Silhouette Segmentation for Near-Fall Detection Through Analysis of
Human Movements in Surveillance Videos
Imane Bouraoui
and Jean Meunier
Department of Electronics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, UMSB, Jijel, Algeria
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal, Canada
Keywords: Near-Fall, Silhouette, Background Substruction, Mask R-CNN, SVM, Autoencoder.
Abstract: The detection of near-fall incidents is crucial in surveillance systems to improve safety, prevent future more
serious falls and ensure rapid intervention. the main objective of this paper is the detection of movement
anomalies in a series of video sequences through silhouette segmentation. First, we begin by isolating the
person from the background, keeping only the person's silhouette. This is achieved through two methods: the
first involves median pixel, while the second utilizes an algorithm based on pre-trained Mask Regional
Convolutional Neural Network (Mask R-CNN) model. the second step involves movement calculation and
noise effect minimization. Finally, we conclude by classifying normal and abnormal movement signals
obtained using two different classifiers: Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Autoencoder (AE). We then
compare the results to determine the most efficient and rapid system for detecting near-falls. the experimental
results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in detecting near-fall incidents. Specifically,
the Mask R-CNN approach outperformed the median pixel method in silhouette extraction, enhancing
anomaly detection accuracy. AE surpassed SVM in accuracy and performance, making it suitable for real-
time near-fall detection in surveillance applications.
the human body can be prone to falls due to factors
such as aging, tiredness, medical conditions such as
osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease, and vertigo, as well
as medications that cause dizziness or sleepiness.
These conditions impact balance and coordination,
significantly increasing the risk of falling. Falls are
the leading cause of fatal accidents among seniors,
and can cause serious physical damages including
head injuries (Mobsite et al., 2023). According to the
World Health Organization (WHO), approximately
684,000 fatal falls occur annually, making them the
second leading cause of accidental injury deaths.
Additionally, around 37.3 million falls require
medical attention each year (Silva et al., 2024).
Consequently, it is crucial to develop and implement
effective fall prevention strategies.
to solve this issue, we propose a video
surveillance system that can be implemented in
various locations, including residences, hospitals,
airports, and factories. This system is designed to
evaluate fall risk by detecting near-falls and
identifying mobility issues through anomaly
detection, which is favoured due to the high
variability of abnormal mobility. the system helps in
identifying potential emergencies and activates
alarms when danger is detected.
Our objective is to find an efficient and rapid
system for detecting near-falls by creating a fall
prevention system that identifies movement
anomalies in video sequences using silhouette
segmentation. We achieve this by isolating the person
from the background to simplify the analysis,
retaining only the silhouette through two methods: the
median pixel method and a pre-trained Mask
Regional Convolutional Neural Network (Mask R-
CNN) algorithm. the median pixel method computes
the median value of pixels across frames to get a
background model, while Mask R-CNN is a deep
learning-based approach that accurately segments
objects, (He et al., 2017). We then compute
movement using background subtraction, which
highlights moving regions and minimizes noise
effects that may result from small environmental
variations or inaccuracies in segmentation. Finally,
we classify normal and abnormal movement signals
using two types of classifiers: a supervised learning
Bouraoui, I. and Meunier, J.
Silhouette Segmentation for Near-Fall Detection Through Analysis of Human Movements in Surveillance Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0013153500003905
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025), pages 620-627
ISBN: 978-989-758-730-6; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
algorithm, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and an
unsupervised neural network, Autoencoder (AE),
(Neloy et al., 2024).
the rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 reviews the literature on human fall
detection and highlights the limitations of current
systems. Section 3 explains the two methods used for
detecting human bodies. Section 4 describes a dataset
of simulated normal and abnormal activities in a
realistic apartment-laboratory and tests it with the
proposed algorithms. Section 5 discusses the findings
and compares the results obtained by the two
proposed methods. Finally, Section 6 wraps up this
work by outlining the limitations and suggesting
possible directions for future research.
This research literature explores various technologies
and methods to improve the accuracy and efficiency
of fall detection systems for the elderly. (Anderson et
al., 2006) employed video-based silhouettes to detect
falls by creating binary maps of body positions, which
were used to train hidden Markov models for activity
recognition. (Rougier et al., 2007) proposed a fall
detection method using video surveillance,
combining movement history and human shape
variation to identify falls in seniors. the approach
aims to improve safety and quality of life for the
elderly, showing promising results on video
sequences of daily activities and simulated falls.
(Zigel et al., 2009) introduced a fall detection system
that utilizes floor vibrations and sound sensing,
relying on signal processing and pattern recognition
without the need for wearable devices, making it
effective even if the person is unconscious or stressed.
(Chen et al., 2010) developed a real-time video-based
system that detects falls by combining skeleton
features with human shape variations, achieving high
accuracy in distinguishing actual falls from similar
activities. (Chua et al., 2013) used an uncalibrated
camera to detect falls by analyzing human shape and
head movements, incorporating new ellipse-based
and head shape models to improve detection
accuracy. (Yang and Lin, 2014) proposed a depth
image processing approach to detect falls, particularly
effective when pedestrians are partially obscured.
Their method accurately distinguishes between
humans and objects, adjusts for lighting variations,
and measures tilt angles. (Kwolek and Kepski, 2014)
combined depth maps with a wireless accelerometer
to detect falls and reduce false alarms, using
movement and acceleration data analyzed by a
Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier for reliable
fall detection while preserving privacy. (Nizam et al.,
2017) utilized a Microsoft Kinect Sensor to track
joints and measure velocity for fall detection,
identifying falls based on abnormal joint positions
and sudden changes in velocity.
Recent advancements in fall detection systems
have significantly benefited from innovations in
artificial intelligence and sensor technologies. (Asif
et al., 2020) proposed a deep learning framework for
privacy-preserving human fall detection using RGB
video data. Addressing the critical issue of fall
detection for the elderly, their system utilizes
synthetic data to train models that recognize falls
from real-world footage. By focusing on human
skeleton and segmentation rather than raw images,
the framework ensures privacy by anonymizing
personal information. (Zhu et al., 2021) developed a
fall detection algorithm that utilizes deep learning,
computer vision, and human skeleton keypoints. This
method employs OpenPose to extract skeleton data
and applies deep learning for classifying falls, aiming
to improve detection accuracy for the elderly. (Chen
et al., 2022) designed a system that combines vision-
based fall detection with Building Information
Modeling (BIM) for rescue routing. the system
includes modules for fall detection, communication
via a cloud server, and rescue route planning, aiming
to improve response times and reduce injury severity.
(Mobsite et al., 2023) introduced a privacy-
preserving camera-based fall detection system using
semantic segmentation. the system extracts human
silhouettes with a Multi-Scale Skip Connection
Segmentation Network (MSSkip) and analyzes them
using a ConvLSTM network, achieving high
accuracy in detecting and classifying falls. (Gao et al.,
2023) proposed a fall detection method based on
human pose estimation and a lightweight neural
network. OpenPose extracts human keypoints, which
are processed by a modified MobileNetV2 network to
improve fall detection accuracy by correcting
keypoint labeling errors. (Duong et al., 2023)
reviewed deep learning techniques for video
surveillance anomaly detection, categorizing
approaches based on objectives and metrics. the
review highlights the significance of generative
models and feature engineering, and discusses
challenges and future research directions. (Alanazi et
al., 2024) developed a vision-based fall detection
system using a 4-stream 3D convolutional neural
network (4S-3DCNN) and image fusion. (Silva et al.,
2024) evaluated wearable fall detection systems,
noting that performance significantly decreases when
transitioning from simulated to real-world conditions.
Silhouette Segmentation for Near-Fall Detection Through Analysis of Human Movements in Surveillance Videos
the study emphasizes the need for more realistic
testing to improve system effectiveness. (Gharghan
and Hashim, 2024) reviewed elderly fall detection
systems, focusing on the impact of wireless
communication and AI technologies. Their study
categorizes traditional and AI-based methods,
evaluating system architectures, sensors, and
performance to help researchers select effective fall
detection solutions. (Das Chagas et al., 2024)
proposed a fall risk detection method using Channel
State Information (CSI) from wireless networks and
IoT devices. This method employs k-Nearest
Neighbors (kNN) to detect fall risks by monitoring
changes in wireless signals, achieving high accuracy
in hospital settings.
Few studies have specifically focused on near-fall
detection. (Dubois and Charpillet, 2014) developed a
markerless fall prevention system using Microsoft
Kinect to track human movement and analyze gait
parameters like step length and gait speed to assess
fall risk in the elderly, proving reliable in real-world
scenarios. (Yang et al., 2016) introduced a semi-
supervised system using wearable inertial
measurement units (WIMUs) to detect near-miss falls
in ironworkers, using a one-class support vector
machine to automatically identify near-misses
without disrupting work. (Tripathy et al., 2018)
created an eigen posture-based system with Kinect
sensors to assess fall risk by analysing postural
More recently, (Choi et al., 2022) employed
inertial measurement units and Directed Acyclic
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (DAG-CNN)
for near-fall detection, emphasizing the need for
further research in pre-emptive fall prevention. (Tran
et al., 2022) proposed video surveillance systems,
employing machine learning algorithms like Isolation
Forest and One-Class SVM to detect near-falls in
seniors with high accuracy, offering early fall risk
warnings based on the velocities of a simplified 3-
joint skeleton. (Ebrahimi et al., 2024) used an
autoencoder to detect mobility anomalies,
particularly near-falls, by identifying high
reconstruction errors. They used a set of 20 features
of seven key points on a skeleton, encompassing joint
positions, velocities, accelerations, angles, and
angular accelerations, to train their model. (Silva et
al., 2024) pointed out the limitations of fall detection
systems trained on simulated falls, noting significant
performance drops when tested on real-world data
while (Yu et al., 2024) proposed Semi-PFD, a semi-
supervised model for pre-impact fall detection that
outperformed supervised models, especially with
limited fall data, highlighting its practical potential
for injury prevention.
Despite these successes, near-fall detection
remains a challenge. the best results obtained by
(Ebrahimi et al., 2024) and (Tran et al., 2022) relied
on skeleton extraction that was not always reliable
and involved some filtering and fine-tuning steps for
good results and several tests to obtain the best model
parameters. In our work we propose to use the
silhouette of the person instead of the skeleton for a
simpler body representation and better near-fall
3.1 Dataset
the dataset used in this work comprises realistic and
challenging videos intended for near-fall detection.
Several RGB and RGBD videos were captured using
an Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455, mounted in
a ceiling corner to provide a full view of an individual
performing various daily activities in the living room
of an apartment laboratory. For this study, 150 short
RGB videos of one subject were selected from the
dataset, each lasting about 15 to 30 seconds (the other
videos of the dataset involved another subject and
other activities not relevant for our study because
without realistic near-fall situations). Among these,
100 videos show the subject performing various
activities of daily living, such as walking, dusting,
tying shoelaces, turning on the television with a
remote control, opening a door, picking up a book and
reading, and more, while the remaining 50 videos
present realistic near-fall situations, such as tripping
over a mat, colliding with a table leg, or losing
balance (figure 1).
3.2 Silhouette Segmentation
3.2.1 Median Pixel Method
the median pixel algorithm is a method used to
remove backgrounds from images, especially in fixed
video or time-lapse photography, where the
background remains the same and only the
foreground changes, (Sobral and Vacavant, 2014).
As shown in figure 2, a background model is first
created by calculating the median pixel values from
all input images from the dataset described in the
previous section, creating an 8-bit grayscale image
used as the reference for background subtraction.
Each new frame is then subtracted from this median
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
image. Otsu's thresholding method is applied to
separate the foreground from the background,
producing a binary mask that highlights moving
objects or people. This process repeats for each new
image in the sequence, enabling accurate foreground
Figure 1: Examples of normal and abnormal movements in
the dataset.
Figure 2: Diagram of the median pixel model for silhouette
3.2.2 Pre-Trained Mask R-CNN Model
Mask R-CNN (Mask Region-based Convolutional
Neural Network) is a powerful algorithm designed for
object detection, with a particular focus on instance
segmentation, allowing for both detection and pixel-
level segmentation of objects, (Wang et al., 2019).
For person detection, we processed a series of
images from the dataset described in the section 3.1
using a pre-trained Mask R-CNN model, which is
based on a ResNet-50 backbone. As shown in figure
3. This model extracts features from the images,
generates proposals for potentially interesting regions
via the Region Proposal Network (RPN), corrects
spatial misalignments with ROI Align to ensure
precise feature extraction, and classifies objects while
refining their bounding boxes. the masks of the
detected human silhouettes are then refined using the
Otsu thresholding algorithm to improve the body
edges, and a final image is created by overlaying the
detected silhouettes on a dark background.
3.3 Near-Fall Detection Algorithm
For the detection of a near fall, a simple movement
detection algorithm is applied based on the pose of
the moving person, assuming that a near fall appears
as a peak compared to the signal of normal
Figure 3: Diagram of the pre-trained Mask R-CNN model
for silhouette detection.
However, one difficulty in movement detection lies
in the fact that, in our dataset, the camera is fixed, so
as the person approaches, the number of pixels
increases, and as the person moves away, the number
of pixels decreases. For this reason, we calculated a
movement ratio which provides a normalized
measure of movement by considering both the
amount of movement (related to the difference
between consecutive silhouettes) and the average
intensity of the frames (related to the size of the
silhouette). This can be useful for comparative
analysis across different scenes or lighting conditions.
The algorithm for movement detection of multiple
frames is presented as follows:
Data: Sequence of silhouette images I
, extracted
for each video.
Results: Normalized movement ratio 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜
detecting anomalies in movement patterns.
1. Silhouette images are extracted from each
video and converted to 8-bit grayscale.
2. A Gaussian filter smooths each image,
reducing noise and enhancing movement
3. the filtered image at time t is denoted as
Algorithm Steps:
1. Initialize previous frames:
5 previous frames are stored in a list to compute
temporal changes:
Silhouette Segmentation for Near-Fall Detection Through Analysis of Human Movements in Surveillance Videos
2. Background Substruction:
If 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣_𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠[1] , compute the difference
between the current filtered frame and the previous 5
frames to detect movement areas:
3. Binary Thresholding:
A binary mask 𝐵
is created by thresholding
where pixel intensities exceeding a predefined
threshold are classified as motion pixels.
1 𝑖𝑓 ∆
0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
4. Movement Pixel Count:
the total count of motion pixels is calculated,
representing the magnitude of detected
5. Average Frames Intensity:
Compute the average intensity of the current
frame and the previous 5 frames for
where N is the total number of pixels in the
6. Movement Ratio Calculation:
the ratio of motion pixel count to average intensity
provides a normalized measure of movement.
7. Update Previous Frames:
the list of previous frames is updated with the latest
frame, maintaining a sliding window of 5 frames.
3.4 Classification
3.4.1 Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Support vector machine (SVM) is a powerful, flexible
supervised learning algorithm most commonly used
for classification; it can also be used for regression.
the algorithm finds an optimal hyperplane to divide
the datasets into different classes, (Sarang, 2023).
SVMs are particularly effective for anomaly
detection for several reasons: they perform well with
high-dimensional data, are robust against overfitting,
and aim to optimally separate normal data from
anomalies. Additionally, SVMs handle imbalanced
datasets effectively and can apply the kernel trick to
achieve non-linear separation. Their clear decision
boundaries also enhance the interpretability of
anomaly classifications.
3.4.2 Autoencoder
An autoencoder is a neural network with an encoder
and decoder trained to learn reconstructions close to
the original input. the difference between the original
input and the reconstruction output in the autoencoder
is called the reconstruction error, (Torabi et al.,
2023). For anomaly detection, an autoencoder trained
on normal data only aims to closely reconstruct inputs
representing normal patterns. If the reconstruction
error exceeds a predefined threshold, the input is
classified as an anomaly (e.g., a near-fall); otherwise,
it is considered normal. the model has two dense
layers: the encoder compresses the data into a lower-
dimensional latent space, and the decoder
reconstructs it back to the original size. the model is
trained using input and target data from the training
set, aiming to minimize the reconstruction error, with
the Adam optimizer and MSE loss function, (Kopčan
et al., 2021).
the results were obtained using 100 videos of normal
movements and 50 videos of abnormal movements
(near-falls), after extracting the silhouettes of moving
individuals using the Median Pixel method and the
pre-trained Mask-RCNN model. Figure 4 illustrates
the detection of normal movements (2 videos) and
abnormal movements (1 video) with the Median Pixel
method, while figure 5 presents the motion evolution
over time for the same videos using Mask-RCNN. the
near-fall is identified as a peak when the motion ratio
exceeds 900 with the Median Pixel method and 800
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
with Mask-RCNN; values above these thresholds are
considered anomalous movements, while those below
are classified as normal.
In the SVM classifier, the dataset is split into
training and test sets with 20% allocated for testing,
using a random state of 42 for reproducibility. the
data is reshaped into a two-dimensional form for
compatibility with the SVM, which uses a linear
kernel and a regularization parameter C=1, ensuring
stable results with the same random state.
In the autoencoder, 50 videos of normal
movements were used for training, while 100 videos
were used for testing, consisting of 50 normal and 50
abnormal movements. the hyperparameters are
adjusted as follows: the validation split for training is
set to 10%. the latent space size in the autoencoder is
set to 32, representing the dimension of the encoded
layer. the learning rate, which controls the speed of
weight adjustment in the Adam optimizer, is set to
0.001. the number of epochs is defined as 100,
indicating how many times the entire training dataset
is passed through during training. the batch size is set
to 32, which represents the number of samples used
to compute each weight update. Finally, the anomaly
detection threshold is set to 80% of the mean squared
error (MSE) of the reconstructed test data, serving to
classify movements as normal or abnormal.
the classification results using SVM and AE are
illustrated on the ROC curve in figure 6, where the
true positive rate (TPR) indicates the proportion of
the normal class correctly identified, and the false
positive rate (FPR) measures the proportion of
anomalous patterns misclassified as normal.
Performance metrics, including area under the curve
(AUC), equal error rate (EER), sensitivity,
specificity, and accuracy, are summarized in table 1.
Mask-RCNN with Autoencoder (AE) shows good
specificity and a high AUC but has limited sensitivity.
Mask-RCNN with SVM yields acceptable results but
is outperformed by the AE version. In the other hand,
models based on the Median Pixel method are the
least effective, displaying very low sensitivities.
Although this method is fast and can detect
individuals in all images of a sequence as full
silhouettes or contours (figure 7), its effectiveness
decreases in the presence of objects, which may lead
to the detection of shadows, moving furniture or
partial silhouettes. In contrast, the RCNN method
accurately detects the full silhouette without
including the person's shadow, though it is slower and
may confuse objects with the person, generating
The model proposed by (Tran et al., 2022)
delivers a better performance but they used only 55
videos from the database with activities performed at
a constant distance between the subject and the
camera to avoid perspective distortion to improve
their results. (Ebrahimi et al., 2024) generates the best
overall performance due to its superior sensitivity,
specificity, and accuracy, offering exceptional
results. But in their study, there was a lot of manual
intervention to adjust the model architecture and
hyperparameters, to improve the skeleton extraction
and to choose the rights handcrafted features.
Figure 4: Results of temporal movement evolution using the
Median Pixel method for silhouette detection.
Figure 5: Results of temporal movement evolution using the
pre-trained Mask R-CNN model for silhouette detection.
Figure 6: ROC curves of the near-fall detection systems.
Silhouette Segmentation for Near-Fall Detection Through Analysis of Human Movements in Surveillance Videos
Table 1: Near-fall performance.
ERR F1-score AUC
0.64 0.71 0.68 0.32 0.64 0.76
0.54 0.93 0.76 0.24 0.67 0.88
Median Pixel (SVM) 0.44 0.71 0.64 0.37 0.42 0.65
Median Pixel (AE) 0.22 0.81 0.64 0.37 0.27 0.77
Tran et al. (2022) 0.93 0.87 0.90 0.10 0.897 0.84
Ebrahimi et al.
0.90 0.90 0.92 0.10 0.90 0.92
Figure 7: Limitations of median pixel and Mask_RCNN
methods for silhouette extraction, (a) shadow, (b) objects,
(c) and (d) incomplete silhouette.
In this work, we developed a fall prevention system
that can detect abnormal movements, with potential
uses for protecting vulnerable individuals. This
system is based on silhouette segmentation and
motion analysis in video sequences. We used a
realistic dataset for effective model training and
evaluation. Two methods were tested, successfully
isolating individuals from the background to simplify
the detection process: median pixel, which is fast but
sensitive to background objects, and Mask R-CNN,
which is more accurate but slower. Pre-trained Mask
R-CNN combined with an autoencoder showed good
specificity but limited sensitivity, while the version
with SVM performed well but was still outperformed
by the autoencoder version. the median pixel method
was the least effective, with very low sensitivity,
making it harder to detect near-falls.
In the near future, we would like to improve the
models' sensitivity and explore other techniques to
better detect anomalies in real-time and across
various environments, especially by considering the
velocity and acceleration of individuals.
This work was supported by the NSERC (Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada). the authors would like to thank the research
team for their assistance throughout the project,
particularly in the construction of the dataset.
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