Tunisian Dialect Speech Corpus: Construction and Emotion Annotation
Latifa Iben Nasr
, Abir Masmoudi
and Lamia Hadrich Belguith
MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Emotion, Spontaneous Speech, Tunisian Dialect, Multi-Domain.
Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) using Natural Language Processing (NLP) for underrepresented dialects
faces significant challenges due to the lack of annotated corpora. This research addresses this issue by con-
structing and annotating SERTUS (Speech Emotion Recognition in TUnisian Spontaneous speech), a novel
corpus of spontaneous speech in the Tunisian Dialect (TD), collected from various domains such as sports,
politics, and culture. SERTUS includes both registers of TD: the popular (familiar) register and the intel-
lectual register, capturing a diverse range of emotions in spontaneous settings and natural interactions across
different regions of Tunisia. Our methodology uses a categorical approach to emotion annotation and employs
inter-annotator agreement measures to ensure the reliability and consistency of the annotations. The results
demonstrate a high level of agreement among annotators, indicating the robustness of the annotation process.
The study’s core contribution lies in its comprehensive and rigorous approach to the development of a dataset
of spontaneous emotional speech in this dialect. The constructed corpus has significant potential applications
in various fields, such as human-computer interaction, mental health monitoring, call center analytics, and
social robotics. It also facilitates the development of more accurate and culturally nuanced SER systems. This
work contributes to existing research by providing a high-quality annotated corpus while emphasizing the im-
portance of including underrepresented dialects in NLP research.
Human emotions arise in response to objects or
events in their surroundings, influencing various as-
pects of human life, including attention, memory re-
tention, goal achievement, recognition of priorities,
knowledge-based motivation, interpersonal commu-
nication, cognitive development, emotional regula-
tion, and effort motivation (Gannouni et al., 2020).
Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) has emerged
as a crucial area of research with diverse applica-
tions, such as mental health assessment, customer ser-
vice optimization, and human-computer interaction
(Goncalves et al., 2024).
As for languages, most speech emotion datasets
are implemented in German, English, and Spanish.
Several SER studies have also been conducted in
Dutch, Danish, Mandarin, and other European and
Asian languages (Aljuhani et al., 2021). Arabic SER
is an emerging research field (Besdouri et al., 2024).
The developmental lag in Arabic SER is due to the
lack of available resources compared to other lan-
guages (Alamri et al., 2023).
Expanding upon the linguistic complexities, the
Arabic language, with its rich diversity of dialects
and linguistic nuances, presents a formidable hurdle
in SER tasks. Among these dialects, Tunisian Dialect
(TD) stands out due to its unique characteristics and
complexities. Spoken by approximately 12 million
people across various regions (Zribi et al., 2014), TD
encompasses numerous regional varieties, including
the Tunis dialect (Capital), Sahil dialect, Sfax dialect,
Northwestern TD, Southwestern TD, and Southeast-
ern TD (Gibson, 1999).
Moreover, TD exhibits a distinctive linguistic fu-
sion, incorporating vocabulary from multiple lan-
guages, such as French, Turkish, and Berber (Mas-
moudi et al., 2018). For instance, Tunisians often
borrow expressions from French, incorporating them
into everyday conversations with phrases like ’c¸a va,
e, rendez-vous, and ’merci. Indeed, the lin-
guistic situation in Tunisia is described as ’polyglos-
sic,’ where multiple languages and language varieties
coexist. This linguistic diversity is a testament to
Tunisia’s rich historical heritage, influenced by var-
Nasr, L. I., Masmoudi, A. and Belguith, L. H.
Tunisian Dialect Speech Corpus: Construction and Emotion Annotation.
DOI: 10.5220/0013134000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 360-367
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ious powers, including French colonization, the Ot-
toman Empire, and earlier influences.
