Table 5: Smooth surface models denoising metrics.
Bilateral 1.24 3.9 6.94
Guided mesh 1.31 5.27 7.93
Fast and Effective 2.09 6.3 17.6
GeoBi-GNN 1.16 2.7 5.67
Cascaded 1.12 3.17 5.67
The algorithms have been tested on a synthetic
dataset, using five non-learning and learning-based
denoising methods. Tables with the resulting met-
rics are provided. The experiments demonstrate that
meshes with artificial noise generated using our tool
can be effectively denoised. The denoising metrics
achieved in our tests are of the same order, and some-
times almost equal, as those in Kinect Fusion tests.
Currently, the parameters for topological noise
generation are not automatically adjusted. In future
work, these algorithms will automatically select input
parameters based on model size and specific require-
ments. Moreover, we will examine the meshes gen-
erated with topological noise on existing hole-filling
algorithms. We will perform an objective comparison
with the noise from real 3D sensors. For this purpose,
we will use Kinect to collect a dataset.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications