Design and Implementation of a Data Model for AI Trustworthiness
Assessment in CCAM
Ruben Naranjo
1,2 a
, Nerea Aranjuelo
1 b
, Marcos Nieto
1 c
, Itziar Urbieta
1,2 d
Javier Fern
3 e
and Itsaso Rodr
2 f
Vicomtech Foundation, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA),
Mikeletegi 57, 20009, Donostia-San Sebasti
an, Spain
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Donostia-San Sebasti
an, Spain
Ikerlan Technological Research Center, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA),
e Mar
ıa Arizmendiarreta 2, 20500, Arrasate/Mondrag
on, Spain
{rnaranjo, naranjuelo, mnieto, iurbieta},,
AI Trustworthiness, Ontology, Data Model, CCAM, Trustworthiness Assessment.
Amidst the growing landscape of trustworthiness-related initiatives and works both in the academic commu-
nity and from official EU groups, there is a lack of coordination in the nature of the concepts used in these
works and their relationships. This lack of coordination generates confusion and hinders the advances in trust-
worthy AI systems. This confusion is particularly grave in the CCAM domain given nearly all functionalities
related to vehicles are safety-critical applications and need to be perceived as trustworthy in order for them to
become available to the general public. In this paper, we propose the use of a defined set of terms and their
definitions, carefully selected from the existing reports, regulations, and academic papers; and construct an
ontology-based data model that can assist any user in the comprehension of those terms and their relationship
to one another. In addition, we implement this data model as a tool that guides users on the self-assessment
of the trustworthiness of an AI system. We use a graph database that allows making queries and automating
the assessment of any particular AI system. We demonstrate the latter with a practical use case that makes an
automated trustworthiness assessment based on user-inputted data.
In the ever-evolving field of transportation, the incor-
poration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as
a crucial factor, especially in the domain of Connected
Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM). As
communities embrace the revolutionary possibilities
of smart transportation systems, the combination of
connectivity, cooperation, and automation has ush-
ered a new era characterised by improved effective-
ness, safety, and convenience (Guerreiro Augusto
et al., 2024). CCAM represents a paradigm shift in
how society perceives and interacts with transporta-
tion. With vehicles seamlessly communicating with
each other and their surroundings, and automated fea-
tures taking centre stage, the new possible mobil-
ity solutions are vast. From improved traffic man-
agement and reduced congestion to improved road
safety and increased accessibility, the impact of AI on
CCAM is far-reaching (Alonso Raposo et al., 2018).
However, amidst this rapid progress, the ethical
dimensions and the need for trustworthy AI in CCAM
cannot be underestimated. As vehicles become more
interconnected and reliant on intelligent decision-
making, ensuring AI systems’ robustness, trans-
parency, and ethical use becomes paramount (Kanak
et al., 2022). Trustworthy AI not only safeguards
the well-being of individuals on the road but also
fosters public confidence in adopting these technolo-
gies. Trustworthiness plays an important role in al-
most any situation facilitated by Information Systems
(IS), especially when uncertainty or potential undesir-
able outcomes are possible (Mcknight et al., 2011).
Various regulations and reports are emerging
around this need (Commission, 2021; Fernan-
Naranjo, R., Aranjuelo, N., Nieto, M., Urbieta, I., Fernández, J. and Rodríguez-Moreno, I.
Design and Implementation of a Data Model for AI Trustworthiness Assessment in CCAM.
DOI: 10.5220/0013153200003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 461-471
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
dez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez, 2021; ISO, 2023),
alongside a rapidly growing body of literature (Miller,
2019; Molnar, 2020; Langer et al., 2021; Graziani
et al., 2023). However, these initiatives often lack
coordination, leading to a fragmented approach to
trustworthy AI. The primary hurdle to trustworthi-
ness is establishing a concise definition of the de-
sired goal. A significant challenge lies in the preva-
lence of fuzzy terms and overlapping definitions sur-
rounding the concept of trustworthiness in different
domains (Graziani et al., 2023). As the integration
of AI in transportation advances, various stakehold-
ers -such as researchers, policymakers, and industry
practitioners- employ different terminologies to de-
scribe and assess the trustworthiness of AI systems
tailored to their needs and perspectives. Along with
this, AI is an area in increasing development; new
subareas, terms, and definitions arise naturally and
may cause conflicts with previous ones. This lack of
standardized language and clear definitions can lead
to ambiguity, hindering the establishment of univer-
sally accepted benchmarks for trustworthy AI and
slowing down the progress in a common direction.
In this paper, we propose to pave the way towards
a standardised terminology based on existing regu-
lations and literature from various perspectives (e.g.,
technical, legal). Rather than introducing new def-
initions, we focus on connecting existing ones and
defining their relationships in the landscape of trust-
worthy AI. To achieve this, we present an ontology-
based data model that integrates these terms, outlining
their interrelations and requirements. We implement
our data model in a graph database, creating a practi-
cal tool that allows users to evaluate the trustworthi-
ness of AI systems by inputting specific information
and properties. This tool provides a comprehensive
overview of AI properties in relation to trustworthi-
ness, based on existing initiatives, and regulations.
The main contributions of this paper are:
We present an ontology that collects and organizes
the most relevant terms related to AI trustworthi-
ness, along with their relationships, in a controlled
vocabulary based on current regulations, reports,
and state-of-the-art of AI trustworthiness.
We propose a data model to assess the trustwor-
thiness of an AI system for CCAM based on a
specific set of features provided by the interested
We offer a tool that guides users through the self-
assessment of the trustworthiness of an AI system.
We demonstrate the application of our tool with
a practical use case, assessing the trustworthiness
of an AI-based pedestrian detection system.
We make our data model publicly available to
serve as a reference and support future research
and development in this field
In recent years, there has been an increasingly large
number of publications and regulation initiatives con-
cerning trustworthy AI. The European Government
has been at the forefront of developing a regulatory
framework for AI that is human-centric and trustwor-
thy. The EU AI Act (Commission, 2021) is the first
legal framework that sets global standards for AI sys-
tems. It defines four levels of risk for AI applications:
minimal, limited, high, and unacceptable. Different
regulations and obligations apply to each risk cate-
gory. Minimal risk does not imply any obligation,
limited risk conveys transparency obligations, high
risk involves more specific requirements, and unac-
ceptable risk leads to prohibited AI systems. The
groundwork for AI regulation was laid with the pub-
lication of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI
by the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intel-
ligence (AI HLEG) (Hleg, 2019). This established
legality, ethical adherence, and robustness as the pil-
lars of trustworthiness. These three pillars apply to
the actors and processes involved in the AI systems
(including their development, deployment, and use).
Regarding mobility, the European Joint Re-
search Centre (JRC) published a report on Trust-
worthy Autonomous Vehicles (Fernandez Llorca and
Gomez Gutierrez, 2021) as an application of the ideas
of the AI HLEG to the CCAM sector (high-risk ap-
plications in the EU AI Act). The project reviews
methods and tools to assess the safety, reliability, and
explainability of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in real-
world scenarios based on the different SAE levels of
driving automation. It also provides policy recom-
mendations and best practices for deploying AVs in
the EU, taking into account ethical, legal, and social
aspects. This report, along with other European ini-
tiatives (Hennemann et al., 2024), contributes to the
EU’s vision of creating a sustainable, intelligent, and
safe mobility system for all. As can be noticed, the
existing initiatives and regulations expand the dimen-
sions of trustworthiness beyond traditional perspec-
tives that primarily focus on safety to include new as-
pects such as fairness or privacy. Despite these ex-
panded dimensions, safety remains a critical factor.
In the CCAM sector, the use of AI plays a cru-
cial role in performing advanced autonomous vehi-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
cle functionalities, such as visual perception (Perez-
Cerrolaza et al., 2023). These functionalities are of-
ten implemented in safety-related systems, and it is
essential to provide evidence that errors or even the
absence of errors do not lead to system malfunction.
This is achieved by adhering to functional safety stan-
dards, such as those outlined by (IEC, 2010) for in-
dustrial domains and (ISO, 2018), for automotive do-
mains. Consequently, functional safety is one of the
aspects of trustworthiness that must be guaranteed.
However, traditional safety standards were not
originally designed to accommodate AI in safety-
related systems due to their development process,
which relies on probabilistic models generated from
training data. This is unlike traditional software com-
ponents, which are coded from specifications. Signif-
icant efforts have been dedicated to the adoption of
AI in safety-related systems in recent years (Euro-
pean Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), 2023;
Hawkins et al., 2021), application rules (GmbH,
2020), and standards (VDA, 2023; IEC, 2023; IEC,
TBD; ISO/IEC, 2024). Additionally, further stan-
dards are currently under development, such as (ISO,
2023), which will focus on safety and risk factors as-
sociated with AI within the road vehicle context.
However, since these reports were written by poli-
cymakers, law experts, and regulators, there are dis-
crepancies between these reports and academic re-
search on AI systems, such as the use of language and
the end goal of trustworthiness (Gyevnar et al., 2023).
As a matter of fact, there is significant debate
and disagreement within the academic community re-
garding the meanings of certain concepts. For in-
stance, some authors use the terms interpretability and
explainability interchangeably (Miller, 2019), while
others give them distinct meanings (Molnar, 2020).
Regarding the interrelations between the terms, we
also find discrepancies. For example, some studies
propose AI explainability as a means to support safety
(Jia et al., 2022; Neto et al., 2022), viewing explain-
ability as a requirement for achieving safety. How-
ever, this contrasts with European proposals that treat
explainability and safety as distinct and independent
concepts (Fernandez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez,
2021; Hleg, 2019). This term definition and relation-
ship disparity creates confusion and requires careful
attention when reviewing research on these topics.
We adopt a three-step methodology to craft our pro-
posed data model for trustworthy AI within the con-
Figure 1: Data Model construction methodology.
text of CCAM. An overview of this methodology can
be seen in Figure 1.
First, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of
current regulations, official reports, and literature re-
lated to trustworthy AI for different stakeholders and
CCAM. This aims to identify miscellaneous yet rele-
vant terms and how these terms interact (Section 3.1).
Leveraging insights from our analysis, we develop
an ontology to collect all relevant terms within their
definitions and create a data model with the terms’
interrelations and requirements (Section 3.2)
The implementation phase involves translating the
data model into a tangible tool that can be used and
consulted by a user for analyzing the trustworthiness
of an AI system. We use a graph database and a visu-
alization platform for this purpose (Section 3.3).
3.1 Understanding Trustworthiness
The initial step to understanding trustworthy AI is the
definition of the terminology that forms its founda-
tion. By delineating these terms, we can begin to un-
derstand their relationships that will later be used as a
baseline for constructing our data model.
Regarding our proposed terms, concepts, and def-
initions, we have decided to prioritize official EU
works, as future regulations and laws will be based on
them. Our second priority has been the existing regu-
lations concerning trustworthiness. We also consider
academic research as a third step to address the gaps
left by other works and to obtain an aligned proposal
of all previous domains. The definitions have been
selected following these criteria: prevalence of terms
in the literature, closeness to the CCAM domain, and
alignment with its meaning outside the AI context.
Design and Implementation of a Data Model for AI Trustworthiness Assessment in CCAM
3.1.1 AI System and Properties of an AI System
According to the Council of the Organisation for Eco-
nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an
AI system is a machine-based system that can, for
a given set of human-defined objectives, make pre-
dictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing
real or virtual environments. AI systems are designed
to operate with varying levels of autonomy (OECD,
2019). For example, an increasingly common ADAS
function like Parking Assistance Systems (Naranjo
et al., 2024) is usually considered an AI system be-
cause it needs to make decisions on whether some-
thing around the car is a parking slot, whether it is
occupied, and whether it is suitable for parking, for
which the use of machine learning models is frequent.
Based on the proposals and works analysed we
have identified the following relevant properties for
AI systems’ trustworthiness:
Trustworthy: AI system that is beneficial, and is
perceived as beneficial, for the common good of
humanity and the good for the immediate user(s),
improving human welfare and freedom (Fernan-
dez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez, 2021). In
CCAM environment, it is to note that a trustwor-
thy AI system is considered trustworthy when in-
side its Operational Design Domain which should
be stated to all stakeholders and depends on the
level of vehicle automation (Committee, 2021).
Lawful: Compliant with all applicable laws and
regulations (Hleg, 2019). This includes laws and
regulations on AI systems as well as laws and reg-
ulations affecting vehicles.
Ethical: AI system that adheres to ethical princi-
ples and values. It aims to benefit, empower, and
protect both individual human flourishing and the
common good of society (Hleg, 2019).
Robust: AI system that reliably behaves as in-
tended while minimising unintentional and unex-
pected harm and preventing unacceptable harm to
living beings or the environment. This also ap-
plies to potential changes in its operating environ-
ment or the presence of other agents that may in-
teract with the system in an adversarial manner
(Fernandez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez, 2021).
