cations, and our study focuses on a decentralized
path-finding algorithm, such as priority inheritance
with backtracking (PIBT) (Okumura et al., 2019a)
and windowed priority inheritance with backtracking
(winPIBT) (Okumura et al., 2019b) algorithms, be-
cause they guarantee reachability in a decentralized
manner with fewer constraints on the arrangement o f
destinations. Agents using these algorithms can deter-
mine paths for their tasks individually based on their
priorities, thus reducing the planning time by localiz-
ing the co mputation. Although PIBT is usually effi-
cient, it may delay the d e te ction of po ssible collisions
because the agent communic a te s with oth er age nts
two nodes away and can only secure the next position
toward its destination. To a ddress this issue, winPIBT
exclusively secures some nodes with a fixed time win-
dow. A longer window enables agents to detect pos-
sible collisions earlier, but the overall efficiency may
decrease because the low-priority agents are restricte d
from moving by the secured nod e s, even if no colli-
sions occur.
Thus, we propo se a method called PIBT with pro-
visional booking (PIBT-PB). In this method, agents
secure their immediate n ext nodes as in PIBT, but re-
frain from securing subsequent nodes. Instead, they
tentatively boo k severa l nodes in advance, which are
referred to as provisional nodes. This strategy al-
lows for earlier detection of potential head-on col-
lisions and prevents the obstruction of other agents.
The number of provisional nodes is flexible, and can
be adjusted based on the topological struc ture of the
environment. We show th at PIBT-PB maintains the
reachability of all agents in the relaxed bi-connected
area, as in PIBT, and demonstrate that it performs
as efficiently as PIBT. Our experimental results indi-
cate that PIBT-PB reduces the makespan — the total
time required to complete all tasks, including plan-
ning time — compared to the baseline methods, PIBT
and winPIBT, in our test environment. In addition, we
discuss the benefits and limitations of the proposed
approa c h.
Many studies have been conducted on M APF and
MAPD problems (Ma et al., 2017; Okumura et al.,
2019a ; Sharon et al., 2015; Standley, 2010 ; Golden-
berg et al., 2014; Wagner and Choset, 2015 ; Silver,
2005; Yamauchi et al., 2022; Li et al., 2020). They
can be roughly classified into centralized and dec e n-
tralized approaches. In ce ntralized appr oaches, the in-
formation on the environment and all agents, are col-
lected to a single agent/server and it calculates and
distributes all reasonable collision-free paths to all
agents ( Sharon et al., 2015; Luna and Bekris, 2011).
For example, in conflict-based search (CBS) (Sharon
et al., 2015), the path planning process is divided
into high- and low-level search subprocesses. In low-
level search, agents independently generate the short-
est p aths to their destinations and send them to the
centralized server. The server then modifies all paths
to eliminate possible collisions and distribute them to
individual agents. Although this approach is likely
to control all agents optimally in terms of travel path
length, th e computational cost increases as the num-
ber of agents increases. Moreover, we must con-
sider the system’s flexibility issue in the sense that if
one age nt cannot move as planned for any reason, all
agents will b e affected by the replanning process for
the entire control.
In a decentralized approach (Ma et al., 2017; Oku-
mura et al., 2019a; Ma et a l., 2019 ; Yamauchi et al.,
2022; Li et al., 2020; Farinelli et al., 2020; Miyashita
et al., 2023 ), agents autonomously decide their own
paths. Although this approach is more flexible, as
agents have only local inf ormation, it has some issues
such as the optimality of generated paths and reac ha-
bility. For example, in token passing (TP) (Ma et al.,
2017), the agent accesses the token, a type of shared
memory, to refer to its content, generates the shortest
collision-free path, and stores the information on that
path into the token. TP can guarantee reachability un-
der a reasonable assumption for an au tomated ware-
house but its performance degrades in our target en-
vironm ent because it has only a few endpo ints. Li et.
al (Li et al., 2020) prop osed the rolling-horizon co lli-
sion resolution (RHCR) in which agents replan their
paths at regular intervals while che cking possible col-
lisions within a certain window size. However, in con-
gested situations, path generation becomes costly and
cannot guarantee reachability.
Meanwhile, PIBT can reach the destination with
only local communication, and reachability is guar-
anteed in an environment whose topological structure
is relaxed bi-connected. However, its short-sighted
algorithm delays the detection of collisions, reduc-
ing the efficiency. To overcome this drawback, win-
PIBT (Okumura et al., 20 19b) secures a fixed num-
ber of nodes in advance to detect possible collisions
earlier. However, it is not always safe, meaning that
agents may unnecessarily r estrict the movement of
other lower-priority agents. Our proposed method
can be co nsidered an extension of PIBT, where some
nodes are provisionally booked in advance if the
nodes are safe to book. Although we already reporte d
the abstract of this extension (Shimada et al., 2025),
we pr ovide a detailed explanation of the algorithm