out all forms, it was decided to manually navigate
DVWA for evaluating differences between security
levels Low and High. It is expected that precisely the
changes in behavior during form submission will pro-
vide insights into the changes in the application’s im-
plementation. Therefore, as many existing forms as
possible must be filled out for evaluation purposes.
In a direct comparison of security levels Low and
High, several differences in the website’s behavior
were identified as depicted in Fig. 6.
Insights DVWA. The automatically identified differ-
ences by scrooge between the security levels Low and
High were manually analyzed in order to determine
their accuracy. All differences could be explained by
functionality changes between these two levels. For
instance the page GET/vulnerabilities/sqli/ was imple-
mented fundamentally differently in both security lev-
els. While an input field was used directly for input
at security level Low, at level High a link points to a
pop-up window that contains the input mask for the
ID. This leads to structural changes in the direct com-
parison and to new requests that open and send the
pop-up window. From a manual inspection of the in-
spected functionality, it all seems scrooge was able
to detected most changes between the two security
level. However we did not have a ground truth def-
inition of all changes implemented, so there could be
potentially false negatives in the automatic analysis.
As we have seen in the previous section, scrooge ex-
hibits promising capabilities for detecting changes in
the functional scope of web applications. However,
several limitations hinder its broader applicability and
require further investigation.
Abstraction of Functionality and Application’s
State. By construction, our graph data structure ag-
gregates URLs with the same identifier but differ-
ent parameter values. Depending on the application’s
logic this abstraction may affect the precision of our
analysis. Similarly, the state of persistent storage may
affect accuracy of a comparison (i.e. an empty e-
shop vs. a shop with several items in inventory).
We believe however that our preliminary evaluation
is promising in the sense that for the evaluated appli-
cations the achieved accuracy of the comparison was
high. A more thorough evaluation on other applica-
tions and architectures constitutes interesting future
Crawler Challenges: The current reliance on ex-
ternal crawlers introduces a significant limitation.
These crawlers exhibit inconsistencies in perfor-
mance across different web applications. Some func-
tion flawlessly, while others struggle entirely. To
address this, future work should explore several av-
enues. Combining multiple crawlers can leverage
their strengths and mitigate weaknesses by creating
snapshots from various tools, ensuring comprehen-
sive analysis. Developing a dedicated crawler op-
timized for scrooge, particularly for detecting spe-
cific change types and handling Single Page Applica-
tions (SPAs), would enhance precision and effective-
ness. Additionally, utilizing parallel crawling tech-
niques can significantly reduce analysis time, making
scrooge more efficient for large-scale applications by
running multiple crawlers simultaneously for exten-
sive coverage in a shorter period.
SPA Integration Hurdles: Single-page applications
(SPAs) pose a unique challenge due to their dynamic
nature. Scrooge currently struggles to effectively cap-
ture changes within SPAs. To improve this, iden-
tifying page changes within a Single Page Applica-
tion (SPA) is crucial. This requires developing logic
in the crawling process to detect when a new page
loads, which can be achieved by continuously moni-
toring the current URI and its history to recognize ad-
justments triggered by AJAX requests. Additionally,
exploring alternative storage solutions beyond HAR
files for capturing the dynamic state of SPAs is nec-
essary. Evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of
these alternative storage methods will be essential for
improving the analysis process.
Addressing these limitations constitutes interest-
ing future work, as well as a more comprehensive
evaluation of the tool’s precision.
There are various research topics closely related to
our work such as change detection, software evolu-
tion, as web crawling, and automated black-box test-
ing. In the following we give an overview of the
works most related to ours and how we compare
against them.
Change Detection in Web Pages. Closest
to our work are studies and implementations
of change detection in web pages (see for in-
stance (Mallawaarachchi et al., 2020) for a survey in
this domain). This line of work has been inspired
by the practical need to track changes in web sites
to get notifications related to important updates (i.e.
news, government announces etc.) or potential at-
tackes (i.e. defacements). Today there exist sev-
eral closed-source change detection services, such as
Google Alerts (Google, 2024) and some open source
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy