Onboarding Customers in Car Sharing Systems: Implementation of
Know Your Customer Solutions
Magzhan Kairanbay
Array Innovation, Bahrain
Know Your Customer, Object Detection, Optical Character Recognition.
Car-sharing systems have become an essential part of modern life, with Know Your Customer (KYC) pro-
cesses being crucial for onboarding users. This research presents a streamlined KYC solution designed to effi-
ciently onboard customers by extracting key information from identity cards and driving licenses. We employ
techniques from Computer Vision and Machine Learning, including object detection and Optical Character
Recognition (OCR), to facilitate this process. The paper concludes by exploring additional features, such as
gender recognition, age prediction, and liveness detection, which can further enhance the KYC system.
The proliferation of vehicles has been linked to a wide
array of environmental and economic challenges. In-
creased emissions from automobiles contribute sig-
nificantly to air quality degradation, which poses se-
rious health risks to the population (Cerovsky and
Mindl, 2008). Furthermore, traffic congestion ad-
versely impacts national economic performance (Ka-
gawa et al., 2013). In response to these issues, govern-
ments are actively seeking strategies to mitigate car
One promising solution is the implementation of
car sharing systems. Car sharing can take various
forms; while some people share rides to a common
destination, others may utilize a vehicle when its
owner is not actively using it. This paper focuses on
the latter model, in which individuals can access ve-
hicles for personal use through a shared platform.
Car-sharing systems can be categorized into two
primary approaches: traditional car-sharing, which
operates a fleet of vehicles owned by the company,
and peer-to-peer (P2P) car-sharing, where individu-
als offer their own vehicles for community use. The
P2P model typically requires fewer resources from
the company, making it an attractive option for both
service providers and users.
A critical component of any car-sharing system is
the onboarding process, which ensures that customers
can legally operate vehicles within the system. Ef-
fective onboarding relies on robust customer identifi-
cation processes that gather essential information, in-
cluding full name, IC number, driving license number,
and photographic verification. These data are vital to
establish trust and enable the seamless operation of
car-sharing services.
In this paper, we present a comprehensive ap-
proach to implementing a Know Your Customer
(KYC) solution tailored for car-sharing systems. Our
proposed system integrates several machine learning
(ML) models to facilitate the following functionali-
Face detection
Face comparison
Identity card (IC) detection
Driving license detection
Verification of the authenticity of ICs, driving li-
Extraction of Regions of Interest (ROI)
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for ex-
tracted ROIs
User communication with the ML solution
Fig. 1 illustrates the architecture of the proposed
system, showcasing its key components and their in-
Kairanbay, M.
Onboarding Customers in Car Sharing Systems: Implementation of Know Your Customer Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0013145100003912
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: ML-based KYC Solution Architecture for Car Sharing Systems.
KYC systems are essential for financial institutions,
playing a key role in preventing illegal activities such
as money laundering, fraud, and terrorist financing.
These systems verify client identities, ensure com-
pliance with regulatory requirements, and mitigate
financial crimes. Traditionally, KYC processes in-
volved manual steps; however, advancements in tech-
nology have led to the development of automated so-
lutions aimed at increasing efficiency and accuracy.
This shift has been driven by the need for quicker
and more secure customer onboarding while ensuring
compliance with rigorous regulatory standards.
Recent developments in KYC technologies in-
clude the adoption of biometric authentication (Miller
and Smith, 2019), ML (Charoenwong, 2023), and
blockchain (Liu and Zhang, 2019). Biometric meth-
ods, such as facial recognition (Jain and Gupta, 2017)
and fingerprint scanning (Al and Kumar, 2020), have
significantly enhanced the accuracy and security of
identity verification procedures. ML techniques, in-
cluding anomaly detection (Bhardwaj and Sharma,
2021) and pattern recognition (Yoon and Kim, 2020),
help identify suspicious activities in real time. Addi-
tionally, blockchain technology (Zohdy and Thomas,
2018) provides decentralized solutions for secure and
transparent sharing of customer data. However, de-
spite these technological advancements, challenges
such as regulatory compliance, data privacy concerns,
and the financial costs associated with implementing
sophisticated systems remain significant issues for fi-
nancial institutions (Liu and Zhang, 2019).
The increasing importance of KYC systems is not
limited to financial institutions alone but spans vari-
ous industries. While the documents required for ver-
ification may vary based on the industry (e.g., finance,
healthcare, or real estate), the underlying principles of
document validation and data extraction remain the
same. This section reviews current KYC solutions,
examining their strengths and limitations, and out-
lines how proposed innovations aim to address these
Recent studies highlight the application of ML
techniques in improving KYC processes. For in-
stance, research by (ACTICO, 2023) shows that
supervised learning methods, particularly Random
Forests, are effective in enhancing the performance of
KYC applications. Their findings suggest that adopt-
ing these techniques can reduce the number of clarifi-
cation requests by up to 57%, significantly streamlin-
ing the compliance process and improving efficiency.
(Technologies, 2023) employed several advanced
techniques to tackle the KYC challenge, including:
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) utilizing
Python and TensorFlow
OpenCV for computer vision tasks
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Ma-
chine Readable Zone (MRZ) packages
Their approach involves scanning documents to
extract personal information and passport expiration
dates. Once extracted, this data is compared with
database records to validate the submitted documents.
Their model classifies documents as verified, expired,
canceled, or mismatched based on validation results.
Documents that cannot be confidently categorized are
referred for manual review. Over time, the model
benefits from manual classifications through auto-
mated retraining, integrating new and corrected data.
The authors assert that ML-based solutions can sig-
nificantly expedite the customer onboarding process,
achieving document verification in one-tenth the time
required for manual processing. Furthermore, their
solution boasts high accuracy and efficiency, adher-
ing to standard procedures while minimizing manual
intervention. They report a 70% reduction in man-
ual effort for KYC verification, along with a 70% im-
provement in resource management, allowing orga-
nizations to redirect human resources to more value-
added tasks.
Conversely, (Charoenwong, 2023) argue that
KYC solutions often do not yield significant bene-
fits for banks. They contend that the challenges as-
sociated with KYC are not merely issues of data sci-
ence or ML, but rather a stem from systemic incen-
tives within the banking industry. They posit that the
underlying problems are trivial, yet banks may profit
from circumventing these processes.
In the following section, we present our solu-
tion for addressing the KYC challenge through deep
learning methods combined with OCR techniques.
The literature reviewed indicates that customer on-
boarding processes can be automated and accelerated.
This research aims to validate that premise, demon-
strating that ML approaches can effectively automate
and expedite the onboarding process with minimal
effort. We also aim to showcase the applicability
of such solutions in real-world scenarios, including
car-sharing systems. To substantiate our hypothesis,
we conducted experiments using Kazakhstani docu-
ments, specifically ICs and driving licenses. These
documents were processed using object detection and
character recognition models, with the details of our
proposed solution outlined below.
The proposed solution encompasses several key com-
ponents, including:
Face detection
Face comparison
IC detection
Driving license detection
Validation of ICs and driving licenses for authen-
Extraction of regions of interest (ROI)
Optical character recognition (OCR) for the ex-
tracted regions
In the following subsections, we will explore each
component in detail. Our solution is designed for real-
world applications, streamlining the customer on-
boarding process, reducing manual workload, and en-
hancing customer satisfaction while accommodating
a greater number of users.
3.1 Data Collection and Labeling
ML methodologies rely on data-driven approaches,
necessitating the collection of data prior to initiating
any training processes. Given that we are employ-
ing a supervised learning strategy, it is essential for
the data to include corresponding ground truth labels.
Our focus will primarily be on object detection tasks,
such as identifying ICs, driving licenses, and identity
numbers, where the goal is to locate specific objects
within the provided images. Object detection involves
drawing the smallest bounding box that encapsulates
the object of interest. For this bounding box, we iden-
tify the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right
For each object detection task, we have gathered
2,000 images, and for each image, we have manually
annotated the bounding boxes. Figure 2 below illus-
trates the data alongside its corresponding bounding
box. Each bounding box serves as a ground truth
label, defined by the coordinates (x
) and
). There are no constraints on
the input image sizes, allowing for the use of images
with any dimensions.
3.2 Face Detection
Face detection is a fundamental component of most
KYC systems (Pic et al., 2019), (Darapaneni et al.,
2020), (Do et al., 2021). Since many official docu-
ments include a photo of the customer, it is crucial to
verify that the individual in the photo matches the per-
son during the onboarding process. To achieve this,
our proposed solution requires customers to upload
a selfie while holding their IC. This allows us to de-
tect faces from both the selfie and the IC, enabling a
Onboarding Customers in Car Sharing Systems: Implementation of Know Your Customer Solutions
Figure 2: Sample data for a) front and b) back side of IC and c) driving license detection.
Figure 3: Face detection from the selfie and IC.
comparison to confirm that they belong to the same
individual (see Fig. 3).
Our face detection implementation utilizes a va-
riety of algorithms (Sun et al., 2018), (Mita et al.,
2005), (Chang-Yeon, 2008), (Dalal and Triggs, 2005).
(Stefanovic, 2023) conducted a comparative analy-
sis of five face detection algorithms: Haar cascade,
OpenCV DNN, Dlib, MTCNN, and Facenet. Their
results indicated that while the detection accuracy of
these models is comparable (Table 1), Dlib stands
out for its processing speed, completing image pro-
cessing in approximately 30 seconds, compared to
Facenet and OpenCV DNN, which take about 50 sec-
onds, Haar cascade around 100 seconds, and MTCNN
approximately 300 seconds (Stefanovic, 2023) (see
Fig. 4). Dlib is integrated into a user-friendly “face
recognition” API, making it straightforward to im-
plement in our solution. Given our priority of ex-
pediting customer onboarding, we opted to utilize
this “face recognition” API (fac, 2024), which offers
two methodologies: Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Figure 4: Comparison of face detection models based on
processing time.
(HoG) (Dalal and Triggs, 2005) and Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) (cnn, 2024).
Table 2 outlines the differences between these ap-
proaches, highlighting that HoG processes images 16
times faster than CNN. Since rapid onboarding is a
primary requirement, we decided to use HoG, espe-
cially as the faces we detect will consistently be pre-
sented from a frontal angle, rendering additional CNN
features unnecessary. The face extraction using HoG
is subsequently classified with Linear Support Vector
During the face detection process, it is imper-
ative to ensure that facial landmarks, such as the
eyes, eyebrows, and lips, are visible. If any of these
landmarks are obstructed, we cannot proceed to the
next step. Common scenarios leading to landmark
blockage include obscured lips due to mask-wearing,
which has become prevalent during the COVID-19
pandemic. Therefore, we instruct users to remove
masks when taking their photos. Other obstructions,
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Comparison of Face Detection Methods: Accuracy and Performance.
Method Accuracy Key Strengths Performance
Haar Cas-
90% - 95% Fast, real-time detection, low compu-
tational requirements
Fast, but less accurate on diverse
faces (e.g., varied poses)
DNN (e.g.,
96% - 98% Higher accuracy than Haar, robust to
Slower than Haar, but real-time with
proper hardware
Dlib (CNN-
95% - 98% Accurate, works well with various
poses and occlusions
Slower than Haar, but more accurate,
especially with CNN
FaceNet 98% - 99% Highly accurate, also provides em-
beddings for face recognition
Slower than other methods, requires
high computational power
MTCNN 95% - 98% Good for detecting faces at various
angles and scales
Moderate speed, good accuracy, can
be slower than Haar and Dlib
Table 2: Differences Between HoG and CNN-Based Solu-
Detects faces primar-
ily from frontal an-
gles, making it less
effective for identify-
ing faces at various
Capable of detecting
faces from a wide
range of angles.
Detection time is 0.2
seconds when using a
Detection time is 3.3
seconds when using a
such as glasses or long hair, can also hinder visibility
of the eyebrows and eyes. To address these issues, we
will provide a user manual outlining proper practices
for capturing the selfie photo. Any photos that do not
meet the visibility criteria for processing through our
ML solutions will be subject to manual review. It is
crucial that all requirements—visibility of lips, eye-
brows, and eyes—are confirmed during the manual
KYC validation process. Each case must ensure the
presence of two faces: one from the selfie and one
from the document. Once both faces are available, we
can begin the comparison to ascertain if they belong
to the same person. The subsequent subsection will
detail the face comparison methodology.
3.3 Face Comparison
For each detected face, we need to obtain its face
encodings, which are numerical representations of
the face stored as a one-dimensional array. Typi-
cally, these encodings are derived from the penulti-
mate fully connected layers of CNNs in deep learning
models. However, since we are utilizing a HoG-based
approach, we will focus on extracting HoG features.
The process for obtaining these features is illustrated
step-by-step in Figure 5.
The first step of the algorithm involves calculating
the centered horizontal and vertical gradients, which
can be expressed mathematically as
f =
f /x
f /y
, (1)
where g
and g
represent the deriva-
tives in the x and y directions. These derivatives can
be approximated using convolution with the filters
h = [1, 0, 1] and h
in their respective directions.
Once the image derivatives are calculated, they can
be used to derive the gradient direction and magni-
tude, computed as
θ = tan
, (2)
+ g
, (3)
Next, the image is divided into overlapping blocks
of 16 × 16 pixels with a 50% overlap. Each block
comprises 2 × 2 cells, each sized 8 × 8 pixels. We
then quantize the gradient orientations into N bins and
concatenate these to form the final feature vector. The
”Face Recognition API” provides a method for ob-
taining these face encodings, which are represented
as a one-dimensional array of length 128. For the i-th
face encoding, we denote it as
f (i) = [ f (i)
, f (i)
, f (i)
,..., f (i)
Figure 6 illustrates the values of this feature vec-
tor, which range from -0.3 to 0.3.
Once we have the face encodings for two faces
(face i and face j), we need to determine their simi-
larity. To do this, we calculate the Euclidean distance
between the two vectors (Recognition, ). This dis-
tance measures the discrepancy between the vectors:
if the distance is close to 0, the vectors are similar; if it
Onboarding Customers in Car Sharing Systems: Implementation of Know Your Customer Solutions
Figure 5: Feature extraction technique utilized by the HoG algorithm.
Figure 6: Visual representation of the feature vector for the
”face recognition” API.
is significantly greater than 0, the vectors are dissimi-
lar, indicating a low probability that the faces belong
to the same person. We establish a threshold of 0.6
for this validation process. Thus, if the distance is be-
low 0.6, we conclude that the faces (face i and face
j) belong to the same person; otherwise, they belong
to different individuals, as expressed in the equations
dis(i, j) =
( f
(i) f
( j))
< 0.6 (indicating the same person), (1)
dis(i, j) =
( f
(i) f
( j))
0.6 (indicating different individuals),
Here, dis(i, j) denotes the Euclidean distance be-
tween feature vectors i and j. While we are using
the Euclidean distance for this purpose, other distance
metrics could also be applied. According to the au-
thors (fac, 2024), optimal performance is achieved
with a threshold of 0.6, which we adopt in our ap-
proach. If the threshold value is lowered, the criteria
for matching become stricter; conversely, raising the
threshold makes the criteria more lenient.
3.4 IC Detection
After confirming that the faces in the selfie and IC be-
long to the same individual, we proceed to the next
step: extracting key information from the documents.
The IC serves as the primary document for verifying
a person’s identity. We will focus on retrieving the
Identity Number from the card, as this is typically suf-
ficient; additional details such as fines or penalties can
be accessed using just the Identity Number.
There are two approaches to IC detection. The
first involves developing a ML model specifically for
detecting ICs. The second, simpler approach en-
hances detection accuracy by employing a bounding
box drawn in the application. The user simply needs
to align the IC with this box for effective detection and
cropping. Therefore, the second approach is strongly
recommended (Fig. 7). For the first method, we uti-
lized an object detection technique known as Mask
R-CNN (He et al., 2017). The architecture of Mask
R-CNN is illustrated in Figure 8 (He et al., 2017),
demonstrating its capability to segment the target ob-
ject. Once the object is identified, we can establish the
bounding box by determining the top-left and bottom-
right coordinates. Mask R-CNN achieved an accuracy
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Two methods for document detection, with the
second approach being strongly recommended.
Figure 8: Architecture of the Mask R-CNN Algorithm.
of 91% for this task. We used the Jaccard index (Ley-
desdorff, 2008) as our evaluation metric, which is de-
fined as the intersection over union of our predictions
and the ground truth labels (see Figure 9).
Figure 9: The intersection and union between the predicted
bounding box and the ground truth bounding box.
Jaccard(predicted,ground truth) =
predicted ground truth
predicted ground truth
In an ideal scenario where object detection is
perfect, the Jaccard index equals 1, indicating com-
plete overlap between the predicted and ground truth
bounding boxes. Once the IC is detected, we will pro-
ceed to validate its authenticity. However, before that,
we will discuss the detection of driving licenses.
3.5 Driving License Detection
Detecting a driving license follows a process similar
to that of IC detection. We have two approaches avail-
able, with the second approach being strongly pre-
ferred. For the first approach, we will employ Mask
R-CNN, which achieves an accuracy of 91% in de-
tecting driving licenses (as shown in Table 3). We uti-
lized nearly 2,000 data samples, allocating 80% for
training and 20% for testing in both IC and driving
license detection tasks. The accuracy for both tasks
is comparable due to the consistent dataset and train-
ing/testing split used for each. The primary distinc-
tion lies in the specific document type being identi-
Table 3: Document Detection Accuracy.
Task Accuracy
IC Detection 91%
Driving License Detection 91%
Once the necessary document is detected, we can
proceed to extract key information from it. Typically,
the expiration date and type of driving license are crit-
ical data points needed for customer onboarding. The
extraction of regions of interest (ROIs) from these
documents will be addressed in subsequent chapters.
Before that, we will discuss the validation process for
both ICs and driving licenses to ensure their authen-
3.6 Validation of IC and Driving
License for Authenticity
After the documents have been identified, the subse-
quent step is to verify their authenticity. Individuals
sometimes attempt to use counterfeit documents for
various illicit purposes, including fraud, theft, vandal-
ism, and other criminal activities related to vehicles.
Therefore, it is essential to ensure that customers are
presenting legitimate and accurate documents. The
methods of validation differ depending on the type
and format of the documents. Typically, these doc-
uments adhere to specific standards, which include
Onboarding Customers in Car Sharing Systems: Implementation of Know Your Customer Solutions
Figure 10: Verification of the document’s authenticity by
identifying key landmarks from a) front, b) back side of IC
and from c) driving license.
identifiable landmarks located at designated points.
Consequently, the initial validation process involves
detecting these landmarks (Fig. 10). Once we confirm
the presence of all required landmarks, this validation
step is deemed complete. This method represents a
basic form of validation, as the primary aim of this pa-
per is to demonstrate a comprehensive KYC solution
for car-sharing systems. More advanced algorithms
for document validation will be explored beyond the
scope of this research, but we plan to enhance this as-
pect in future work.
3.7 Extraction of Regions of Interest
The ”identity number” and ”driving license expiration
date” are crucial data points for the car-sharing sys-
tem. To enable customers to begin driving, it is essen-
tial to obtain and verify these values. The extraction
process for these key data points is based on similar
principles for both the identity number and the expi-
ration date detection tasks.
The primary objective is to identify a unique fea-
ture, often a specific landmark on the document. Once
this unique feature is located, we can determine the
positions of the required data relative to it. This
methodology allows us to effectively extract the nec-
essary information, which is then passed on to the
OCR step (Fig. 11).
In the context of Kazakhstani documents, unique
landmarks may include a chip on the driving license
or the facial images present on both documents. For
chip detection, we employed the MaskRCNN model.
Consistent with our previous methodology, we uti-
lized 80% of the data for training and the remaining
20% for testing.
Figure 11: Extraction of ROIs using the fixed locations of
document landmarks.
3.8 Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) for Extracted ROIs
After the ROIs have been extracted and cropped, we
can proceed with the OCR process. This process con-
sists of three main components: 1) Text Detection, 2)
Character Segmentation, and 3) Character Recogni-
tion. The initial step, text detection, has already been
addressed in the previous section. We will now focus
on character segmentation and recognition, utilizing
open-source libraries like Tesseract, which automates
these functions.
However, simply using Tesseract may not suffice,
as the cropped text data can often include noise. Thus,
it is essential to preprocess the data to eliminate any
noise before applying Tesseract for OCR. The noise
removal techniques typically include:
Blurring the image (using methods such as aver-
age or Gaussian filtering)
Histogram equalization
A combination of morphological operations like
erosion and dilation
Once the cropped text data has been adequately
cleaned, we can apply Tesseract OCR. It is crucial to
select the appropriate language during the character
recognition phase. In the following subsection, we
will integrate all these features to demonstrate how
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
to create a comprehensive system for automated cus-
tomer onboarding.
3.9 Integration of ML with the end
All functionalities of the KYC system, provided as
APIs, will be hosted on the ML server (see Fig. 12).
Requests originating from the client side (mobile app)
will be processed by the back-end server. This server
will manage a queue of requests and forward them to
the ML server for the appropriate API. Upon receiv-
ing a request from a specific customer, the ML server
will process it and return the results to the back-end
server. The back-end server will then relay these re-
sponses to the mobile app for display to the end users.
For future enhancements, we plan to implement
a queue system to effectively manage customer load.
This queue will be placed between the back-end
server and the ML server.
The KYC system has the potential to incorporate a va-
riety of additional features. Among these are gender
recognition and age estimation, which provide valu-
able insights into customer demographics. This in-
formation can later be leveraged for various purposes,
such as marketing campaigns. The following subsec-
tion will detail the implementation of these additional
features, focusing on age and gender prediction.
4.1 Demographic Attribute Prediction
Understanding the demographic attributes of cus-
tomers is crucial for enhancing the KYC system.
These attributes include location, gender, and age.
While the customer’s location can often be easily
determined using GPS, identifying age and gender
presents more complex challenges. In this research,
we aim to tackle these tasks through Computer Vision
and ML techniques.
Age prediction is treated as a regression task,
where the output is a floating-point number represent-
ing an age within a specified range (e.g., 18 to 100
years). In contrast, gender classification is framed as
a classification problem, where each input image must
be categorized into one of a limited number of classes.
For both tasks, we utilize the Histogram of Ori-
ented Gradients (HoG) as the feature extractor, pro-
ducing feature vectors for each face (denoted as
f (i) = [ f (i)
, f (i)
,..., f (i)
]). These feature vec-
tors serve as input for training the gender classifier
and age predictor, which can be implemented using
various methods such as Neural Networks or Support
Vector Machines.
Let’s denote the classifier as g. For the clas-
sification task, the model output is represented as
g( f (x(i))), where x(i) denotes the i-th input image.
This classification will yield a one-hot encoded out-
put, such as [0,0,...,1,...,0], where only one value
is ”1” and all others are ”0. The index of the array
with the value of ”1” indicates the predicted class.
In the case of the regression task, g( f (x(i))) will
produce a floating-point number, as previously de-
scribed. These prediction functions, g( f (x(i))), can
be integrated into the ML server as separate APIs.
Whenever this demographic information is required,
we can easily call these APIs from the back end.
The current KYC solution presents several limita-
tions. For instance, a customer could potentially take
a photo of someone else and submit it as their selfie,
thereby circumventing the ML system and gaining ac-
cess to the platform with false information. This sce-
nario poses significant risks, including vehicle theft,
parts theft, and other criminal activities.
To address these vulnerabilities, we need to ex-
plore solutions that can effectively mitigate such risks.
One promising approach is the implementation of
”liveness detection. This feature aims to verify that
the customer is a live individual and not merely pre-
senting a printed photo as their selfie. The following
subsection will delve into the specifics of the ”live-
ness detection” feature.
5.1 Liveness Detection
Various methods exist for ”liveness detection,” which
determine whether the individual on the client side is
indeed a live person. We will utilize one of the most
common techniques, which involves providing cus-
tomers with a set of facial commands and monitoring
their compliance. This method is referred to as ”ac-
tive liveness detection.
If the customer successfully follows the com-
mands, we will conclude that they are a live individ-
ual and proceed with their onboarding. Conversely, if
they fail to comply, their request will be rejected, and
the KYC process will be sent for manual verification.
The list of facial commands may include:
Open the mouth
Close the eyes
Onboarding Customers in Car Sharing Systems: Implementation of Know Your Customer Solutions
Figure 12: Comprehensive architecture of the ML-based KYC system.
Figure 13: Illustration of the liveness detection process.
Close the right/left eye
Turn the head to the left/right
Look up/down
We can randomly select three commands from the
list above. Once a command is issued, we will clas-
sify the customer’s actions. If the predicted action
matches the intended command, we will proceed to
the next command. If there are three correct matches
out of three attempts, we will consider the person to
be live; otherwise, the customer will not pass our test
(Fig. 13).
5.2 Improving Photo Quality
Image quality can vary significantly based on the
type of smartphone and its camera capabilities. Low-
quality cameras and poor lighting conditions often re-
sult in subpar images, which can hinder the perfor-
mance of the ML KYC system and create challenges
for customers during onboarding. To address this, we
can enhance image quality to achieve two main objec-
tives: 1) improve text readability and 2) reduce noise.
To enhance text clarity, we can apply deblurring
algorithms that focus on refining image quality, mak-
ing input photos clearer and more legible. One effec-
tive approach for deblurring is to utilize Generative
Adversarial Networks (GAN) (Lu et al., 2019). For
reducing noise, we can implement various noise re-
moval algorithms (Verma and Ali, 2013).
In this research, we have presented an architecture for
developing a straightforward KYC solution suitable
for various car-sharing use cases. Our proposed meth-
ods leverage Computer Vision and Machine Learning
techniques, emphasizing the detection of regions of
interest (ROIs) from images. Additionally, the ML
server can be further enhanced by incorporating fea-
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tures such as a gender classifier and an age predictor.
To bolster the security of the KYC solution, we rec-
ommend implementing a “liveness detection” feature,
which verifies whether the individual on the screen is
indeed a live person.
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Onboarding Customers in Car Sharing Systems: Implementation of Know Your Customer Solutions