Therefore, analyzing emotional expressions in TD
requires a nuanced understanding of the linguistic in-
tricacies of the dialect, including the dual registers
of intellectualized and popular dialects (Boukadida,
2008). The intellectualized dialect, used by schol-
ars and in media broadcasts, features a formal lex-
icon and borrowings while retaining dialectal struc-
tures. In contrast, the popular (familiar) dialect is
used for everyday communication. For example,
the sentence ”Disappointing situation” is rendered as
®Ó/ mVaynaT AlHAlaT] in the familiar reg-
ister and [
ñË@/ Alwa.diyaT xAybT] in the
intellectualized register.
Furthermore, emotional expressions in Tunisian
Arabic are heavily influenced by cultural nuances.
For instance, a speaker from Tunis might ex-
press joy by saying [A
¯/ fraHit bar$A]
(”I’m very happy”), using [A
/ bar$A] to in-
tensify the emotion, while a southern speaker
might say [
'@ ú
K ú
P m
/ hika ni-
His rowHy tVowl fiy AljanaT] (”I feel like I’m in
paradise”) to convey a deeper sense of joy through
metaphor. Similarly, frustration might be expressed as
/ tibit mn Al.hAlaT] (”I’m tired of the
situation”) in the north, whereas a southern speaker
might use [ÈA
'@ A
/ .dAV biyA AlHAl] (”I’m
overwhelmed by the situation”) to indicate a higher
level of emotional intensity.
These variations illustrate how cultural and re-
gional nuances shape emotional expressions in
Tunisian Arabic. Despite this linguistic diversity,
the field of SER in TD remains limited, with only a
few studies, such as those conducted by (Nasr et al.,
2023), (Meddeb et al., 2016), and (Messaoudi et al.,
2022), which are annotated with distinct emotion
classes but have a limited size distribution.
The primary objective of this research is to ad-
dress this gap by providing emotional speech anno-
tations in Tunisian Arabic based on a categorical ap-
proach, which will be made publicly available to the
scientific community. To achieve this, we aim to de-
velop a newly collected corpus of spontaneous TD
across different domains and capture multiple regis-
ters of TD, some of which have already been utilized
in previous studies (Nasr et al., 2023), to ensure the
richness of our dataset. Figure 1 elucidates the metic-
ulous construction process of our SERTUS corpus.
The major contributions of this research are sum-
marized as follows:
Collecting spontaneous data from various do-
mains in TD.
Annotating the corpus using a categorical ap-
Assessing the effectiveness of this annotation us-
ing an agreement measure.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2, we review the related works pre-
sented in the literature. In Section 3, we outline the
construction of SERTUS (Speech Emotion Recogni-
tion in TUnisian Spontaneous Speech). In Section 4,
we establish a discussion. Finally, in Section 5, we
draw conclusions and discuss future research direc-
The critical assessment of SER systems depends on
the quality of the databases used and the performance
metrics achieved. To select an appropriate dataset,
several criteria must be taken into account, includ-
ing the naturalness of emotions (natural, acted, or in-
duced), the size of the database, the diversity of avail-
able emotions, and the annotation approach (dimen-
sional or categorical).
Arabic SER is an emerging field. However, there
is a notable scarcity of available Arabic speech emo-
tion datasets. Between 2000 and 2021, emotional
databases in Arabic speech accounted for only 4.76%
of the total number of databases across all languages
(Iben Nasr et al., 2024). Additionally, acted and
elicited emotion databases are primarily used for Ara-
bic SER (Alamri et al., 2023). For example, KSUE-
motions is an acted database for Standard Arabic
that comprises 5 hours and 5 minutes of recorded
data. Another example is EYASE, which represents
a semi-natural Egyptian Arabic dataset consisting of
579 utterances ranging in length from 1 to 6 seconds
(El Seknedy and Fawzi, 2022). To the best of our
knowledge, only two datasets are available in TD: the
REGIM TES dataset (Meddeb et al., 2016), which
includes 720 acted emotional speech samples with
lengths of up to 5 seconds, and TuniSER (Messaoudi
et al., 2022), which contains 2,771 induced speech
utterances with durations varying from 0.41 to 15.31
seconds, averaging around 1 second.
In comparing Arabic with other languages such
as English and French, we notice a notable lack of
both the quality and quantity of available datasets for
SER. For instance, English language datasets, such as
the IEMOCAP dataset (Busso et al., 2008), include
natural and spontaneous conversations between ac-
Tunisian Dialect Speech Corpus: Construction and Emotion Annotation
Figure 1: Process of SERTUS Construction.
tors, totaling approximately 12 hours of audio record-
ings. Similarly, the SAVEE dataset (Jackson and Haq,
2014) comprises natural emotional speech recorded
from four English male speakers, with a total duration
of 4 hours. Furthermore, French language datasets,
like the RECOLA dataset (Ringeval et al., 2013), con-
tain natural emotional speech recordings in various
contexts, with a total of around 8 hours of audio data.
However, the Arabic language suffers from a
dearth of comparable resources in terms of both qual-
ity and quantity compared to these well-established
English and French datasets. As previously men-
tioned, the available Arabic datasets, predominantly
consisting of acted or elicited speech, lack the natu-
ralness and spontaneity of real-world emotional ex-
pressions. Moreover, compared to other datasets, the
sizes of the existing Arabic datasets are significantly
smaller, exacerbating the challenges faced in develop-
ing robust Arabic SER systems. This disparity under-
scores the urgent need for additional efforts to address
the shortcomings in Arabic SER, particularly regard-
ing the quality and size of the datasets. Hence, it is
vital to apply this approach in diverse linguistic con-
texts and identify its gaps in Arabic SER corpora.
3.1 Data Collection
In Tunisia, it is possible to make fair use of copy-
righted materials according to Article 10 of Law No.
94-36 of February 24, 1994, related to literary and
artistic property, as amended by Law No. 2009-33 of
June 23, 2009. In our case, within a research frame-
work, and as mentioned above, there are two oral
linguistic registers (Boukadida, 2008). For the first
register, we drew inspiration from Tunisian television
programs, particularly talk shows on YouTube. We
aimed to analyze the range of emotions expressed by
guests who shared their views on various topics re-
lated to social, political, cultural, and sporting mat-
ters. As for the second register, we extracted data
from the ’Tunisian Reality’ YouTube series, which
consists of interviews conducted on the streets us-
ing sidewalk microphones in Tunis, the capital city of
Tunisia. These series capture spontaneous emotional
responses and comments from individuals in public
spaces, addressing a wide range of topics such as pol-
itics and the economy. We collected data from differ-
ent regions, including southern and northern Tunisia,
to capture dialectical differences.
Based on a variety of talk shows and ’Tunisian
Reality’ series, with an emphasis on the various do-
mains and the two registers of TD, and by including
diverse public regions, we were able to build a com-
prehensive representation of spontaneous emotional
reactions within the Tunisian population, ultimately
leading to a better understanding of the SER process.
These resources offer a wide range of emotional ex-
pressions and regional linguistic variations to better
capture the main TD characteristics, including multi-
lingual aspects, various word types, as well as mor-
phological, syntactical, and lexical differences (Mas-
moudi et al., 2018) (Nasr et al., 2023).
Our SERTUS database contains over 23.85 hours
of spontaneous TD speech by 1,259 speakers. We
used the ’WavePad’ software, thanks to its user-
friendly interface and advanced features, to extract
voiced segments from the audio files. We extracted
the speakers’ responses and eliminated not only the
accompanying questions raised by TV show presen-
ters or journalists after conducting street interviews
but also extraneous noise sources. Each speaker’s re-
sponse was treated as a distinct audio segment to en-
sure clarity and coherence. Our dataset includes 3,793
recordings with durations ranging from 3.15 seconds
to 10.97 minutes, providing a wide range of speech
scenarios. In fact, each segment spans approximately
20 seconds to capture a broad spectrum of linguistic
expressions and emotional nuances. A uniform sam-
pling rate of 44.1 kHz was applied to enhance consis-
tency, and the corpus was gathered over a five-month
Furthermore, to provide new insights into the dis-
tribution and composition of our dataset, Table 1 cat-
egorizes the collected data into different domains and
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
provides a detailed breakdown of the size and compo-
sition of our dataset in each domain.
Table 1: Statistics on the number of minutes collected per
Domain Program Number
of minutes
Culture Kahwa Arbi 180
Labess Show
Policy Wahech Checha 60
Sport Attesia Sport 60
Society Safi Kalbek 180
Maa Ala
Multi-domain Tunisian Reality 951
3.2 Pre-Processing Steps
To ensure accurate annotations, we have carried out
some pre-processing steps, namely reducing periods
of silence and anonymizing personal information.
3.2.1 Silence Reduction
Our study has primarily focused on selected speeches
delivered by speakers or guests, rather than presenta-
tions made by TV program presenters. Therefore, we
have excluded presenters’ statements from our cor-
pus. It is worth noting that our corpus is made up of
the voices of TV speakers or guests without any over-
lapping speech. Given the spontaneous nature of our
corpus, periods of silence used for reflection before
giving a specific response are common. To ensure
consistency, any silence lasting more than two sec-
onds has been standardized to a duration of exactly
two seconds
3.2.2 Anonymization
Our speech data, collected from authentic conver-
sations, may include personal information such as
names, professions, locations, and other details. To
ensure confidentiality and compliance with data pro-
tection regulations, it is crucial to closely follow and
oversee the legal framework surrounding the man-
agement of personal data. By adhering to the Good
Practice Guide Principles (2006), we prioritize the
anonymization of our data to prevent the identifica-
tion of individuals.
Our approach involves identifying sensitive ele-
ments in recordings that may reveal personal infor-
mation. To ensure anonymity, it is essential to iden-
tify and replace cues that may disclose this informa-
tion with periods of silence, thereby reducing the fre-
quency of personal speech information. We acknowl-
edge that specific combinations of cues may still re-
veal individuals’ identities. For example, a speaker
may mention only their first name, which is not con-
sidered identifiable personal information. Also, pro-
fessional roles (e.g., journalists) are not generally
considered identifiers unless specific details are dis-
After analyzing the corpus, uncommon instances,
such as specific job titles and locations, require care-
ful handling to avoid the direct identification of per-
sonal information. Anonymization is a manual pro-
cess that involves thoroughly examining all audio seg-
ments to protect privacy and adhere to legal standards.
3.3 Guidelines
The annotators were provided with clear and detailed
guidelines to ensure a thorough understanding of the
study’s objectives and the precise ways their contribu-
tions would be utilized. These guidelines emphasized
the importance of objectivity throughout the annota-
tion process to minimize any potential biases stem-
ming from individual perceptions, emotions, or sub-
jective interpretations.
To achieve objectivity, annotators were instructed
to approach the emotional labeling task with a neu-
tral perspective, focusing solely on the linguistic and
acoustic cues present in the audio data rather than
their personal emotional responses. This objectivity
was critical, given the diverse range of spontaneous
emotions expressed in the TD and the need for con-
sistent and reliable annotations across the dataset.
To facilitate the annotation process, a structured
and user-friendly method was employed. Annota-
tors were provided with a pre-designed table that they
were to complete using Microsoft Excel. After lis-
tening to each audio segment, they were required to
associate the identified emotions with the correspond-
ing audio file name. This structured approach ensured
a systematic and organized method of capturing emo-
tional labels, reducing the likelihood of errors or in-
The recruitment of the annotation team was han-
dled with care and precision. A public call for ten-
der was launched to develop a robust and transparent
selection process, ensuring that only the most qual-
ified individuals were chosen for the task. The se-
lection criteria were stringent, focusing on expertise
in sentiment annotation, fluency in TD, and a strong
background in linguistic analysis. We specifically tar-
geted individuals with academic qualifications from
the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, particularly those
with advanced degrees in linguistics and a solid un-
derstanding of the emotional nuances in the TD.
The final annotation team consisted of three na-
Tunisian Dialect Speech Corpus: Construction and Emotion Annotation
tive speakers of TD: two females and one male, all
of whom were experts in the field of sentiment anal-
ysis. Inspired by previous works such as (Messaoudi
et al., 2022) and (Macary et al., 2020), which also uti-
lized three annotators, each annotator independently
reviewed and labeled the audio files to ensure a di-
verse yet consistent perspective on the emotional con-
tent of the corpus. This independent annotation pro-
cess, combined with their linguistic expertise, pro-
vided a high degree of reliability and validity in the
emotional labeling of our dataset. Additionally, the
diversity in the team, both in terms of gender and
analytical perspectives, further strengthened the ro-
bustness of the annotations, contributing to the overall
quality of the study’s outcomes.
3.4 Annotation
At this stage, annotators must take into account the
definitions of emotions identified in each audio seg-
ment of our dataset. Each segment receives a specific
emotion. Manual annotation is extremely important
as it helps annotators build a dedicated learning cor-
pus for emotion analysis. The final designation for
each clip was determined by a majority vote. Our cat-
egorical annotation includes six different emotions as
Neutrality: èñ
@ Alfylm Alywm
y‘r.dwh / The movie is showing today.
Joy: Q
jʫ hQ
g/ .hAjT tfr.h ‘lxr / Its makes
me so happy
Disgust: C
ñêÓ ©
ñË@/ Alw.d‘ mhwA
s jmlA
/ The situation is not going well at all.
K ð
K/ b.srA.hT ’nA rA.dyT w tW b
swT b
t.hsn / Honestly, I’m satisfied with this situation,
and little by little, it will get better.
@ ð Q
®Ë@ ÉÓ
K ú
P/ rAniy
t‘bt ml Alfqar w AlA.htyAjyT/ I suffer from
poverty and low living standards.
Anger: ú
¾ë A
Qå/ srAaq
kymA hkA myxfw.S rby/ Thieves like these
people do not fear God.
The selection of emotions in our corpus—neutral,
joy, sadness, disgust, anger, and satisfaction—was
carefully determined through discussions with anno-
tators and based on the specific characteristics of the
data. This choice was influenced by several consider-
ations, including the inclusion of ”neutral” to capture
moments devoid of intense emotions and ”satisfac-
tion, which reflects a blend of joy and calm (Plutchik,
1980). The presence of these categories in our cor-
pus was essential to accurately represent the observed
emotional diversity. While this study does not di-
rectly compare these emotions with those in datasets
from other languages, the selection aligns with estab-
lished models such as (Plutchik, 1980) and (Ekman,
1992), while being tailored to the unique features of
our dataset.
During the data collection phase, we encountered
a significant challenge: the overwhelming prevalence
of negative emotional discourse among Tunisian
speakers. This pattern appeared to reflect the broader
socio-economic situation in Tunisia, where ongoing
challenges related to political instability, economic
difficulties, and social unrest have shaped public sen-
timent. Despite our concerted efforts to balance
the dataset by actively seeking out episodes that fo-
cused on more positive topics—such as love, personal
achievements, and national celebrations—our corpus
remained heavily skewed toward negative emotional
The emotional landscape captured in our data
leaned heavily towards emotions like anger and sad-
ness, while more positive emotions such as joy and
contentment were notably underrepresented. As
shown in Figure 2, the “joy” class accounted for a
mere 4.69% and the ”neutral” class accounted for
only 3.02% of the emotion distribution, whereas the
“anger” class represented 28.76%, indicating a stark
contrast in the emotional categories present in the cor-
Figure 2: Class distribution in the corpus.
The domains represented in the data col-
lected from Tunisian talk shows and street inter-
views have a direct impact on the types of emo-
tions expressed by speakers. For example, po-
litical discussions, such as those from the pro-
gram ”Wahech Checha”, often evoke negative emo-
tions like anger. In one instance, a speaker ex-
pressed their anger over the political instability,
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
saying, [
¯ ñJ
/ynhbw fy mxAzn aldwl b.tryqT .gyr mbA
sr srAq
/They are looting the state’s warehouses indi-
rectly, thieves], reflecting the socio-political chal-
lenges faced by the country. Conversely, cul-
tural topics, featured in programs like ”Kahwa
Arbi” and ”Labess Show, tend to elicit more neu-
tral or positive emotions. For example, a guest
on ”Labess Show” expressed satisfaction, stating,
¯ ÐñJ
Ë@ ú
¯ /fr.hAnT ’ny alywm fy
brnAmjk/ I am happy to be in your program today].
Sports-related discussions, such as those from ”At-
tesia Sport, also display a range of emotions, from
joy during team victories to disappointment during
losses. For instance, a fan celebrating a win said,
®Ó A
X ú
K /trjy dymA mfr.htnA/ Attaraji al-
ways bring us joy]. The societal topics addressed in
the programs ”Safi Kalbek” and ”Maa Ala”, as well
as some episodes in the ”Tunisian Reality” YouTube
series, evoke emotions of sadness and disgust that
reflect the economic and social situation in Tunisia,
stating, [ú
¿ éK
g /.hAlnA ylm bh kAn
rby/ Only God knows our situation]. By analyzing
these varied domains, we can observe distinct emo-
tional patterns associated with each field, enriching
our understanding of how emotions are tied to the
topics being discussed. This domain-emotion cor-
relation is vital for a nuanced analysis of emotional
discourse in TD, especially when considering the re-
gional and contextual factors that influence emotional
3.5 Calculation of the Inter-Annotator
Evaluating agreement between annotators in corpus
annotation tasks is a critical step in assessing the con-
sistency of the annotations. Inter-annotator reliabil-
ity ensures that the annotated data reflect consistent
judgments, minimizing individual biases. One of the
most widely used measures to assess this agreement
is Fleiss’ kappa coefficient (Gwet, 2021). It measures
the degree of concordance between multiple annota-
tors, regardless of the number of categories, and ac-
counts for chance agreement, making it a robust tool
for such analyses. Several Python libraries, such as
scikit-learn and NLTK, provide convenient tools for
researchers to compute this coefficient and validate
the reliability of their annotations.
The formula for Fleiss’ kappa is as follows:
K = (Po Pe)/(1 Pe) (1)
Po: represents the proportion of observed agree-
ment between annotators.
Pe: denotes the proportion of agreement expected
by chance.
In our case, the annotators demonstrated a high
level of agreement with with K = 0.89, indicating
strong consistency in annotating the emotions ex-
pressed in spontaneous speech. This result demon-
strates the reliability of the annotations; however,
some disagreements persisted due to the inherent
challenges posed by the nature of the data..
The first challenge is the spontaneous nature of
our data, which includes background noise and dis-
fluency phenomena(Boughariou et al., 2021). This
issue affects the performance of the annotation pro-
cess. Annotating emotions in a spontaneous corpus
presents additional challenges due to the complexity
and overlap of emotional states. Emotions are not
always expressed unequivocally and can shift within
the same discourse, making it difficult to achieve per-
fect agreement between annotators. For example, dis-
agreements can arise based on how each annotator
perceives subtle nuances within the same sentence.
Consider the following sentence in TD:
Ó ð ú
ñÊ¿ @
/ yAxy
h*A klw .sArly w mAzelt ntsemAe.h/ After every-
thing that happened to me, I continue to hurt myself].
This sentence could be interpreted as expressing
sadness, due to the sense of resignation it conveys.
However, it could also be perceived as reflecting
disgust towards oneself or the situation, illustrating
the difficulty of assigning a single emotional label to
nuanced expressions.
Another example that illustrates emotional over-
lap is: [ é<
'@ A
@ ,A
Ë@ ð ÐñÒ
¯ ð
/konit ma.gmwm w AldenyA
.dAqt biyA, amA Al.hmd lllh t.hasnt w fra.het bar$A
/I was sad and felt overwhelmed, but thank God,
things improved, and I am very happy now.] Here,
we see a clear transition from sadness to joy, demon-
strating an emotional shift marked by the improve-
ment in the situation. This kind of emotional com-
plexity makes it difficult to standardize annotations,
as each annotator may focus on different aspects of
the discourse.
Thus, while the high kappa coefficient reflects
strong overall agreement between the annotators,
these examples show that some divergence can per-
sist, especially in situations where emotions are am-
biguous or overlapping.
Tunisian Dialect Speech Corpus: Construction and Emotion Annotation
Table 2: Comparative table of Arabic SER corpora.
Work Name Langue Nature Size Number of
(Meddeb et al., 2016) REGIM TES TD Acted 720 samples 5
of up to 5s each
(Messaoudi et al., 2022) TuniSER TD Semi-natural 2771 utterances 4
from 0.41 to
15.31s lengths
(Meftah et al., 2020) KSUEmotions MSA Acted 5 hours and 5 5
minutes of data
(El Seknedy and Fawzi, 2022) EYASE Egyptian Semi-natural 579 utterances 4
dialect from 1s to 6s
Our work SERTUS TD Spontaneous 23.85h 6
In the realm of Arabic SER, our study provides a
comprehensive analysis of the SERTUS dataset. As
shown in Table 2, our work stands out across sev-
eral key dimensions, with the SERTUS dataset serv-
ing as the cornerstone of our research. Notably, our
dataset features a substantial size, consisting of ap-
proximately 23.85 hours of audio recordings, with a
total of 3793 samples. Furthermore, the data collected
for SERTUS comes from a variety of programs across
multiple domains, enhancing its applicability to a
broad range of research areas and real-world appli-
cations. One of the main strengths of our dataset lies
in the spontaneous nature of the speech data. Unlike
datasets composed of acted or semi-natural speech,
the natural interactions captured in SERTUS offer a
more authentic representation of human emotions in
everyday environments. This characteristic makes
our dataset especially valuable for developing emo-
tion recognition models that are better suited to real-
life applications, surpassing the limitations posed by
artificially constructed datasets. Additionally, SER-
TUS covers six distinct emotion categories, exceeding
the four categories commonly found in comparable
datasets, such as TuniSER and EYASE. This broader
emotional range allows for the capture of more nu-
anced and varied emotional expressions, thereby con-
tributing to the development of more accurate and ro-
bust emotion recognition models. The diversity and
scale of spontaneous recordings in SERTUS provide
fertile ground for advancing research in this area, fa-
cilitating improvements in systems designed for SER
across various applications, such as human-computer
interaction, clinical emotion detection, and behavioral
analysis in complex environments.
The TD holds potential for generalization to other
Arabic dialects, such as Algerian and Libyan, due to
their shared linguistic roots and phonological, lexi-
cal, and syntactic similarities. This facilitates transfer
learning between these dialects. Our Tunisian emo-
tional corpus, rich in annotated audio data, provides
a solid foundation for developing models that can be
adapted to neighboring dialects. By leveraging the
linguistic and emotional nuances in this corpus, it
is possible to refine emotion recognition algorithms,
thereby enhancing the understanding of emotions in
Algerian and Libyan dialects. This approach enables
significant advancements in computational linguistics
and in the emotion recognition community, benefiting
not only the TD but also other Arabic dialects.
In the current research work, we introduced our spon-
taneous emotional speech corpus in TD, named SER-
TUS, with categorical annotation. We labeled our
corpus with six emotions: neutral, disgust, anger,
joy, satisfaction, and sadness, following established
guidelines. This corpus includes more than 23.85
hours of recordings in different domains, such as
sports and politics, and from various sources to cap-
ture regional differences in TD. The ultimate objec-
tive of this work was to ensure the consistency of
this new corpus, and we achieved good agreement be-
tween annotators, measured by the kappa coefficient.
In future directions, we will address the limita-
tions of our research, particularly the imbalance in
our corpus, by applying data augmentation techniques
and measuring their performance. Voici une version
a jour du paragraphe avec l’ajout de la granu-
e plus fine :
Additionally, our focus will pivot towards refining
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
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tential real-world applications for our dataset, includ-
ing its use in developing emotion recognition sys-
tems, improving human-computer interaction inter-
faces, and facilitating cross-cultural communication.
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Tunisian Dialect Speech Corpus: Construction and Emotion Annotation