All-Fibre Comb Filter with Narrow Bandwidth Based on a Dual-Pass
Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
Li Wei
Department of Physics and Computer Science, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: Comb Filter, Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Fibre Loop Mirror, Tunable, Narrow Bandwidth.
Abstract: A theoretical analysis of an all-fibre comb filter with narrow bandwidth is presented, based on a dual-pass
Mach-Zehnder interferometer (DP-MZI) with two variable ratio couplers. While the DP-MZI has previously
been used to construct a flattop comb filter via the reflection port, in this work it is employed as a narrow
bandwidth comb filter through the transmission port. Two conditions are newly derived to determine how to
choose the coupling ratios to optimize the optical performance of the proposed comb filter. First, to obtain a
lossless narrow-bandwidth filter, the coupling ratios of the two couplers must be equal. Second, to achieve
maximum extinction ratio, these coupling ratios are equal to 0.146 or 0.854. The impact of the coupling ratios
on bandwidth and extinction ratio is investigated. It is shown that the 3-dB bandwidth can be further reduced
by tuning the coupler ratios near the optimal value. This unique property is highly desirable for applications
in fibre lasers, optical sensing technology and reconfigurable optical systems.
All-fibre comb filters are essential components for
processing optical signals in wavelength domain.
They have been widely used in dense wavelength-
division multiplexed (DWDM) systems, multi-
wavelength lasers, and fibre sensor systems due to
their low insertion loss, low cost, simple structure,
ease of use and fibre compatibility. Various
techniques have been employed to construct all-fibre
comb filters, including chirped fibre Bragg gratings
(Chen, 2024), an acousto-optic coreless fibre core
mode blocker (Ramírez-Meléndez, 2017), multimode
interference (Zhou, 2018), polarization-diversity loop
configurations (Jung, 2017, 2024), fibre-based Lyot
filter (Zhu, 2020), fibre-based Mach-Zehnder
interferometer (MZI) (Han, 2018), high-birefringent
fibre loop mirror (Wei, 2021), hybrid Fabry-
Perot/Mach-Zehnder interferometer (Han, 2020), and
all-fibre mode selective MZI (Liu, 2021). Much effort
has been focused on developing all-fibre comb filters
with reconfigurable free-spectral-range (FSR), and
tunable wavelength.
On the other hand, the flexibility to control and
adjust the bandwidth of the passband and extinction
ratio of a comb filter is critical for applications in
reconfigurable fibre optical systems (Cheng, 2024),
and fibre lasers (Marrujo-García, 2021). Liu et al.
(Liu, 2024) recently presented a narrow passband
bandwidth-tunable comb filter based on silicon rings.
Jiang et al. demonstrated a wavelength- and
bandwidth-tunable silicon comb filter (Jiang, 2016).
Although research has been predominantly focused
on silicon planar structure, little work has been
reported on manipulating the bandwidth of all-fibre
comb filters.
In this work, we present an all-fibre comb filter
with adjustable bandwidth based on a dual-pass MZI
(DP-MZI) configuration with ratio-variable fused
fibre couplers. The DP-MZI has been previously
employed to construct a multifunctional comb filter
[Luo, 2012], and our group has demonstrated a
continuously tunable flattop comb filter based on this
configuration [Wei, 2019], both of which have used
the reflection port as the output. In this work,
however, the transmission port is employed to
achieve a narrow bandwidth at passband by taking
advantage of the flattop condition at resonance. The
optimum condition for achieving a lossless comb
filter is derived along with the condition for
maximizing the extinction ratio. It is also found that
the bandwidth of the comb filter can be tuned by
adjusting the coupling ratios.
Wei, L.
All-Fibre Comb Filter with Narrow Bandwidth Based on a Dual-Pass Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.
DOI: 10.5220/0013144300003902
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2025), pages 87-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-736-8; ISSN: 2184-4364
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the proposed comb filter.
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the
proposed comb filter constructed with two coupling-
ratio variable couplers (OC1 and OC2). Assume that
couplers and fibres are polarization independent. The
path difference between the two arms of the OC1 and
OC2 is
L. The two right ends of the OC2 are spliced
to form a fibre loop mirror (FLM). It is well known
that a FLM with a 3-dB coupler is a 100% reflector.
If OC2 is a 3-dB coupler, the two beams at top- and
bottom-arm will reflect along the same path. As a
result, the comb filter formed by two 3-dB couplers
acts as a regular MZI with the path difference of the
two interference beams being 2
L. When the
coupling ratio of the OC2 is not equal to 50%, both
top- and bottom-beams will be partially reflected via
the same path and partially transmitted to the bottom
and top paths, respectively, creating multiple
interference beams, with path differences being
and 2
L. The output functions at reflective and
transmissive ports can be written as (Luo, 2012):
() ()() ()( )
112 2 2 1 2 1 1 2
12 1 2
41 41 1 41 12
8 1 2 1 2 1 1 cos
81 1 cos2,
R ccccc ccc c
cc c c
()()( )( )
()( )
212 1 2 1 2
12 1 2
81 1 1212
8 1 2 1 2 1 1 cos
8 1 1 cos 2 ,
Tcccc c c
cc c c
where c
and c
are the coupling ratios of OC1 and
OC2, and
= nΔL/λ is the phase shift between two
interference beams, n is the refractive index of the
optical fibre, and
is the operation wavelength. The
output includes periodic terms (cos
and cos2
with opposite sign, contributed from single- and dual-
pass interference beams. The FSR of the dual-pass
term is half that of the single-pass term. A weak
contribution from dual pass may give rise to a flattop
response at port 1 with twice the FSR of the regular
MZI mentioned above. Note that the proposed filter
is a polarization independent filter.
With properly choosing the coupling ratios of the
two couplers, a flattop spectrum at reflection (output
port1) can be achieved from our previous study (Wei,
() ()() ()( )
12 2 2 1 2 1 1 2
12 1 2
41 41 1 41 12
8 1 2 1 2 1 1
81 1 1,
cc c c c c c c c
cc c c
−+ −+
where Eq. (3) is obtained by setting the reflectance (at
port 1) to be unit, i.e., R =1 at the resonance condition.
The equation above is equivalent to the condition
by setting the transmission (at port 2) to be zero at
resonance, i.e., T = 0 as follows:
()()( )( )
12 1 2 1 2
12 1 2
81 1 1212
81 2 1 2 1 1
81 1 0.
cc c c c c
cc c c
The flattop condition in Eq. (4) can be further
() ( )
11 2 2
14 1 4 1 0.ccc c−−=
Eq. (5) will be used to find the optimal value of the
coupling ratio for maximizing the extinction ratio.
Additionally, Eq. (5) can be solved as:
12 1 .
Eq. (6) agrees with the simulated results from our
previous study (Wei, 2019).
While the passband spectrum of the comb filter at
port 1 for reflection can be flattened with increased
bandwidth at resonance, the bandwidth of the comb
filter at port 2 for transmission can be significantly
narrowed at anti-resonance. This unique property can
be utilized in designing narrow-bandwidth comb
filter by using port 2 as output.
To obtain a lossless narrow-bandwidth spectral
response, the transmission of the comb filter at port 2
must have a unit magnitude at anti-resonance (i.e.,
pπ, where p is an odd integer), which gives the
following condition:
()()( )( )
12 1 2 1 2
12 1 2
81 1 1212
81 2 1 2 1 1
8 1 1 1.
cc c c c c
cc c c
By solving Eq. (7), the solution is found to be:
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Therefore, the optimum condition for a lossless
narrow-bandwidth comb filter is that the two couplers
must have identical coupling ratios.
Note that Eq. (8) represents the lossless condition,
i.e., the zero insertion condition. On the other hand,
high extinction is desirable to effectively isolate noise
in the stopband. To achieve maximum extinction
ratio, the transmission at the stopband must be zero,
which corresponds to the flattop condition in Eq. (5)
at resonance for a flattop comb filter. By solving Eq.
(5) and Eq. (8), we can find the solution to achieve
maximum extinction ratio for a narrow bandwidth is:
This indicates that the coupling ratios of the two
couplers are equal and can be either 0.146, or 0.854.
In Section 3, we will present simulated results of
the proposed narrow bandwidth comb filter, and
characterize the impact of the coupling ratios to the
bandwidth and extinction ratio of the transmissive
comb filter.
Figure 2 shows the narrow bandwidth spectra of the
proposed comb filter for three different coupling
ratios where c
= c
. It is evident that the peaks of the
three curves overlap at unit for different coupling
ratios, indicating that the comb filter remains lossless
as long as the two couplers have the equal coupling
ratios. The red curve with c
= c
= 0.146, represents
the optimized solution in Eq. (9), demonstrating that
zero transmission at stopband with a flattop shape,
indicating the extinction ratio reaches its maximum.
When the coupling ratio deviates from the optimal
value, the transmission at stopband increases,
suggesting a degradation in the extinction ratio. For
the coupling ratios smaller or larger than the optimal
value (as shown in the green and blue curves), the
bandwidth increases or decreases, respectively.
To clearly illustrate the impact of varying the
coupling ratio with c
= c
, Fig. 3 plots the 3-dB
bandwidth and the extinction ratio as the coupling
ratio varies from 0.106 to 0.186. The FSR of the comb
filter is 0.82 nm. At the optimal coupling ratio
(0.146), the extinction ratio reaches its maximum and
the 3-dB bandwidth is 0.298 nm. For comparison, the
3-dB bandwidth of a standard MZI is half of the FSR,
i.e., 0.41 nm. The means the 3-dB bandwidth of the
proposed comb filter is 27.3% narrower than that of
the standard MZI.
Furthermore, as the coupling ratio increases the 3-
dB linewidth decreases, suggesting that the
bandwidth of the comb filter can be further narrowed
by increasing the coupling ratio, though at the
expense of the extinction ratio.
Figure 2: The spectra of the proposed comb filter for
different coupling ratios with c
= c
Note that in Fig. 3, the same coupling ratio is used
for both couplers. It would be very insightful to
explore how the key specifications change when the
coupling ratios c
and c
are different.
Figure 3: The 3-dB bandwidth and extinction ratio as a
function of the coupling ratio with c
= c
Fig. 4(a) show the performance of the 3-dB
bandwidth for three fixed values of c
, while c
For a fixed coupling ratio c
, the 3-dB bandwidth
decreases as c
increases. Additionally, increasing the
fixed coupling ratio c
results in a narrower 3-dB
Fig. 4(b) displays the extinction ratio as a function
of c
for three fixed values of c
. When c
is set to be
the optimal value (see the red line), the curve shows
All-Fibre Comb Filter with Narrow Bandwidth Based on a Dual-Pass Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
near symmetry at c
= c
; however, when c
from the optimal value
the extinction ratio degrades.
When c
is smaller than the optimal value (as shown
by the grey line), the extinction ratio increases with
. Conversely, when c
is larger than the optimal
value, the extinction ratio (as shown in blue line)
decreases as c
Fig.4: (a) The 3-dB bandwidth and (b) extinction ratio as a
function of c
with different fixed c
Thus, both the 3-dB bandwidth and extinction
ratio can be dynamically tuned with adjusting the two
coupling ratios. As shown in Fig. 4, desirable optical
performance can also be achieved by suitable
choosing the combination of c
and c
. To obtain a
narrow bandwidth with a high extinction ratio, if c
smaller than the optimal value, then c
must be greater
than the optimal value, and similarly, if c
is larger
than the optimal value, then c
must be smaller than
the optimal value.
Furthermore, the analysis above is based on the
optimal solution at c
= 0.146. It is worth noting that
for the other optimal solution at c
= 0.854, same
behaviour regarding the impact of the coupling ratios
on the 3-dB bandwidth and extinction ratio is
A theoretical study of all-fibre comb filter with
narrow bandwidth based on a dual-pass Mach-
Zehnder interferometer is presented. The condition
for a lossless comb filter with narrow bandwidth is
newly derived. The coupling ratios of the two
couplers must be equal for achieving a lossless comb
filter. Additionally, the condition for achieving a
maximum extinction ratio is found to be c
= c
0.146, or 0.854. The proposed comb filter has a 3-dB
bandwidth that is 27.3% smaller than that of the
standard MZI. The bandwidth and the extinction ratio
can be also tailored by using variable coupling ratio
couplers. Narrow bandwidth with high extinction
ratio could be achieved by appropriately selecting the
values of the coupling ratios. This property is
extremely useful for applications in reconfigurable
photonic filtering, photonic signal processing, and
multiwavelength fibre lasers.
This research was funded in part by the Natural
Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) and Wilfrid Laurier University.
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All-Fibre Comb Filter with Narrow Bandwidth Based on a Dual-Pass Mach-Zehnder Interferometer