Scaling Multi-Frame Transformers for End-to-End Driving
Vasileios Kochliaridis
, Filippos Moumtzidellis
and Ioannis Vlahavas
School of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Autonomous Vehicles, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Imitation Learning, Transformers.
Vision-based end-to-end controllers hold the potential to revolutionize the production of Autonomous Vehicles
by simplifying the implementation of navigation systems and reducing their development costs. However, the
large-scale implementation of such controllers faces challenges, such as accurately estimating object trajecto-
ries and making robust real-time decisions. Advanced Deep Learning architectures combined with Imitation
Learning provide a promising solution, allowing these controllers to learn from expert demonstrations to map
observations directly to vehicle controls. Despite the progress, existing controllers still struggle with general-
ization and are difficult to train efficiently. In this paper, we introduce CILv3D, a novel video-based end-to-end
controller that processes multi-view video frames and learns complex spatial-temporal features using attention
mechanisms and 3D convolutions. We evaluate our approach by comparing its performance to the previous
state-of-the-art and demonstrate significant improvements in the vehicle control accuracy. Our findings sug-
gest that our approach could enhance the scalability and robustness of autonomous driving systems.
Inspired by the success of Transformer-based archi-
tectures in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks
(Vaswani et al., 2017), several works in the Com-
puter Vision domain have also integrated them, along
with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (Carion
et al., 2020). Transformers have shown an improved
ability to process complex visual information, leading
to more efficient Vision-Based End-To-End (VBETE)
navigation controllers.
VBETE navigation controllers directly compute
vehicle controls, including throttle, steering, and
braking (Tampuu et al., 2020), using camera input.
These systems have gained popularity due to their
simpler implementation and reduced development
costs, compared to traditional multi-layer decision-
making modules, which fuse inputs from several sen-
One notable VBETE controller that has demon-
strated impressive performance in navigation tasks is
CIL++ (Xiao et al., 2023), which combines cutting-
edge Deep Learning methods, such as residual blocks
and Transformer Encoders, with Imitation Learning
(IL), in order to perform a wide range of driving tasks.
Although very promising, it lacks generalization abil-
ity in complex and densely populated environments,
which include many vehicles and pedestrians. Fur-
thermore, it presents instability in steering, making
the vehicle to oscillate around the center of its lane.
CILRL++ (V. Kochliaridis, 2024) was proposed to
address its weaknesses by employing the pretrained
CIL++ model as the initial policy for a Deep Re-
inforcement Learning (DRL) agent, which is then
fine-tuned through interaction with simulated envi-
ronments. Although it is a more robust approach,
it requires significant computational resources and
training time to reach optimal results. Our investi-
gation revealed that this stems from the sub-optimal
conditions under which CIL++ was developed. First,
excessive noise during data collection lead to steering
control instabilities. Second, the lack of effective data
augmentation techniques reduced the model’s gener-
alization ability. Third, it lacks motion awareness, as
it employs only observations from the present, com-
pletely disregarding past information, and thus mak-
ing it difficult to drive properly. Finally, it utilizes a
fast but outdated feature extractor for image process-
In this paper, we present CILv3D, an improved
version of the CIL++ that addresses its weaknesses
and improves its driving performance, without in-
creasing its training time. To achieve this, we first
Kochliaridis, V., Moumtzidellis, F. and Vlahavas, I.
Scaling Multi-Frame Transformers for End-to-End Driving.
DOI: 10.5220/0013156700003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 496-503
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
rectify the dataset collection process by constructing a
training dataset using the autopilot from the CARLA
0.9.15 simulator (Dosovitskiy et al., 2017). Moreover,
we utilize sequential inputs, including consecutive ve-
hicle controls and a video sequence for each view,
which are further processed by the backbone model
and 3D convolutions. Furthermore, we replaced its
backbone model with UniFormer (Li et al., 2023),
an also lightweight but more advanced Transformer-
based model that extracts features from images more
effectively. Finally, we investigate the use of several
data augmentation techniques during training to ad-
dress the generalization issues.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Sections 2 and 3 present all the important lit-
erature relevant to this work. Section 4 provides a
detailed explanation of our methodology, while Sec-
tion 5 presents the simulation environment, the exper-
imental setup, the metrics, and discusses the experi-
mental results. Finally, Section 6 concludes this work
and outlines the direction for future research.
In 2017, the CARLA team (Dosovitskiy et al., 2017)
released the CARLA simulator, a realistic driving
simulator that enables the development and test-
ing of navigation algorithms. Moreover, they con-
ducted a comparison of various methods for devel-
oping VBETE controllers, including end-to-end ap-
proaches, such as IL and DRL, with IL demonstrating
superior performance in most of driving scenarios.
In a recent study by (Song et al., 2023), the authors
introduced an improved version of initial CARLA
team’s DRL approach. More specifically, the authors
combined DRL with several feature extraction meth-
ods, such as the bird’s-eye-view technique and Con-
volutional layers, which effectively extracted compre-
hensive set of features from the RGB images. Despite
the improved performance, their controller was only
reliable in simple scenarios with low traffic density
and without the presence of pedestrians.
CIRLS (Codevilla et al., 2019) was the first no-
table work in VBETE controllers, which employed
an RGB camera and a Deep Neural Network to es-
timate the vehicle controls. It was trained on a limited
dataset consisting of pairs of RGB images and ex-
pert vehicle control demonstrations, collected by an
older version of CARLAs autopilot module. Its ar-
chitecture consists of a frozen ResNet-34 (He et al.,
2016), which is used to extract feature maps from the
input frames, and a Fully-Connected (FC) network,
which processes these features and predicts the de-
sired vehicle controls, including steering, throttle, and
braking. While this approach presented better driving
skills than the DRL-based approaches, it suffers from
overfitting, dataset biases due to several autopilot mis-
takes, and lack of generalization.
A more recent version of the CIRLS architecture,
named CIL++ (Xiao et al., 2023), addressed sev-
eral key limitations of its predecessor and improved
the overall driving performance, without complicat-
ing the input space. First, the authors utilized a differ-
ent autopilot system to construct the training dataset,
named Roach (Zhang et al., 2021), which proved to be
more smooth and accurate than the original CARLAs
autopilot. During dataset collection, the authors in-
jected artificial noise into the vehicle’s control inputs
to enhance generalization and reduce overfitting. Sec-
ond, they employed three RGB cameras (left, front,
and right) to capture a wider Horizontal Field Of
View (HFOV) around the vehicle. Lastly, they in-
tegrated a Transformer Encoder, which enhances the
important features from each frame, resulting in im-
proved vehicle control predictions. Although their ap-
proach achieved state-of-the-art performance, it still
faces generalization challenges and instabilities due
to sub-optimal training conditions.
The CILRL++ approach (V. Kochliaridis, 2024)
was proposed to address the instabilities of CIL++ by
integrating IL with DRL. In this approach, the pre-
trained model is further fine-tuned using a DRL al-
gorithm called Phasic Policy Gradient (PPG) (Baker
et al., 2022), along with a custom reward function
designed to focus the DRL agent on rectifying the
weaknesses of the initial model. To enable effi-
cient fine-tuning with DRL, the authors employed a
Kullback–Leibler Divergence loss, which address the
Catastrophic Forgetting problem, where a DRL policy
model forgets previously learned skills when under-
going new training. Although highly promising, this
approach requires extensive training time and compu-
tational resources.
To conclude our literature review, various attempts
have been made to develop end-to-end driving sys-
tems, including both IL and DRL, with most of
them facing generalization issues in complex environ-
ments, as well as training difficulties. In our work, we
aim to address these challenges by a) improving the
data collection and training pipeline and b) introduc-
ing an improved network architecture.
This section provides a detailed description of two
key architectures: the CIL++ architecture, previously
Scaling Multi-Frame Transformers for End-to-End Driving
recognized as the state-of-the-art in VBETE driving
controllers, and the UniFormer architecture.
3.1 CIL++ Architecture
CIL++ is a VBETE controller architecture that uti-
lizes three RGB cameras (left, front, right). Each
RGB image passes through a frozen ResNet-34 net-
work, which extracts useful feature maps, each one
represented by a 5x5x512 tensor. Then, each feature
map is flattened and combined with positional embed-
dings and control embeddings, which are projected
through a linear layer with 12,800 units, matching
the size of the flattened feature maps, as illustrated in
Figure 1. The combined features are then processed
by Self-Attention blocks through a Transformer En-
coder, which refines enhances the important features
before passing tbem into the final FC network. Final,
the FC network predicts the target steering and accel-
eration of the vehicle.
3.2 UniFormer
Designed for efficient image classification, Uni-
Former architecture combines CNNs with Self-
Attention mechanisms by unifying them into a trans-
former architecture. In comparison to ResNet, which
utilizes Convolutions and Residual Blocks only, it in-
tegrates local Multi-Head Self-Attention (MHSA) in
the shallow layers and global MHRA in the deeper
layers, enabling it to capture global token relations ef-
fectively, while reducing computational burden. Uni-
Former achieves fewer parameters and FLOPs com-
pared to other large transformer models and heav-
ier convolution-based architectures. For instance,
ResNet-34 contains 21.89 million parameters and re-
quires 3.68(G) FLOPs, while UniFormer has a com-
parable 22 million parameters but only 3.6(G) FLOPs.
Despite the similar complexity, it significantly outper-
forms ResNet in the ImageNet classification task.
Our methodology improves upon CIL++, by incorpo-
rating a Video-Based End-To-End approach, which
can be structured into three core modules. The first
module improves the dataset collection process. The
second module designs a video-based neural network
architecture, which is used to estimate the target ve-
hicle controls. The third module involves the training
of the neural network, which includes the preprocess-
ing of the collected data and the data augmentation
4.1 Dataset Collection
Although the authors of CIL++ provide the datasets
which they used to train their model, we identified
two main issues during their collection methodology.
4.1.1 Autopilot Expert
CIL++ authors used Roach autopilot as the expert
driver, which relies solely on top-view cameras to ob-
serve the environment around the vehicle and gener-
ate controls. While the original CARLA autopilot had
several limitations, it has been significantly improved,
reducing its perception and decision-making errors.
The updated CARLA autopilot now also utilizes in-
ternal simulator data, such as the precise location and
direction of every vehicle and pedestrian within the
simulation, which allows it to make more reliable and
accurate decisions. Additionally, CARLAs autopilot
is more user-friendly and does not require fine-tuning.
4.1.2 Vehicle Control Noise
Another issue of the dataset collection process was the
injection of artificial noise into the vehicle’s control,
during Roach’s operation. Although adding noise
is a well-known regularization technique to help re-
duce overfitting, in this case, it had a negative effect
on the CIL++ system. More specifically, the con-
troller exhibited a tendency to cause the vehicle to
oscillate around the center of the lane, struggling to
maintain steady steering. This occurred because it
learned these small deviations during Roach’s navi-
gation, leading to an inability to consistently stay cen-
tered in the lane. To avoid this issue, we apply both
noise and data augmentation only during the training
process, as described later in this Section.
4.1.3 Dataset
We collected a diverse dataset of approximately
80,000 expert demonstrations of driving data using
CARLA 0.9.15. The dataset captures a wide range of
driving scenarios across all available CARLA maps,
including varying weather conditions, traffic densi-
ties, and urban layouts. Each demonstration includes:
Three synchronized camera views (left, center,
right), denoted as L
, F
, R
Vehicle state information, which is a vector (v
that includes the acceleration, steering, speed and
command of the vehicle, denoted as a
, s
, u
, c
The cameras are strategically positioned to cover
the left, center, and right views, collectively provid-
ing 180-degree HFOV. This setup mimics the visual
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Overview of the original multi-view CIL++ architecture. It utilizes 3 RGB frames, along with speed and command
embeddings, which are combined and pass through a Transformer Encoder.
range of human drivers and ensures comprehensive
environmental perception (Xiao et al., 2023). The
center camera is responsible for the front view while
the other two are responsible for covering the periph-
eral view. This camera layout is crucial for the con-
troller, in order to be able to perform tasks such as
lane changing, avoiding obstacles or stopping at traf-
fic lights and crossing pedestrians.
To ensure diversity in our dataset, we developed
a randomization script that dynamically adjusts envi-
ronmental conditions such as weather patterns, pedes-
trian presence and their behavior. Additionally, for
each scenario, we varied the number and types of
vehicles on the road, assigning each one random at-
tributes like color, size, and destination. This ap-
proach is designed to create a robust dataset that cap-
tures a wide range of driving conditions, enhancing
the model’s ability to generalize across diverse envi-
4.2 Network Architecture
Our network architecture is composed of four parts:
Spatio-Temporal encoding, State Embedding, Trans-
former Encoder, and Action Prediction Network (Fig-
ure 2). At time t, the current input of the neural net-
work consists of a set of video sequences SEQ
, F
, R
of size N + 1, with each video sequence in-
cluding the current and past N captured frames from
each camera, as well as the vehicle control sequences,
denoted as V
. More specifically, L
, F
and R
are the
video sequences from left, front and right view re-
spectively, while V
is a matrix which includes the cur-
rent and the past N vehicle state information vectors
4.2.1 Vehicle State Representation
To extract temporal dependencies from the vehicle
state V
, we apply 1D convolutions with kernel size of
N 1. These convolutions are computationally effi-
cient and can be executed without adding further com-
putational burden. Then, we use a linear layer with
12,800 units to generate the final state embeddings.
Similar to CIL++, these state embeddings are then
added to the spatio-temporal embeddings extracted
from each video sequence, creating a unified repre-
sentation of the controller’s state.
4.2.2 Spatio-Temporal Encoding
Each frame is a 224 ×224 RGB image containing raw
pixel values in range [0, 255]. Acceleration is repre-
sented as a normalized value a
[1.0, 1.0], where
negative values indicate braking, while positive val-
ues indicate acceleration. Similarily, Steering is also
a normalized value s
[1.0, 1.0], with negative val-
ues and positive values indicating left and right steer-
ing respectively, while zero indicate that the vehicle is
driving in a straight line. Finally, speed is real value
u [0, 100], while the navigation command c is a cat-
egorical variable with 6 distinct values: Lane Follow,
Turn Left, Move Forward, Turn Right, Change Lane
Left, Change Lane Right.
To extract spatial information from each frame,
we replace the frozen ResNet-34 architecture with
a frozen UniFormer model, which produces feature
maps of size B × 7 × 7 × 512, where B denotes the
batch size of the input. To capture the temporal de-
pendencies within the video sequence, we apply a
3D convolution layer with 512 filters and kernel size
Scaling Multi-Frame Transformers for End-to-End Driving
of (N + 1, N + 1, N + 1). This generates the Spatio-
Temporal Embeddings of the model, resulting in out-
put of size B×5×5×512, which is then flattened into
a vector of 12,800 features for further processing. For
each flattened embedding vector corresponding to the
left, front and right camera sequences, we add their
respective positional Embeddings along with the ve-
hicle State Embeddings. Finally, these Embeddings
are, we concatenated vertically, resulting in a tensor
of B ×3 ×12800, the same as in CIL++, which is then
passed into a Transformer Encoder.
4.2.3 Transformer Encoder
The Transformer Encoder consists of K connected
Transformer Blocks, with each block producing M
head units, where K and M are user-defined settings.
The final Transformer Block outputs a flattened vec-
tor of size M, which is passed into the Action Pre-
diction Network (APN), which is a Fully-Connected
network. The final layer of the APN is a linear layer
with 2 units, corresponding to the desired outputs: the
next step acceleration and steering, denoted as a
and s
4.2.4 UniFormer Performance
In our study, we utilized Grad-CAM (Gradient-
weighted Class Activation Mapping) (Selvaraju et al.,
2020) to analyze and compare the key image regions
prioritized by UniFormer and ResNet-34 during their
classification tasks in the CARLA simulator. Grad-
CAM generates heatmaps that highlight the pixels
that are cosnidered significant by a model for making
predictions, providing insights into the quality of its
feature maps. The visualizations in Figure 3 demon-
strate that UniFormer focuses more on critical fea-
tures, such as traffic lights, vehicles, and their sur-
rounding areas, resulting in more precise feature rep-
resentations and enabling the navigation controller to
produce more accurate vehicle controls.
4.3 Training
For our preprocessing and training setup, we apply
several transformations to the three video sequences
and the vehicle state. Since the UniFormer model is
pretrained on ImageNet, we apply the ImageNet nor-
malization, using a mean of [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] and
a standard deviation of [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] to stan-
dardize the input pixels. The acceleration and steering
inputs are already normalized within a range of -1 to
1, but speed, which ranges from 0 to 100, is normal-
ized using Min-Max formula (Equation 1). Finally,
the control commands, are one-hot encoded.
u u
To reduce overfitting and improve the model’s
generalization, we introduced Gaussian noise to the
timeframe data and applied various data augmenta-
tion techniques to each frame. After experimenting
with several methods, we selected the augmentations
that worked best for our model. These include rescal-
ing the images to 224x224 (which is the input size for
UniFormer), adjusting brightness and contrast, apply-
ing Gaussian noise, and using blurring. Certain aug-
mentations were discarded as they negatively affected
the model’s performance and slowed-down the train-
ing. For instance, center cropping removed important
visual information from images, so it was replaced
with rescaling. Rotation was irrelevant because the
vehicle’s cameras have a fixed position, color jittering
caused confusion by changing the colors of critical
elements like traffic lights and lane markings and hor-
izontal flipping was impractical as the steering wheel
is always on the left side.
The objective of our experimental is (a) to assess the
benefit of each architectural enhancement, (b) to com-
pare our approach with the previous state-of-the-art
methods, including CIL++, CILRL and CILRL++.
Before training CILv3D, we randomly split the
training dataset into 80% (64000) of sequences for the
training set and 20% (16000) for the test set. Addi-
tionally, we conduct hyperparameter tuning to further
optimize its performance.
Once the model is trained, we evaluate it on mul-
tiple tasks specified by the CARLA leaderboard sim-
ulator under diverse weather conditions. These tasks
Negotiations at junctions
Managing traffic lights and signs
Yielding to emergency vehicles
Handling pedestrians, cyclists, and other dynamic
Moreover, we construct a random scenario in
Town10 of the CARLA simulator to assess the perfor-
mance of the developed controller on general-purpose
navigation tasks. In this scenario, we spawn 100 ve-
hicles and 40 pedestrians in random locations and is-
sue random commands and navigation waypoints to
CILv3D, which navigates a vehicle. We record its
navigation route in the CARLA simulator and have
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Overview of the multi-frame CILv3D architecture.
Figure 3: Grad-CAM visualizations of UniFormer and
ResNet-34. Red and orange areas indicate regions of high
importance, while green and blue areas reflect less signifi-
cance. UniFormer can even identify small details inside an
image, such as the vehicle in the left edge of the top image.
made a video available on the YouTube platform
We also provide the implementation code in Github
5.1 Hyperparameter Tuning
Due to the time-consuming nature of Hyperparameter
tuning, we manually conducted a limited search only
on the most critical hyperparameters. These include
ab channel=CiLv3D
the sequence size N, the number of transformer blocks
(K) and the transformer head units (M), as well as the
1D convolution filters used during the vehicle State
Representation construction stage.
During this process, we trained the neural network
for 50 epochs with each configuration and selected
the parameters that yielded the lowest Mean Abso-
lute Error (MAE). The sequence size N was set to
4 after experimenting with values ranging from 2 to
8, as this provided a good balance between accuracy,
model complexity, and performance. The parameters
K and M were set to 4 and 2048, respectively, follow-
ing experimentation with K values from 1 to 6 and M
values from {256, 512, 1024, 2048}. Finally, the best
number of 1D convolution filters was found to be 512.
The rest of the training configuration is the same
as CIL++. More specifically, we train the model for
1000 epochs using the Adam optimizer with an initial
learning rate of 0.001 and weight decay of 0.99. The
goal of Adam is to minimize the MAE of both the
acceleration (a
and the steering s
, as described
by equation 2.
where S is the dataset size. The selected hyperpa-
rameters can be summarized by Table 1.
5.2 Metrics
Similar to the CIL++ approach, we use the MAE as a
metric to assess how effectively the constructed neu-
Scaling Multi-Frame Transformers for End-to-End Driving
Table 1: CILRL++ Configuration.
Parameter Value
Sequence Size (N) 4
Transformer Blocks (K) 4
Discount factor (M) 2048
1D Conv Filters 512
3D Conv Filters 512
Loss MAE
Optimizer Adam
Learning Rate (lr) 0.001
Weight Decay 0.99
Epochs (e) 1000
ral network learns from expert demonstrations during
training. Low MAE in both the training and test set
provides an initial indication of how well the model
might perform in navigation tasks.
To further evaluate its driving performance, we
utilize the suggested metrics by the leaderboard mod-
ule, which are outlined below.
1. Avg. Driving Score: the most important metric of
the Leaderboard, which is defined as R
, where
and P
express the route completion percentage
and the infraction penalty respectively.
2. Avg Route Completion (%): the completed
route distance.
3. Avg Infraction Penalty: the maximum value of
this score is 1.0 and is reduced each time the driv-
ing controller commits an infraction.
4. Collisions with Vehicles: the collision count with
other vehicles.
5. Collisions with Pedestrians: the collision count
with walking pedestrians.
6. Collisions with Layout: the collision count with
objects (e.g. buildings, pavement, etc.).
7. Red Light Infractions: the number of red lights
ignored by the vehicle.
8. Stop Sign Infractions: the number of stop signs
ignored by the vehicle.
9. Off-Road Infractions: the number of times
where the vehicle deviated from its target lane.
10. Route Deviations: the number of times where the
vehicle deviated from the desired route.
11. Route Timeouts: the number of times where the
vehicle failed to complete its route within a spec-
ified amount of time.
12. Agent Blocked: the total time during which the
vehicle was inoperative.
Figure 4: Training loss (MAE) per training epoch.
5.3 Results & Discussion
The performance of each architectural enhancement
is presented in Figure 4 for the training set and in
Table 2 for the test dataset. It can be observed that
starting from around epoch 200, CILv3D shows no-
tably more stable training behavior with fewer fluc-
tuations compared to other models. The CIL++ ap-
proach exhibits oscillating loss throughout the train-
ing period, while struggling to generalize effectively
on the test set. When ResNet-34 is replaced by
UniFormer (CIL++ - UNI), the model requires more
epochs to converge, but the overall performance is im-
proved. A significant improvement in convergence
speed is also observed when sequential inputs are in-
troduced (CIL++ - 3D). The best overall performance
is achieved by CILv3D, which combines all architec-
tural enhancements described in Section 4.
Table 2: The Train-Eval Loss (MAE) of each architecture
for the Imitation Learning process.
Architecture Training Loss Validation Loss
CIL++ 0.0107 0.01387
CIL++ - Uni 0.0101 0.01180
CIL++ - 3D 0.0097 0.01184
CILv3D 0.0092 0.01059
The results of the evaluation experiments in the
CARLA simulator are shown in Table 3. CILv3D
slightly outperforms CILRL++ in several Leader-
board challenges, without requiring additional fine-
tuning using DRL. On the other hand, CILRL++
achieved the best performance in a few specific tasks,
such as reducing collisions with pedestrians and the
environment, as well as receiving fewer infraction
penalties. This is due to the extensive fine-tuning
applied to CIL++ for these particular scenarios, with
prolonged scaling. Despite this, CILv3D remains the
best-performing approach overall, achieving the high-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Evaluation Table of a) CIL++, b) CILRL, c)
CILRL++ and d) CILv3D using CARLA Leaderboard.
Avg. Driving Score (%) 2.59 0.09 10.01 11.73
Avg. Route Completition (%) 10.93 0.29 14.44 15.12
Avg. Infraction Penalty 0.44 0.47 0.64 0.59
Collisions with Vehicles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Collisions with Pedestrians 256.21 2759.67 52.82 128.43
Collisions with Layout 411.01 14496.83 255.22 285.66
Red Light Infractions 9.34 0.0 7.98 8.83
Stop Sign Infractions 5.77 846.62 0.0 2.25
Off-Road Infractions 253.67 1457.57 186.47 177.53
Route Deviations 0.0 144.4 76.74 55.81
Route Timeouts 0.0 330.96 0.0 0.0
Agent Blocked 399 10985.68 222.65 198.69
est average driving score and route completion with
less amount of training time.
In this paper, we present CILv3D, which addresses
several key limitations of CIL++ by refining the
dataset collection process, incorporating multi-frame
and sequential inputs and utilizing a more advanced
backbone model. Furthermore, we address the gener-
alization issues by exploring effective data augmenta-
tion techniques and injecting noise during the training
Our experimental results in several scenarios in-
cluded in the CARLA Leaderboard indicate that that
CILv3D achieves higher driving score than CIL++
and CILRL++, in terms of overall driving score and
route completion. Notably, CILv3D achieves these
improvements without the need for extensive fine-
tuning techniques, such as utilizing DRL methods, re-
sulting in reduced training time and computational re-
quirements. Although CILv3D demonstrates promis-
ing results, several directions for future research could
further enhance its navigation performance, such as
a 360
view of the environment, which could po-
tentially improve the controller’s decisions at lane
change tasks.
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Scaling Multi-Frame Transformers for End-to-End Driving