Fair: Assurance that individuals and groups are
free from bias, discrimination and stigmatisation
(Fernandez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez, 2021).
Transparent: AI system whose features, compo-
nents, and procedures are open for external in-
spection by a stakeholder. This includes data,
models, algorithms, training methods, decision
mechanisms, and responsibility (ISO/IEC, 2020).
Safe: AI system that does not lead to a state in
which human life, health, property, or the envi-
ronment is endangered (ISO/IEC, 2022).
Secure: AI system that has resistance to in-
tentional, unauthorized acts designed to cause
harm or damage to a system (ISO/IEC, 2022).
This includes acts performed physically (Pham
and Xiong, 2021) or through any communication
route such as Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) com-
munications (Ghosal and Conti, 2020).
Accurate: AI system whose results of observa-
tions, computations, or estimates are close enough
to the true values or the values accepted as being
true (ISO/IEC, 2022). Accuracy is measured with
different metrics depending on the target AI sys-
tem and AV function. For example, from the per-
spective of overall vehicle performance (e.g., dis-
tance travelled) or from the technology layer per-
spective (e.g., precision and recall in object detec-
tion for scene understanding) (Fernandez Llorca
and Gomez Gutierrez, 2021).
Reproducible: AI system whose behaviour and
results are consistent when repeated under the
same conditions. (Hleg, 2019).
Explainable: AI system that produces a clear,
relevant, and accurate presentation of the reason-
ing, functioning, and behaviour behind its output,
using partially or fully automated methods and
directed to clearly defined stakeholders (Gyev-
nar et al., 2023). For instance, a route planning
system should be able to explain the reason be-
hind the route selection. Beyond this, a direct
user of an autonomous driving system, must un-
derstand the state and driving capabilities of the
system (Fernandez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez,
2021), which might require additional efforts in
terms of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) design.
Auditable: AI system that enables the assessment
of algorithms, data, and the design process (Fer-
nandez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez, 2021).
Accounted For: AI system that has an account-
able stakeholder for each step in its life cycle and
functioning. This Stakeholder is answerable for
actions, decisions and performance of the AI sys-
tem (ISO/IEC, 2022).
Traceable: AI system whose work items and arte-
facts are uniquely identifiable and can be tracked
to the life-cycle step in which they were created
(Fernandez Llorca and Gomez Gutierrez, 2021).
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.1.2 Stakeholders
Based on the ISO/IEC TS 5723 (ISO/IEC, 2022), a
stakeholder is any individual, group, or organisation
that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to
be affected by a decision or activity. The perceived
trustworthiness of an AI system might vary according
to each stakeholder’s needs and interests. We propose
the following unified subcategories based on (Langer
et al., 2021; Bhatt et al., 2020; Kanak et al., 2022).
Regulator: Physical or legal entity that designs
and publishes a regulation affecting an AI system.
Deployer: Physical or legal entity that makes
an AI system available to End-users. Differ-
ent deployer profiles include original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs), Tier 1 providers, Tier 2
providers, Tier 0.5 providers, or intermediaries.
Developer: Physical or legal entity that designs,
builds or maintains an AI system in any of its life-
cycle steps, from sourcing of data to maintaining
or enhancing of the system once it is deployed.
Domain Expert: Physical or legal entity with ex-
tended knowledge of the domain of a system that
ensures an AI system complies with one or several
regulations, standards, or laws.
Direct: Physical or legal entity that makes use
of an AI System (e.g. vehicle users).
Indirect: Physical or legal entity that is af-
fected by an AI System in its functioning cycle.
(e.g. external road users).
3.1.3 Related Terms
In addition to defining the properties of an AI sys-
tem and the stakeholders affected, we identify rela-
tionships between terms and concepts. To allow to
properly build those connections, we need to account
for some additional terms that populate the trustwor-
thiness landscape but are not directly involved with
the AI system or the stakeholders:
Monitoring Process: Continuous process or
mechanism that tracks provenance, creation, and
evolution of work items and artefacts in the life-
cycle of an AI system, such as data collections, AI
model versions, stakeholders involved, etc.
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the
context of an AI system refer to the quantitative
results and metrics of the AI system.
Accuracy Requirements: Thresholds that mea-
sure the accuracy of an AI system functions when
compared to KPIs. These are usually established
by regulations, academic research or local laws.
Audition Process: Process in which a domain ex-
pert reviews and tests the AI system against one or
more regulations and, if successful, emits a certifi-
cate of compliance.
Regulation: Binding legislative act of general ap-
plication (Council of European Union, 2016).
Account-Giving Mechanism: Automatic mech-
anism that checks the life-cycle and functioning
status of the AI system and assigns accountability
to the appropriate stakeholder.
Explanation: Clear, relevant, and accurate pre-
sentation of the reasoning, functioning, and be-
haviour behind the output of an AI system.
Explainability Mechanism: Mechanism or pro-
cess that generates one or more explanations for
the output of an AI system. There are sev-
eral emerging taxonomies regarding explainabil-
ity; given the lack of standardization, we have
chosen a high-level categorization that organizes
explainability mechanisms depending on strategy.
Explaining Method: Most commonly known
post-hoc explanations. These methods usu-
ally generate explanations to interpret black-
box models (Hassija et al., 2024). Explana-
tions can be local (for single input values, e.g.
saliency maps) or global (which features con-
tribute more to the overall model).
Interpretable Design: This is the kind of
mechanism that comes implicitly in inter-
pretable or white-box models. The functioning
of this kind of model is designed to be clear so
that the explanation of the output is the model
itself. e.g. classification trees.
Evaluation Process: Strategy that aims to gen-
erate explanations based on exhaustive testing
of the system in a very extensive set of data
with the objective of predicting the system be-
haviour under different circumstances. This
kind of process is very common in CCAM ap-
plications where auto-makers test functionali-
ties in hundreds or thousands of scenarios.
3.2 Data Model Design
An ontology allows organising the terms related to a
domain, trustworthiness in this case, into a controlled
vocabulary and capturing the relationships between
objects or concepts and the properties that can be used
to describe them. We create an ontology as the base
of our data model.
Design and Implementation of a Data Model for AI Trustworthiness Assessment in CCAM
Figure 2: Complete data model. The main classes are in red shades, and the supporting classes are in blue shades.
3.2.1 Elements of the Data Model
We propose AI System and Stakeholder to be the two
main classes acting as pillars for building our data
model. Since the data model’s purpose is to analyze
an AI system’s trustworthiness, the AI system itself
is one of the main building blocks of the data model.
The AI system class has several features or properties
corresponding to some of the terms described in Sec-
tion 3.1 and the risk level defined in the EU AI Act.
These features can be seen in Table 1. It is crucial to
note that although the defined terms (e.g., explainable,
transparent) are general when applied as properties of
the AI System class within the data model, the nota-
tion <term>To is employed in certain instances to
specify that the term should consistently relate to a
particular Stakeholder subclass or a group of Stake-
holder subclasses (e.g., ExplainableTo[Developer],
TransparentTo[Direct-user, Deployer]).
The second pillar, Stakeholder, gains importance
when analyzing the relationships between the terms
described in Section 3.1. As some of these terms, e.g.
explainability, are evaluated by different stakeholders,
the Stakeholder itself and its subclasses should be a
key component in analyzing the trustworthiness of the
AI system.
In addition to these pillars, we propose a set
of supporting classes on our data model, that will
help determine the trustworthiness of an AI system.
These supporting classes (e.g., regulation, explain-
ability mechanism) enable the analysis of the AI sys-
tem and its features through the use of some prede-
fined rules. Consequently, these classes are required
to obtain the properties of the AI system. The whole
Table 1: Properties of the AI System and their data types.
Property Data Type Property Data Type
Lawful bool EthicalTo array[string]
Traceable bool Deterministic bool
ExplainableTo array[string] Reproducible bool
Auditable bool Accurate bool
AccountedFor bool Secure bool
TransparentTo array[string] Robust bool
Fair bool TrustworthyTo array[string]
Safe bool RiskLevel integer
set of classes including the two pillars and the sup-
porting classes can be seen in Figure 2.
3.2.2 Rules for Trustworthiness Assessment
Once the data model is defined, we design a set of
rules that assign features to the AI System class based
on user-provided input. These rules are used to eval-
uate the trustworthiness of the AI system defined by
the user.
These rules are the result of our analysis of the re-
lationships of the terms in Section 3.1, and are based
on proposals from the literature, but leave some tasks
that the user shall previously solve. Since this data
model encompasses complex high-level terms such as
fairness, safety, or regulation compliance, the auto-
matic analysis of these elements is out of the scope of
this work. Especially given that the analysis of many
of these concepts is still an open question that is con-
tinually being researched (Parraga et al., 2023; Cav-
iglione et al., 2023; Buyl and De Bie, 2024). The
advances and research in these domains will comple-
ment the work presented in this paper.
The rules are presented summarised in Figure 3
and as pseudo-code in the Appendix. For example,
for a given stakeholder, if the AI system is lawful,
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Trustworthy Ethical
Reproducible Deterministic*
Figure 3: Summary of rules for the data model. Each property (in red) entails compliance with other properties or auxiliary
classes of the data model (in blue). Asterisk marks user-inputted data. Note that explainable is for a given stakeholder, and
consequently transparent, ethical, and trustworthy.
ethical, and robust, then the system is trustworthy.
3.3 Data Model Implementation
To bring the data model into practical use, a multi-
step process has been designed to ensure usability and
scalability. This process includes constructing an on-
tology, loading it into a graph database, and enabling
user interaction through a REST API.
Ontology Construction: the foundation of the
data model implementation begins with construct-
ing the ontology using Prot
, an open-source
ontology editor. The classes, properties, data
types, and relationships in the ontology are de-
fined according to the detailed definitions pro-
vided in Section 3. This tool allows to metic-
ulously define and organize the various classes,
properties, and relationships that form the data
model. These elements are defined according to
the detailed definitions provided in Section 3 of
this paper, which are derived from our extensive
analysis of current regulations and literature.
Loading the Ontology into the semantic graph
database: once the ontology is constructed, it is
loaded into GraphDB
, a high-performance graph
database optimized for handling ontologies and
linked data. We chose GraphDB for its capa-
bility to store complex relationships and support
SPARQL, a powerful query language used for re-
trieving and manipulating data in RDF format.
REST API development: To facilitate user in-
teraction with the ontology and database, a REST
API is developed using Flask
, a lightweight web
framework for Python. The REST API acts as an
intermediary, enabling users to seamlessly enter
and request data. Internally, the API uses SPARQL
to query the ontology within GraphDB.
This section outlines the tool designed with user-
friendliness in mind, developed as part of the use case
demonstrations in this work. It is decomposed into
two subsections, the first one outlines the interface of
the tool and the later the practical application that has
been evaluated in this paper as an example.
Figure 4: Input panel of the assessment tool.
4.1 Tool Interface
Using the database implementation described in Sec-
tion 3.3, we build a graphing and data input tool on
Design and Implementation of a Data Model for AI Trustworthiness Assessment in CCAM
Figure 5: Graph visualization and assessment result panels of the assessment tool. Please zoom-in for better visualization.
. Grafana is a powerful open-source ana-
lytics and monitoring tool extended with community-
created plugins. We use some of these plugins to add
useful functionality, such as data input with the Data
Manipulation Plugin
and REST API communication
through the Infinity Data Source Plugin
With this setup, we construct a dashboard com-
posed of three main panels:
1. The input data panel allows the user to enter
the required information about their AI system.
This panel uses the Data Manipulation Plugin to
build an input form with the necessary data re-
quired from the user. When the submit button is
clicked, it constructs a POST request and sends it
to the REST API, which communicates with the
database and updates its values.
2. The graph visualization panel displays a graphical
representation of the inputted data and its relation-
ships, following the structure of the data model. It
uses the Infinity Data Source Plugin to perform
GET requests to the REST API, which retrieves
data from the database.
3. The assessment result panel shows the calculated
properties of the AI system using a Table Panel
from Grafana. The panel uses the Infinity Data
Source Plugin to perform a GET request to the
REST API and displays the properties of the AI
system as a list, showing which of them are ful-
filled and which of them are not.
4.2 Practical Application
To demonstrate the use of the tool, we show a prac-
tical example in which we want to assess the trust-
worthiness of a pedestrian detection system we have
developed using a Deep Neural Network (DNN).
The first step is to enter the required data in the
input data panel (Figure 4). In this panel, the user
shall select and enter data about the AI system to be
assessed. These data are some of the high-level con-
cepts described in Section 3.1, such as whether the
system is fair, deterministic, or has a monitoring pro-
cess. This information should be gathered or analyzed
by the user in a prior step.
In our case, we know that our pedestrian detection
model is deterministic and we have an account-giving
and monitoring process for its entire life-cycle. We
also know that it needs to meet some Average Preci-
sion (AP) requirements, and it does. The model has
an explainability mechanism in place in the form of an
explaining method, in this case, we have a variant of
D-RISE (Petsiuk et al., 2021) that generates explana-
tions of the output that we know our target stakeholder
(direct users) understand. Since we did not manually
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
assess some aspects, such as auditability and security,
we select false and/or unknown values in the corre-
sponding columns in the input data panel.
Once the data has been collected, the graph visu-
alization and assessment result panels will be popu-
lated. In them, we can explore the relationships be-
tween the data model classes and the properties of
the trustworthiness landscape that have been calcu-
lated for the assessed AI system. These two panels
are shown in Figure 5.
In the case of our pedestrian detection model, we
can see that it fulfils some of the requirements such as
being reproducible and explainable. However, it fails
in other aspects such as transparency and robustness,
requiring the use of additional mechanisms to achieve
a trustworthy system.
In this paper, we presented an ontology that systemat-
ically collects and organizes the most relevant terms
related to AI trustworthiness. Our ontology, based
on current regulations, reports, and state-of-the-art
academic research, provides a controlled vocabulary
that can be universally adopted, enhancing clarity and
consistency in discussions about AI trustworthiness.
Based on the proposed ontology, we built a data
model that can help interested users to evaluate AI
systems based on a well-defined set of features, en-
suring a tailored and relevant assessment process of
the trustworthiness.
We provide a practical tool that facilitates self-
assessment of AI system trustworthiness. The appli-
cability of this tool is demonstrated through a practi-
cal application in a common CCAM domain use case.
This demonstration highlights the tool’s practical util-
ity and effectiveness in real-world scenarios, provid-
ing a concrete example of its application.
In summary, our contributions provide a struc-
tured and practical approach to assessing AI trust-
worthiness, supporting both theoretical understanding
and practical implementation. The work presented
in this paper contributes to the development of open-
source tools, paving the way towards creating trust-
worthy AI systems, with a particular focus on the
CCAM domain.
This work has received funding from the Basque
Government under project AutoTrust of the program
ELKARTEK-2023, by the European Union’s Hori-
zon Programme under Grant 101076754 AIthena
Project and by Spanish Ministry of Science and Inno-
vation under project PLEC2023-010240, CAPSUL-
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Here we present the set of rules designed to make the
self-assessment of an AI system using the proposed
data model. The rules are presented as pseudo-code
in Algorithms 1 to 11.
if AISystem.deterministic then
AISystem.reproducible = True
Algorithm 1: Reproducibility rule.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
AISystem.accurate = True
foreach KPI in KPIS do
if not (KPI MEETS
AccuracyRequirements) then
AISystem.accurate = False
Algorithm 2: Accuracy rule.
if AISystem.isSecure
and AISystem.accurate
and AISystem.reproducible then
AISystem.robust = True
Algorithm 3: Robustness rule. f ul = True
foreach Regulation in AffectingRegulations
Regulation then f ul = False
Algorithm 4: Lawfulness rule.
if AISystem HAS MonitoringProcess then
AISystem.traceable = True
Algorithm 5: Traceability rule.
if AISystem HAS Account-givingMechanism
and AISystem.traceable then
AISystem.accountedFor = True
Algorithm 6: Accountability rule.
if AISystem ENABLES AuditionProcess then
AISystem.auditable = True
Algorithm 7: Auditability rule.
foreach Stakeholder in Stakeholders do
if AISystem HAS
and Stakeholder UNDERSTANDS
Explanation then
Algorithm 8: Explainability rule.
foreach Stakeholder in Stakeholders do
if AISystem.accountedFor
and AISystem.auditable
Algorithm 9: Transparency rule.
foreach Stakeholder in Stakeholders do
if AISystem.fair AND
AND then
Algorithm 10: Ethicalness rule.
foreach Stakeholder in Stakeholders do
if AISystem.lawful
and AISystem.ethicalTo[Stakeholder]
and AISystem.robust then
Algorithm 11: Trustworthiness rule.
Design and Implementation of a Data Model for AI Trustworthiness Assessment in CCAM