AgeGen Bio Track: Continuous Mouse Behavioral Biometrics-Based Age
and Gender Profiling in Online Education Platforms
Aditya Subash
1 a
, Insu Song
1 b
, Ickjai Lee
2 c
and Kyungmi Lee
2 d
College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, Singapore
College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia
Mouse Behavioral Biometrics, Age Classification, Gender Classification, Online Education Platforms.
Mouse behavioral biometric-based authentication systems have attracted significant attention as they are con-
sidered a more secure alternative to conventional online assessment fraud detection systems. This is attributed
to their ability to continuously authenticate users non-intrusively by analyzing their distinctive mouse operat-
ing behavior. Most behavioral biometric-based research studies focus on predicting user identity as the primary
objective for online assessment fraud detection. However, they do not consider predicting other user-centric
parameters like age and gender. Furthermore, there is a need to identify the best segmentation approach and
mouse behavior feature set for age and gender classification. We propose the AgeGen Bio track system, a
continuous mouse behavioral biometric-based age and gender tracking system for online education platforms.
To accomplish this, we first collect novel mouse behavior data with user demographic information. We then
evaluate the efficacy of different segmentation approaches, feature sets, and machine learning models for age
and gender classification. Experimental results show that the random forest algorithm paired with the three
mouse-movement segmentation approach and user characteristic feature set are the best approaches that need
to be incorporated into the system, as they achieved promising results.
Recently, the education sector has advanced from of-
fline to online settings over the past decade due to ad-
vancements in information technology (IT), resulting
in widespread accessibility and proliferation of on-
line education throughout the world (Garg and Goel,
2022). Several higher educational institutions (HEIs)
now offer online courses as part of blended or fully
online education (Garg and Goel, 2022; Wei et al.,
2021). Like offline education, assessments are in-
tegral to any online educational curriculum and are
often organized to evaluate learning outcomes, sub-
ject application, and knowledge retention (Garg and
Goel, 2022). Despite the advantages of online assess-
ments, a significant challenge is the prevalence of as-
sessment fraud or academic dishonesty, often facili-
tated by the misuse of digital technologies (Blau and
Eshet-Alkalai, 2017; Susnjak and McIntosh, 2024).
These technologies make it straightforward to commit
online assessment fraud by offering paid services and
tools that assist students in credential sharing, fake
identity matching, and plagiarism (Susnjak and McIn-
tosh, 2024; Noorbehbahani et al., 2022). The current
methods to prevent online assessment fraud, includ-
ing conventional authentication approaches, are one-
time, non-repudiable, intrusive, and expensive (Sid-
diqui et al., 2021; Subash et al., 2024).
Mouse behavioral biometric-based authentication
systems have become a more popular and secure al-
ternative to online assessment fraud detection. This is
due to their cost effectiveness and ability to continu-
ously verify user identity based on observable mouse
movement behaviors (Zheng et al., 2011), which is
inherently more challenging to spoof or replicate,
making the approach more robust. Most behav-
ioral biometric-based research studies focus on pre-
dicting user identity (ID) as the primary objective
for security-related applications. However, they do
not consider predicting other user-centric parameters,
such as age and gender. Despite many studies in the
field, there is no research and datasets for mouse be-
havioral biometric-based age and gender recognition
Subash, A., Song, I., Lee, I. and Lee, K.
AgeGen Bio Track: Continuous Mouse Behavioral Biometrics-Based Age and Gender Profiling in Online Education Platforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0013138500003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 383-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
in online education platforms. Furthermore, we must
identify the best segmentation approach and mouse
behavior feature set for our specific application.
We propose the AgeGen Bio track system, a con-
tinuous mouse behavioral biometric-based age and
gender tracking system for online education plat-
forms. To accomplish this, we first collect novel
mouse behavior data with user demographic infor-
mation. We then evaluate the efficacy of differ-
ent segmentation approaches, feature sets, and ma-
chine learning models for age and gender classifica-
tion. Specifically, we will evaluate several machine
learning (ML) approaches, including Decision Tree
(DT), Random Forest (RF), Naive Bayes (NB), Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic regression (LR)
and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN). The main contribu-
tions of the paper are as follows.
An AgeGen Bio Track system capable of contin-
uously monitoring user age and gender in online
education platforms.
Newly collected task-specific mouse behavior
data with user-centric information from a case
study for our experimentation.
Comprehensive study comparing several segmen-
tation approaches, feature sets, and machine
learning models to identify the most effective ap-
proaches that can be integrated into the system.
This section will highlight the importance of includ-
ing age and gender prediction in mouse behavioral
biometrics-based online assessment fraud detection.
According to previous research (Van Balen et al.,
2017), men and women differ in physical dimensions
as described by anthropometric data recorded from
several sources. These attributes can significantly im-
pact the maneuverability of peripheral (mouse) de-
vices across 2-dimensional surfaces, as it requires
coordination between the arms, wrist, and fingers
(Van Balen et al., 2017). Research conducted by (Fr-
yar et al., 2012) indicates significant differences in
arm lengths between males and females across several
age groups. These variations could lead to differences
in mouse movements (Van Balen et al., 2017).
Furthermore, several research studies regarding
motor behavior indicate that men tend to move faster
with less accuracy than women (Barral and Deb
2004; Rohr, 2006). For example, (Rohr, 2006) con-
ducted a study by requesting subjects to participate in
a mouse-pointing task that required them to click tar-
gets of various sizes across the midline of a device.
According to the study, women showed greater accu-
racy and slower deceleration time than men during the
ballistic component of mouse movement (Van Balen
et al., 2017).
Similarly, (Jim
enez et al., 2011) also in-
vestigated the effect of age and gender on motor be-
havior. A total of 246 participants (123 males and 123
females) were recruited from seven age groups for the
study. Participants were required to perform a set of
physical and computer tasks. Parameters such as fin-
ger tapping frequency, movement time, walking time,
and visual reaction time were measured for analysis.
Results indicate that age and gender play a signifi-
cant role in motor behavior. Furthermore, the speed
of motor performance was found to be better in men
enez et al., 2011).
Studies have also confirmed significant differ-
ences between typing speeds of different age groups
due to generational differences. A study by (Pentel,
2017) confirmed that participants in the age group 16-
19 were faster at typing than other age groups.
The aforementioned studies clearly indicate that
age and gender characteristics are essential in under-
standing distinctive user behaviors, making them im-
portant parameters that must be included in current
mouse behavioral biometric-based online assessment
fraud detection systems.
This section will critically analyze, summarize, and
present findings on several previous studies on be-
havioral biometric-based age and gender prediction.
Specifically, we will summarize the several datasets,
data collection strategies, features, and AI methodolo-
gies implemented in current research. For this pur-
pose, we review several papers from well known pub-
lishers, including IEEE, Science Direct, and Springer.
Given the variety of behavioral biometrics studies,
we will focus on reviewing articles related to age and
gender classification using keystroke or mouse behav-
ior biometrics.
3.1 Datasets and Data Collection
According to our review, datasets are classified into
1) Task-specific and 2) unconstrained datasets. Task-
specific datasets collect user behavior based on prede-
termined mouse operation tasks (Zheng et al., 2011;
Van Balen et al., 2017). Meanwhile, unconstrained
datasets collect mouse behavior data by continuously
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
monitoring users while they perform their daily ac-
tivities without any constraints (Zheng et al., 2011;
Van Balen et al., 2017). These types of data are col-
lected to perform static or dynamic authentication.
We will now describe the various types of data
used in research. This includes briefly describ-
ing public and novel datasets used in behavioral
biometric-based age group and gender prediction.
3.1.1 Novel Datasets
1. Van Balen et al. (2017) collected mouse behavior
data from 94 participants in a controlled envi-
ronment for gender classification. Participants
were required to perform a specific predeter-
mined task involving identifying and clicking
certain targets of different sizes located in 16
possible locations. Once the target is clicked, a
new target will be displayed. Each participant
performed several practice trials consisting of
combinations of target size, target distance,
and approach angle. After practice sessions,
participants were then required to perform
four blocks of 64 movement trials, with each
block containing random sequences of two trials
for each combination of target locations and sizes.
2. Tsimperidis et al. (2017, 2018, 2021) gathered
unconstrained keystroke behavior data to pre-
dict age, gender, and educational qualifications
(Tsimperidis et al., 2020). The data was captured
using a key logger (IRecU) while participants
engaged in their daily activities. Participants
were also requested to provide demographic and
educational details alongside the keystroke data.
According to the authors, keystroke behavior
data was collected from four age groups: 18-25,
26-35, 36-45, and 46+.
3. Tsimperidis et al. (2015) collected keystroke be-
havior data from 24 subjects using a key-logging
application while participants were typing a fixed
text of 850 characters, twice on a laptop and a
desktop. In addition to keystroke behavior data,
gender, and left/right-handedness information
was also obtained (Tsimperidis et al., 2015).
4. Idrus et al. (2013, 2014) collected static keystroke
behavior data from 110 participants for age, gen-
der, and handedness classification. According to
the study, participants belonged to two different
countries, namely, France and Norway. Two key-
boards with various keyboard layouts, AZERTY
and QWERTY, are used during data collection.
The data collection procedure involved partic-
ipants writing five common phrases 20 times
each. Furthermore, they were required to write
the phrases ten times with one hand and ten times
with two hands. According to the author, this
data will be publicly available. Data acquisition
was conducted using software developed using
the publicly available GREYC software.
5. Pentel (2017, 2019) collected uncontrolled online
key-stroke and mouse behavior data for age group
and gender classification. User behavior data
was collected from six sources, including the
school’s internal management system, feedback
questionnaires, testing environments, and con-
trolled experiments. Data was acquired using a
JavaScript key-logging tool integrated into all six
sources. According to the author, user behavior
data was collected between 2011 and 2017 from
several different age groups. Additional data such
as screen resolution, device type (laptop, desktop,
mobile devices), and operating system were also
6. Kolakowska et al. (2016) collected keystroke
and mouse behavior from 42 participants in a
completely uncontrolled environment. Out of
42, 9 were females, and 33 were males. Data
acquisition involved developing a browser plug-in
that recorded relevant keystrokes and mouse be-
havior data while participants performed several
activities in the browser. According to the study,
different plug-in versions were made for Chrome
and Opera browsers. Furthermore, user behavior
data was collected from various age groups and
peripheral devices (mouse, touchpad, trackpoint,
3.1.2 Public Datasets
1. Buriro et al. (2016) used a publicly available
keystroke dataset (TDAS) for age, gender, and
operating hand estimation. The dataset col-
lected keystroke data from 150 participants across
six distinct age groups. Keystroke behavior
data was collected while participants typed two
PINs, one 4-digit (5560) and one 16-digit PIN
(137966662480852), using a Samsung Galaxy
Tablet. Furthermore, this dataset was collected in
three different user-tagged location
2. Studies also implemented the publicly available
GREYC keystroke behavior dataset for gender
AgeGen Bio Track: Continuous Mouse Behavioral Biometrics-Based Age and Gender Profiling in Online Education Platforms
Table 1: Datasets implemented by behavioral biometric-based age and gender research studies.
Author Modality Participants Environment Public Type Purpose
Van Balen et
al., 2017
Mouse 94 Controlled No Task Specific Gender
Buriro et al.,
Keystroke 150 Semi-
Yes Task Specific Age/Gender/
Tsimperidis et
al., 2017
Keystroke - Uncontrolled No Unconstrained Age
Tsimperidis et
al., 2018
Keystroke 75 - No Unconstrained Gender
Tsimperidis et
al., 2015
Keystroke 24 Uncontrolled No Unconstrained Gender
Fairhurst and
Da Costa-
Abreu, 2011
Keystroke 133 Controlled Yes Task Specific Gender
Giot and
Keystroke 133 Controlled Yes Task Specific Gender
Idrus et al.,
Keystroke 110 Controlled Yes Task Specific Age/Gender/
Idrus et al.,
Keystroke 110 Controlled Yes Task Specific Gender/Hand
Pentel, 2017 Keystroke
1519 Uncontrolled Yes Unconstrained Age/Gender
Tsimperidis et
al., 2021
Keystroke 118 Uncontrolled No Unconstrained Age/Gender
Pentel, 2019 Keystroke 7119 Uncontrolled Yes Unconstrained Age
et al., 2016
42 Uncontrolled No Unconstrained Gender
prediction. This dataset contains data from 133
participants who were required to type a prede-
termined password several times. In addition to
keystroke data, gender data was also acquired.
Among 133 participants, 98 are male and 35
are female (Fairhurst and Da Costa-Abreu, 2011;
Giot and Rosenberger, 2012).
From our review (Table 1), it is evident that re-
search on keystroke behavior biometrics has seen a
marked increase, particularly in the context of pre-
dicting age and gender, in comparison to mouse be-
havioral biometrics. Furthermore, there are very
few publicly available datasets for mouse behavioral
biometric-based age and gender prediction.
3.2 Behavior Biometric Features
We will discuss the various features employed in be-
havioral biometric-based age and gender classifica-
tion. Given that our background review encompasses
multiple biometric modalities, we will categorize and
emphasize the features according to each modality.
Specifically, we will focus on keystroke and mouse
behavior-based features for age and gender predic-
3.2.1 Keystroke Behavior Features
After data collection, raw data such as key code
(Tsimperidis et al., 2017; Tsimperidis et al., 2018;
Syed Idrus et al., 2014; Idrus et al., 2013; Pentel,
2017; Pentel, 2019), action type (key press or release)
(Tsimperidis et al., 2017; Tsimperidis et al., 2018;
Syed Idrus et al., 2014; Idrus et al., 2013; Pentel,
2017; Pentel, 2019; Kolakowska et al., 2016), the date
the action took place, and timestamp are collected and
(Tsimperidis et al., 2017; Tsimperidis et al., 2018;
Syed Idrus et al., 2014; Idrus et al., 2013; Pentel,
2017; Pentel, 2019; Kolakowska et al., 2016) are used
for feature extraction.
Using this data, dwell (hold) time (Buriro et al.,
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: AI-based approaches used in behavioral biometric-based age and gender classification.
Author DL ML Fusion DBC
Van Balen et al.,
No LS-MR + LR No No
Buriro et al.,
Tsimperidis et al.,
No No
Tsimperidis et al.,
Tsimperidis et al.,
No NB, SVM, RF No Manhattan,
Fairhurst and
Da Costa-Abreu,
Voting, Sum
Giot and Rosen-
berger, 2012
No SVM Score,
Idrus et al., 2014 No SVM Majority
Idrus et al., 2013 No SVM No No
Pentel, 2017 No LR, SVM, KNN,
No No
Tsimperidis et al.,
No No
Pentel, 2019 No SVM, RF, FT, LR No No
Kolakowska et
al., 2016
No No
2016; Fairhurst and Da Costa-Abreu, 2011; Pentel,
2017; Tsimperidis et al., 2021), release-press latency
(Buriro et al., 2016; Fairhurst and Da Costa-Abreu,
2011; Giot and Rosenberger, 2012; Syed Idrus et al.,
2014; Pentel, 2017), release-release latency (Buriro
et al., 2016; Fairhurst and Da Costa-Abreu, 2011;
Giot and Rosenberger, 2012; Syed Idrus et al., 2014),
press-release latency (Buriro et al., 2016; Fairhurst
and Da Costa-Abreu, 2011; Giot and Rosenberger,
2012; Syed Idrus et al., 2014), press-press latency
(Buriro et al., 2016; Fairhurst and Da Costa-Abreu,
2011; Giot and Rosenberger, 2012; Syed Idrus et al.,
2014; Tsimperidis et al., 2021), and a vector combi-
nation of all the previous latencies (Giot and Rosen-
berger, 2012; Syed Idrus et al., 2014; Idrus et al.,
2013), are extracted and used for age and gender clas-
Detailed analysis also reveals that studies fre-
quently extract the most common diagram patterns
and compute the average and standard deviation val-
ues of n-graph-latencies and hold times for analysis
(Tsimperidis et al., 2017; Tsimperidis et al., 2018;
Pentel, 2017; Pentel, 2019). Additional features ex-
tracted include the relative frequency of corrective
keys (DEL) (Pentel, 2017; Kolakowska et al., 2016),
average time (Pentel, 2017), correctness (ratio be-
tween the number of keystrokes and the number of
characters in the final text) (Pentel, 2017), percent-
age use of special character keys (Kolakowska et al.,
2016), pauses between words (Pentel, 2019), and sta-
tistical measurements of (average, standard deviation,
maximum, minimum, variance, mode, and range) of
typing speed, hold time, and press-press latency were
also computed (Kolakowska et al., 2016).
Studies were also found to integrate gender classi-
fication into keystroke authentication systems for en-
hanced performance (Giot and Rosenberger, 2012).
Feature selection algorithms, such as Information
Gain (IG), and oversampling techniques, including
SMOTE, have also been implemented for analysis
(Buriro et al., 2016; Tsimperidis et al., 2018; Tsim-
peridis et al., 2021).
3.2.2 Mouse Behavior Features
Raw mouse behavior data, such as timestamp
(Van Balen et al., 2017; Pentel, 2017), coordinates
space (x, y) (Van Balen et al., 2017; Pentel, 2017), ac-
AgeGen Bio Track: Continuous Mouse Behavioral Biometrics-Based Age and Gender Profiling in Online Education Platforms
tion type (Van Balen et al., 2017; Kolakowska et al.,
2016), and location/size of the target (Van Balen et al.,
2017), are recorded and used for feature extraction.
Using this data, several different types of mouse
behavior features, such as temporal, spatial, and accu-
racy metrics, were calculated (Van Balen et al., 2017).
These metrics can again be subdivided into sev-
eral types of features, including reaction time (RT),
peak velocity (PK), time to peak velocity (TPV),
duration of ballistic movement (DB), shape of ve-
locity profile (SV), proportion of ballistic move-
ment (PB), number of movement corrections (NC),
time to click (TC), hold time (HT), movement time
(MT), path length (PL), path length to best path ratio
(PLR), task axis crossings (TXC), movement direc-
tion changes (MDC), orthogonal movement changes
(MDC), movement variability (MV), absolute error
(AE), horizontal error (HE), vertical error (VE), ab-
solute horizontal error (AHE), and absolute vertical
error (AVE) (Van Balen et al., 2017). Additional
attributes such as distance, angle, velocity, move-
ment, acceleration, action, and direction-based fea-
tures were also implemented by current research stud-
ies (Pentel, 2017; Kolakowska et al., 2016).
3.3 Machine Learning Approaches
This section highlights the several AI methods used
in mouse behavioral biometric-based age and gender
analysis. On analysis, we find that approaches, in-
cluding logistic regression (LR) (Pentel, 2017; Pentel,
2019), support vector machine (SVM) (Buriro et al.,
2016; Tsimperidis et al., 2017; Tsimperidis et al.,
2018; Tsimperidis et al., 2015), random forest (RF)
(Buriro et al., 2016; Tsimperidis et al., 2018; Pen-
tel, 2017), k-nearest neighbors (KNN) (Fairhurst and
Da Costa-Abreu, 2011; Pentel, 2017), OneR (Tsim-
peridis et al., 2017), best first decision tree (BFDT)
(Tsimperidis et al., 2017), rotation forest (RT) (Ko-
lakowska et al., 2016), AdaBoost (Kolakowska et al.,
2016), simple logistics (SL) (Tsimperidis et al., 2017;
Tsimperidis et al., 2021), decision tree (DT) (Tsim-
peridis et al., 2017; Tsimperidis et al., 2015; Fairhurst
and Da Costa-Abreu, 2011; Pentel, 2017), Bayesian
network classifier (BNC) (Tsimperidis et al., 2021;
Kolakowska et al., 2016), and na
ıve Bayes (NB)
(Buriro et al., 2016; Tsimperidis et al., 2017; Tsim-
peridis et al., 2018; Tsimperidis et al., 2015) are some
of the popular ML approaches implemented in the
field. A few studies also use a combination of ML ap-
proaches for classification. For example, Van Balen et
al. (2017) implements a combination of least-squares
multiple regression (LS-MR) and LR for gender clas-
Upon further analysis, several studies also uti-
lize distance-based classifiers (DBC) and various fu-
sion techniques (Tsimperidis et al., 2015; Fairhurst
and Da Costa-Abreu, 2011), which include Manhat-
tan distance, Euclidean distance, dynamic classifier
Selection based on local accuracy (DCS-LA), ma-
jority voting, sum-based methods, template informa-
tion, and score-based fusion approaches (Tsimperidis
et al., 2015; Fairhurst and Da Costa-Abreu, 2011;
Giot and Rosenberger, 2012; Syed Idrus et al., 2014).
Despite the popularity of ML approaches, deep
learning (DL) approaches were also found to be im-
plemented in the field. For example, (Buriro et al.,
2016; Kolakowska et al., 2016) both implement a
novel neural net (NN) and deep neural network ar-
chitecture (DNN) for behavioral biometric-based user
characteristics (age, gender, or operating handed-
ness) classification. Similarly, (Tsimperidis et al.,
2017; Tsimperidis et al., 2018) implements MLP for
keystroke behavioral biometric-based age and gen-
der prediction. In addition to the conventional DL
approaches applied previously, radial basis function
networks (RBFN) (Tsimperidis et al., 2018; Tsim-
peridis et al., 2021) have also been implemented. Fur-
ther investigation shows that the research studies also
rely on meta-algorithms, such as AdaBoost, multi-
boot, random-correction-code, exhaustive-correction-
code, and rotation forest, to boost classifier perfor-
mance (Tsimperidis et al., 2018; Tsimperidis et al.,
Table 2 summarizes the AI approaches and eval-
uation criteria (EC) implemented for analysis. Based
on the information presented in Table 2, we find that
the ML approaches are more popular for behavioral
biometric-based age and gender classification despite
the availability of advanced DL approaches (Table 2).
Further analysis shows that SVM is the most popular
ML approach for behavioral biometric-based age and
gender prediction.
Our background analysis confirms that there are no
publicly available mouse behavior datasets for contin-
uous age and gender classification in online education
platforms (Table 1). Hence, we collect novel mouse
behavior data for our specific application.
Before we pursue data collection, we need to un-
derstand what type of mouse behavior data needs to
be collected for accurate age and gender classifica-
tion. This is realized through our comprehensive
background analysis, which reveals that prior re-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Methodology used in our study for mouse behavioral biometric-based age and gender classification.
search gathers mouse behavior data by instructing
participants to complete predefined tasks in a con-
trolled environment or by observing their daily activi-
ties in an uncontrolled setting (Van Balen et al., 2017;
Pentel, 2017; Pentel, 2019).
Since our primary objective is to perform age and
gender classification in online education platforms,
we find that the former data collection method is more
suitable for our experimentation. Hence, we collect
novel mouse behavior data while participants engage
in an online assessment game, which consists of sev-
eral assessment-like tasks, including clicking the tar-
get, MCQ, drag-drop, and matching tasks.
The rationale for incorporating various tasks in the
data collection procedure is derived from our back-
ground analysis. Our investigation shows that sev-
eral mouse behavioral biometric-based authentication
studies collect several varieties of mouse event data
(Siddiqui et al., 2021; Subash et al., 2024; Zheng
et al., 2011), including mouse movements, clicks,
drag, and scroll events for analysis. Therefore, we in-
cluded four simple but different tasks in our data col-
lection procedure to collect the same variety of mouse
behavior data.
Data acquisition was done with the help of a
web application developed using HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript. Necessary data is recorded using the
mouse event listener method. In addition to this,
we also collect screen dimension information using
existing JavaScript methods. The description of the
tasks is as follows:
1. MCQ Task: Contains four simple general
knowledge questions that participants answer by
selecting the correct choice among four choices.
The subsequent question is displayed only when
the current question is answered correctly. Once
a choice is selected, the participant must click
the submit button. If the choice is incorrect, the
participants are shown a prompt indicating they
must answer the question again. In other words,
the user can rectify their answer until the correct
choice is selected.
2. Click the Target Task: This task involves clicking
a target (button element) that alters its position
each time it is clicked. In total, the target changes
position nine times.
3. Drag-Drop Task: Requires participants to drag an
image of an animal into the correct drop-box con-
taining the label of the animal’s category (mam-
mal, amphibian, reptile, fish, or bird). There are
five images and five drop-boxes. If the partici-
pant drags the image in-to the correct dropbox,
the background is changed to green, indicating a
proper response. Furthermore, the scaled version
of the image will be displayed within the box. If
the participant drags an image into the in-correct
dropbox, the images are returned to their original
positions, and the background is changed to red
for a short time frame. After which, the back-
ground color returns to its original state. Similarly
AgeGen Bio Track: Continuous Mouse Behavioral Biometrics-Based Age and Gender Profiling in Online Education Platforms
Table 3: Comparison of 3-, 5-, and 10-MM segments for age classification.
Segmentation Method Approaches Acc (%) Pre (%) Rec(%)
SVM 56.41 65.61 50.61
LR 57.57 56.99 53.26
NB 56.95 55.96 52.37
KNN (k= 6) 63.06 62.77 60.80
RF* 76.61 76.46 75.83
DT 67.76 67.41 66.44
SVM 56.24 61.96 51.19
LR 53.40 52.25 52.15
NB 49.03 51.42 51.20
KNN (k= 6) 59.28 58.52 57.23
RF 59.89 61.63 61.19
DT 55.43 57.28 56.87
SVM 56.96 61.94 54.12
LR 54.94 54.21 53.61
NB 54.94 54.31 53.01
KNN (k= 6) 59.19 59.89 57.46
RF 54.34 56.92 55.80
DT 55.95 56.29 56.28
to MCQ tasks, the participants are allowed to
correct their mistakes.
4. Matching Task: This is the final task that the par-
ticipants perform. They must identify four pairs
of matching images (country flags) among eight
images displayed on the screen. If the selected
images do not match, they are shown briefly and
restored to their original state.
Data was collected from 20 participants recruited
from Sanjay Gandhi College of Education, Ben-
galuru, India. As part of the data collection process
for this study, all participants were required to pro-
vide informed consent prior to their involvement. The
process was carefully designed to ensure compliance
with ethical guidelines and maintain transparency re-
garding the nature of the research and the use of col-
lected data.
All participants were required to perform MCQ,
drag-drop, and matching tasks ten times each. In ad-
dition to mouse behavior data, we collected user de-
mographic (age group and gender) information via a
pre-participation questionnaire. Among the 20 par-
ticipants, ten are female and ten are male, distributed
across two age groups: 18-22 and 23-27 years of age.
During task engagement, raw data, such as times-
tamp, screen height, screen width of the content area,
screen coordinates (X, Y), event action types, element
on which the event was performed, offset X, and Y are
collected for further feature extraction. Mouse behav-
ior data is received individually for each user and task
type in JSON format.
This section will present the experimental results, us-
ing which we identify the best segmentation method,
ML model, and features set to be integrated into the
AgeGen Bio Track system for continuous age and
gender classification.
As mentioned before, we will compare several dif-
ferent ML models, including DT, RF, NB, LR, SVM,
and kNN. Training and testing will be performed us-
ing the hold-out approach, where 90% will be used
for training, and 10% will be used for testing. Before
performing segmentation, model training, and evalu-
ation, we will extract features per mouse event and
remove any unwanted values and columns. We then
pre-process the data by replacing outliers using the
average values of the attributes and performing nec-
essary segmentation methods. The overall working
methodology is illustrated in Figure 1.
5.1 Best Segmentation Method and ML
Model for Age and Gender
Before training the ML models, we apply segmenta-
tion as a preprocessing technique to logically group
mouse behavior data into meaningful blocks of infor-
mation. These segments are then used to compute
aggregate values of the attributes, such as minimum
(min), maximum (max), average (Avg), and standard
deviation (std) (Subash et al., 2024). For our exper-
imentation, we will perform segmentation according
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Comparison of 3-, 5-, and 10-MM segments for gender classification.
Segmentation Method Approaches Acc (%) Pre (%) Rec(%)
SVM 58.79 59.45 58.45
LR 58.54 58.53 58.54
NB 55.12 58.49 54.41
KNN (k= 6) 62.14 62.57 61.91
RF* 75.76 75.75 75.76
DT 69.41 69.51 69.47
SVM 52.58 54.05 53.14
LR 53.60 56.66 54.30
NB 55.12 59.15 54.27
KNN (k= 6) 57.36 57.42 57.13
RF 50.55 53.72 51.46
DT 54.82 54.78 54.78
SVM 59.79 60.36 60.27
LR 58.78 58.53 57.69
NB 52.72 55.21 54.26
KNN (k= 6) 59.39 61.10 60.38
RF 52.52 49.82 49.91
DT 55.15 54.85 54.84
to the procedure mentioned in (Subash et al., 2024),
which uses the n-mouse movement (MM) segmen-
tation approach. This approach groups a predefined
number (n) of mouse movement events into a single
segment for analysis (Siddiqui et al., 2021; Subash
et al., 2024).
