Usability Evaluation of a Chatbot for Fitness and Health
Recommendations Among Seniors in Assisted Healthcare
William Philipp
, Ali G
, Andreas Hein
and Sebastian Fudickar
Institute of Medical Informatics, University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany
ATLAS Elektronik GmbH, Bremen, Germany
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
{w.philipp, sebastian.fudickar},,
Senior Healthcare, Assisted Healthcare, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Healthcare, Elderly
Technology Use.
This study explores the acceptance of seniors for a chatbot designed to support in maintaining activity levels
and quality of life in an assisted healthcare setting. Building on findings from the TUMAL study, which de-
veloped a self-assessment tool for physical functioning, a proof-of-concept chatbot was created as an Android
app. The chatbot enables users to view their health data, inquire about activity levels, and receive recom-
mendations based on their results. A study involving 12 seniors (aged 75+) was conducted to evaluate the
chatbot’s usability and the participants’ attitudes toward its recommendations. The System Usability Scale
(SUS) revealed a suboptimal usability score of 66.3, with wide-ranging results indicating varying user ex-
periences. While fitness-related recommendations were positively received, health-related advice prompted
mostly negative feedback. Despite these challenges, the data querying functionality was considered useful,
demonstrating a degree of acceptance among the senior user group. The study suggests that the participants’
technical proficiency may have influenced their overall usability ratings.
1.1 Motivation
The demographic shift poses one of the greatest chal-
lenges for industrialized nations. The World Health
Organization (WHO) projects that by 2025, the num-
ber of people over 60 will rise to 1.5 billion (R
2012). This aging population will lead to a relevant
increase in the demand for healthcare personnel in
countries like Germany, which may not be met (Wolf
et al., 2017). Currently, 15% of Europe’s population
reports difficulty performing daily tasks due to physi-
cal limitations, increasing the need for care. Chronic
diseases and declining physical abilities are the main
drivers of this demand (R
ocker, 2012). To address
these challenges, the German Federal Ministry of Ed-
ucation and Research has focused on ”Ambient As-
sisted Living” (AAL) systems since 2002 (Wolf et al.,
2017). These systems aim to help seniors main-
tain autonomy in their homes and improve well-being
(Dohr et al., 2010). In the ”Technology-supported
motivation to maintain activity and quality of life”
(TUMAL) study, a self-assessment measurement box
was developed for seniors to track their physical abil-
ities. The tests included the Timed Up and Go (TUG)
test and the 5x Sit-to-Stand (SST) test, both assess-
ing participants’ mobility. The TUG involves stand-
ing, walking three meters, turning around, and sitting
back down, while the SST involves standing and sit-
ting five times consecutively (Fudickar et al., 2020).
Interviews showed that participants wanted immedi-
ate access to their test results (Fudickar et al., 2022).
However, providing real-time feedback requires sig-
nificant personnel resources, which hinders indepen-
dent and regular use. A solution is to deliver results
via mobile devices in the form of a chatbot. Chatbots
are now widely used in healthcare, marketing, and ed-
ucation (Adamopoulou and Moussiades, 2020), with
customer support being a key application to reduce
personnel costs (Adam et al., 2020). A recent re-
view on the use of chatbots among older adults in
healthcare concluded that there is a lack of options
designed specifically for older adults. They find that
adjacent studies are mainly focused on home moni-
toring and cognitive impairments. Furthermore, they
did not identify any studies in this field that were con-
ducted in Germany (Zhang et al., 2024). The chatbot
Philipp, W., Gölge, A., Hein, A. and Fudickar, S.
Usability Evaluation of a Chatbot for Fitness and Health Recommendations Among Seniors in Assisted Healthcare.
DOI: 10.5220/0013139800003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 483-490
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
developed in this work will address this need by vi-
sualizing and delivering the physical activity and test
results audiovisually.
1.2 Research Goals
The TUMAL study revealed a clear need for seniors
to receive immediate feedback on their test results and
the current technological advancements in the field
of chatbots make them a suitable alternative for per-
sonal discussion of the results, from a technical stand-
point. However, little is known about if seniors ac-
cept the presentation of assessments results via such
chatbots and if they are suitable for usage. The core
research question aims to clarify this research need:
Do seniors aged 75 and above accept a chatbot de-
signed to display health data and provide person-
alized recommendations? To answer this, two sub-
questions are formed:
1. How do seniors rate the usability and ease of use
of the chatbot?
2. What is their attitude toward the recommenda-
tions provided by the chatbot?
In order to address the research question, a mobile
chatbot application specifically for seniors is imple-
mented and is evaluated regarding the user acceptance
and usability with representative participants of the
age group.
2.1 Chatbot Application
The chatbot’s main function is to visually display in-
formation about physical activity and measurement
results from the health monitoring system, while also
delivering audio-visual feedback based on the data.
Additionally, it offers personalized recommendations
aimed at improving both the user’s fitness and over-
all health. It serves as a proof-of-concept, exploring
whether seniors over 75 find this type of technology
useful and could see themselves using it. The require-
ments for the chatbot have so far been vaguely formu-
lated, or only the purpose has been derived from the
results of the TUMAL study. To specify the func-
tions, the requirements will be further defined to de-
rive technical objectives. Accordingly, there are two
specific requirements. The first is the verbal inquiry
of the measurement box results/activity level and the
audiovisual transmission of this information. The sec-
ond involves the provision of action recommendations
from the chatbot based on the measurement box re-
sults or the activity level. From these two require-
ments, application scenarios will be defined in the
next sections.
2.1.1 Scenario 1: Querying Information
The first application scenario involves querying infor-
mation regarding physical activity. The query can per-
tain to the measurement box results or the user’s ac-
tivity level. In response to the query, the chatbot dis-
plays a graphic that describes the user’s performance.
The chatbot verbally provides key information as an
assessment. For self-evaluation and motivation, the
user is also shown the average rating. Furthermore,
the current performance is compared with past val-
ues. Additionally, there should be an option to access
information about the TUG and SST tests along with
reference values in an overlay window. The standard
workflow of this use case starts with the user initiat-
ing a conversation with the chatbot. After launching
the chatbot, the user can verbally communicate their
desired query and will receive the described response.
2.1.2 Scenario 2: Making Recommendations
The second application scenario involves communi-
cating recommendations to the user. At the start of the
conversation, the chatbot first asks a question regard-
ing the user’s well-being. If the response is positive,
the chatbot subsequently provides fitness recommen-
dations intended to motivate the user to become more
physically active. However, if the response is nega-
tive, the user is advised to consult a doctor. There-
fore, these recommendations are referred to as health
recommendations. The action recommendations are
only communicated to the user in the event of a dete-
rioration in the measurement box results or the activ-
ity level, or if the user indicates feeling unwell. The
flow of this use case also begins with the user initiat-
ing a conversation with the chatbot. Before the user
can start a query, the chatbot immediately asks about
the user’s well-being right after the conversation be-
gins. Depending on the course of the conversation,
as described above, the action recommendations are
derived from the measurement values and communi-
cated to the user.
2.1.3 Design Guidelines for Seniors
The user group of seniors aged over 75 includes var-
ious factors that must be considered in the design of
the user interface. To create a user-friendly and in-
tuitive interface for this demographic, it is essential
to incorporate design guidelines tailored for seniors.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Listing all aspects that were considered goes beyond
the scope of this work. A sample of decisions that
were made for the interface based on the user group
Minimize the number of elements on the interface
Use familiar elements from other apps
Large elements and scalability
No gesture controls
Figure 1 provides an example of how the design
considerations were factored into the development of
the application.
Figure 1: Example of visual clarity implemented in the user
interface. Left: The audiowave icon changes animation and
colour when the chatbot is speaking. Right: The micro-
phone icon lights up and displays the text ”microphone is
2.2 Technology Stack
The chatbot was developed for Android due to its
accessibility for developers and wide range of inter-
faces, making it suitable for mobile devices. Once
integrated into a health app, the chatbot could ac-
cess user activity data monitored in real-world scenar-
ios. To meet technical requirements, offline data pro-
cessing was prioritized. AIML (Artificial Intelligence
Markup Language) was chosen to handle user inputs
and generate outputs, as it is commonly used for chat-
bot development in research. For speech recognition
(Speech-to-Text), the open-source API VOSK, based
on the Kaldi toolkit, was selected due to its low mem-
ory usage and easy integration with Android. For
speech synthesis (Text-to-Speech), Android’s built-in
interface is used for simplicity.
2.3 Study Setup
With the chatbot application, a study is conducted
with subjects from the target age group to evaluate
its usability and assess how well the users accept the
chatbot’s recommendations.
2.3.1 Study Group Selection
The recruitment process involved contacting a sub-
group of 36 participants of the TUMAL study who
agreed to be contacted for further studies by phone.
15 participants agreed to participate, of which 12
showed up for the study (see Table 1 for details on the
makeup of the cohort). The participants were sched-
uled for appointments and invited to the university.
Despite the smaller sample size, the methods used are
expected to yield sufficient feedback to evaluate the
chatbot’s usability.
2.3.2 Experimental Setup - Qualitative Phase
The study was conducted in individual sessions, with
40 minutes allocated per participant. The study re-
quired only a mobile device with the Android op-
erating system, on which the application was in-
stalled. This device was provided to participants
and positioned on a phone holder for convenient use.
Both quantitative and qualitative metrics were estab-
lished to measure during the study, with a focus on
answering the research question and achieving the
study’s objectives, particularly verifying the proof-
of-concept. Participants were asked to evaluate not
only the usability but also the general functionality
and characteristics of the chatbot, such as voice clarity
and speed, as well as satisfaction with the graphical
display of information. Additionally, the study aimed
to assess participants’ attitudes toward receiving rec-
ommendations from a chatbot. From a technical per-
spective, additional metrics were defined to evaluate
the chatbot’s quality. The metrics are summarized in
Table 2.
The first phase consisted of a practical user test,
where participants had the opportunity to try out the
chatbot. The usage involved having a conversation
with the chatbot. No specific tasks were given to the
participants, only the context was provided. The con-
versation consisted of two runs. In the first run, par-
ticipants were given the freedom to choose between
the two paths. In simple terms, this means that par-
ticipants could freely respond to the chatbot’s ques-
tion about how they were feeling with either ”Good”
or ”Bad. In the second run, participants were asked
to choose the other option. The intention behind this
was to show the participants the respective recom-
Usability Evaluation of a Chatbot for Fitness and Health Recommendations Among Seniors in Assisted Healthcare
Table 1: Overview of the cohort that participated in the usability study.
Cohort No. Participants Avg. age Min. age Max. age SD (age)
Men 8 82 76 90 4.03
Women 4 80 76 84 2.92
Total 12 81 76 90 3.77
Table 2: Metrics measured in the study.
Category Feature
- Statements and questions from the Thinking Aloud method
- Attitude towards recommendations
- Usability score according to the System Usability Scale
- Usability results based on the User Experience Questionnaire
- Satisfaction with the user interface
- Satisfaction with the chatbot
* Voice (speed, tone)
* Speech recognition
* Chatbot responsess
- Satisfaction with the graphical representation of information
- Number of matches between the user’s speech and the system’s understanding
- Number of successful intent matchings
- Error rate of intent matchings
- Error rate of speech recognition
mendations provided by the chatbot. During the us-
age, participants were asked to follow the Thinking-
Aloud method (JØRGENSEN, 1990). During this
phase, a screen recording, including audio, was made
for evaluation purposes. This allowed the tracking of
user interactions and the documentation of statements
according to the Thinking-Aloud method. Addition-
ally, the chatbot application generated a log file in the
background to record the conversation and store data
related to speech recognition.
2.3.3 Experimental Setup - Quantitative
Questionnaire Phase
Following the practical user test, the second phase
involved a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire
was provided to the participants in written form dur-
ing the study. It began with personal information,
such as name, age, gender, and a self-assessment of
the participant’s technical knowledge. The question-
naire is divided into three sections. The first section
contains the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ).
The UEQ is a questionnaire designed to measure the
usability of applications. It consists of a total of 26
questions that relate to six different metrics (Laugwitz
et al., 2008). Each question presents two opposing at-
tributes, and participants indicate their preference on
seven item Likert scales. The next section covers the
System Usability Scale (SUS). Participants respond
to each statement using a five item Likert scale, rang-
ing from ”Strongly disagree” to ”Strongly agree. The
statements consist of five positive and ve negative
ones. The total score, calculated using a predefined
formula, ranges from 0 to 100 and reflects the user’s
perceived usability. A score of 68 or higher is consid-
ered indicative of good usability (Devy et al., 2017).
The final section consists of six questions regarding
the satisfaction with qualitative attributes, as listed in
Table 2. Participants again had the option to express
their satisfaction on a ve-item Likert scale ranging
from ”Not satisfied at all” to ”Very satisfied. Addi-
tionally, participants were asked about their prefer-
ence for a voice, with options including male, female,
or no preference. Finally, participants were asked to
assess how well they believed they managed the oper-
ation of the system.
2.3.4 Experimental Setup - Qualitative
Interview Phase
At the end of the study, a short interview was con-
ducted with the participants. The aim of this con-
versation was to understand the participants’ attitudes
towards the chatbot’s health and fitness recommenda-
tions. This referred not to the content of the recom-
mendations, but to the general acceptance of a techni-
cal recommendation system for health in the form of
a chatbot. Additionally, participants’ overall opinions
about the chatbot were gathered.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
The results of the conducted study are summarized
in this section. During data analysis, the audio
recordings from the practical user test were first tran-
scribed. Evaluations and questions expressed during
the Thinking-Aloud method were recorded in an Ex-
cel sheet for analysis. Based on this data, difficul-
ties encountered during the use of the system were
identified. The SUS score and UEQ result were cal-
culated to quantitatively assess usability. Key met-
rics included the mean and standard deviation of both
results. The data analysis focused on three key as-
pects. The first aspect was the measurement of us-
ability, which was derived according to the meth-
ods presented in the previous section. The quanti-
tative evaluations from the SUS score and UEQ re-
sult were supported by qualitative insights gathered
through the Thinking-Aloud method. The second as-
pect was the participants’ attitude towards the chat-
bot’s recommendation feature. Interview transcripts
were used for this evaluation. Finally, the third aspect
focused on analyzing the speech recognition technol-
ogy. The log files were compared with the transcrip-
tions to determine the reliability of the speech recog-
nition. It was also important to analyze how many
words the participants used per input to understand
their usage behavior.
3.1 Quantitative Evaluation
First, an overview of the qualitative results is pre-
sented in Table 3. The cohort rated their own technical
knowledge on a five-item Likert scale ranging from
”Very low” to ”Very high, with an average score of
4 (=Good). The participants’ responses to the ques-
tion ”Did you manage to use the system?” also re-
sulted in an average score of 4.08 (=Good) on a five-
point scale. The cohort’s satisfaction averaged 4.18
(=Good). Of the twelve participants, four indicated
that they would prefer a female voice. The remaining
participants stated that they had no preference. Mea-
sured by the System Usability Scale (SUS), the us-
ability resulted in an average score of 66.3. Accord-
ing to SUS, a score of 68 or higher indicates good
usability. The score determined here is slightly below
this threshold, which suggests poor usability. Figure
2 illustrates the results in a box plot. Of the twelve
participants, six scored above the threshold of 68,
while the remaining six scored below. A wide dis-
persion is noticeable. The standard deviation is 16.8.
The results from the User Experience Questionnaire
(UEQ), summarised in Table 4, are as follows: The
outcome was slightly positive overall. The highest
score was achieved in the attractiveness of the app,
with a mean value of 1.36, while the lowest score
was for efficiency, with a mean value of 1.04. The
maximum standard deviation was observed for attrac-
tiveness and stimulation, both with a value of 1.48.
The minimum standard deviation was recorded for ef-
ficiency and dependability, both with a value of 0.67.
Except for efficiency (which was below average), all
other metrics scored above average compared to other
products within their benchmark distribution.
3.2 Qualitative Evaluation
3.2.1 Thinking Aloud Method
The following difficulties in operating the chatbot
were determined using the Thinking-Aloud method.
It should be noted that this methodology, when an-
alyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively, did not
yield significant results. The reason for this, accord-
ing to observations, was the overwhelm experienced
by many participants while using the chatbot. Conse-
quently, most of the insights gained from this method
consist of questions about the chatbot’s usage, which
were asked during the practical portion. The follow-
ing list contains an excerpt of common problems the
users experience and is ordered by frequency of oc-
currence. Each difficulty is accompanied by an exam-
ple from the transcription of the audio recordings:
Microphone issues: Participants either forgot
or were unsure about pressing the microphone
icon before speaking to the chatbot to activate it
(”Should I have pressed it again first?”). This led
some participants to initially think that the chatbot
had not understood them (”It didn’t understand,
did it?”).
Touchscreen operation issues: Some partici-
pants had trouble using the touchscreen (”Press-
ing here isn’t working so well.). Several clicks
were not recognized, which led to further issues.
For instance, when trying to activate the micro-
phone, it wasn’t clear to participants that their
click hadn’t been recognized, and they spoke into
the microphone anyway. In this context, it’s worth
noting that visual indicators do appear when the
microphone is activated.
Confusion between microphone and info but-
tons: Despite clicking on the info button and an
overlay window appearing, participants continued
speaking as if the microphone was active (”(Click
on Info button) - What is my activity level?”). Fur-
thermore, participants were unsure how to interact
with the information window (”Where do I need
to press here?”). In one case, the information
Usability Evaluation of a Chatbot for Fitness and Health Recommendations Among Seniors in Assisted Healthcare
Table 3: Overview of quantitative results. The participants are sorted by SUS score, descending.
# Participant Gender Age Tech. Knowledge SUS UX Rating Avg. Satisfaction Pref. Voice
1 P26 M 77 5 95.0 5 4 None
2 P38 M 83 4 87.5 5 4.5 Female
3 P36 F 84 1 77.5 4 4.5 Female
4 P4 M 90 5 75.0 4 4.5 None
5 P9 M 83 3 75.0 4 3.83 None
6 P8 F 76 4 70.0 5 4 None
7 P19 M 83 2 65.0 4 4 None
8 P31 M 80 1 60.0 3 3.83 None
9 P16 M 76 2 52.5 4 4 None
10 P20 F 79 2 50.0 4 4 Female
11 P40 M 82 4 47.5 3 3.5 Female
12 P34 M 80 2 40.0 3 3.83 None
Figure 2: SUS scores plotted along a line. The cutoff point for good usability is marked in red.
Table 4: UEQ Results (Tabular). AA and BA denote above
and below average results when compared to the bench-
mark, respectively.
Measure Mean SD Benchmark
Attractiveness 1.36 1.48 AA
Perspicuity 1.33 0.90 AA
Efficiency 1.04 0.67 BA
Dependability 1.15 0.67 AA
Stimulation 1.24 1.48 AA
Novelty 1.08 1.38 AA
provided about the SST and TUG tests was inter-
preted by a participant as an instruction to per-
form the tests (”What should I do now? Stand up
and do the exercise...). The confusion was not
limited to buttons. One participant, for example,
mistook a speech bubble for a button or failed to
realize that they had already clicked a button, and
the subsequent speech bubble was displaying the
result of that input (”What should I press now (...)
what should I press now?”).
3.2.2 Interviews
The structured interview protocols provided insights
into how participants viewed the fact that a chatbot
gives health and fitness recommendations. The evalu-
ation of the protocols led to the following findings:
Eight participants found the chatbot’s fitness rec-
ommendations to motivate more physical activity
as useful.
Only ve participants expressed a positive attitude
toward the chatbot’s health recommendations and
considered them unproblematic, noting that se-
niors regularly visit a doctor. However, these rec-
ommendations should be accepted with caution.
Counterarguments included:
Not carrying a smartphone regularly.
A negative attitude toward technology in gen-
Receiving recommendations based only on ac-
tivity data was not viewed positively. The chat-
bot should collect more personal health data.
Regular visits to the doctor made the chatbot’s
health recommendations seem unnecessary.
Health recommendations were seen as too ex-
treme by some participants.
There was consensus that the chatbot is a good
idea for querying results after using the measure-
ment box.
Suggestions for improvement:
More dialog options.
The chatbot should provide information on why
increased activity can positively impact partici-
pants and offer general health information.
The user interface (UI) should be better adapted
for non-smartphone users using larger displays.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
3.3 Evaluation of Speech Recognition
The following results emerged from the evaluation of
the recordings and their comparison with the log files.
Over the course of the practical part of the study, the
twelve participants made a total of 127 inputs, com-
prising 694 recognized words. The average length of
these inputs was five words. The Speech-to-Text API,
VOSK, correctly recognized 75 out of the 127 inputs
without errors (equaling 59.06% accuracy). A single
incorrectly recognized word was counted as an error,
with 97 out of the total 694 words being incorrectly
recognized, resulting in a 13.98% error rate. A total
of 531 words were recognized with a confidence level
of 100%. The average confidence was 0.923, with a
minimum value of 0.215. Despite low confidence, 65
words were correctly recognized.
4.1 Acceptance of Recommendations
Regarding the participants’ attitudes toward the chat-
bot’s recommendations, there was no clear consen-
sus. Based on the findings, fitness recommendations
aimed at motivating more physical activity were gen-
erally viewed more positively than health-related rec-
ommendations. This attitude could be attributed to
a negative stance toward technology. Without a cer-
tain level of acceptance, it seems that trust in the
technology is lacking, which makes the health-related
recommendations from a chatbot seem irrelevant, es-
pecially for such a critical aspect of seniors’ lives.
Furthermore, many seniors mentioned that they are
regularly under medical supervision and thus per-
ceived these health recommendations as unnecessary
from the start. One participant explained their neg-
ative stance based on observations of their social
circle. They categorized seniors into two groups:
those who visit the doctor regularly and those who
avoid confronting their potentially poor health status,
which is why they don’t seek medical advice as often.
This hesitation was also reflected in the interviews,
where poor test results were sometimes taken person-
ally. Participants emphasized that recommendations
should be presented cautiously, as they could lead to
panic among users.
4.2 Usability
Despite the low SUS score, the participants’ individ-
ual evaluation reveals a differentiated picture, which
was further highlighted through the interpretative ap-
proach presented. This is reinforced by the findings
from the Thinking-Aloud method. It became evident
that using the chatbot was associated with a high un-
certainty for some participants, as difficulties during
usage surfaced through frequent questions. Another
example of uncertainty relates to the confusion be-
tween buttons. Despite the stark visual differences
between two buttons, they were still confused. The
results of the UEQ further underscore these usabil-
ity difficulties. No significant correlation between
the SUS score and other quantitative metric has been
found. This is particularly interesting for the subjec-
tive metric of ”Technical Knowledge”, where partici-
pants where asked to rate their own technical knowl-
edge. For instance, participant P40 rated the chatbot
with a score of only 48, even though they assessed
their technical knowledge as ”good”. Conversely, an-
other outlier can be seen in Figure 2, challenging
this assumption. Participant P36 rated their techni-
cal knowledge as ”low,” yet still awarded a SUS score
of 78.
4.3 Speech Recognition
The speech synthesis created using the VOSK API
proved to be a viable mobile solution that operates en-
tirely offline. Despite the use of a small language cor-
pus, an error rate of 14% was achieved. Considering
that the participants were less tech-savvy compared
to younger age groups, this error rate appears accept-
able. However, when using AIML, which is responsi-
ble for output generation, the issue arises that even
a single misrecognized word can cause the intent-
matching to fail. Given the relatively long average
length of inputs, the likelihood that a query results in
no input matching is quite high. To mitigate this is-
sue, the intents were cautiously designed based on the
keyword method, which is why this problem did not
appear in the results. The downside of this approach,
however, is that conversations cannot be made more
detailed. Therefore, a compromise must be found, us-
ing various matching methods to ensure a high likeli-
hood of successful matching while also offering more
diverse dialogue options.
It can be concluded that the general acceptance of
the chatbot is evident. The interviews revealed that
a majority of the participants considered the chatbot
a good idea for checking results after using the mea-
surement box. Based on the results, it was determined
Usability Evaluation of a Chatbot for Fitness and Health Recommendations Among Seniors in Assisted Healthcare
that the below-average usability rating may correlate
with the technical proficiency of the participants. To
avoid confusion with input methods, it appears nec-
essary to limit users to one form of input. Currently,
users can input commands either through voice or but-
tons, depending on the context. This switching be-
tween input methods caused confusion for some par-
ticipants, which should be avoided. Supplementary
features, such as displaying extra information regard-
ing the TUG and SST tests, should be fully integrated
into the chatbot. It was found that pop-up windows
caused users to lose track of the interaction flow. Fur-
ther usability improvements can be made according to
the suggested enhancements. These include increas-
ing the range of dialogue options, delving deeper into
personal data queries for formulating recommenda-
tions, and supplementing the recommendations with
explanations that justify them. Regarding the ac-
ceptance of recommendations, it would be better to
limit the chatbot’s advice to fitness-related sugges-
tions. This might be achieved by considering the ”mo-
bility and endurance”, ”strength” and ”balance”, as
main components to be considered in these assess-
ments (Hellmers et al., 2017). Concerning the tech-
nology used, there is a need for improvements due
to the demand for more dialogue options. The cur-
rent AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language)
is error-prone due to its strict rules. As highlighted in
the results, even a single error in the input can cause
the intent-matching to fail. A potential solution would
be to insert an additional module between the speech
recognition and AIML systems. This module could
function to improve the linguistic quality of the in-
puts. By addressing grammatical and spelling errors,
this would reduce input errors and make the intent-
matching more reliable.
This work was supported by the German Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant
agreement no. 16SV8958 and 1ZZ2007.
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics