to the tube diameter (Al‐Obaidi, 2021). It was
observed that the velocity profile resulted in a
parabolic shape. A study was done on a pipe with
internal turbulent water flow exposed to a constant
wall temperature of 500 K, 750 K, and 1000 K (Al-
Zaharnah, 2004). It was observed that the
dimensionless temperature increases when the
studied point is farther away from the center, closer
to the inner radius, and toward the end of the pipe.
This increase in the dimensionless temperature means
that the fluid’s temperature is increasing. Another
study on ANSYS and MATLAB shed light on the
heat loss in a pipeline with multiple insulation layers
with an internal turbulent fluid flow (Patil, 2016). The
pipe layers consisted of glass wool, aluminium foil,
and steel with different thicknesses. It was observed
that the initial temperature of the steam flowing inside
the pipe, at 0 m in length, was 503 K. Then, it
decreased gradually throughout the pipe’s length to
reach a temperature of 423 K. A study on a vertical
hollow cylinder having specific dimensions was done
on ANSYS (Chandrakar, 2021). The cylinder having
an internal fluid flow and exposed to high and low
temperatures was studied. At lower temperatures, 350
K and 400 K, the convection and radiation heat
transfer rates increased similarly. At higher
temperatures, 450 K to 550 K, the increase in heat
transfer rate by radiation was higher than that by
convection. A heat transfer study using the
orthogonal collocation method was done on a circular
tube with laminar and fully developed internal fluid
flow, exposed to a constant wall temperature
(Belhocine, 2016). The dimensionless temperature
decreases exponentially when the fluid moves
towards the end of the tube, which means that the
temperature of the fluid is getting higher and is thus
getting closer to the high wall temperature.
The material of the trocar’s cannula must be
precisely selected to meet the proper material
requirements which are: biocompatibility,
transparency, eco-friendliness, and solid state. The
material should also be able to have minimal heat
transfer; it should act as an insulation material.
Multiple materials will be selected while adhering to
these requirements in order to reduce heat loss in the
trocar's cannula during the CO
operation, which will reduce the condensation
occurring on the camera lens. A simulation on
ANSYS workbench will be conducted to compare the
heat loss through the trocar using different materials
in the cannula composition under real-life conditions.
The trocar is modeled as a tube with an inner and
outer diameter. The CO
fluid will flow through the
inner diameter, and the tube will be exposed to
ambient air flow with a low temperature at the outer
diameter. The outcome of the numerical study will
determine the temperature distribution that will be
observed along the trocar.
An ANSYS simulation for the velocity profile
will take place, and then it will be validated using
theoretical equations and a previous published case
study. After that, the mean, axial, and radial
temperature distributions will be simulated in order to
find the best trocar material to resist heat transfer.
The trocar is modeled based on the characteristics of
the commercial trocar system from XNY Medical, a
manufacturer and distributor of minimal invasive
surgery (MIS) medical devices, China. The trocar is
considered to be a hollow tube with an internal CO
fluid flow and a surrounding ambient operating room
temperature of 20
C causing natural convection, as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Trocar Model.
2.1 Material Selection
In the medical field, it is important to abide by the
specific material requirements, which are, in this
case, biocompatibility, transparency, eco-
friendliness, and solid state. By definition,
biocompatible materials are polymers, metals, and
ceramics that don’t produce an immune or toxic
response within the human body. It is vital for the
trocar to use a biocompatible material since it protects
the patient from adverse reactions such as infection,
toxicity, or an allergic response when it’s inserted into
the body. Another material requirement to take into
consideration is the trocar’s optical transparency,
since it helps the surgeon visualize the tissue layers
before the trocar’s insertion in order to prevent organ
injury (Tanaka, 2019). Finally, it’s important for