However, based on our background analysis, the
n-value varies according to the study performed (Sid-
diqui et al., 2021; Subash et al., 2024). In other words,
there is no standard n value for analysis. Therefore, to
understand the effect and identify the best MM seg-
mentation approach, we test n in three scenarios: 3, 5,
and 10. For evaluation, we extracted 40 features iden-
tified in our previous work (Subash et al., 2024) using
data only from the first attempt. After feature extrac-
tion, we perform a train-test split (90/10), min-max
normalization, and label encoding.
Based on the results (Tables 3 and 4), we conclude
that 3-MM segmentation is the best-performing seg-
mentation approach for our specific application. Fur-
thermore, RF is the best performing ML algorithm
evaluated under the 3-MM segmentation approach,
achieving more than 75% accuracy, precision, and re-
call. It is also observed that SVM, DT, RF, LR, NB,
and KNN achieve similar performance when imple-
menting the 5- and 10-MM segmentation approach.
A significant increase in performance is detected in
RF and DT when we compare 3-, 5- and 10-MM seg-
mentation approaches.
5.2 Identifying Best Feature Set for Age
and Gender Classification
In the previous section, we identified the best-
performing segmentation approach and ML model.
Our experimentation confirms that the 3-MM seg-
mentation approach evaluated on the RF model out-
performs other approaches considered in this study.
In this section, we will improve the performance
of the RF model by implementing feature selection
approaches. Specifically, we will compare two ap-
proaches, univariate and recursive elimination feature
selection (FS) algorithms, to determine the best fea-
ture set for age and gender classification. For our
study, we perform FS after Min-Max normalization
as the attributes have different SI units depending on
the feature extracted. Furthermore, we selected the
top 20 features for our analysis.
Table 5: Comparison of different FS approaches for age
ML FS Approach Acc
RF Original
Feature Set
76.61 76.46 75.83
RF Univariate FS 72.71 72.62 71.55
RF Recursive
80.76 80.83 79.98
From this experiment, it can be confirmed that
the RFE-selected feature set (Table 7) is suitable for
mouse behavioral biometric-based age and gender
AgeGen Bio Track: Continuous Mouse Behavioral Biometrics-Based Age and Gender Profiling in Online Education Platforms
classification in online education platforms. Based on
the performance achieved (Tables 5 and 6), it is ev-
ident that the recursive feature elimination approach
gives the best feature set for age and gender classifi-
cation. It is noticed that there is a 4-5% increase in
performance in all evaluation criteria when we com-
pare the performance between the RFE-selected fea-
tures and the original feature set.
Table 6: Comparison of different FS approaches for gender
ML FS Approach Acc
RF Original
Feature Set
75.76 75.75 75.76
RF Univariate FS 72.95 72.94 72.94
RF Recursive
79.91 79.91 79.92
Table 7: User characteristic feature set selected for age and
gender classification.
Aggregate Values Attributes
Average (Avg) Co-ordinates (x, y),
timestamp, angle to path
tangent, jerk
Minimum (Min) Co-ordinates (x, y),
vertical velocity,
horizontal velocity,
acceleration, timestamp
Maximum (Max) Co-ordinates (x, y),
vertical velocity,
acceleration, jerk,
distance, angular
velocity, timestamp
Stand-alone value Elapsed Time
It is essential to identify user characteristics, such
as age and gender, to improve online assessment
fraud detection systems that safeguard online edu-
cation platforms. This paper proposes AgeGen Bio
Track: a continuous mouse behavioral biometric-
based age and gender classification model for this pur-
pose. To accomplish this, we collected novel task-
specific mouse behavior data while participants en-
gaged in an online assessment game, using which we
identified the best segmentation approach, machine
learning model, and feature set for continuous age
and gender classification. Our investigation indicates
that our segmentation approach with the RF algorithm
and user characteristic feature set attains satisfactory
performance of 80% in all evaluation criteria. The
overall performance achieved by our proposed ap-
proach indicates positive results in mouse behavioral
biometric-based age and gender classification for our
specific application. Our findings and comprehensive
background analysis also support further research in
the field and suggest that user age and gender param-
eters can be fused for behavioral biometric-based au-
thentication to enhance performance.
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