New Paths in Document Data Augmentation
Using Templates and Language Models
Lucas Wojcik
1 a
, Luiz Coelho
2 b
, Roger Granada
2 c
and David Menotti
1 d
Departament of Informatics, Federal University of Paran
a, Curitiba, Brazil
unico idTech, Brazil
{lmlwojcik, menotti}, {luiz.coelho, roger.granada}
Document Recognition, Data Augmentation, Natural Language Processing.
Document Recognition has been tackled with a state of the art (SOTA) mostly composed of multi-modal trans-
formers. Usually, these are trained in an unsupervised pre-training phase followed by a supervised fine-tuning
phase where real-world tasks are solved, meaning both model and training procedures are borrowed from NLP
research. However, there is a lack of available data with rich annotations for some of these downstream tasks,
balanced by the copious amounts of pre-training data available. We can also solve this problem through data
augmentation. We present two novel data augmentation methods for documents, each one used in different
scopes. The first is based on simple structured graph objects that encode a document’s layout, called tem-
plates, used to augment the EPHOIE and NBID datasets. The other one uses a Large Language Model (LLM)
to provide alternative versions of the document’s texts, used to augment the FUNSD dataset. These methods
create instances by augmenting layout and text together (imageless), and so we use LiLT, a model that deals
only with text and layout for validation. We show that our augmentation procedure significantly improves the
model’s baseline, opening up many possibilities for future research.
Document recognition has come a long way since
LayoutLM (Xu et al., 2019), which cemented a tra-
dition of using multi-modal transformers in this field
ever since its release. Since innovations in trans-
former pre-training recipes and attention modeling
have shown to have the biggest impact in pushing the
state of the art (SOTA) forward, most of the recent
research focuses on these things to tackle new chal-
lenges. As a result, research in document-based data
augmentation has become scarce over the last few
However, there is a lot to be gained from data
augmentation, as many domains, including ones of
commercial interest such as official document pars-
ing, suffer from a lack of high-quality data and an-
notations. The pre-training phase with vast amounts
of data that are a staple in document recognition to-
day yields models with powerful few-shot capabili-
ties, which enhances performance in scenarios with
low data availability. But it is also possible to further
boost performance by expanding the datasets with
data augmentation.
For instance, we tackle EPHOIE (Wang et al.,
2021), a dataset composed of scanned examination
paper headers from various Chinese schools. This
document domain is particularly tricky to deal with,
since these documents may contain sensitive informa-
tion from real people (the authors of EPHOIE had to
erase and re-synthesize some fields such as names and
schools to make the dataset public). This makes it
hard and, at times, impossible to gather and annotate
more document instances, making data augmentation
an even more relevant tool to use. This is also an issue
with NBID (Wojcik et al., 2023), a synthetic ID card
We also tackle FUNSD (Guillaume Jaume, 2019),
a subset of IIT-CDIP (Soboroff, 2022). IIT-CDIP is a
dataset composed of noisy scanned documents from
lawsuits against the tobacco industry in the nineties.
These documents were made public as a result of the
lawsuit’s settlement, but still represent another sen-
sitive document domain, namely the legal document
one. These are also documents that contain confiden-
Wojcik, L., Coelho, L., Granada, R. and Menotti, D.
New Paths in Document Data Augmentation Using Templates and Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0013145900003912
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tial information, and so are difficult to acquire and
With these issues in mind, the present work pi-
oneers two novel data augmentation methods aimed
at real-world problems (fine-tuning stages), where the
annotations are usually more scarce. Our approach in-
cludes layout and text augmentation, borrowing tech-
niques from pure NLP research, and experimenting
with the latent knowledge from the documents them-
The first method is called the LLM method, where
we use an LLM to produce new instances of the same
document by rewriting the texts of every entity. This
is in line with recent advancements from NLP (Guo
et al., 2023; Ye et al., 2024) where this idea was
shown to improve performance in downstream tasks
The second method is called the template method,
where we reduce each document to a fully connected
digraph where each vertex corresponds to an entity
and the edges represent directions between entities.
Augmentation is performed by producing a template
repository from the available documents and then cre-
ating new documents by sampling one template at a
time and filling the vertices with new text.
Our methods are crafted for complex (LLM)
and simple (template) document domains. We use
FUNSD, EPHOIE and NBID for validation of these
methods, as these datasets serve as examples for the
domains tackled by them. FUNSD is augmented with
the LLM approach and the other two are augmented
with the template approach. Both methods are crafted
for imageless learning. The reason for this is to de-
velop faster and more versatile augmentation meth-
ods, as well as being easier to implement.
We use LiLT (Wang et al., 2022), fine-tuning
it in downstream tasks from the FUNSD (Guil-
laume Jaume, 2019) and EPHOIE (Wang et al., 2021)
datasets, augmented using the LLM and template
strategies respectively. We show that our methods
improve the model’s performance significantly across
every training scenario. Furthermore, our augmented
datasets will be made publicly available.
The remainder of this work is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents an overview of the docu-
ment recognition SOTA and some document augmen-
tation techniques, as well as situating our contribu-
tions to them. Section 3 presents our two augmen-
tation methods, based on templates and LLMs. We
also detail the datasets used and produced by and with
each method. Section 4 details our experiments and
results, as well as a discussion of the results. Finally,
Section 5 presents our conclusions and discusses the
directions for future research.
Recent advances in document recognition are often
an incorporation of NLP techniques, to the point
that this field can be conceptualized as a subfield
of NLP. This is seen in the way that the current
SOTA for documents is a generalized, multi-modal
version of the NLP SOTA. The first instance of this
is LayoutLM (Xu et al., 2019), a model that uses a
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) backbone as a baseline
and is trained with a very similar recipe of unsuper-
vised pre-training followed by supervised fine-tuning.
The translation of the vanilla NLP modeling into a
document modeling is by building a multi-modal em-
bedding that encodes layout and vision features (apart
from the text) and adapting the pre-training tasks ac-
cordingly. In this way, document recognition be-
comes a simple NLP task with extra dimensions.
This modeling is omnipresent in the current doc-
ument SOTA, shown in recent models such as Lay-
outLMv3 (Huang et al., 2022), GraphDoc (Zhang
et al., 2022) and ERNIE-Layout (Pend et al., 2022).
GraphDoc also incorporates the graph-like attention
modeling from StarTransformer (Guo et al., 2019),
another NLP approach, while ERNIE-Layout bor-
rows the ERNIE architecture and attention modeling
from the corresponding vanilla NLP model (Zhang
et al., 2019).
Although most of this SOTA uses a multi-modal
learning comprised of vision, text, and layout, re-
cent research has also produced competitive bi-modal
models that exclude the requirement for images to
be used, even in visual document recognition sce-
narios such as the ones tackled here. LiLT (Wang
et al., 2022) is composed of two independent trans-
former architectures that connect through the atten-
tion mechanism, one for text and one for layout. Lay-
outMask (Tu et al., 2023) proposes novel pre-training
tasks for better cross-modal learning.
There is further influence from NLP in docu-
ment augmentation. (M
ark and Orosz, 2021) presents
an extensive survey of augmentation methods for
text augmentation. The paper discusses techniques
such as synonym replacement, random deletions, and
round-trip translations and their applicability in the
legal document scenario. It also discusses LLMs
(GPT and GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2018; Radford et al.,
2019)), to the conclusion that these methods cannot
be used as they can’t protect some keywords from the
original texts. Finally, the authors do not perform any
experiment, limiting the scope of the paper to a dis-
Practical augmentation methods for documents
can be largely summed up in two categories: intrinsic
New Paths in Document Data Augmentation Using Templates and Language Models
and extrinsic methods. Intrinsic methods work by cre-
ating a model that learns the semantics of a document
instance in order to create new instances. Extrinsic
methods work by using sets of data (which may be
sets of images, document textures, text samples, etc.)
to incrementally build documents in a more hand-
crafted way. Some works, such as DocBank (Li et al.,
2020), present strategies for constructing datasets via
new annotation methods. We do not consider these as
data augmentation methods, as the datasets are being
created and not expanded.
The most prominent example of intrinsic meth-
ods is with GANs. Examples of this include Doc-
Synth (Biswas et al., 2021), a GAN trained in the
large PubLayNet (Zhong et al., 2019) dataset, com-
prised of over three hundred thousand pages from sci-
entific papers. The model is trained to recognize the
possible layouts and then used to create new ones.
Another example is in (Pondenkandath et al., 2019),
where the CycleGAN (Zhu et al., 2017) and VGG-
19 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) models are used
to create aged versions of historical documents.
Another example of an intrinsic method is in (Ra-
man et al., 2021), an annotation-free approach for lay-
out recognition based in a Bayesian network. Docu-
ments are defined as a set of primitive elements (para-
graphs, lists, titles) and construct documents accord-
ing to a set of rules through this network. The result
is fed into an image manipulation routine to create an
augmented document image.
An example of an extrinsic method is SynthDoG
(Kim et al., 2022). In the same paper, the authors pro-
pose Donut, a Transformer that doesn’t use the docu-
ment’s texts as part of the input. SynthDoG works by
sampling images from ImageNet (Krizhevsky et al.,
2012) to serve as backgrounds, onto which document
textures are projected, the text being pasted on top of
them. The texts are from many languages and taken
from Wikipedia. Such a dataset allows for Donut to
be generalized without the need for multilingual text
NBID (Wojcik et al., 2023) is a synthetic dataset
of Brazilian ID cards created from a simple process of
inpainting the sensitive information in real document
images with a GAN and pasting synthetic text on the
anonymized image. It is an example of a simple do-
main of documents that is hard to deal with due to the
sensitive nature of the data. It is further detailed in
Section 3.3
An advantage of the implicit methods is the possi-
bility of creating vast amounts of data with very var-
ied layouts, as seen with DocSynth. A drawback is
the necessity of lots of annotated data for training the
model, meaning they are not well suited for domains
with a general lack of data and/or annotations, as usu-
ally is the case with fine-tuning tasks. Implicit meth-
ods have the inverse pros and cons: larger amounts of
data can be created from smaller datasets (combining
five background images, document textures, and text
samples, a total of 5
instances can be created), but
these instances may be very similar to each other.
Both of our proposed methods are categorized as
extrinsic. The template approach works with basic
building blocks in the form of templates and text dic-
tionaries. For the LLM approach, the building blocks
correspond to the available documents themselves, as
well as their texts. Although we use an off-the-shelf
pre-trained model, it is not fine-tuned to learn the doc-
ument structure, hence why it cannot be categorized
as intrinsic.
As discussed, extrinsic methods suffer from a lack
of variability. The LLM approach attempts to over-
come this limitation by leveraging the knowledge
contained in LLMs. Rewriting the text from a doc-
ument gives the dataset a larger variance in terms of
vocabulary, syntax and intonation. Since LLMs can
understand a wide variety of scenarios, and rewriting
is an easy problem of them, this allows us to augment
very complex documents, such at the ones contained
in FUNSD (Guillaume Jaume, 2019), which contain
highly specialized text samples.
The template approach is destined for domains
of simpler documents and layouts, and as such the
datasets themselves usually lack in variety. As such,
this method aims to reduce the amount of data needed
to create a fully representative dataset. For instance,
for a given set of official documents such as passports
and ID cards, the possible layouts are strictly defined
by law, and these can be used to build the template
repository for augmentation. A single template can be
used to create dozens of different documents through
the creation of synthetic data to fill said template, in a
process similar to the one presented in NBID (Wojcik
et al., 2023).
Therefore, our contributions include the introduc-
tion of these two novel augmentation techniques that
manage to overcome some of the challenges faced by
the literature in data augmentation. These techniques
are versatile and can be used for many different sce-
narios. This is the main advantage of our proposed
methods, since those found in the literature are ei-
ther unfit for our small fine-tuning scenario (intrinsic
methods) or handcrafted for different document do-
mains and hardly transferable for the datasets used.
For instance, SynthDoG relies on gathering texts from
wikis and pasting them onto textures that are pro-
jected onto background images. Both the technique of
using texts from random domains and the projection
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
of the document don’t make sense for EPHOIE and
FUNSD, that have fixed domains and are correctly
scanned. This makes it hard to apply these techniques
for a direct comparison. Lastly, we will make our aug-
mented datasets publicly available.
This section presents and details our novel augmen-
tation techniques. These are the LLM and template
methods, described in Section 3.1 and 3.2 respec-
tively. Each approach is tailored for a specific sce-
nario: the first for documents with complex texts and
layouts, the second for simple texts and layouts. As
such, we choose FUNSD (Guillaume Jaume, 2019)
and EPHOIE (Wang et al., 2021) for augmentation re-
spectively for each technique, as these datasets follow
their domains of applicability. The LLM approach
works by using LLMs to rewrite the texts of a given
document, while the template approach uses the graph
structure of a document to create a template that can
be used for augmentation.
While both of our methods work by using the
same document structure to paste new text instances,
the template method stands out by being more general
in its text substitution approach. In the LLM case, we
simply rewrite the text of the same document a few
times, always using the original text as a guide in or-
der to maintain the overall semantics of the document.
This is required by the domain this approach is tai-
lored for, where the documents feature complex inter-
entity relationships that could be broken if the substi-
tution approach is careless. This is not the case for the
domain tackled by the template approach, where the
entities are far simpler, being composed of names of
people, schools, grades and subjects (for the EPHOIE
dataset), and as such a dictionary swap can be used
with no problems for the document’s coherency.
Both of our approaches follow a line of producing
imageless augmentations. The reason for this is to
develop faster and more versatile augmentation meth-
ods, as well as being easier to implement. Augment-
ing images, for the document scenario, poses itself
as a rather difficult problem, requiring methods such
as GANs or other inpainting methods, or gathering
more image instances to expand the dataset. In the
first case, there is often a semantic gap between the
real and synthetic images that may produce unwanted
bias for the model, while in the second case gath-
ering more instances might not be possible, for in-
stance when dealing with sensitive document domains
such as ID cards or lawsuits (the case for FUNSD
and EPHOIE, where the documents were only pub-
licized at the end of the processes and where some
information had to be erased and re-synthesized, re-
spectively). Also, although most of the recent Doc-
ument Recognition models use image features for
learning, imageless models such as LayoutMask (Tu
et al., 2023), which only uses text and layout cues, re-
mains competitive with the current SOTA at the time
of writing, being ranked #1 at the entity labeling task
As such, our work defines the document augmen-
tation process as being a task relating primarily to tex-
tual augmentation. This aligns with the established
SOTA for document recognition, which is closely re-
lated to NLP methods, as previously discussed. For
this work, we define a document as a list of enti-
ties, where an entity corresponds to a semantic ob-
ject within the document. Every entity contains a
set of attributes, with required info being the en-
tity’s text, its coordinates in the document image, and
its class. Some datasets may define other attributes.
For instance, FUNSD includes the “linking” attribute,
which is the key-value relationship between differ-
ent entities inside the same document. These rela-
tionships may exist between entities belonging to the
class of header (key) and question (value), and ques-
tion (key) and answer (value).
3.1 LLM Augmentation
For FUNSD (Guillaume Jaume, 2019), which fea-
tures complex templates and texts (the reason why
our template augmentation cannot be used for this
dataset), we experiment with a technique inspired by
recent advances in NLP research dealing with data
augmentation (Ye et al., 2024; Guo et al., 2023). The
mentioned papers have found that textual augmenta-
tion through rewriting, that is, using a model to pro-
duce alternative versions of the same text, improved
the end result for the Text Recognition model consis-
tently for all models and tasks explored in both pa-
pers. Hence, we bring this idea to Document Recog-
nition by using an LLM to provide alternative ver-
sions for the text of every entity in a given document.
Our approach for FUNSD is illustrated in Figure 1.
Since FUNSD has a wide variety of text types,
we found no one-size-fits-all augmentation technique
that can be used. We separated each entity into four
classes according to the text type. These classes cor-
respond to complex sentences, simple questions (en-
tities with texts such as ”name:”, ”R&D” and such),
simple answers (names, dates, measures, and such),
and none (such as empty strings and one or two char-
acter strings). For each one of these classes, a dif-
ferent augmentation process was used. We highlight
New Paths in Document Data Augmentation Using Templates and Language Models
Figure 1: Diagram representing the LLM augmentation process.
Figure 2: Diagram representing the template augmentation process.
that the labels defined here do not correspond to the
classes defined by the dataset itself.
When considering the complex sentences, we ask
a pre-trained LLM to rewrite the text up to five times
through prompt engineering. The model is encour-
aged to modify the vocabulary and syntax used in the
original texts. This method provides the dataset with
a more significant textual variety according to these
two areas. When considering the simple questions,
the LLM is asked to provide a list of synonyms. The
amount of synonyms varies according to each entity,
due to both vocabulary and context limitations.
For both cases, we use an off-the-shelf LLM
model with no fine-tuning, with the augmentations
being done only through prompt engineering. We cu-
rate the output of the LLM manually in order to both
remove the extra text padding that the model adds to
each generation
and to ensure that the generations
make sense within the context of the original text.
Simple answers are augmented through a few sim-
ple techniques. Names are replaced using a dictio-
nary. Names with initials are expanded using ran-
dom names from the dictionary with the same initial,
while full names are retracted into the initials. The
names also change format: from ”Surname, Name”
to ”Name Surname”, etc. New dates are generated
by changing the date format. For example: MM-DD-
Some examples are: “Certainly! Here’s a list of syn-
onyms:” and “Thank you for asking! Here are some syn-
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
YY can be changed to ”Month DD, YYYY” and vice
versa. Measures and numbers are augmented by gen-
erating OCR noise on a few digits: a small amount of
digits is randomly selected and replaced by other ran-
dom digits. The rest of the entities, belonging to the
label of none, are left untouched.
Since we vary the number of augmentations per
entity according to both the LLM output and the type
of the text in the simple answer scenario, it becomes
necessary to choose how we create the new docu-
ments, given the new texts available. To solve this
problem, we order the new text variants for every en-
tity and choose the next unused text variant when cre-
ating the next augmented document, as seen in Fig-
ure 3.1: the first augmented document uses the first
augment of each entity, the second augmented doc-
ument uses the second augment of each entity, etc.
Once all entity augments are used up, the next aug-
mented document chooses one text from the entire
list (included the original one) at random, uniformly.
Also, since the text may vary in length, we paste each
entity’s augmented text into the document (sampling
the font size and line limit from the original entity’s
bounding box) to generate a new, more precise bound-
ing box.
The text rewrite technique, as we call it, is the first
attempt in the literature to use the few-shot power of
LLMs for data augmentation in tasks involving the
FUNSD dataset (to the best of our knowledge). Apart
from aiding our model in reaching higher levels of
accuracy, it also opens up new paths for future re-
search. With recent developments in image genera-
tion (Dhariwal and Nichol, 2021), this technique can
be used to recreate document images as well. As
such, it could be used for improving the performance
of tri-modal (text, layout, and image) document mod-
els (Huang et al., 2022) as well.
This technique stands apart from the template ap-
proach the text substitution method here is focused on
maintaining the scope of the document itself. Rather
than using the entity structure to fill in random texts,
we keep the same syntax and semantics, only rewrit-
ing the existing texts. Values, grammatical structures
and names are changed, but the root document stays
the same. This technique is also set apart from other
techniques in the literature by the fact that it deals
with visual documents directly.
3.2 Template Augmentation
Some types of documents are predefined by a reduced
set of templates, such that each document corresponds
to a specific arrangement of entities within the im-
age. For instance, a given region may have a set
Figure 3: Template example from an EPHOIE instance.
of accepted identity card formats that are predefined
by law. In this case, the templates correspond to the
document backgrounds where the information of the
holder will be displayed.
For our purposes, we use a simpler definition of
template that does not use the image. We define a
template as a fully connected directed graph where
each entity is a vertex, having the entity type and the
x and y coordinates as attributes of the correspond-
ing vertex. Each edge connecting two vertices has
an attribute corresponding to one of eight possible di-
rections (vertical, horizontal, and diagonal), indicat-
ing the relative position between the two entities con-
nected by the edge.
The presented definition will be used for our aug-
mentation approach, and is enough to define the ID
card domain presented previously. Figure 3 illustrates
our definition. We highlight that the graph is com-
plete, but we suppress most of the edges in the illus-
trated document for the sake of readability.
Given all of the possible templates at hand, it is
possible to generate an arbitrary number of new doc-
ument instances by picking a template at random, fill-
ing the entity vertices with appropriate texts and gen-
erating new bounding boxes by writing into a blank
image. However, we need a way to generate new texts
for the entities in each template. There are many ways
to approach this: we could use a fine-tuned LLM
to generate new texts given the entity’s class name
(which should be semantically meaningful for its type
of texts - an entity of the class ’name’ should have
proper names as its transcripts) or create a dictionary
of possible texts for each entity class.
For the latter, there is still the question of how to
build such dictionaries. We can use the document do-
main in question to narrow our scope, for example in
identity cards of a given country we can find all of
the authorities that can issue them to build the “issu-
ing organization” dictionary, and we can search for
lists of common names in that country for the “name”
dictionary, and so on. For NBID, this is the method
used in its original paper, and also the one we use for
our augmentations, since it is publicly available on the
New Paths in Document Data Augmentation Using Templates and Language Models
dataset’s official github. A simpler approach, and the
one we use for EPHOIE, is to gather all of the texts
that appear in the available dataset samples.
In this way, Figure 2 presents our approach for
the proposed augmentation pipeline. It can also be
summed up in the following steps:
1. Sample the dataset in order to create a repository
of texts. For each entity class, create a list of all
the texts of every entity corresponding to the same
label across every document present in the dataset.
2. Extract a repository of templates. Extract the
template of every document in the dataset from
their annotations and, if there are any, identical
templates (same vertices and directions on every
edge) are merged together.
3. Randomly pick a template and fill in the entity
texts by randomly sampling from the entity text
Apart from improving the model performance (see
Section 4), this strategy is also interesting because it
makes it possible to generate a great variety of in-
stances from very few examples, given many tem-
plates are contemplated. This applies to other do-
mains such as the aforementioned ID cards. Also,
we can further relax our assumption that the dataset
has a reduced number of templates overall, so long
as we have enough instances to accurately represent
the diversity in the given document domain. For
EPHOIE, from 1183 training documents we have ex-
tracted 1046 unique templates, and our results show
that these were well enough to construct meaningful
augmented partitions.
3.3 Dataset Description
Table 1 presents the number of documents and enti-
ties for FUNSD and EPHOIE. The real partition (and
what we will subsequently call real documents) is the
training set defined by the dataset itself. For EPHOIE,
we extracted 1046 unique templates from the set of
1183 real training documents. We incrementally build
three sets of synthetic documents using this reposi-
tory of 1046 templates, adding 1200 new instances
each time. We removed 12 synthetic instances be-
cause they ended up malformed at the end of the gen-
eration process. These failures were due to a few in-
stances that had texts way too long for the templates,
which ended up overflowing out of the page.
In the original NBID dataset, the 1000 training
documents were generated from 200 root documents,
where each real document had its sensitive informa-
tion erased, and new data was synthesized and pasted
on the empty documents. Each real document was
used to generate five instances, totaling the 1000 doc-
uments present in the dataset. For NBID, there were
54 unique templates from the 1000 real training im-
ages, a much smaller ratio of documents per tem-
plates. Considering each five clones of the same root
dataset are bound to share the same template, this
means 54 unique templates from 200 documents, ap-
proximately 3.7 documents per template. This means
NBID has far less varied templates than EPHOIE,
where this ratio is approximately 1.15.
For FUNSD, we generate up to ve augmented
versions of every document from the 149 instance
training partition, for a total of 745 synthetic gener-
ations. Each synthetic partition contains N augments
of every real document, where N is the order of the
partition. This means the 1 augment partition is com-
prised of one generation of each of the 149 real docu-
ments, the 2 augments of two generations, and so on.
Table 2 presents the number of entities in the real
training set of EPHOIE, and Table 3 presents the en-
tities in the real training set of FUNSD. As we can
see, both datasets contain a very unbalanced number
of entities between one class and the other. In Ta-
ble 3 (FUNSD), we also present the number of enti-
ties we manually classified according to the type of
text they contain, according to our definitions in Sec-
tion 3.1. Furthermore, we also present how many new
texts were generated for each entity, that is, for how
many entities we generated one, two, three, or four
more new text variations.
The number of augments per entity varies because
a few entities don’t have enough meaningful text vari-
ations. Some texts consisting only of simple nouns,
for example, can be replaced by synonyms, but the
list of synonyms is limited by the dictionary and by
the context. FUNSD consists of official forms and
the style of language must adhere to this context,
limiting the acceptable vocabulary. Furthermore, the
text types, as we classified them, are also unbalanced
among each other, most of them belonging to the type
of simple question for which the synonym augmenta-
tion procedure was used.
For FUNSD, we use the pre-trained Llama-2-7b-
hf (Touvron et al., 2023) for the text augmentation.
The main reason for choosing Llama2 is the fact that
it is freely available to use, also being faster and more
efficient than other models such as GPT-3 (Brown
et al., 2020).
The entities for which we could not produce
meaningful augments correspond to simple entities of
three characters or less (such as tickboxes) as well
as entities with no text (where we assume that the
OCR mechanism used for the semi-manual annota-
tion procedure described in the FUNSD paper failed)
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Number of instances in FUNSD, EPHOIE and NBID partitions.
Partition Documents Entities Documents Entities Documents Entities
Real Train 149 7411 1183 12411 1000 7515
Testing 50 2332 311 3343 110 785
1 Augment 149 7411 1200 12921 10000 103513
2 Augments 298 14822 2400 25850 - -
3 Augments 447 22233 3588 38656 - -
4 Augments 696 29644 - - - -
5 Augments 745 37055 - - - -
Table 2: Number of entities in EPHOIE by class.
Entity type Amount
Other 5679
Exam Number 128
Score 377
Name 2365
Student Number 422
School 1358
Grade 441
Seat Number 184
Class 1625
Subject 376
Candidate Number 467
Test Time 79
or entities to which the LLM failed to produce satis-
fying augmentations. Examples of the latter include
some entities from the “other” label consisting of long
codes of letters and numbers, acronyms the model did
not recognize, and chemical compounds.
In this section, we present the model we use to vali-
date our approach and its training scenarios, as well as
the results for each one, both the baseline and our aug-
mented results. We use the publicly available imple-
mentation of the model for our fine-tuning, and com-
pare the results to the ones reported by the paper of
the baseline model.
4.1 Model and Protocols
To validate our approach, we use LiLT (Wang et al.,
2022), a bi-modal, dual transformer (Vaswani et al.,
2017) model. It features two different transformers
with independent weights, each one corresponding to
one embedding: text or layout. The models com-
municate through a specially designed “bi-directional
attention complementation mechanism” that replaces
the vanilla attention of the original transformer. This
is better detailed in the original LiLT paper.
This design allows LiLT to be coupled with dif-
ferent transformer models. This is an important ad-
vantage when dealing with multilingual scenarios,
allowing a base layout-only pre-trained transformer
(LiLT base) to be coupled with different models from
the literature (even trained in different languages).
LiLT is fine-tuned on both FUNSD and XFUND (Xu
et al., 2022), which contains seven different lan-
guages. The base LiLT model is coupled with an En-
glish RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) for FUNSD and In-
foXLM (Chi et al., 2021) for XFUND. The authors
of LiLT also evaluate EPHOIE using both InfoXLM
and a Chinese RoBERTa model (Cui et al., 2020). No
experiments are performed with NBID, which was re-
leased more recently. We fine-tune the pre-trained
LiLT on the base NBID for a baseline.
We opted not to train LiLT on XFUND because
the authors can’t validate the output of the LLM in
some of the languages of this dataset, such as Chinese
and Japanese. We focus on FUNSD and EPHOIE,
using LiLT-RoBERTa-EN and LiLT-InfoXLM, which
were made publicly available by the authors. These
were previously pre-trained on large datasets of doc-
uments, following the common practice in the liter-
ature. Our experiments with FUNSD use both the
public LiLT-RoBERTa-EN and a new model with
a Portuguese RoBERTa model (LiLT-RoBERTa-PT)
we created by coupling the RoBERTa-PT model with
the base LiLT (layout only) from the official LiLT
4.2 Results
We fine-tune the pre-trained LiLT models using our
augmented datasets, detailed in Section 3.3. In our
experiments, we combine the real partition with our
augmented partitions in joint training. These results
are compared to the ones reported by LiLT in the cor-
responding monolingual dataset plus task scenario,
which we use as a baseline.
For both all datasets, we fine-tune in the Semantic
Entity Recognition (SER) task, the problem of assign-
ing the correct class to every entity inside the docu-
New Paths in Document Data Augmentation Using Templates and Language Models
Table 3: Number of entities on FUNSD, by classes and augments.
Entities by Class Number of Augmentations per Entity Augmentations by Type
Header 411 1 978 Complex 647
Question 3266 2 1580 Synonym 4106
Answer 2802 3 1560 Simple 375
Other 902 4 or More 1010 None 2283
Total 7411 Augments 14611 Augmented 5128
Table 4: Results for the SER (RoBERTa-EN) and RE (In-
foXLM) tasks on FUNSD.
Train Partition SER RE
Real only (Reported) 88.41 62.76
Real + 1 Augment 88.82 64.4
Real + 2 Augments 89.76 68.44
Real + 3 Augments 89.04 70.52
Real + 4 Augments 89.72 70.35
Real + 5 Augments 89.02 69.55
ment. For FUNSD, we also fine-tune in the Relation
Extraction (RE) task, the problem of extracting the re-
lationships between headers and questions, and ques-
tions and answers. For each task, adapting layers are
added to the output of the classification model. A full
explanation of the network adaptations for each task
can be found in LiLT. The implementation of these
extra layers is found in the official LiLT GitHub, and
we use it in our experiments.
Our results for FUNSD are presented in Table 4.
We report the micro-averaged F1-score. We high-
light that LiLT presents a better result for the mono-
lingual SER task with RoBERTa-EN (the InfoXLM
result is 85.86), but this model is not used in the
RE task. For the consistency of our comparisons,
we train SER with LiLT-RoBERTa-EN and RE with
LiLT-InfoXLM. Both tasks are in the monolingual
scenario, with only the vanilla FUNSD training set
plus our augmentations.
These results show that our augmentation does im-
prove the training set, as the baseline is improved in
every case. For SER, we improve the error margin by
1.35 in the best case, and by 7.76 in RE. This better
improvement for the RE task might be explained by
the fact that we expand InfoXLM’s knowledge of the
English language with our augmentations. InfoXLM
is multilingual, and our fine-tuning with more exam-
ples of English texts seems to aid the model in this
scenario. Finally, our results show that the augmenta-
tions have consistently improved the baseline in every
training scenario.
Our results for EPHOIE are shown in Table 5.
Again, we report the micro-averaged F1-score, us-
ing the results reported by LiLT as a baseline. Here,
we use LiLT-InfoXLM for fine-tuning. We don’t use
LiLT-RoBERTa-ZH because this model was not made
Table 5: Results for the SER task on EPHOIE.
Train Partition Test F1-score
Reported - RoBERTa-ZH 97.97
Reported - InfoXLM 97.59
Real + 1 Augment 99.2
Real + 2 Augments 99.19
Real + 3 Augments 99.13
Table 6: Results for the SER task on NBID.
Train Partition LiLT-EN LiLT-PT
Real only 99.54 99.54
Augmented only 98.74 1
Real + Augment 99.4 99.4
available by the authors, but even with InfoXLM we
can beat the baseline with a comfortable margin. The
best result reported by LiLT is the LiLT-RoBERTa-
ZH 97.97 score, which we beat with a best score of
99.2, an improvement of 1.23 out of a possible 2.03
Lastly, we present our results for NBID in Table 6.
While the joint training does not benefit the model’s
performance, unlike the previous results, in this case
the augmented partition shows to be fully representa-
tive of the dataset’s domain. In a simple setting such
as the NBID dataset (which features a very reduced
set of templates), our template augmentation manages
to create a representative clone of the original dataset.
4.3 Discussion
The results shown in the previous section show that
our augmentation methods manage to improve the
baseline model’s performance. We tailor each method
for each dataset respectively, and as such some ex-
tra fine-tuning would be needed if the domains are to
change. This is the main drawback of our LLM tech-
nique, apart from also requiring extra annotation in
the way of a new label for each entity. Improvements
on this can be found by also leveraging the LLM abil-
ity of understanding instructions, and so these limita-
tions can be overcome by fine-tuning the model via
prompt engineering.
The template approach finds in its need for a text
generator its main limitation. The proposed approach
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
of building dictionaries from the dataset itself has the
drawback of limiting variability in the augmented in-
stances. As previously discussed, some LLMs may
lack specialized domain knowledge for some docu-
ments and as such may not be a reliable way of gen-
erating text. These generators can be built from text
dictionaries found online and other methods of ran-
dom generation (such as generating random numbers
to compose dates), and so may need to be defined on
a case by case basis, which was the case for NBID.
Finally, as presented, both methods have limited
scalability. There are only so many ways to rewrite a
sentence and add meaningful variations to the dataset,
and the template generations are tied to the number of
templates and the available texts for filling these. As
described in Section 3.2, the template method works
well for domains with simple templates, especially
when these templates are fully known. This was the
case for NBID, where most of the templates in the
training section also appeared in testing. However,
these techniques are not suit for endless augmenta-
tion, and can only take the model performance so far
in domains that are more complex, such as EPHOIE.
Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement, as
shown by our results.
In this work, we presented two new data augmenta-
tion strategies for documents, aiming at both com-
plex and simple domains. We have discussed their
strengths and weaknesses in relation to other meth-
ods. Finally, we show that these methods manage
to improve the baseline model’s performance. In fu-
ture work, we aim to use these same methods in other
datasets, showing their applicability in other domains.
The authors would like to thank UNICO for all the
support in the making of this research project and also
NVIDIA Corporation for the generous donation of the
Quadro RTX 8000 GPU that made our experiments
possible. The authors also thank PROEX CAPES
for the financing, and David Menotti thanks CNPq (#
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