consistently lower RMSE values across all models,
particularly when Brightness bias was selectively ap-
plied. This suggests that biases can be exploited to
infer client data contributions, though the effective-
ness varies between datasets. Although the strategy
employed in this work is from a more theoretical na-
ture, we empirically proved that the Leukocyte dataset
is highly vulnerable to such threats. Only a few
collected data points were sufficient for a successful
knowledge retrieval.
In conclusion, the results highlight the importance
of understanding how bias type and dataset character-
istics interact to affect FL model performance. These
insights can help designing more robust and secure
FL systems, particularly in settings where data hetero-
geneity and malicious clients may pose risks. Overall,
one cannot draw general conclusions across different
datasets. Experiments must be carefully planned and
executed when it comes to data manipulation, such as
the injection of biases. Given the highly sensitive na-
ture of human health data, we recommend conducting
even more nuanced research regarding these datasets.
Especially in FL, where each client constitutes a vul-
nerability, one compromised client can cause serious
trouble, making it essential to pursue state-of-the-art
data security mechanisms.
For future work, it would be interesting to exam-
ine additional bias types to strategically extract dif-
ferent information from honest clients. Additionally,
none of the models presented in this work were op-
timized, and we used the same architectures to en-
sure a fair comparison. However, given that different
datasets can yield completely different conclusions
even with the same architecture and circumstances,
optimizing models for specific datasets and rerunning
the same attacks could be beneficial. Considering the
promising results, we believe this approach could lead
to a significant performance boost and would be worth
further investigation.
The authors would like to especially thank their colleagues
from the Heinz-Nixdorf Chair of Biomedical Electronics -
D. Heim and C. Klenk - for performing sample preparation
and measurements.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2025 - 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms