Fuzzy Logic for Cybersecurity: Intrusion Detection and Privacy
Preservation with Synthetic Data
Marina Soledad Iantorno
and Khalil Beladda
Campus Founders, Buildung Campus, Heilbronn, Germany
CCT College, Westmorland St, Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: Cybersecurity, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Logic, Intrusion Detection System, NSL-KDD, Membership Function,
Synthetic Data, WGAN.
Abstract: This research explores the use of fuzzy logic in intrusion detection systems (IDS) aiming to improve
cybersecurity threat detection. Conventional machine learning models, like Decision Trees and Support
Vector Machines, are evaluated against a fuzzy logic model that employs triangle and parallelogram-shaped
membership functions to address the uncertainty in network traffic. The fuzzy logic system presented good
performance, achieving greater accuracy, precision, and F1-scores than conventional models, particularly
when using real network traffic data. Synthetic data produced by Wasserstein Generative Adversarial
Networks (WGANs) was also used to evaluate the model's robustness and guarantee privacy protection in
future studies. The relevance of this approach lies in its ability to provide more comprehensive threat
detection, helping organizations safeguard their systems in environments where strict, rule-based models may
fall short. The findings indicate that the fuzzy logic methodology is effective, even when applied to synthetic
data, demonstrating its feasible choice for intrusion detection in sensitive contexts. Subsequent research will
investigate the incorporation of deep learning methodologies and the modification of the model for distributed
systems, focusing on scalability and real-time threat identification.
In the contemporary digital era, cybersecurity is
critically significant, as organizations encounter
increasing dangers from different cyberattacks
(CheckPoint, 2024). These attacks, including denial
of-service (DoS), remote-to-local (R2L), and user-to
root (U2R) incursions, can significantly undermine
the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of
essential systems. With the growing dependence of
organizations on digital infrastructures and online
transactions, the security of network environments
has emerged as a critical concern (Admass, Munaye,
& Diro, 2024). To address this, intrusion detection
systems (IDS) are in use to detect anomalous
behaviors within network traffic. This paper aims to
investigate the use of fuzzy logic in an Intrusion
Detection System (IDS) employing the NSL-KDD
dataset (DARPA, 2018), which is a common resource
for intrusion detection studies, to explain how fuzzy
logic can improve the identification of potential cyber
threats while protecting sensitive network
information through synthetic data generation.
This analysis has two main goals. Initially, it aims
to replicate network traffic and intrusions with the
NSL-KDD dataset, distinguishing and categorizing
normal traffic from various attack vectors. Secondly,
it proposes a fuzzy logic-based methodology for
intrusion detection, enabling a more effective
modelling and analysis of the inherent ambiguity in
network activity. The analysis uses fuzzy logic to
enhance the precision of identifying inappropriate
network behavior, avoiding dependence on rigid
thresholds or binary determinations. Additionally,
synthetic data modelling will be utilized to produce
realistic, privacy-preserving network traffic, offering
enterprises an efficient method to train IDS models
while safeguarding the confidentiality of sensitive
network data.
In contrast to conventional systems relying on
rigid rules or exact thresholds, fuzzy logic allows
various levels of truth, thus addressing uncertainty
Iantorno, M. S. and Beladda, K.
Fuzzy Logic for Cybersecurity: Intrusion Detection and Privacy Preservation with Synthetic Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0013137300003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 376-382
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and ambiguity in network traffic patterns (Masoumi,
Dehghani, Hossani, & Masoumi, 2020).
Cybersecurity incidents are frequently intricate
and unpredictable, complicating the classification of
an occurrence as just "safe" or "malicious". Fuzzy
logic offers another methodology, enabling the
assessment of diverse attack scenarios according to
fluctuating probabilities, hence facilitating more
adaptable and resilient decision-making processes.
As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the
integration of fuzzy logic into Intrusion Detection
Systems can enhance organizations’ ability to
identify cyber-attacks more effectively and react to
changing threat environments (Keeping Security,
Several researchers have explored the application of
fuzzy logic in various fields. Despite being an
established technique created by Lotfi Zadeh in the
1960s, fuzzy logic continues to progress as
technological improvements and better computer
capacity create new opportunities for its use (Perry,
1995). The inherent adaptability of fuzzy logic to
address uncertainty and ambiguity makes it a useful
instrument for solving complex issues in
contemporary industries, including network security,
data privacy, and financial audits. Recent
advancements in machine learning, artificial
intelligence, and big data processing have augmented
the capabilities of fuzzy logic, leading to the creation
of more sophisticated models that can more
efficiently integrate qualitative and quantitative
aspects (Castillo & Melin, 2015). Some of the
relevant advancements are listed below in
chronological order.
2022. Bambang Leo Handoko and Daniel
Marcell examine how understanding audit risk,
auditor competency, and fuzzy logic can impact
cybersecurity in auditing. The study pushes agency
theory and employs a quantitative research approach,
using data collected from public accountants in
Indonesia. Their results suggest that an auditor's
ability to assess risks and competency significantly
affects materiality decisions. Moreover, the paper
highlights how fuzzy logic can assist in addressing
qualitative uncertainties in materiality assessments,
such as those related to ambiguity or subjectivity.
Fuzzy logic helps auditors to include quantitative and
qualitative factors when determining the significance
of cybersecurity assessments, particularly helpful for
cyber insurance (Handoko & Marcell, 2022).
2021. In 2021 researchers from the National
Technical University of Ukraine proposed a
simulation model for detecting cyberattacks using
fuzzy set theory and fuzzy inference. The model
includes a functional diagram that processes network
traffic telemetry and applies fuzzy logic to detect
various types of cyberattacks, such as denial-of
service, remote-to-local, user-to-root, and probes.
The authors describe the process of fuzzifying the
input parameters—based on linguistic variables and
membership functions—and developing fuzzy
production rules in a knowledge base. The system
was tested with 38 parameters defining network
traffic. Their model showed superior performance in
detecting polymorphic and traditional attacks
compared to other methods, such as neural networks,
showing an average accuracy improvement of 10%.
The results suggest that the fuzzy logic-based
detection system offers a more flexible and effective
solution for improving cybersecurity defenses
(Subach, Fesokha, Mykytiuk, Kubrak, & Korotayev,
2018. In the paper "Improving risk assessment
model of cybersecurity using fuzzy logic inference
system" written by researchers from King Saud
University in Saudi Arabia and Fordham University
in the United States, the authors propose an approach
to cybersecurity risk assessment using a Fuzzy
Inference System (FIS) based on the Mamdani model.
The paper addresses the growing threats of
cyberattacks such as DoS, DDoS, malware, and
phishing, which needed more advanced risk
assessment models. Traditional methods of risk
analysis are often limited by the uncertainty and
vagueness inherent in assessing cyber risks. To
overcome these limitations, the authors suggest
incorporating a triangular fuzzy logic, which allows
for more flexible and approximate reasoning. Their
evaluation shows that the fuzzy-based model can
effectively assess risks with a higher degree of
accuracy and adaptability, making it a valuable tool
in mitigating cyber threats in organizations (Alali,
Almogren, Hassan, Rassan, & Bhuiyan, 2018).
These studies highlight how fuzzy logic can be
used to improve processes by incorporating
uncertainty and vagueness into the analysis. This
section has reviewed some key works that have
applied fuzzy logic in cybersecurity, risk assessment,
and materiality considerations, providing a
foundation for understanding how this technique can
be further refined and applied in contemporary
In line with the advancements mentioned above,
the authors of this paper aim to use fuzzy logic to
Fuzzy Logic for Cybersecurity: Intrusion Detection and Privacy Preservation with Synthetic Data
address challenges in cybersecurity, specifically in
the context of intrusion detection and data privacy.
During their research, they identified several relevant
studies that have applied fuzzy logic to similar areas.
3.1 Data Gathering
This research uses the NSL-KDD Dataset, an updated
version of the KDD Cup 1999 dataset, which is
globally recognized for its application in network
intrusion detection. The dataset contains labelled
instances of both normal network activity and various
types of attacks, including DoS, R2L, and U2R
attacks. The data holds 41 features, and provides a
comprehensive set of attributes, such as protocol type,
service, and network bytes, which are instrumental in
identifying potential intrusions. The dataset was
chosen due to its extensive use in cybersecurity
research, making it ideal for testing and comparing
different machine learning and fuzzy logic
approaches to intrusion detection.
3.2 Data Preparation
Before modelling, data preprocessing was necessary
to ensure that the dataset was ready for analysis. The
following steps were in place:
Data cleaning: Removing any duplicates and
handling missing values across the dataset.
Feature encoding: Converting categorical
variables such as protocol type and network service
into numerical values suitable for machine learning
Normalization: Normalizing the features to
bring all the variables to a comparable scale.
Additionally, to preserve data privacy, Wasserstein
Generative Adversarial Networks (WGANs) were
employed to generate synthetic data that mirrors the
patterns found in the original NSLKDD data. This
synthetic data was added to test the model’s robustness
and privacy-preserving capabilities, especially in the
context of cybersecurity systems. Words like “is”,
“or”, “then”, etc. should not be capitalized unless they
are the first word of the title.
3.3 Data Modelling
Several models were created for this study to simulate
intrusion detection.
Fuzzy Logic Model: Unlike the research
mentioned in chapter II, which predominantly uses
basic fuzzy logic functions, this research adopts
innovative membership functions, including
triangular and parallelogram-shaped membership
functions, to classify network intrusions. These
membership functions provide more comprehensive
risk evaluations by correlating network
characteristics to different levels of risk (e.g., low,
medium, high) in a flexible, non-linear manner. By
introducing these specific models, the current
research aims to enhance the system’s ability to adapt
to the complexities of modern cyberattacks and
provide more precise risk assessments.
Synthetic Data Generation: Using the WGAN
model, synthetic data imitating the NSL-KDD dataset
was generated. This synthetic data was then
integrated with real data to ensure that the intrusion
detection system could be tested under realistic
conditions while safeguarding sensitive information.
Comparison Models: Several traditional machine
learning models were also implemented for
comparison, including the Decision Tree Classifier,
Support Vector Classifier, and Neural Networks.
These models were trained on the NSL-KDD dataset
and evaluated for performance using accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. This allowed
for a detailed comparison between conventional
models and the proposed fuzzy logic-based system,
highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each
3.4 A Detailed Explanation of the Main
Fuzzy Logic is a mathematical methodology used to
handle uncertainty and imprecision, which is useful
in fields such as cybersecurity, where data is often
complex and ambiguous. In fuzzy logic, data is
transformed into values that range between 0 and 1,
offering a gradient of membership for various
categories or conditions, rather than the binary
true/false (1/0). This system enables a more flexible
way of interpreting and analyzing data, making it
ideal for applications such as intrusion detection,
where network traffic behavior may not fit neatly into
predefined categories (Medium, 2023).
The features of the Fuzzy Logic membership
functions are defined as follows:
Core: The core of a membership function for any
fuzzy set denotes the area within the universe
characterized by total membership in the set. This
indicates that components within the core are
regarded as entirely belonging to the set
(GeeksForGeeks, 2018). In a fuzzy logic model for
identifying cyberattacks, if a network's traffic pattern
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
precisely aligns with the signature of a known attack,
it receives a membership value of 1, indicating it is
entirely classed as a prospective attack.
Support: The support of a membership function
specifies the particular area in the universe where the
membership exceeds zero. This includes elements
that are partially included in the entire set
(TutorialsPoint, 2019). In cybersecurity, the support
may include network traffic that displays some, but
not all, attributes of an attack. This traffic would have
a membership value ranging from 0 to 1, meaning a
partial match.
Boundary: The boundary represents the area
where membership in the set is non-zero yet
incomplete. Elements in the boundary region are
ambiguous, exhibiting certain characteristics
indicative of belonging to the set (e.g., potential
signals of an attack), and they cannot be definitively
identified. This component of fuzzy logic is essential
for addressing the ambiguous situations in intrusion
detection, where an action may not distinctly be
classified as malicious or benign (San José State
University, 2023).
Figure 1: Desirable scale for topic classification.
Fuzzy Logic operates based on probability theory
and statistics, although it does not necessitate a strict
mathematical model as seen in conventional methods
(Gaines, 1978). As it is possible to see in Figure 1, the
model will display a series of probabilities of
likelihood to find an anomaly behavior. It employs
rules and membership functions to assess the extent
to which an input is classified inside a particular
category, such as "normal" or "intrusion" in the
context of cybersecurity. In contrast to conventional
classification models that depend on rigid borders,
fuzzy logic facilitates a more flexible categorization
by assigning items a membership value on a scale
ranging from 0 to 1, indicating the probability of an
event belonging to a specific category (Ariff, Ariff,
Sheikh, & Hussin, 2018).
Table 1: Definition of Fuzzy Rules.
Feature Membership
Fuzzy set
Triangular Low/ Medium/High
Service Parallelogram Normal/Anomalous
Duration Triangular Short/Medium/Long
The fuzzy logic model uses triangular and
parallelogram membership functions to classify
network traffic into risk categories. Unlike previous
work, these shapes provide granular evaluations of
ambiguous traffic patterns. The fuzzy rules and sets
are explicitly defined in Table 1, ensuring
By using fuzzy logic, this research aims to provide
a flexible, innovative system for detecting intrusions,
allowing cybersecurity systems to handle the inherent
uncertainty in network behavior more effectively.
Words like “is”, “or”, “then”, etc. should not be
capitalized unless they are the first word of the title.
Figure 2: Examples of Fuzzy Logic Membership.
With a clear understanding of how fuzzy logic is
applied to handle uncertainties in network intrusion
detection, the following section will outline the
practical implementation of this methodology.
The principal dataset utilized was the NSL-KDD
dataset, comprising labelled network traffic records
for both normal and intrusive behaviors. The
implementation phases were categorized into data
processing, fuzzy logic system design, and synthetic
data production.
The dataset was exposed to an initial
preprocessing, which involved normalizing
numerical features and transforming categorical
variables into numerical formats. Missing data points
were addressed through interpolation or removal.
Subsequently, feature selection was conducted to
Fuzzy Logic for Cybersecurity: Intrusion Detection and Privacy Preservation with Synthetic Data
ascertain the most relevant features for intrusion
The fuzzy logic system was then built using the
SciKit-Fuzzy library in Python. Membership
functions for the relevant features (e.g., duration,
protocol type, service) were created, and triangular as
well as parallelogram-shaped membership functions
were employed to represent the uncertainty in
network traffic behavior (Hamarsheh, 2019). Fuzzy
rules were defined based on these membership
functions to evaluate the likelihood of network traffic
being classified as normal or malicious. These rules
were based on the characteristics of the network
traffic in the NSL-KDD dataset. Once the fuzzy
inference system was defined, a defuzzification
process was implemented using the centroid method
to convert the fuzzy output into a confident decision,
determining whether the traffic should be labelled as
normal or an intrusion (Science Direct, 2001). The
performance of this system was compared to other
traditional machine learning models, such as the
Decision Tree Classifier and Support Vector
Machine, to evaluate the effectiveness of the fuzzy
logic model.
For the purpose of data privacy preservation in
future cybersecurity training and testing modelling,
the synthetic data created was trained to mimic the
patterns found in the original NSL-KDD dataset,
ensuring that the models could be tested without
exposing sensitive information. The generated
synthetic data was then fed into the fuzzy logic model
and the machine learning models to assess the
robustness and accuracy of the system when using
synthetic data instead of real data. Finally, the results
from the fuzzy logic model and the machine learning
models were evaluated using common metrics such
as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score
(Kupchyn, et al., 2022).
The following section will show and discuss the
results obtained in the process mentioned above.
The table below shows the results obtained in the
implementation process.
The results presented in Table 1 show the
efficiency of fuzzy logic in intrusion detection. The
model report high precision and F1-scores compared
to conventional models. The precision and recall
metrics also indicate that the fuzzy logic model
provides a more balanced performance in detecting
true positives and minimizing false positives,
particularly in scenarios with real network traffic
data. Moreover, the fuzzy logic model shows
competitive performance with synthetic data,
highlighting its robustness and adaptability in
managing cybersecurity tasks while ensuring data
privacy. This, shows once again, that synthetic data
could be a possible solution against data privacy
scenarios (Riemann, 2024).
Table 2: Comparison Performance.
Model Accuracy
Precision (%) Recall (%) F1 - Score
Fuzzy Logic
92.4 93.1 91.8 92.4
Fuzzy Logic
90.1 90.7 89.6 87.6
Decision Tree
(Real Data)
87.6 88.3 86.9 84.2
Decision Tree
84.2 84.7 83.9 89.6
SVM (Real
89.7 90.2 89.1 86.3
This study has shown the use of fuzzy logic in
cybersecurity, specifically in intrusion detection. The
fuzzy logic model, employing the NSL-KDD dataset,
outperformed conventional machine learning models
like Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines in
accuracy, precision, and F1-score, especially with
real network traffic data. The implementation of
triangle and parallelogram-shaped membership
functions facilitated a more detailed assessment of
network traffic, providing the system with the
capability to categorize ambiguous or uncertain
behavioral patterns. This is a significant benefit in
cybersecurity, as attacks often show complexity and
may not adhere to strict rules or unique parameters
(Javaheri, Gorgin, Lee, & Masdari, 2023).
In a similar vein, the integration of synthetic data
produced by the WGAN technique provided
additional insights into the possibility of using
artificial data to safeguard privacy while preserving
detection efficacy. This is an ongoing discussion at
the moment in industry and academia, and this
research shows that the fuzzy logic model maintained
competitive performance when trained on synthetic
data, which indicates that privacy-preserving
techniques can be effectively incorporated without
substantially compromising model accuracy
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(International Association of Privacy
Professionals, 2023). This finding is particularly
significant in domains involving sensitive data, such
as network security.
Further studies conducted by the authors of this
research may investigate the augmentation of this
model by integrating more sophisticated membership
functions or combining fuzzy logic with additional
machine learning methodologies to further improve
performance. Furthermore, using this methodology to
other cybersecurity datasets, such as real-time
network traffic data, may lead to a deeper
understanding of the system's performance in
dynamic contexts (Pancardo, Hernandez-Nolasco,
Wister, & Garcia-Constantino, 2021). Moreover,
adding explainable AI methodologies to clarify the
reasoning behind the fuzzy logic model's conclusions
could also enhance transparency and fostering trust
among cybersecurity professionals using this system
(Cao, et al., 2024).
The fuzzy logic model could also benefit from
the integration of deep learning techniques to enhance
its ability to detect more sophisticated and emerging
threats, such as zero-day attacks (Han, 2024). This is
an are that has not yet been explored.
Another promising direction for future work
could be to adapt the model for use in distributed or
cloud-based environments, where cybersecurity
challenges differ due to the decentralized nature of
these systems (Prasath, Bharathan, Lakshmi, &
Nathiya, 2023). This would involve testing the
model's scalability and resilience in managing
largescale network data. Exploring real-time
deployment and optimization for faster threat
detection could also lead to practical implementations
in live cybersecurity systems, further proving the
value of fuzzy logic in modern threat landscapes.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence