Table 3: Evaluation Table of a) CIL++, b) CILRL, c)
CILRL++ and d) CILv3D using CARLA Leaderboard.
Avg. Driving Score (%) 2.59 0.09 10.01 11.73
Avg. Route Completition (%) 10.93 0.29 14.44 15.12
Avg. Infraction Penalty 0.44 0.47 0.64 0.59
Collisions with Vehicles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Collisions with Pedestrians 256.21 2759.67 52.82 128.43
Collisions with Layout 411.01 14496.83 255.22 285.66
Red Light Infractions 9.34 0.0 7.98 8.83
Stop Sign Infractions 5.77 846.62 0.0 2.25
Off-Road Infractions 253.67 1457.57 186.47 177.53
Route Deviations 0.0 144.4 76.74 55.81
Route Timeouts 0.0 330.96 0.0 0.0
Agent Blocked 399 10985.68 222.65 198.69
est average driving score and route completion with
less amount of training time.
In this paper, we present CILv3D, which addresses
several key limitations of CIL++ by refining the
dataset collection process, incorporating multi-frame
and sequential inputs and utilizing a more advanced
backbone model. Furthermore, we address the gener-
alization issues by exploring effective data augmenta-
tion techniques and injecting noise during the training
Our experimental results in several scenarios in-
cluded in the CARLA Leaderboard indicate that that
CILv3D achieves higher driving score than CIL++
and CILRL++, in terms of overall driving score and
route completion. Notably, CILv3D achieves these
improvements without the need for extensive fine-
tuning techniques, such as utilizing DRL methods, re-
sulting in reduced training time and computational re-
quirements. Although CILv3D demonstrates promis-
ing results, several directions for future research could
further enhance its navigation performance, such as
a 360
view of the environment, which could po-
tentially improve the controller’s decisions at lane
change tasks.
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Scaling Multi-Frame Transformers for End-to-End Driving