that the below-average usability rating may correlate
with the technical proficiency of the participants. To
avoid confusion with input methods, it appears nec-
essary to limit users to one form of input. Currently,
users can input commands either through voice or but-
tons, depending on the context. This switching be-
tween input methods caused confusion for some par-
ticipants, which should be avoided. Supplementary
features, such as displaying extra information regard-
ing the TUG and SST tests, should be fully integrated
into the chatbot. It was found that pop-up windows
caused users to lose track of the interaction flow. Fur-
ther usability improvements can be made according to
the suggested enhancements. These include increas-
ing the range of dialogue options, delving deeper into
personal data queries for formulating recommenda-
tions, and supplementing the recommendations with
explanations that justify them. Regarding the ac-
ceptance of recommendations, it would be better to
limit the chatbot’s advice to fitness-related sugges-
tions. This might be achieved by considering the ”mo-
bility and endurance”, ”strength” and ”balance”, as
main components to be considered in these assess-
ments (Hellmers et al., 2017). Concerning the tech-
nology used, there is a need for improvements due
to the demand for more dialogue options. The cur-
rent AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language)
is error-prone due to its strict rules. As highlighted in
the results, even a single error in the input can cause
the intent-matching to fail. A potential solution would
be to insert an additional module between the speech
recognition and AIML systems. This module could
function to improve the linguistic quality of the in-
puts. By addressing grammatical and spelling errors,
this would reduce input errors and make the intent-
matching more reliable.
This work was supported by the German Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant
agreement no. 16SV8958 and 1ZZ2007.
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