to the public instead of the victim model. The key
point of the proposed method is to force the dummy
model to output a high confidence score only for the
limited range of synthetic images and a low confi-
dence score for real images. Owing to this property,
the proposed method can maintain the recognition ac-
curacy. We experimentally confirmed that the pro-
posed method reduces the success rate of MIA to less
than 30% while maintaining the recognition accuracy
of more than 95%.
In our future work, we will examine the relation-
ship between the characteristics of the victim model
and the hyper-parameter α, which controls the com-
bination weights for the victim model and the dummy
model, to realize a method for easily finding the best
choice of the α. At that time, we will focus on more
practical (or accurate) victim models. It is also an
important future work to extend the proposed method
using DDPM instead of GAN to further reduce the
risk of MIA.
Furthermore, we need to experimentally examine
the robustness of the proposed method against vari-
ous MIA attack methods other than Khosravy’s one.
Particularly, when an attacker knows the presence of
the proposed defense method, he might exploit a set
of face images morphed between real and synthetic
faces to conduct MIA, using a sophisticated morphing
method such as (Schardong et al., 2024). The robust-
ness against such an attack is interesting and should
be examined in the future.
This study is partially supported by JST CREST
Grant (JPMJCR20D3).
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Defense Against Model Inversion Attacks Using a Dummy Recognition Model Trained with Synthetic Samples