tion and partial correlations assumed at the beginning
is also not necessary in the formula, since all consid-
erations are retained if one assumes correlation val-
ues with magnitudes above 1, but then uses the root
extraction as in (4) in (1) over the entire denominator.
In this respect, a relationship is then established not
only to spherical trigonometry, but also to hyperbolic
trigonometry, which provides the description for the
addition of velocities in the context of the special the-
ory of relativity.
The MRG offers a distinctive label, which allows
for the delineation of a transition between one period
(in this case, a year) and the subsequent period. This
provides the transition coefficients that are employed
as the constituent elements of a matrix. The eigen-
vector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the
matrix determines the limit distribution that would re-
sult as the limit value if this transition were to be fre-
quently applied as a Markov process This permits an
examination of the discrepancy between the current
distribution and the limit distribution.
Since this long-term analysis in the Big Date con-
text determined the dominant Morbidity Related Drug
Group drug group with the changes, the results can
be used in health policy decisions. In Schleswig-
Holstein, this is included in the negotiations between
the statutory health insurance funds and the Associ-
ation of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. Of
particular importance are changes caused by the coro-
navirus pandemic, which must be distinguished from
long-term trends that existed before it. Another im-
portant point is the treatment of patients with a high
level of polypharmacy, as guidelines from specialist
associations are geared towards specific disease pat-
terns and comparatively little consideration is given
to interaction effects.
In future, it should be investigated more closely
what proportion of patients in the highest cost per-
centile are affected by very high-priced drugs for
rare diseases. For patient-centred evaluations, cross-
doctor considerations are important, which are rarely
available for data protection reasons.
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Trends in Drug Prescriptions in the Outpatient Physician Sector in a German Federal State from 2014 to 2023 Using Morbidity Related
Groups, Correlations and Partial Correlations