the transfer learning approach, where agents will be
initialized with prior knowledge of optimal bidding
strategies derived from smaller player auctions. This
initialization will provide a better starting point than
random initialization, as the agents will inherit the
learned weights from previous training. An important
direction for future research is the application of this
methodology to scoring auctions, which have signifi-
cant practical implications, particularly in the Brazil-
ian context. For example, scoring auctions have been
used in Brazil to allocate oil exploration rights, as de-
tailed in (Sant’Anna, 2017). In these auctions, bid-
ders submit multidimensional bids, including a mon-
etary bonus and an exploratory program, with a non-
linear scoring rule determining the winner. This for-
mat introduces unique challenges and opportunities
for modeling and evaluation, as estimating the dis-
tribution of primitive variables—such as tract values
and exploration commitment costs—enables counter-
factual analysis of revenue under alternative bidding
schemes. By adapting our tool to this context, we
aim to explore its ability to handle the complexities of
multidimensional scoring rules and assess its utility in
evaluating and optimizing such auction mechanisms.
Addressing these complexities will be crucial to ad-
vancing our understanding of multi-agent dynamics
and improving auction design.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence