three steps. First, a multi-aspect clustering analysis
is performed on the dataset, focusing on emotional,
demographic, and temporal aspects. Specific clus-
tering algorithms are applied to identify clusters and
generate probability distributions of users’ member-
ship, enabling a nuanced analysis of user profiles.
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User contextual weighted similarity matrix by cal-
culating similarity scores using the Jensen-Shannon
divergence method. These scores are dynamically
weighted to reflect the importance of each contex-
tual aspect, aggregated to compute global similar-
ity scores, and used to build the normalized matrix.
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the normalized matrix, identifying the N contextually
closest users to predict ratings for unrated items and
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and 0.3333, respectively. These results highlight the
model’s ability to deliver contextually personalized
suggestions tailored to variations in user preferences.
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divergence and apply the method to various datasets.
This comparative analysis will provide insights into
optimizing contextual recommendations and adapting
them to the specific characteristics of user profiles.
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