a holistic approach, considering various criteria and
data sources. Furthermore, we have discussed various
evaluation methods available, including multi-criteria
decision-making (MCDM) and artificial intelligence
approaches such as machine learning and deep learn-
ing. These methods enable a comprehensive analy-
sis of supplier performance across a diverse range of
criteria, thereby facilitating informed and data-driven
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criteria decision-making (MCDM), machine learning,
and deep learning are used for this evaluation, they
present potential risks of greenwashing and lack of
transparency. It is important to note that most existing
studies primarily focus on evaluating sustainable sup-
pliers based on expert opinions in the field. However,
this approach may be limited as it does not always
consider the opinions and sentiments of end-users and
public feedback, which can offer important perspec-
tives on the actual sustainability of suppliers.
With this in mind, a promising future approach
would be to integrate user feedback analysis into the
process of evaluating sustainable suppliers. By ex-
amining user feedback on supplier services, valuable
insights could be obtained into their performance in
terms of sustainability perceived by consumers. This
approach would complement traditional evaluations
based on expert opinions with data from direct and au-
thentic sources, thus providing a more comprehensive
and balanced perspective on supplier sustainability.
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