A Multi-Criteria Approach for Gaze Analysis Similarity in Paintings
Tess Masclef
, Mihaela Scuturici
, Tetiana Yemelianenko
and Serge Miguet
e Lumi
ere Lyon 2, CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, LIRIS,
UMR5205, 69007 Lyon, France
{tess.masclef, mihaela.scuturici, tetiana.yemelianenko, serge.miguet}@univ-lyon2.fr
Content-Based Image Retrieval, Gaze Estimation, Digital Humanities, Gaze Analysis, Paintings, Object
Detection, Depth Estimation.
In the fields of art history and visual semiotics, analysing gazes in paintings is important to understand the
artwork, and to find semantic relationships between several paintings. Thanks to digitization and museum
initiatives, the volume of datasets on artworks continues to expand, enabling new avenues for exploration and
research. Artificial neural networks, trained on large datasets are able to extract complex features, and visually
compare artworks. This comparison could be done by focusing on the objects present in the paintings, and
matching paintings with high object co-occurrence. Our research takes this further by studying the way objects
are viewed by characters in the scene. This study proposes a new approach that combines methods for gaze-
based and visual-based similarity, to encode and use gaze information for finding similar paintings, while
maintaining a close visual aspect. Experimental results which integrate the opinions of domain experts, show
that these methods complement each other. Quantitative and qualitative assessments confirm the results from
the combination of gaze and visual analysis. Thus, this method improves existing visual similarity queries and
opens up new possibilities to retrieve similar paintings according to user-specific criteria.
In the process of analysing a painting, specialists
use similar artworks, with several criteria including:
colours, objects and characters disposition, and the
gaze of characters inside the painting. In this paper,
we explore the link between visual and gaze similari-
ties in artworks.
For centuries, gaze has been a crucial means for
artists to convey messages, narratives, emotions and
social or cultural aspects of their time. By analysing
the interplay of gazes in a scene, one can decipher
the artist’s intention; revealing emotions, thoughts,
and underlying themes that eyes communicate with-
out words.
In particular, a character gazing at an object con-
veys a specific symbolic or literal meaning. For ex-
ample, looking at a book may represent the search
for knowledge, spirituality or intellectual exploration,
which allows a layered interpretation of the artwork.
Beyond the visual, the presence of a particular ob-
ject plays a role in the enrichment of the composition
and narrative through symbolism and cultural context.
The recurring presence of certain objects in the paint-
ings may also help us to classify the painting’s genre.
Indeed, some objects are specific to a particular genre
such as the bowl of fruit in still-life paintings.
Searching for similarities between artworks in a
large corpus is a time-consuming task. The increasing
digitization of paintings has enabled the creation of
datasets that can be used by artificial neural networks
(ANNs). Typically, we use these ANNs to extract
complex features from images or from multi-modal
data including images and texts. Among recent ar-
chitectures, CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-
Training) (Radford et al., 2021) uses a ViT-type trans-
former for visual features and a language model for
textual features, projecting both into a common space
to capture nuances and contextual details. This net-
work makes easier precise image comparison, classi-
fication, and natural language interpretation, making
CLIP ideal for applications needing deep image un-
derstanding. We only use CLIP to extract the visual
features of images. We do not exploit the associated
textual data. The model is used as a pre-trained visual
encoder to generate embeddings that capture rich se-
mantic information from images. These features are
Masclef, T., Scuturici, M., Yemelianenko, T. and Miguet, S.
A Multi-Criteria Approach for Gaze Analysis Similarity in Paintings.
DOI: 10.5220/0013152800003912
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
then used by an algorithm for efficient high dimen-
sional search space, like kNN (kNearest Neigh-
bours) and search trees algorithms. The distance used
in this algorithm is the Angular distance (based on the
cosine similarity). Calculating the distance between
the query vector and each vector in the dataset is very
costly. So to reduce the complexity of the compu-
tation time we choose to use an approximate near-
est neighbour search algorithm, ANNOY
(Li et al.,
2019) proposed in 2015 for the Spotify platform by
Erik Bernhardsson.
As shown in Figure 1: the main character in the re-
quest image is looking at a crucifix on a skull, while
the characters in the first and third retrieved images
are looking out of frame with the skull present in the
scene. The character in the second retrieved image
is looking at a book. This example shows that ex-
isting ANNs using CLIP approaches do not encode
relational information such as the links between the
gaze and the objects observed.
Figure 1: Results for a visual similarity search (3 retrieved
images) using CLIP approach: in the request image, the ob-
jects looked at are the crucifix and the skull.
Just as it makes sense to match two texts based on
word co-occurrences, two images with common ob-
jects can also be matched. But it is even more rele-
vant to match two images where the main characters
are looking at the same objects, in the same way. The
objects looked at by the characters are called objects
of contemplation. Therefore, the aim of this study is
to develop a tool that identifies images in which the
characters are looking similarly at the same object of
interest as the query character, using a similarity mea-
sure to quantify this information.
This approach allows us to create a corpus of
similar “gaze to object” configuration, by associating
paintings with the same configuration. In summary,
we present the following contributions for paintings
containing at least one character:
We propose to generate a 3D field of view cone
from a gaze estimator and an image depth esti-
mator for paintings in order to detect the objects
inside the FOV.
We propose a query tool based on gaze-to-object
vector representation.
We propose to combine global visual similarity
and similarity based on objects of contemplation.
We show that the relative weight given to visual
similarity and objects of contemplation similarity
plays, an important role in the perception of re-
semblance between two paintings.
Our method is composed of three main parts: gaze
analysis, object detection and content-based image re-
trieval, discussed in the following sections.
2.1 Gaze Analysis Based on 3D Gaze
Many studies investigating gaze direction are primar-
ily trained on photographic datasets. We propose to
apply this study on paintings, which presents a chal-
lenge because the image is the result of a creation by
a painter and not a physical measurement of reality
One of the first works to estimate gaze direction is
(Recasens et al., 2015). They use an architecture di-
vided into two paths, a saliency path and a gaze path;
they are able to select objects in the scene likely to
be gazed at by discovering how to extract head posi-
tion and gaze orientation. Their approach is among
the first deep learning approaches for 2D gaze track-
ing. To evaluate their method, they propose a new ref-
erence dataset, Gaze Follow that has become a refer-
ence used in several works (Chong et al., 2018) (Aung
et al., 2018) (Lian et al., 2018).
Using a 2D field of view (FOV) in case of paint-
ings, and images in general, is prone to errors: a
background object can be far away from the axis
of the gaze and nevertheless be projected in the 2D
FOV. To simulate human gaze behaviour in 3D space,
(Fang et al., 2021) propose a three-phase approach.
A coarse-to-fine strategy determines 3D gaze ori-
entation from head pose, separating it into planar
and depth-based components. The Double Attention
Module (DAM) then uses planar gaze to set the field
of view and mask obstructions. Finally, DAM’s dual
attention locates whether the gaze target is inside the
image and precisely identifies it.
To tackle human biases and physically impossible
predictions, (Horanyi et al., 2023) propose to use a 3D
depth and probability map of the joint field of view to
estimate the joint attention target (JAT) of the people
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
in the scene.
(Tian et al., 2023) develop FreeGaze, a framework
for estimating gaze in facial videos, using a novel
method to detect landmarks and reduce computational
costs. Their dual-branch CNN, FG-Net, is tested on
MPIIGaze and EyeDiap datasets to analyse the con-
tributions of eye and full-face regions to gaze estima-
tion, providing insights for future network size reduc-
2.2 Object Detection and Recognition in
Fine Art
The task of object detection in an image consists of lo-
cating and associating a label to each object. A chal-
lenging aspect of object detection in historical paint-
ings (XV
century) is that some ancient
objects do not appear in modern image datasets.
(Gonthier et al., 2018) developed a multiple in-
stance learning method for weakly supervised object
detection in paintings. This approach enables the
learning of new classes dynamically from globally an-
notated databases, thereby eliminating the need for
manual object annotation. Additionally, they intro-
duce the IconArt database, specifically designed for
conducting detection experiments on unique classes
that cannot be learned from photographs, such as re-
ligious characters or objects.
In the same way, (Smirnov and Eguizabal, 2018)
proposed an automatic detection of objects in images
using deep learning, as well as a set of strategies to
overcome the lack of labelled data, rare in this field.
A new dataset for the classification of iconography
was introduced by (Milani and Fraternali, 2021), no-
tably for the task of identifying saints in Christian re-
ligious paintings. For this purpose, they apply a con-
volutional neural network model, where they achieve
good performance. Indeed, they show that the net-
work focuses on the iconic patterns characterizing the
More recently, (Reshetnikov et al., 2022) pro-
posed DEArt, an object detection and pose classifica-
tion dataset designed to serve as a reference for paint-
ings between the XII
and XV III
centuries. This
dataset contains 15, 000 images annotated on 70 ob-
ject classes. Their results show that object detectors
for the cultural heritage domain can achieve a level
of accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art models for
generic images, thanks to transfer learning.
A process for training neural networks to locate
objects in art images was proposed and evaluated by
(Kadish et al., 2021). Using AdaIN style transfer
(Huang and Belongie, 2017) and the COCO dataset
(Lin et al., 2014), they generate a dataset for training
and validation. This dataset is used to fine-tune Faster
R-CNN (Ren et al., 2016) object detection network,
which is then tested on the existing People-Art test
dataset (Westlake et al., 2016).
2.3 Content-Based Image Retrieval
(CBIR) in Fine Art
To the best of our knowledge there is no such method
for obtaining a list of similar paintings based on
objects of contemplation, but a number of methods
have been proposed for performing a visual similarity
For a given query painting, we want to retrieve
similar paintings according to a given search axis
(such as visual criteria, painting style and so on.). The
most commonly used method is to calculate distances
between the representation of the query features and
those of a dataset of artistic corpus.
Deep learning can be used for image feature
extraction, with artificial neural networks (convolu-
tional or transformer-based) outperforming man made
methods in extracting complex features like colour,
texture, and composition. These networks, pre-
trained on large datasets like ImageNet21k (Ridnik
et al., 2021), excel in classification tasks but are of-
ten seen as “black-box” systems. To refine similar-
ity searches between paintings, networks can be fine-
tuned on tasks such as genre and style recognition
(Masclef et al., 2023). (Tan et al., 2021) extracted
high-level features from paintings to measure simi-
larity and significantly improve content-based image
retrieval. (Zhao et al., 2022) applied CNNs to art-
related tasks, showing that fine-tuning pre-trained net-
works enhances generalization, known as big trans-
fer learning (BiT). Their models effectively retrieve
paintings, including computer-generated ones, by
analysing various similarity aspects.
To conclude this section, to our knowledge there
is no method for obtaining a list of similar paintings
based on objects of contemplation. Our proposition
is to combine gaze estimation and object detection
in paintings to derive a new image retrieval method
based on the proximity of looking at similar objects.
3.1 Objects of Contemplation Similarity
Our pipeline is split into four steps. First, we estimate
the gaze direction using the predicted visual point of
interest and face position. Next, we generate a 3D
A Multi-Criteria Approach for Gaze Analysis Similarity in Paintings
Figure 2: Objects of contemplation similarity pipeline.
field of view (FOV) from this estimation and the depth
map. The third step involves detecting objects inside
the FOV. Finally, we apply a kNearest Neighbours
algorithm to search for similarities. The pipeline is
illustrated in Figure 2.
3.1.1 2D Gaze Estimation
To estimate 2D gaze direction and point of visual in-
terest, we choose to use the architecture of (Gupta
et al., 2022). Their architecture is divided into three
parts: the human-centric module which takes input
from an image and head position, and outputs a 2D
gaze vector (which is used to construct a gaze cone);
the scene-centric module which processes the original
image to produce saliency feature maps; and the pre-
diction module which uses the saliency map to regress
a gaze heat map and predict an in-out gaze classifica-
tion score.
This architecture exploits different modalities: the
image, the depth estimation (depth map) and the pose
estimation (pose map). This system allows for the
individual use of each modality or their combination
through attention mechanism. We choose to only use
the image modality, which performs almost as well
as the combination of three modalities but at a much
lower computational cost. Additionally, our results
compare favourably with the state-of-the-art, demon-
strating the effectiveness of our choice (section 4.2).
We use the simplified architecture of (Gupta et al.,
2022) to predict the gaze direction of characters in
paintings by replacing the face detector (FaceBoxes
(Zhang et al., 2017)) by YOLO5Face (Qi et al., 2022),
which detected more faces in paintings according to
our empirical tests. Methods for estimating the visual
point of interest in 3D in paintings yield poorer results
than those in 2D. Therefore, we propose to start with
a 2D estimate, then to build the 3D information, with
the help of depth estimation.
3.1.2 3D FOV Generator
The construction of a 2D field-of-view cone (Figure
3c) is less relevant than that of a 3D cone, because in
the former case, all objects are perceived by the ma-
chine on the same plane, whereas in the latter, depth
is taken into account, enabling a more realistic repre-
sentation of the environment. For example, if a char-
acter is looking at the foreground, objects in the back-
ground will not be taken into account.
We generate the depth map using MiDaS v3.1
(Birkl et al., 2023), which produced convincing depth
map at reasonable speed according to our empirical
tests. Although monocular depth estimation cannot
establish an absolute physical scale between the x, y
and z dimensions, it nevertheless offers a convincing
spatial representation of reality, enabling effective un-
derstanding of the relationships between objects in the
scene. Figure 3b shows an example of depth estima-
Given the eye position (h
, h
, h
), the estimated
point of visual interest (p
, p
, p
) (h
and p
are ob-
tained by taking the value of the depth map at the
points (h
, h
) and (p
, p
) respectively, inspired by
(Fang et al., 2021) and (Horanyi et al., 2023) and
, g
, g
) the gaze direction obtained by subtracting
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Original image (b) Depth map
(c) 2D FOV (d) FOV map
Figure 3: Depth and field of view maps of the original im-
age. In b) depth is encoded in gray levels, lighter pixels cor-
responding to smaller depths. In c) and d) regions in blue
are closer to the viewing axis, regions in white are further
away, and regions in red are outside of the field of view.
h from p, we compute the 3D angular difference Θ
between the gaze direction and the vector from one
point to eyes position, based on:
i, j
= arccos (
, jh
, jh
) (1)
where (i, j) is the coordinate of each point in Θ (the
angle matrix) and k is the depth value at point (i, j).
From Θ, we obtain a field of view (FOV) map with
opening α:
(x, y) = max(1
i, j
, 0) (2)
In practice, we choose α =
radians. Indeed, to ap-
proximate human perception of this field, we have re-
duced the field of view to ±30
radians) around
the viewing axis, the angle under which colours can
be distinguished (Montelongo et al., 2021).
The FOV value ranges from 1, meaning the object
is in the centre of the field of view of the character in
the paintings, to 0 near
, meaning the object is not in
the field of view, as show in Figure 3d.
3.1.3 Object Detection
Once we compute the field of view, we are looking
for objects intersecting with it.
First, we start by detecting the objects using
YOLO version 7 (Wang et al., 2023). To improve
performance, we fine-tune the model with the DEArt
dataset (Reshetnikov et al., 2022). This dataset is
a reference to detect objects and classify poses for
paintings between the X II
and the XV III
turies. We then use fine-tuned object detector on the
dataset for image retrieval based on objects of con-
templation. The output includes bounding boxes and
labels for the region of interest. In the bounding box
generated by the object detector, there are often un-
wanted elements that are not part of the object of
interest. Therefore, we use the Segment Anything
Model (SAM) (Kirillov et al., 2023) that takes this
bounding box as input to accurately isolate the object
(by segmenting it) and exclude nearby elements that
do not represent it. Each point in this region is passed
to the FOV function, producing a set of values. The
maximum value obtained is retained for further use.
By extension, we can rewrite the FOV function 2
(O) = max{FOV
(x, y)|(x, y) O} (3)
where O, being the detected object.
DEArt for object detection can detect up to 70 ob-
ject classes. For each image and for each main charac-
ter, several occurrences of these objects are identified
in the FOV, some of which may have the same label.
3.1.4 k-NN Algorithm
Let R and S be the representations of two images.
Let R = (R
, R
, ..., R
) and S = (S
, S
, ..., S
) with
= {r
, ..., r
} and S
= {s
, ..., s
} the set of ele-
ments of class i in R and S. r
and s
are the FOV
value of the k
occurrence of object i in images R
and S respectively. In addition, R
and S
are sorted
by decreasing FOV value (r
. . . r
). n
represent the number of occurrences of object i in
the two representations. By convention, we can define
that r
= 0 if k > n
The measure we use to compare the images is the
Weighted Jaccard measure.
Given two non-negative 70dimensional real vec-
tors R and S, their Jaccard similarity is defined as fol-
Intersection(R, S) =
, s
) (4)
Union(R, S) =
, s
) (5)
A Multi-Criteria Approach for Gaze Analysis Similarity in Paintings
Weighted Jaccard Measure:
J(R, S) =
, if Union(R, S) > 0
0 , if Union(R, S) = 0
and the Jaccard distance is defined as D(R, S) =
1 J(R, S).
This measure has the advantage of considering the
presence or absence of objects. It is ideal for data
based on sets where the presence or absence of ele-
ments is important. It also yields similar results when
two characters look at the same objects in a simi-
lar manner (with comparable proximity to the central
axis of the field of view). By comparing images from
this measure, we obtain a list of knearest neigh-
bours. This list contains the closest images in terms
of characters looking at the same objects of interest.
Each of these steps impact the next. A poor esti-
mation of the visual point of interest will result in an
inaccurate field of vision map, and the objects inter-
secting this field of vision may not actually be looked
at by the character. Similarly, incorrect object de-
tection will lead to an erroneous vector representa-
tion, and the k-nearest neighbours algorithm will as-
sociate images where the viewed objects are not visu-
ally identical.
3.2 Combination and Compromise
Between Visual Similarity and
Object of Contemplation Similarity
We aim to leverage two complementary approaches:
one based on gaze analysis and the other on visual
analysis. The goal is to incorporate gaze information
while preserving the visual information. An initial
approach is to sort the list according to one criterion,
to truncate it with a length of t = 10% of the size of
the dataset, and to reorder the remaining images with
respect to other. t is a parameter chosen in relation
to the length of the dataset or the length of the list of
images having at least one viewed object in common
with the query image.
3.2.1 Truncated-Reordering
In this approach, we want to highlight images where
the objects viewed are the same and where the image
visual similarity is strong, and vice versa. We have a
first list based on the similarity of objects of contem-
plation, L
. L
contains images where the main
character looks at the same objects but these images
are not necessarily visually similar. Then we have a
second list based on visual similarity, L
. L
contains images visually similar but do not necessar-
ily contain the same objects. This list is obtained by
(a) Research based on visual similarity, truncated, then re-
ordered according to gaze analysis
(b) Research based on gaze analysis, truncated, then re-
ordered from visual research
Figure 4: Here, we truncate the lists at t = 250. Figure (a)
illustrates the reordering of the visual search, and Figure (b)
illustrates the reordering based on gaze analysis.
calculating the angular distances between the feature
vector of the query image and the feature vectors of
the images in the dataset. Feature vectors obtained
from feature extraction via CLIP.
To obtain a third list based on contempla-
tion object similarity reordered by visual similarity,
(with t = 250), we truncate the first list to
the number of images that have at least one contem-
plation object in common with the query image. We
then perform truncated-reordering based on the visual
similarity scores of the images in this list.
Similarly, to obtain a fourth list L
on visual similarity reordered by contemplative ob-
ject similarity, we truncate the visual list and then re-
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
order from the contemplative object similarity scores.
These processes are illustrated in Figure 4, the same
data are shown here in a different order.
3.2.2 Compromise
The second approach is to propose a compromise be-
tween the two criteria, by weighting them with a pa-
rameter λ.
If s
corresponds to the visual similarity score and
to the objects of contemplation similarity score,
= s
with λ a weight between 0 and 1. If λ is close to 0,
then more weight is given to objects of contemplation
similarity, and if it is close to 1, then more weight is
given to visual similarity.
In this section, we present our experiments and results
in the search for paintings based on visual field anal-
ysis and objects of contemplation.
4.1 Datasets
We mainly use two datasets, one for fine-tuned YOLO
v7 object detection in the fine arts domain (DEArt)
and another (ArtDL) for content-based image re-
DEArt (Reshetnikov et al., 2022): contains over
15, 000 images with approximately 80% non-iconic
paintings. The dataset also has manually defined
bounding boxes identifying all instances across 70
classes as well as 12 possible poses for objects la-
belled as human. Of these classes, more than 50 are
specific to cultural heritage and therefore do not ap-
pear in other datasets; they reflect imaginary beings,
symbolic entities and other art-related categories.
ArtDL (Milani and Fraternali, 2021): con-
tains 42, 479 images of artworks portraying Christian
saints, divided in 10 classes. All images are asso-
ciated with high-level annotations specifying which
iconography classes they belong to (from a minimum
of 1 class to a maximum of 7 classes). We choose
this dataset because of the strong presence of sym-
bolic objects in religious paintings.
4.2 Gaze Direction and Object
Detection Evaluation
To mitigate the lack of quantitative data for our whole
method, we evaluate the performance of each separate
part: the model for gaze estimation and the model for
object detection.
For gaze estimation, we train the architecture of
(Gupta et al., 2022) on Gaze Follow (photographic
image) for the image modality, using the weights of
the pre-trained weights for the human-centric module.
The commonly used metrics for evaluating gaze
target prediction are AUC (Area Under Curve), L
distance, and average precision (AP). The AUC
is obtained by comparing the predicted gaze tar-
get heatmap to a binarised version of the reference
heatmap. This comparison allows for the plotting of
a curve representing the true positive rate versus the
false positive rate, with the AUC being the area under
this curve: a value of 1 indicates perfect performance,
and a value of 0.5 indicates random behaviour. The
distance is calculated between focal points of both
images. Assuming each image is of size 1 ×1, dis-
tance values range between 0 and
2, with a lower
value being preferable. When multiple annotations
are available for the gaze location (as in Gaze Fol-
low), the minimum and average distances are calcu-
lated to aggregate all ground truth labels. Finally, av-
erage precision (AP) is used to evaluate the classifi-
cation performance of “in-frame” or “out-of-frame”
predictions. AP is calculated over the entire test set,
while distance and AUC are evaluated on the subset
of images where the gaze target is located within the
Table 1: Comparison with state-of-the-art on Gaze Follow
dataset for image modality.
Model AUC AvgDist MinDist
(Lian et al.,
0.906 0.145 0.081
(Chong et al.,
0.921 0.137 0.077
(Jin et al.,
0.919 0.126 0.076
(Fang et al.,
0.922 0.124 0.067
0.933 0.134 0.071
0.9326 0.123 0.064
We obtain an AUC precision of 0.933, an average
distance of 0.123 and an average minimum distance
of 0.0637. These are state-of-the-art results, as shown
in Table 1.
Additionally, we fine-tune YOLO v7 with the
Dataset of European Art (DEArt). We split the dataset
into 70% training, 15% validation, and 15% test sets
(training set: 10, 500, validation/test sets: 2, 250).
A Multi-Criteria Approach for Gaze Analysis Similarity in Paintings
Figure 5: The 10 nearest neighbours obtained for the following 4 criteria with the bounding boxes of objects detected in
images: visual with CLIP and Angular distance (L
), gaze (L
), gaze truncated then reordered from visual (L
and visual truncated then reordered from gaze (L
) (with t = 250). In the request image, the main character has in
her field of vision the following objects: a crucifix (0.99), a book (0.67) and a skull (0.53).
Figure 6: The 10 nearest neighbours obtained for the following 4 criteria with the bounding boxes of objects detected in
images: visual with CLIP and Angular distance (L
), gaze (L
), gaze truncated then reordered from visual (L
and visual truncated then reordered from gaze (L
) (with t = 250). In the request image, the main character has in
his field of vision the following objects: a skull on a book.
We obtain a mean average precision of 0.523 calcu-
lated at an intersection over union (IoU) threshold of
0.5 (mAP@.5) on the test, YOLO v7 performs better
than fine-tuned Faster R-CNN used by authors, with
a mAP@.5 of 0.312.
4.3 Retrieval Task Evaluation
In our experiments, we only select a subset of 2, 310
artworks with a single character to facilitate the quali-
tative assessment. First, we evaluate painting similari-
ties for each of the gaze and visual features separately.
The main idea here is to compare a visual similarity
search with a similarity search based on the objects
looked at (gaze analysis).
For the gaze analysis, the characters in the im-
ages proposed by the tool are not necessarily of the
same gender, and their positions may differ, but they
all contemplate the same objects. There is a co-
occurrence of the objects being looked at, as shown
by the second list in Figure 5.
For visual search only, the characters have rather
evanescent looks, often gazing out of frame and all of
them are the same gender figures in similar positions
and surroundings (Figure 5: first list and Figure 6:
first list).
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Gaze reorganized from visual (L
), gaze reorganized from visual (L
) adding a weight for direc-
(b) Compromise between (L
) and (L
) and Compromise between (L
) and (L
) by adding a weight for
direction for a value of λ = 0.25.
(c) Compromise between (L
) and (L
) and Compromise between (L
) and (L
) by adding a weight for
direction for a value of λ = 0.75.
Figure 7: The nearest neighbours obtained by truncated-reordering and compromise criteria. The images framed in red are
those in which the character is not looking at the same direction as in the request image.
To demonstrate that the distributions of these two
lists are not identical, we use the Wilcoxon-Mann-
Whitney test (Wilcoxon, 1992), which produced a p-
value of 0.0165. This result is significantly lower than
the conventional 0.05 threshold, allowing us to reject
the null hypothesis of equal distributions at a 5% sig-
A Multi-Criteria Approach for Gaze Analysis Similarity in Paintings
nificance level. In other words, there is a statistically
significant difference between the distributions, indi-
cating that visual similarity does not always capture
gaze and objects of contemplation.
However, when visual search is used to reorder the
results of a search based on objects of contemplation
), this approach produces results that are
visually close and aligned on objects of contempla-
tion. In this case, we observe more paintings where
the character shares the same gender as the one in the
query and contemplates similar objects, as shown in
the third row of Figures 5 and 6.
When we do the reverse process, i.e. when we re-
order the visual search from the search based on gaze
analysis, we obtain an increase in the number of im-
ages with objects looked at in common but less visu-
ally close. This can be seen in the last list in Figures
5 and 6.
In Figure 5, the second image found by the tool
is another version of digitized artwork (not the same
luminosity or the same colours) which explains why
the distance is different from zero for the four criteria.
We can refine the previous results based on
the gaze analysis of character, by giving additional
weight to the metric when directions in the images
are the same. Indeed, the direction of gaze is an im-
portant element in the analysis of an artwork, which
is why we have chosen to add a criterion that allows
us to take it into account. Figure 7a shows that among
the kNearest Neighbors, the images where the char-
acters were not looking in the same direction were re-
placed by an image where the character was looking
in the same direction.
The final criterion we propose is compromise.
This criterion can be configured to favour visual simi-
larity or similarity based on objects of contemplation.
By favouring similarity based on objects of contem-
plation, i.e. with a λ value close to 0, we obtain a list
close to (L
). We can see this by comparing (L
in Figure 5 and the Figure 7b.
Finally, if we favour visual similarity, i.e. with a
λ value close to 1, we obtain a list close to (L
and more close to (L
), highlighting the vi-
sual similarity between the paintings and keeping a
focus on the objects of contemplation, as shown in
Figure 7c.
4.4 Qualitative Evaluation on User
Given the absence of ground truth, we decided to ask
the opinion of potential users to evaluate this multi-
criteria tool. We asked them to select the lists that are
most relevant to them in the similarity search based on
objects of contemplation from 8 lists. We surveyed a
total of 38 persons. The 38 persons are mainly stu-
dents (in art and IT) and teacher-researchers. They
were asked the following question: “We propose a
tool based on artificial intelligence that facilitates the
search for paintings with similarities based on the ob-
jects observed by the characters in the artwork. The
tool generates eight separate lists, each containing
paintings with similar subjects and themes. We in-
vite you to select the list or lists that you think contain
the most similar artworks, particularly in terms of the
objects looked at by the characters, in relation to the
requested image.” We gave no indication of the nature
of the list.
The Figure 8 shows that the lists L
+ direction are chosen more frequently.
The numbers shown in Figure 8 represent the average
number of times each list was selected, calculated as a
function of the total number of queries. We found that
when objects are prominent and visible, users tend to
choose lists based on the similarity of the objects of
contemplation. On the other hand, when objects are
in the background and not easily identifiable, users
prefer lists based on visual similarity. Direction also
plays a fundamental role in user choice: wherever this
option is present, the corresponding list is preferred
to one that does not offer it. We can conclude from
this that the visual aspect, whether overall or linked
to direction, influences users’ responses.
Our method identifies paintings where characters are
looking at the same object as the querying character,
improving existing results in similarity searches on
paintings. This approach highlights the importance
of gaze in visual coherence. We sought opinions from
experts and users to strengthen our results and obtain
evaluations, which are challenging to achieve due to
the lack of ground truth in this field. The number of
responses we received remains low and would require
broader participation to further validate our approach.
In our study, we aimed for the closest possible visual
similarity, which was confirmed by user choices, in-
dicating that users place significant importance on vi-
sual aspects. Our tool also allows for an emphasis
on gaze rather than visual similarity, which can help
art historians discover works with high gaze similar-
ity but low visual similarity, revealing new and unex-
pected connections. Additionally, if the goal is to pri-
oritize objects that are intersected by the viewing axis,
another metric could be relevant, providing additional
flexibility and precision in applying our method. As
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 8: Average responses from 38 users on 5 query paintings, each one having 10 images. The numbers indicate the
average number of selections in the list.
mentioned in section 3.1.2, our approach assumes that
the depth is consistent with the 2D spatial dimension.
A study based on the actual size of known objects
could bring more precision to this scaling.
To conclude, the visual features of images extracted
using artificial neural networks such as CLIP are not
sufficient for gaze analysis. This work showed a
multi-criteria tool for painting retrieval based on ob-
jects of contemplation and visual similarity. The two
pipelines, gaze and visual information, complement
each other and improve greatly the visual coherence
between a query painting and the list of nearest neigh-
bours. By combining gaze analysis and visual infor-
mation, we were able to propose paintings similar in
terms of objects of contemplation while still being vi-
sually close. We plan to extend our method to multi-
character paintings and also to use this gaze analysis
to estimate the composition of an artwork, either by
analysing the convergence of gazes.
This work was funded by French National Research
Agency with grant ANR-20-CE38-0017. We would
like to thanks the PAUSE ANR-Program with grant
ANR-22-PAUK-0041: Ukrainian scientists support
to support the scientific stay of T. Yemelianenko in
LIRIS laboratory.
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