the latest calculation. When a packet arrives in the
Reputation System, it opens it, performs the calcu-
lations, and replies to RabbitMQ. Hence, RabbitMQ
job is to queue these reputationUpdate messages and
forward them to the MySQL and Reputation System.
So, the remaining bulk of the network traffic past
the green line is the traffic associated with what is ob-
served in figure 21 and is applied to figures 19 and 20.
Figure 21 shows an example of a calculated score for
extension 200 but then came in another JSON with a
positive flag to increase the extension score. Hence,
the Reputation System does its job by again calcu-
lating the score and releasing a new update for which
RabbitMQ will route the reputationScore messages to
inform the database for VoIP WatchDog access and
the Reputation System.
Figure 21: Reputation Update from RabbitMQ.
Voice-over-IP (VoIP) will continue to rise due to the
need to have continuous and inexpensive communi-
cation methods. However, this continuously brings
about various security challenges, such as Spam over
Internet Telephony (SPIT), toll fraud, and brute-force
attacks, endangering the integrity and dependability
of VoIP networks. In response to these threats, the
RiVS framework explored the implementation of rep-
utation systems as a proactive security measure, offer-
ing a way to improve the resilience of VoIP systems
against malicious actors.
Although the CDR parser component effectively
addresses the identification of SPIT according to the
defined set of parameters, the integration of Machine
Learning (ML) would present a substantial refine-
ment. The parameters involved defining a value on the
call’s duration to determine whether a call was spam.
During the evaluation, the performance results
show that actions are performed quickly and the sys-
tem remains stable. For example, on average, to
process an individual event, RabbitMQ takes 3.083
milliseconds (ms) to process each message, Repu-
tation System 2.1ms for score update, CDR Parser
0.1573ms for processing a row, Call Routing Module
2.932ms to handle calls, and Authentication Module
6.1744ms to configure and restart the Access Control
List (ACL) for immediate effect. Some variations can
be observed, but are not unreasonable according to the
output. Demonstrating efficiency and stability, which
can contribute to future enhancements.
However, VoIP WatchDog was built using Python
scripts, meaning that a new shell process runs every
time it is executed, consuming resources every time,
even if by a small amount. Due to limitations, perfor-
mance bottlenecks are not noticeable in such an ex-
perimental PoCs, and the volume of calls is low com-
pared to the volume generated in a production envi-
ronment, where they could have serious bottlenecks.
As future work, we consider the following: 1)
Enhance spam detection through the implementation
of ML.2) Implement an Asterisk Gateway Interface
(AGI), to take advantage of FastAGI, to improve all
operations involving database connections, log pars-
ing, call control and reduce resource consumption fur-
ther and the load on the Asterisk Server, since the se-
curity module requires to be installed on the Server.
3) Deploy the Reputation System in the cloud, to em-
ulate a public facing service.
This work implemented a reputation system that
was developed through the ARCADIAN-IoT project,
sponsored by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme and supported un-
der grant agreement number 101020259. This work
has been supported by Project “Agenda Mobilizadora
Sines Nexus”. ref. No. 7113), supported by the Re-
covery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and by the Euro-
pean Funds Next Generation EU, following Notice
No. 02/C05-i01/2022, Component 5 - Capitalisation
and Business Innovation - Mobilising Agendas for
Business Innovation. This work is also funded by Na-
tional funds through the FCT- Foundation for Science
and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project
CISUC-UID/CEC/00326/2020 and by the European
Social Fund, through the Regional Operational Pro-
gram Centro 2020.
(2016). Mobile voip market size to reach $145.76 bil-
lion by 2024. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/
press-release/global-mobile-voip-market. Accessed:
Association, C. F. C. (2023). Telecommunications fraud
increased 12% in 2023 equating to an estimated 38.95
billion lost to fraud. https://bit.ly/4byIiLF. Accessed:
businessWire (2023). Hiya report: A quarter of all unknown
calls in the world are spam and fraud. https://www.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy