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The components of proposed approaches (mentioned in 7.2)
are evaluated through a series of statistical analyses to en-
sure their reliability and consistency during the evaluation
process. Firstly, normality tests using the Shapiro-Wilk test
were conducted, and all evaluation metrics (average EMD,
optimality gap, runtime, and max. concession difference)
failed across all groups. Consequently, non-parametric tests
were applied for further comparison.
For success rate, the Cochran’s Q test was used and in-
dicated no significant difference (p ≈ .313 > .05). Sim-
ilarly, the average EMD was evaluated using the Fried-
man test, which showed no significant difference (p ≈
.168 > .05). Lastly, the optimality gap was analyzed with
the Kruskal-Wallis test, yielding no significant difference
(p ≈ .994 > .05). Additionally, for both runtime and max.
concession difference, the Friedman test was applied and
showed significant differences for both metrics (p ≈ .003 <
.05 for runtime, p ≈ .000 < .05 for max. concession Differ-
ence), prompting pairwise comparisons using the Wilcoxon
signed rank test (Table 2).
Table 2: Pairwise Comparisons (p-values) for Runtime and
Max. Concession Difference.
Comparison Runtime Max. Concession Difference
Random (EECBS) vs Fair Token (EECBS) .030 .002
Probability-Based (CBSH2-RTC) vs Fair Token (EECBS) .019 .000
Fair Token (EECBS) vs Random (CBSH2-RTC) .005 .012
Fair Token (EECBS) vs Probability-Based (EECBS) .008 .000
Random (EECBS) vs Probability-Based (CBSH2-RTC) .330 .179
Random (EECBS) vs Random (CBSH2-RTC) .085 .957
Random (EECBS) vs Fair Token (CBSH2-RTC) .829 .003
Probability-Based (CBSH2-RTC) vs Random (CBSH2-RTC) .543 .092
Probability-Based (CBSH2-RTC) vs Probability-Based (EECBS) .510 .519
Probability-Based (CBSH2-RTC) vs Fair Token (CBSH2-RTC) .274 .000
Fair Token (EECBS) vs Fair Token (CBSH2-RTC) .340 .900
Random (CBSH2-RTC) vs Probability-Based (EECBS) .232 .074
Random (CBSH2-RTC) vs Fair Token (CBSH2-RTC) .178 .003
Probability-Based (EECBS) vs Fair Token (CBSH2-RTC) .513 .001
Now, the revising strategies (mentioned in 7.3) are eval-
uated through a series of statistical analyses. For all evalua-
tion metrics (optimality gap, runtime, average EMD) failed
the normality test (i.e., Shapiro-Wilk), leading to the use of
non-parametric tests again, illustrated in Table 3. The Fried-
man test was applied for runtime and average EMD all show
significant differences (p ≈ .000 < .05), followed by the
Wilcoxon signed rank test for pairwise comparisons. For
the optimality gap, the Kruskal-Wallis test indicated signifi-
cant differences (p ≈ .000 < .05), prompting Conover-Iman
test for pairwise comparisons. Finally, success rate were
analyzed using Cochran’s Q test, which also showed signif-
icant differences (p ≈ .000 < .05), followed by McNemar’s
test for pairwise comparisons.
Table 3: Pairwise Comparisons (p-values) for Revising
Comparison Optimality Gap Average EMD Runtime Success Rate
Enhanced ACO vs Basic ACO .000 .014 .000 .023
Enhanced ACO vs Only Waiting .000 .000 .000 .000
Basic ACO vs Only Waiting .402 .000 .000 .000
Basic ACO vs No-Repairing - - .000 .000
Enhanced ACO vs No-Repairing - - .000 .000
Only Waiting vs No-Repairing - - .000 .005
A Multitier Approach for Dynamic and Partially Observable Multiagent Path-Finding