previous research focused on assessing the viability
of running the CW algorithm on GPUs and analyz-
ing the execution times of various steps on both the
CPU and GPU. However, that study did not include
the development of the LAPR reduction method, thus
the route merging phase was quite costly due to the
large number of savings to process when dealing with
instances that have a high number of nodes.
Table 6: Comparison with (Guerriero and Saccomanno,
Instance T
L1 15.21 3.75 75.35%
L2 23.40 3.49 85.09%
A1 46.78 4.83 89.68%
A2 72.30 7.57 89.53%
G1 155.66 14.18 90.89%
G2 203.80 15.87 92.21%
B1 393.24 35.69 90.92%
B2 451.05 29.95 93.36%
Average 170.18 14.42 88.38%
In this work, a CWG implementation on GPU of the
CW algorithm was proposed. The computational re-
sults collected clearly highlight that it is significantly
faster than the CWC implementation, especially for
large instances. This is due to the parallel process-
ing capabilities of GPUs, which enable efficient ex-
ecution of the computational steps of the algorithm,
leading to substantial speedups.
Comparison with a state-of-the-art PyVRP algo-
rithm, which uses the same initial data structures, in-
dicates that the GPU implementation could signif-
icantly improve the performance and scalability of
such a solver, particularly in the early stages, there-
fore suggesting a possible integration of the two ap-
proaches. Moreover, by enabling substantial accelera-
tion in the search for an initial solution, albeit not nec-
essarily optimal, this approach can be integrated into
other heuristics to quickly provide an initial solution.
It can also serve as the basis for an iterative method,
aimed at quickly exploring the solution space.
Future research could focus on extending the
applicability of GPU-accelerated CW algorithms to
more complex VRP variants and exploring their
potential for solving related optimization problems
across various domains.
For instance, it provides an effective approach for
real-time applications needing rapid, nearly optimal
vehicle routing solutions. Our findings indicate that
the algorithm consistently achieves results within a
7% gap from optimal, thus making it ideal for sce-
narios where timely decisions are essential. By utiliz-
ing the parallel processing power of GPUs, we have
accomplished notable speed enhancements, allowing
the algorithm to produce high-quality solutions in
much less time than standard CPU-based methods.
These results underscore the promise of GPU acceler-
ation in addressing complex optimization challenges
in dynamic and time-sensitive settings.
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ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems