Table 3: Correlation coefficient between the ground-truth
data for door-closing energy and the pseudo output results.
Car ID C1 C2 C3 Avg
Ours w/o fine-tuning 0.88 0.96 0.90 0.91
Ours 0.53 0.90 0.87 0.77
the accuracy increased by 0.07, indicating that
pre-training contributes significantly to accuracy
enhancement. Additionally, the comparison between
baseline+PT and baseline+PT+fc
shows a further
increase of 0.01, suggesting that while door-closing
energy estimation also contributes to performance,
its impact is less significant than that of pre-training.
Furthermore, our method matched the accuracy of
the DC-Energy-infused method, even without the
ground-truth data for DC energy.
To confirm that the proposed model success-
fully learned features needed for predicting DC en-
ergy, we calculated the correlation coefficients be-
tween the ground-truth DC energy and the predic-
tion fc
( f (v
)). As shown in Table 3, the correla-
tion decreases by the fine-tuning because we used the
pseudo DC energy for the training on the real data.
However, the positive correlation coefficients suggest
that the model could well estimate DC energy even
without ground truth on real data. This shows that
the model can estimate DC energy accurately while
reducing the need for actual ground truth.
We proposed a deep-learning-based method for door-
closing inspection with pre-training on physics-based
simulation data to acquire features for door-closing
energy estimation. Experiments confirmed the effec-
tiveness of the proposed method. In the future, we
will develop methods that consider different defect
factors, such as hinge axis tilt and air resistance, using
multimodal data from both video and audio.
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IEEE Access.
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications