of building dictionaries from the dataset itself has the
drawback of limiting variability in the augmented in-
stances. As previously discussed, some LLMs may
lack specialized domain knowledge for some docu-
ments and as such may not be a reliable way of gen-
erating text. These generators can be built from text
dictionaries found online and other methods of ran-
dom generation (such as generating random numbers
to compose dates), and so may need to be defined on
a case by case basis, which was the case for NBID.
Finally, as presented, both methods have limited
scalability. There are only so many ways to rewrite a
sentence and add meaningful variations to the dataset,
and the template generations are tied to the number of
templates and the available texts for filling these. As
described in Section 3.2, the template method works
well for domains with simple templates, especially
when these templates are fully known. This was the
case for NBID, where most of the templates in the
training section also appeared in testing. However,
these techniques are not suit for endless augmenta-
tion, and can only take the model performance so far
in domains that are more complex, such as EPHOIE.
Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement, as
shown by our results.
In this work, we presented two new data augmenta-
tion strategies for documents, aiming at both com-
plex and simple domains. We have discussed their
strengths and weaknesses in relation to other meth-
ods. Finally, we show that these methods manage
to improve the baseline model’s performance. In fu-
ture work, we aim to use these same methods in other
datasets, showing their applicability in other domains.
The authors would like to thank UNICO for all the
support in the making of this research project and also
NVIDIA Corporation for the generous donation of the
Quadro RTX 8000 GPU that made our experiments
possible. The authors also thank PROEX CAPES
for the financing, and David Menotti thanks CNPq (#
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New Paths in Document Data Augmentation Using Templates and Language Models