Our system consists of three core components: (1)
a web server that receives data from a UGV and trans-
mits it to OST-HMD via a socket connection; (2) a
UGV equipped with an RTK rover system; and (3) the
HoloLens 2, serving as the OST-HMD. A detailed cal-
ibration step, which ensures accurate global tracking
of the user’s position and orientation, is illustrated.
In this paper, we present a preliminary evalua-
tion of the system in terms of functionality and accu-
racy. Further research is necessary to assess the sys-
tem with end users, specifically first responders. In
conclusion, this paper advances the state of the art in
outdoor RTK positioning with OST-HMD, proposing
a comprehensive system for visualizing UGV data via
OST-HMD while also highlighting areas for future re-
Muhannad Ismael and Ma
el Cornil are supported by
the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
(LIST) and the Luxembourg National Research Fund
(FNR) under the RISARX project (Grant Number
15340411). We express our gratitude to Dr. Roderick
McCall for his support and insightful discussions, Mr.
Christian Moll and Mr. Johannes Hermen for their as-
sistance in constructing the UGV, and Dr. Mohamed
Saifeddine Hadj Sassi for his logistical coordination
during the outdoor evaluation.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications