It is also significant that both researched groups are
convinced of the potential and effectiveness of EI
Still, they do not know enough about it as a paradigm
but already realize that there are a number of ethical
dilemmas that need to be resolved before actively using
this attractive new technology. There are also concerns
that EI
can be used to manipulate users by acting on
their unconscious desires and fears. Brands should al-
leviate these concerns transparently and proactively.
In conclusion, the combination of EI
and neuro-
marketing undoubtedly opens up new and exciting op-
portunities for marketers. By understanding consum-
ers' emotional responses, companies can create prod-
ucts and services that are better tailored to the individ-
ual needs and preferences of their most loyal custom-
ers. It is precisely this that is among the most essential
expectations of both marketers and consumers.
This study is financed by the European Union-
NextGenerationEU through the National Recovery
and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria, pro-
ject №BG-RRP-2.013-0001-C01.
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