models on the block, and linking to previous models
and blocks for consistency. Validation steps ensure
miners meet required accuracy and model differences,
confirming computational effort.
For RQ2, evolutionary algorithms emerged as op-
timal for training BNNs, preventing overfitting and
avoiding local minima. These algorithms also aid in
shaping models, increasing diversity and suitability
for specific datasets.
Regarding RQ3, our tests indicate that altering
miner constants to define minimum model differences
and accuracy can increase the computational diffi-
culty of generating new blocks. While BNNs store
binary weight values to save bandwidth, our findings
for RQ4 show that blocks with empty transactions use
less than 1MB of bandwidth.
Lastly, for RQ5, although our system demon-
strates lower throughput compared to Ethereum, it
still efficiently handles a significant number of trans-
actions. This makes it suitable for large-scale appli-
cations, despite longer block creation times.
Future research should explore several avenues
to deepen understanding. While our experiments
used controlled, dockerized environments, assess-
ing model performance in real-world blockchain net-
works is crucial for a realistic evaluation of resilience
and applicability. Additionally, the concept of dis-
tributed model training, where mining pools collab-
oratively train different model segments, could en-
hance creation efficiency and leverage blockchain’s
decentralized nature.
Extending our approach to larger-scale blockchain
networks would also be an important step. This in-
volves ensuring that the system can handle increased
transaction volumes and more extensive network par-
ticipation without compromising performance. By
addressing these future directions, we plan to enhance
the practical utility and scalability of our approach,
making it a valuable contribution to the intersection
of blockchain technology and machine learning.
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