(Moustafa and Slay,
2015) in 2015 with the objective to improve the pub-
licly available datasets, namely KDDCUP’99 (Stolfo
et al., 2000) and NSL-KDD (Tavallaee et al., 2009)
Flow Exporter Impact on Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems
Figure 1: Workflow of the dataset creation of CIC-IDS2017, UNSW-NB15 and the respective HERA versions.
which had been in use since 2000 and 2009 respec-
tively. A criticism provided by the authors is the lim-
ited number of attacks that are represented in these
datasets and as such in UNSW-NB15, the authors
provide 9 attack types to improve diversity. These
types are Fuzzers, Analysis, which include port scans,
spam and html file penetrations, Backdoors, Denial-
of-Service (DoS), Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance,
Shellcode and Worms. The data collected for this
dataset was captured in packets and stored in PCAP
files by tcpdump. The generated data was simulated
by IXIA PerfectStorm
, a tool that emulates real-
world network behaviour, in 31 hours on two sepa-
rate days. For the flow information and features, the
PCAP files were used by Argus and BRO-IDS/Zeek
obtaining 49 features with 2 representing attack la-
bels. For the evaluation of this dataset, only a sub-
set of the relevant files of the second day was used in
HERA to generate a labelled version.
Concerning the features that were exported, since
HERA utilises the same underlying flow exporter,
Argus, as one of the employed exporters by the re-
searchers who created the dataset, the features gen-
erated for this dataset were easily matched to the
UNSW-NB15 dataset. To note, the features that were
not exported in comparison to the original dataset,
were the ones produced by BRO-IDS/Zeek. So, from
the 49 features present in UNSW-NB15, 33 were
matched and two were added exclusively by HERA
(“FlowID” and “Rank”). The matched features are
source and destination IP address and port num-
ber (“SrcAddr”, “Sport”, “DstAddr” and “Dport”),
the transaction protocol (“Proto”), the transaction
state (“State”), the record total duration (“Dur”),
the source to destination, and vice-versa, transac-
tion bytes (“SrcBytes” and “DstBytes”), time to live
values (“sTtl” and “dTtl”), packets retransmitted or
dropped (“SrcLoss” and “DstLoss”), bits per second
(“SrcLoad” and “DstLoad”), packet count (“SrcP-
kts” and “DstPkts”), Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) window advertisement (“SrcWin” and “Dst-
Win”), TCP base sequence number (“SrcTCPBase”
and “DstTCPBase”), mean of the flow packet size
transmitted (“sMeanPktSz” and “dMeanPktSz”), jit-
ter (“SrcJitter” and “DstJitter”), interpacket arrival
time (“SIntPkt” and “DIntPkt”), start and last time
of the flow (“StartTime” and “LastTime”), the TCP
connection setup times, in specific the sum of the
SYN+ACK and ACK (“TcpRtt”), the time between
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
the SYN and SYN+ACK (“SynAck”), the time be-
tween the SYN+ACK and the ACK packets (“Ack-
Dat”), and the label containing the attack type, gen-
erated from the ground truth (“GTLabel”). Table 1
provides an overview of the selected features for the
ML models’ performance evaluation.
Table 1: Utilised features for UNSW-NB15 dataset.
Original HERA
Features Features
sinpkt SIntPkt
dinpkt DIntPkt
smean sMeanPktSz
dmean dMeanPktSz
spkts SrcPkts
dpkts DstPkts
sload SrcLoad
dload DstLoad
sbytes SrcBytes
dbytes DstBytes
sttl sTtl
dttl dTtl
CIC-IDS2017 was produced by
(Sharafaldin et al., 2018) in 2017. Similarly,
to the previous dataset, CIC-IDS2017 development
was motivated by the need to improve the datasets
available to the research community. For this reason,
they focused on providing a reliable and up-to-date
dataset. This dataset contains attack traffic of
DDoS/DoS, Heartbleed, Brute Force, Web Attacks,
Infiltrations, Botnets and Port Scans. For the data
collected, the authors simulated interaction between
25 users in a controlled environment for 5 days
using their tool CICFlowMeter to collect the traffic,
transform it into flows and extracting the 84 flow
features with 1 representing the attack label.
Since 2018, CIC-IDS2017 has been scrutinised,
having several issues been found in it. A main aspect
that has been criticised regarding the dataset stems
from problems with the tool used, CICFlowMeter.
For instance, the tool has been found to terminate the
TCP connections and construct the flow incorrectly
due to a timing-related flaw (Engelen et al., 2021).
Furthermore, labelling errors were encountered in the
tool which resulted in incorrect features, feature du-
plication, feature miscalculation and wrong protocol
detection. Other than problems caused by the tool,
the dataset has been noted for having high-class im-
balance and errors in the attack simulation, labelling
and benchmarking (Rosay et al., 2021; Rosay et al.,
2022; Panigrahi and Borah, 2018).
For the analysis of the dataset, the PCAP files
from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were used to
generate a labelled version of these days using the
HERA tool. Since a different tool was used to aggre-
gate the network packets and generate the flow fea-
tures, Table 2 provides an overview of the equivalent
features that were used to train the ML models.
Table 2: Utilised features for CIC-IDS2017 dataset.
Original HERA
Features Features
fwd iat mean SIntPkt
fwd iat max SIntPktMax
fwd iat min SIntPktMin
bwd iat mean DIntPkt
bwd iat max DIntPktMax
bwd iat min DIntPktMin
active mean Mean
active std StdDev
active max Max
active min Min
3.3 Models
Four types of ML models were selected for the per-
formance evaluation, based on decision tree ensem-
bles. For each dataset version, distinct models were
trained and fine-tuned through a grid search of well-
established hyperparameters for multi-class cyber-
attack classification with network traffic flows.
To determine the optimal configuration for each
model, a 5-fold cross-validation was performed.
Therefore, in each iteration, a model was trained
with 4/5 of a training set and validated with the re-
maining 1/5. The selected validation metric to be
maximised was the macro-averaged F1-Score, which
is well-suited for imbalanced training data (Vitorino
et al., 2023). After being fine-tuned, each model was
retrained with a complete training set and evaluated
with the holdout set.
Random Forest (RF) is a supervised ensemble of
decision trees, which are decision support tools that
use a tree-like structure. Each individual tree per-
forms a prediction according to a specific feature sub-
set, and the most voted class is chosen. It is based
on the wisdom of the crowd, the concept that the col-
lective decisions of multiple classifiers will be better
than the decisions of just one.
The default Gini Impurity criterion was used to
measure the quality of the possible node splits, and
the maximum number of features selected to build a
tree was the square root of the total number of fea-
tures. Since the maximum depth of a tree was opti-
mized for each training set, its value ranged from 8 to
16 in the different datasets. Table 3 summarizes the
Flow Exporter Impact on Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems
fine-tuned hyperparameters.
Table 3: Summary of RF configuration.
Hyperparameter Value
Criterion Gini impurity
No. of estimators 100
Max. depth of a tree 8 to 16
Min. samples in a leaf 1 to 4
Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) performs
gradient boosting using a supervised ensemble of de-
cision trees. A level-wise growth strategy is employed
to split nodes level by level, seeking to minimise a
loss function during its training.
The Cross-Entropy loss was used with the His-
togram method, which computes fast histogram-
based approximations to choose the best splits. The
key parameter of this model is the learning rate, which
controls how quickly the model adapts its weights to
the training data. It was optimised to relatively small
values for each training set, ranging from 0.05 to 0.25.
Table 4 summarizes the hyperparameters.
Table 4: Summary of XGB configuration.
Hyperparameter Value
Method Histogram
Loss function Cross-entropy
No. of estimators 100
Learning rate 0.05 to 0.30
Max. depth of a tree 4 to 16
Min. loss reduction 0.01
Feature subsample 0.8 to 0.9
Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM) also
utilises a supervised ensemble of decision trees to
perform gradient boosting. Unlike XGB, a leaf-wise
strategy is employed, following a best-first approach.
Hence, the leaf with the maximum loss reduction is
directly split in any level.
The key advantage of this model is its ability to
use Gradient-based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) to
build the decision trees, which is computationally
lighter than previous methods and therefore provides
a faster training process. The Cross-Entropy loss was
also used, and the maximum number of leaves was
optimised to values from 7 to 15 with a learning rate
of 0.1 to 0.2. To avoid fast convergences to subopti-
mal solutions, the learning rate was kept at small val-
ues for the distinct datasets. Table 5 summarizes the
Explainable Boosting Machine (EBM) is a gen-
eralised additive model that performs cyclic gradient
boosting with a supervised ensemble of shallow deci-
sion trees. Unlike the other three black-box models,
Table 5: Summary of LGBM configuration.
Hyperparameter Value
Method GOSS
Loss function Cross-entropy
No. of estimators 100
Learning rate 0.05 to 0.20
Max. leaves in a tree 7 to 15
Min. loss reduction 0.01
Min. samples in a leaf 2 to 4
Feature subsample 0.8 to 0.9
EBM is a glass-box model that performs explainable
and interpretable predictions.
Despite being a computationally heavy model dur-
ing the training phase, the maximum number of leaves
was limited to 7, and the features used to train this
model contribute to a prediction in an additive man-
ner that enables their relevance to be measured and
explained quickly during the inference phase. Table 6
summarizes the hyperparameters.
Table 6: Summary of EBM configuration.
Hyperparameter Value
Loss function Cross-entropy
No. of estimators 100
Learning rate 0.10 to 0.15
Max. number of bins 256
Max. leaves in a tree 3 to 7
Min. samples in a leaf 1 to 2
This section presents the obtained results for the
UNSW-NB15 and CIC-IDS2017 datasets, analysing
and comparing the ML models’ performance on the
original network traffic flows with their performance
on the flows generated with the HERA tool.
4.1 UNSW-NB15
When analysing the flows obtained with HERA, it
was noted that for the same period, the original has,
in general, more flows in each classification of traf-
fic as indicated in Table 7. In this particular case, the
additional flows are being added by BRO-IDS/Zeek
making it possible to note that this flow exporter adds
significantly more malicious traffic to the dataset. The
biggest discrepancy observed is regarding the traffic
identified as “Generic”, referring to a malicious tech-
nique that works against block cyphers, where the
original dataset presents 10 times the amount of the
HERA version. To note, UNSW-NB15 was produced,
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
in part, with the same underlying flow exporter used
by HERA, demonstrating that even adding a different
tool leads to different results in flow quantities, even
if the same PCAP files were used.
Table 7: Flow proportions for UNSW-NB15 dataset.
Class HERA Original
Name Flows Flows
Benign 726.153 893.726
Exploits 16.157 28.013
Fuzzers 12.060 14.527
Generic 11.468 180.076
Reconnaissance 7.366 9.112
DoS 2.294 10.549
Shellcode 953 964
Analysis 309 1.543
Backdoor 232 1.425
Worms 104 110
Total 777.096 1.140.045
Due to the imbalanced class proportions of 10
classes of the UNSW-NB15 dataset, the ML mod-
els’ performance evaluation included macro-averaged
metrics to give all classes the same relevance. Sev-
eral standard evaluation metrics for multi-class cyber-
attack classification were computed: accuracy, preci-
sion, recall, and F1-Score. Table 8 summarises the
obtained results.
The ML models trained with the original flows
obtained reasonably good results in the four metrics.
The accuracy of RF, XGB, and EBM was approx-
imately 78%, with LGBM not being far behind at
71%, which follows the benchmarks of the current
literature (Kilincer et al., 2022). Despite all models
reaching high F1-Scores on the majority classes, their
macro-averaged scores were below 50%, which high-
lights the difficulty in training ML models to distin-
guish between multiple minority classes of malicious
network traffic.
Even though their accuracy was below 80% on the
original version, the models trained with the HERA
version achieved between approximately 95% and
98% accuracy. Both the precision and recall of all
four models were substantially improved, which led
to an increase between 7% and 11% in their F1-
Scores. The best average precision was observed in
EBM, 69.86%, but the best recall and F1-Score were
reached by the more lightweight LGBM and RF mod-
els, 59.13% and 60.50%.
Since the HERA version contained equivalent fea-
tures that were extracted from the same network pack-
ets, better results were achieved by just processing
the original data with a tool that uses a single flow
exporter as opposed to mixing the flows generated
from two different tools. Therefore, this suggests that
the approach used to aggregate and convert network
packets into flows has a significant impact on ML re-
liability for NID.
4.2 CIC-IDS2017
For CIC-IDS2017, a similar result to UNSW-NB15
was verified with fewer flows in the dataset as shown
in Table 9. Regarding the variation of malicious
flows, the DoS Hulk attack presented the most vari-
ation with around 70.000 additional flows. In the
case of CIC-IDS2017, the flow exporter CICFlowMe-
ter was used. This flow exporter besides having been
criticised regarding how it forms the flows, has a dif-
ferent method for limiting flow generation. For this
reason, the original dataset has flows that last for over
100 seconds, while the dataset using HERA limits the
flow intervals to 60 seconds for this version of the
dataset. To note, HERA allows for different flow in-
tervals, but for this study, 60 seconds were chosen as
it is the commonly used value.
Since the CIC-IDS2017 dataset also contained 8
imbalanced classes, the ML models were also evalu-
ated with the same macro-averaged multi-class clas-
sification metrics as before. Table 10 summarises the
obtained results.
In contrast with UNSW-NB15, the ML models
trained with the original flows of CIC-IDS2017 ob-
tained very high results, due to the more represen-
tative classes of this dataset (Vitorino et al., 2024).
The more simple RF model reached the best accuracy
and precision, although XGB surpassed it in both re-
call and F1-Score, indicating a better ability of gradi-
ent boosting models to classify multiple cyber-attack
By training with the flows generated by the HERA
tool, the models obtained even higher scores. Their
accuracy was over 99% and their F1-Scores over
90%, which indicates a better generalisation. Despite
LGBM and EBM having just a slight improvement
in their average precision, all four models reached a
substantially better recall, which suggests that the fea-
ture extraction performed with the HERA tool led to
a better representation of the benign network activity
and cyber-attacks present in this dataset. Although the
results don’t show a drastic improvement, they rein-
force the good results obtained by the models associ-
ated with CIC-IDS2017, despite the problems identi-
fied within the CIC dataset.
The highest overall increase in F1-Score was ob-
served in RF, from 84.24% to 98.38%, which corre-
sponds to over 14%. Therefore, enhancing the conver-
sion of raw data captures into a network flow format
Flow Exporter Impact on Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems
Table 8: Obtained results for UNSW-NB15 dataset.
Dataset ML Classification Macro-averaged Macro-averaged Macro-averaged
Version Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score
RF 77.91 52.85 51.70 49.43
XGB 78.29 59.07 51.69 49.90
LGBM 71.48 47.04 51.85 48.19
EBM 77.69 55.12 50.07 48.49
RF 97.68 67.81 57.07 60.50
XGB 97.67 67.04 54.82 58.48
LGBM 94.88 54.91 59.13 55.76
EBM 97.41 69.86 50.62 54.60
Table 9: Flows obtained for CIC-IDS2017 dataset.
Class HERA Original
Name Flows Flows
Benign 1.186.141 1.402.023
DoS Hulk 161.225 231.073
DoS Slowhttptest 8.995 5.499
DoS GoldenEye 8.972 10.293
DoS Slowloris 8.729 5.796
FTP Brute Force 4.003 7.938
SSH Brute Force 2.959 5.897
Heartbleed 19 11
Total 1.381.043 1.668.530
enabled the training of more reliable ML models for
multi-class cyber-attack classification.
This work presented an analysis of the impact that
flow exporters have on the generated flow features
and on ML models’ performance and reliability. The
HERA tool was used with the original raw network
packets of each selected dataset, creating a new ver-
sion of these datasets. Multiple models, namely RF,
XGB, LGBM, and EBM were trained with the origi-
nal flows and the HERA flows, and their performance
was analysed and compared.
The results obtained demonstrated that RF was
the optimal model for both HERA versions of the
datasets. While both datasets achieved high accu-
racy, the F1-Score for the CIC-IDS2017 HERA ver-
sion was significantly higher, reaching 98.38% com-
pared to 60.50% for UNSW-NB15. This indicates
that the model performed substantially better on the
CIC-IDS2017 dataset, likely due to a higher represen-
tation of similar types of attacks. To note, the com-
position of the datasets might have played a key role
in this outcome. UNSW-NB15 contains 6.55% mali-
cious traffic spread across various attack types, while
CIC-IDS2017 includes 14.11% malicious traffic, with
a higher concentration of DoS attacks. Furthermore,
the results were also substantially better when the ML
models were trained with the HERA flows in com-
parison to the original, in both datasets. Overall,
their macro-averaged F1-Scores were increased be-
tween 7% and 14%, which indicates a better general-
isation. Although the improvement in the ML results
for the CIC-IDS2017 dataset was not drastic, these
findings demonstrate a new approach to addressing
the issues inherent in datasets produced by CIC, par-
ticularly those arising from the use of CICFlowMeter.
Additionally, by closely aligning the HERA version
features with those of the original dataset, it becomes
easier to compare results across datasets. Therefore,
the results suggest that using an alternative flow ex-
porter, specifically HERA, to aggregate and convert
network packets into flows allows ML models to bet-
ter distinguish between benign network activity and
multiple cyber-attack classes.
In the future, it is pertinent to continue analysing
the main characteristics of network traffic captures
and explore feature engineering techniques to im-
prove the generation of network flows. By provid-
ing better datasets with more realistic representations
of benign and malicious activity, data scientists and
security practitioners will be able to improve the se-
curity and trustworthiness of their ML models.
This work was supported by the CYDERCO project,
which has received funding from the European Cyber-
security Competence Centre under grant agreement
101128052. This work has also received funding
from UIDB/00760/2020.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 10: Obtained results for the CIC-IDS2017 dataset.
Dataset ML Classification Macro-averaged Macro-averaged Macro-averaged
Version Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score
RF 96.12 97.61 76.40 84.24
XGB 95.95 96.43 79.65 85.70
LGBM 92.68 89.31 79.01 82.90
EBM 95.44 95.30 74.92 82.64
RF 99.83 98.52 98.25 98.38
XGB 99.72 96.45 96.84 96.62
LGBM 94.18 92.07 91.90 90.86
EBM 99.35 95.36 91.55 93.21
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